Hypertonicity of the masticatory muscles: WHAT affects and HOW to get rid of

Bruxism and hypertonicity of the masticatory muscles are inextricably linked processes. Bruxism is a condition when the muscles of the jaw involuntarily spasm, as a result of which a person begins to grind his teeth. There is an increased tone of the masticatory muscles.

Very often, this problem becomes a serious obstacle to dental procedures, such as implantation, prosthetics, and installation of veneers. Bruxism can interfere with quality orthodontic treatment. Increased tone of the jaw muscles overloads the implants, and dentures are destroyed much faster.

Bruxism also has a negative effect on “native” teeth. The enamel is damaged and worn away, and the teeth become loose. Therefore, if such a problem arises, it is necessary to look for ways to solve it. Thanks to modern medicine, you can get rid of bruxism for a long time.

Symptoms of bruxism and the main causes of hypertonicity:

  • the surface of the teeth grinds down, they become flatter;
  • the enamel is damaged, fillings fall out, teeth begin to loosen, their integrity is violated, the gums become raw and bleed;
  • crunching and clicking appears in the jaw when opening and chewing;
  • teeth grinding occurs when a person sleeps;
  • it is difficult to open and close your mouth, you feel tired and overstrained masticatory muscles;
  • you often unconsciously clench your jaw, most of the time they are tense;
  • malocclusions appear;
  • the lower part of the face takes on a square shape;
  • posture worsens.

Types of trismus and diagnostic methods

There are two main types of spasm of the masticatory muscles:

  • Unilateral. Most often it is associated with an inflammatory process or injury to the mandibular joint and adjacent tissues. The result of unilateral pathology is a displacement of the lower jaw to the side when opening the mouth, as well as facial asymmetry.
  • Bilateral. The cause of the disease is neuralgia and common infectious diseases. With this type of trismus, the jaws close together with a slight movement of the lower jaw back. There is an inability to open the mouth, difficulty speaking and eating.

To diagnose trismus, the doctor will find out information about previous diseases, operations, injuries, collect anamnesis, and listen to complaints. External examination is supplemented with radiography and other methods of clarifying the diagnosis.

Botulinum therapy as a method of treating bruxism

Botulinum therapy is effectively used to relieve overstrain in the masticatory muscles, fights bruxism and can relieve involuntary teeth grinding at night.

In medicine, as in cosmetology, botulinum toxin type A is used. It is able to immobilize a muscle or relieve tension in it, acting locally. This effect lasts only for a certain period of time. But during this time the body manages to get used to the new state, and the overstrain disappears completely.

Botulinum toxin type A is a neurotoxin produced by the bacteria Clostridium botulinum. It is capable of blocking impulses from the central nervous system sent to the muscles. In fact, botulinum toxin paralyzes them, breaking the connection between muscle fibers and the brain.

The drug is injected into the required areas, so it has an effect exclusively on the desired areas. Dosages of butolotoxin are completely safe, and its effect is reversible. After six months, it is completely eliminated from the patient’s tissues.

Symptoms and manifestations

Trismus of the masticatory muscles is accompanied by limited mobility of the joints responsible for closing the jaw. The inability to unclench them can be of a different nature - from partial to complete immobilization. The mouth may open 40, 20, or 10 mm or less, depending on the severity of the condition. Spasmodic contractions can worsen your overall health, cause headaches and other consequences.

One of the manifestations is inflammatory processes due to jamming of the jaws, in this case there is an alternating reduction of the sides of the face. Less commonly, trismus is associated with tumor processes, accompanied by a noticeable increase in formation and increased symptoms. With viral infections, elevated body temperature is often observed.

Main stages of treatment

The first step is preparation for the procedure. It's simple. For a few days, it is necessary to eliminate alcoholic beverages from the diet, and also reduce caffeine consumption. Before the procedure, you should not take antibiotics or blood thinners.

The second step is the introduction of butolotoxin. The procedure lasts about twenty minutes. The required dose is divided into three to four injections. The injection needles are very thin, so the procedure is virtually painless.

The third step is the rehabilitation period. Butolotoxin acts instantly, but gains its full strength after two weeks. After injections, it is not recommended to overheat or cool the treated areas. Sports and facial massage should be excluded.

Development of the disease

A provoking factor appears that causes a single muscle tension. Constant hypertonicity gradually develops into spasm. Pain weakens the muscle over time as the person tends to use the muscle less. The result is a decrease in muscle tone

. Against this background, compensatory tension of the muscle located on the opposite side of the jaw develops.

With muscle pain syndrome, the patient experiences constant pain in the area of ​​the masticatory muscles, which intensifies with movement of the lower jaw. When closing and opening the jaws, a clicking sound is heard in the TMJ. Visually, zigzag deviations of the jaw to the side or forward are observed. Bruxism develops

. Sometimes pain syndrome manifests itself in the upper jaw, sinuses, superciliary arches, and ringing or noise in the ears develops.

Implantation for bruxism

Implants can be placed if an integrated approach has been taken to the procedure. In cases where the dental system has not worked correctly for a long period of time, dentists perform treatment using complex implantation.

If excessive tension in the jaw muscles was caused by a reason such as psychosomatics, then the patient is referred for examination to a specialized specialist. Only then can you begin to restore your teeth.

Measures to prevent trismus

To prevent trismus, it is important to sanitize the oral cavity in a timely manner: remove teeth that cannot be restored, treat caries and inflammatory gum diseases. If prosthetics are necessary, you should contact only qualified specialists, and orthodontic structures should be replaced in a timely manner. The presence of neurological diseases requires constant monitoring by a neurologist.

If you have trismus, you can get advice from dentists at STOMA clinics. If pathology of the temporomandibular joints is detected, experienced specialists will prescribe an additional examination and give recommendations aimed at eliminating the causes of the disease. You can make an appointment for an examination by calling the specified phone number or using a special form on the website.

Prevention of bruxism

Preventive measures for hypertonicity of the masticatory muscles of the jaw imply measures that can prevent bruxism. Treatment of this disease without diagnosis and examination by a qualified specialist can be hazardous to health. As soon as you notice the first signs of this pathology, you need to consult a doctor as soon as possible. He will prescribe diagnostics that will help identify a possible problem and effectively eliminate it.

The patient may need to be examined by specialists such as a neurologist or psychotherapist. Increased tone of the masticatory muscles has different etiologies. Doctors in these areas can prescribe various treatments, such as physical therapy, magnesium-based medications. All this is decided on an individual basis.

Preventative measures may help if approved by the patient's physician. You can easily massage the cramped areas. There is a set of exercises that can reduce the manifestations of bruxism. They must be done daily before going to bed.

Stressful situations must be avoided. You should rest more, get enough sleep, and spend a lot of time outdoors. Avoid caffeine and take baths with herbs that have a sedative effect. These measures will be an excellent prevention of muscle spasms, and will also enhance the effect of complex treatment.

Contact the Denta-Labor dental laboratory for solutions to issues regarding the protection of your teeth during bruxism.

Causes of trismus

The problem of spasm of the lower jaw can be associated not only with damage to nerve endings and reflex contraction, but also with other factors:

  • infectious and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity;
  • previous injuries;
  • unsuccessfully performed anesthesia of the teeth of the lower jaw;
  • arthrosis of the mandibular joints;
  • pathologies of ENT organs;
  • irritation, inflammation of the trigeminal nerve;
  • purulent processes, etc.

In addition, trismus can be a consequence of pseudobulbar palsy, meningitis, epilepsy, calcium deficiency, etc. Symptoms may first appear after injury, temperature changes, or sudden hypothermia. Sometimes the jaw cramps after opening the mouth wide, for example, after removing a wisdom tooth.

How to treat trismus of the masticatory muscle?

Treatment involves the following steps:

  • jaw immobilization;
  • elimination of the disease or condition that caused trismus;
  • taking medications with a relaxing effect (neuropsychic stimulants);
  • taking antibiotics;
  • the patient takes sedatives;
  • Physiotherapy is recommended.

If trismus is caused by an inflammatory process in the mouth, the dentist sanitizes the lesion (for example, opens an abscess), cleans the hole and, if necessary, removes the tooth along with the root.

Causes of jaw muscle tension

Stress or anxiety

Stress and anxiety are common causes of muscle tension. A person may clench their jaw or grind their teeth without noticing it when they are stressed, which can lead to muscle tension over time. Stress or anxiety can also cause a person to clench their fists and lead to tense shoulder and neck muscles.

TMJ dysfunction

TMJ dysfunction affects the lower jaw joint as well as the surrounding muscles. TMJ dysfunction can cause:

  • bodily injury;
  • grinding or clenching of teeth;
  • inflammation from infections or autoimmune diseases.

Symptoms of TMJ dysfunction depend on the cause and severity of the condition and may include:

  • soreness in the jaw, ear, face, or neck;
  • difficulty chewing or opening your mouth;
  • a jerky or clicking sound when moving the jaw;
  • headache.


Tetanus is a bacterial infection caused by the bacteria Clostridium tetani. The pathogen produces toxins that cause painful contractions of the neck and jaw muscles. The infection can limit a person's ability to open their mouth and swallow. Fortunately, vaccines can prevent tetanus. Vaccination recommendations:

  • DTP vaccination for children aged 2 months to 6 years;
  • Tdap booster vaccine for adolescents aged 11-12 years;
  • Td vaccine every 10 years for adults.

Grinding of teeth

Bruxism is the medical term for unconscious clenching or grinding of teeth. This can happen while you are awake or asleep. Chronic stress or anxiety can cause a person to grind their teeth. Certain medications and nervous system disorders can also cause bruxism.

Symptoms of Bruxism

  • stiffness or soreness in the jaw and surrounding muscles;
  • tooth pain;
  • clicking in the temporomandibular joint;
  • headache.

In some cases, bruxism can lead to tooth fracture.

Rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic autoimmune disease that causes inflammation in the joints. Approximately 50% of people with RA also experience symptoms in the TMJ. RA can cause the following symptoms:

  • jaw clenching;
  • joint pain, inflammation and stiffness;
  • low-grade fever;
  • weight loss;
  • lumps under the skin of the finger joints and elbow joint.


Osteoarthritis (OA) develops in people over 65 years of age. Although OA typically occurs in the joints of the hands, knees and hips, it can also affect the TMJ.


The chewing muscles can be relaxed with medications.

But there is little point in this, because... muscle relaxants do not eliminate the cause of hypertension, which will find a solution elsewhere.

“We treat one thing and cripple another.”

Botox injections make sense in severe cases where there is pain and tooth decay.

Therefore, treatment must be comprehensive.

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  1. Elimination of the cause that caused the tension in the masticatory muscles.
  • First of all, remove obvious causes, for example, dental ones.
  • It is necessary to relieve general mental stress. Avoid chronic muscle fatigue.
  • Take breaks from computer work or other sedentary work every hour for 15 minutes.
  • At the end of gymnastics or as a separate relaxation exercise - shavasana.
  • Mandatory physical activity, at a minimum - morning exercises, mainly with flexibility exercises.

2. Local effect on muscles to relax them.

Reasons for jaw reduction

Spasm of the facial muscles can be associated with internal or external factors.


  • physical condition of the body;
  • diseases of organs and systems (oncology, musculoskeletal disorders, mental disorders, etc.).


  • pathological conditions of the oral cavity;
  • consequences of unsuccessful dental treatment;
  • jaw injuries (dislocations, fractures);
  • arthritis of the jaw joint;
  • neuralgia;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • abscesses;
  • periosteum.

At risk are people suffering from bursitis, who are also exposed to constant stress and overstrain of the nervous system.

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