Teeth whitening products: what to advise patients

Teeth whitening is one of the most popular aesthetic procedures nowadays. An attractive smile gives you self-confidence and increases your chances of social success. Therefore, many people come to the dentist not only for dental treatment, but also for cosmetic procedures. But is it necessary to consult a doctor with questions of beauty and aesthetics? Maybe home manipulations in pursuit of a snow-white smile are enough?

A person always has an alternative on how to solve the problem of teeth whitening. The first way is expensive procedures in the dentist’s office, the second option is folk recipes for home use, the third is the search for special whitening products in the pharmacy assortment.

Teeth whitening products at the pharmacy

What teeth should be naturally?

We can list many examples that were considered a trend at one time, but at the same time were harmful to health. For example, women's corsets, which squeezed the internal organs so that they took away their breath and disrupted the functioning of the internal organs. The situation with teeth is approximately the same. Dentists confirm that our human smile is not snow-white by nature, but yellowish. This is normal and indicates oral health.

Despite popular belief, the enamel that covers the tooth is almost transparent and not white. Beneath it is dentin, the main tissue of the tooth, which naturally has a yellowish tint. It is this that “shines through” the enamel and gives it its characteristic yellowness. And most importantly, this shade indicates the health of the teeth, their strength and resistance to caries. If a person’s teeth are naturally too white, this indicates poor enamel mineralization and requires treatment.

Therefore, the first thing when consulting a visitor with the problem of yellow teeth is to determine whether the problem is acquired or whether it is a habitual condition of the teeth.

Indications for teeth whitening ZOOM 4

Any dental procedure has indications for implementation, teeth whitening ZOOM 4 is no exception in this regard. Zoom 4 will be the most effective and useful procedure for you under the following circumstances:

  • The enamel of your teeth has darkened due to drinking tea, coffee, smoking, and frequent consumption of coloring foods;
  • With age-related darkening of tooth enamel;
  • ZOOM 4 whitening can be used by people suffering from fluorosis, a disease that causes spots and streaks to appear on the enamel of teeth;
  • When the enamel darkens due to long-term treatment with drugs of the tetracycline group.

NOTE: In the article we will provide photos before and after ZOOM 4 whitening, but you should understand that your result may differ from the examples given, since the degree of teeth whitening for each person is individual and it also depends on the initial state of the enamel, its natural shade, depth of dentin colored with pigments.

Why do teeth change color?

In order to properly conduct a consultation, a pharmacist or pharmacist must find out the cause of the defect. Dentists identify a number of factors that change the color of teeth:

  1. Consumption of certain foods and drinks that contain natural or artificial colors: blueberries, chocolate, beets, black tea, coffee, dark juices, etc.
  2. Bad habits. Smoking and chewing tobacco gives an unsightly yellow tint and spoils the overall condition of teeth.
  3. Insufficient hygiene. Improper and irregular tooth brushing is the main factor in changing the shade of dentin
  4. Caries and other dental diseases;
  5. Internal causes: lack or excess of fluoride, metabolic disorders, genetic diseases
  6. Fillings and restorations
  7. Aging. Dentin turns yellow with age
  8. Taking medications: tetracycline, iron and others
  9. A combination of several reasons.

A pharmacist or pharmacist can help with the first three reasons. If systemic or dental diseases are suspected, the visitor should be advised to consult a doctor.

Types of teeth whitening

Whitening is a cosmetic procedure aimed at changing the color of dentin. It can be professional or home. Professional whitening (chemical/ultrasonic/laser/photo whitening) is performed by a dentist in an office or clinic. These methods are considered the safest and most effective.

For home whitening, traditional methods and special products are used. It is the latter that pharmacists and pharmacists deal with. In addition, these products may be recommended by dentists as the final stage of professional whitening, usually 2 weeks after the procedure. Special whitening products are given to the patient in the clinic, or he buys them at the pharmacy as prescribed by the doctor.

Carbamide peroxide-based products are widely used in both home and professional whitening. It consists of hydrogen peroxide and urea peroxide. When it hits the surface of a tooth, the substance disintegrates to form atomic oxygen. The latter penetrates the dentin and destroys the yellow pigment.

When carrying out the procedure in the clinic, high concentrations of carbamide peroxide of 10% and above are used. You need to be careful with them, as they can cause severe burns. To enhance the effect, the gel with the active substance is irradiated with special lamps. For home use, concentrations of the active substance range from 4 to 7.5%.

It is worth saying that this substance is approved by the American and Russian Dental Associations and recommended for use. Products that contain acids or abrasives should be used with extreme caution and it is best to consult a doctor before using them.

Is it possible to whiten teeth using a pharmacy mouthwash?

Another product that the pharmacy may offer you is mouthwash. Such preparations perfectly freshen breath and can remove food debris from the interdental spaces. This is a good prevention of caries and periodontitis; rinses and plaque are removed. Because of it, tooth enamel darkens, so this is what you need to fight against.


Rinse aid is only an aid and will not solve the problem of regular cleaning. Therefore, it is usually used in combination, as the final stage of a daily hygiene procedure. Most likely, the pharmacy will recommend you a set of certain whitening products, which will also include a rinse aid.

Despite the apparent simplicity of this product, you should consult your dentist about choosing a mouthwash that is beneficial for you. Knowing what problems need to be solved in a particular case, the doctor will recommend a rinse with the optimal composition.

Mouthwash "Blue Pearl" whitening

Are there any contraindications?

There are several diseases and conditions for which professional and home whitening using products containing carbamide peroxide is not recommended:

  1. Pregnancy and breastfeeding, as the procedure may cause increased sensitivity of the teeth.
  2. Age up to 18 years. Before this period, the procedure cannot be carried out according to the instructions.
  3. Cracks, chips. Damage and defects can cause the composition to penetrate deep into the tooth tissue and lead to a burn of the pulp.
  4. Caries and carious cavities. If this problem is not eliminated before manipulation, the application of a bleaching agent will lead to softening of the dentin and aggravation of the disease.

Professional teeth whitening ZOOM 4: general information

The ZOOM 4 professional teeth whitening technology was developed in the USA and quickly became popular and in demand among dentists and patients all over the world; Moscow dental clinics also offer the ZOOM 4 tooth enamel lightening service to their patients.

When using ZOOM 4, lightening of tooth enamel is achieved through the action of a special preparation that is used to treat tooth surfaces. This drug contains hydrogen peroxide in high concentration (25%), which can destroy pigmented particles that cause darkening of natural tooth enamel. A substance such as calcium phosphate is also present in the whitening gel formula. It does not help in whitening, but it does help maintain the integrity of tooth enamel and strengthen it.

After application to the teeth, the gel does not immediately begin to work for whitening - it must be activated with the cold light of an LED lamp. Under light exposure, the drug begins to disintegrate and during this reaction, the process of releasing oxygen atoms occurs, penetrating deep into the enamel and dentin and dissolving pigments.

Teeth whitening ZOOM 4 uses specialized lamps produced by the Philips brand - Philips Zoom White Speed. These lamps have three operating modes, each of which provides its own power. This allows the dentist to select the strength of light exposure on dental surfaces individually for each patient and thus make ZOOM 4 teeth whitening not only effective, but also safe.

Teeth whitening products in pharmacies

The pharmaceutical market offers the following products for home whitening:

Facilities Peculiarities Examples
Toothpastes and powders The brightening effect is manifested by abrasive components (calcium compounds, aluminum oxide, calcium carbonate, magnesium carbonate, polyphosphates, bentonite clay, silicon oxide, dicalcium phosphate), acids, peroxide, oxygen or specific enzymes. With regular use of abrasives, it is possible to achieve a change in tooth color by 1 tone, no more, and at the same time they damage the enamel. Therefore, these products must be used carefully and for no more than a month.

Acidic, peroxide and oxygen pastes are not recommended for those with sensitive teeth.

Enzymes papain, bromelain and titanium dioxide are whitening ingredients that gently lighten and are suitable for long-term use.

Examples of non-abrasive toothpastes:
  • Blanx White Shock
  • ROCS Sensitive repair & whitening
Rinse aids The lightening quality of these products is minimal. Their release form does not allow for long-term and effective contact of the whitening components with the tooth surface. Therefore, rinses have a different role - to increase the effectiveness of toothpaste, wash away food debris, normalize pH, destroy microorganisms, freshen breath and thereby improve oral hygiene.
  • Lacalut White
  • Splat Professional
Gels Gels usually contain carbamide peroxide, a substance that breaks down the pigment in tooth dentin. Gels sold in pharmacies are inferior in effectiveness to professional ones. The percentage of the active component in them is lower and without special equipment the result will not be so obvious.

But they do not require special equipment and are safe to use, so they are popular at home.

  • Rocs Pro whitening gel
  • Global White whitening gel pencil for 3 tones 5 ml.
Mouthguards Mouthguards are not independent means for whitening; they enhance the effectiveness of gels. The whitening solution is applied to the teeth, and then the mouth guard is worn for several hours or overnight. In pharmacies you can also find kits that include LED lamps. Their task is to activate the gel and speed up the procedure.

When consulting, you need to pay attention to the size of the mouthguard. There are two types sold in pharmacies: standard or thermoplastic. The latest model, after heating under hot water, takes the shape of a human jaw and is considered more effective.

  • Blanx Oxygen Power O3
Pencils This is a whitening gel in a form that is more convenient to use. The active substance, as a rule, is the same carbamide peroxide.
  • Blanx White Shock Pen Gel
  • Global White Pen Gel
Stripes They are impregnated with a whitening composition based on carbamide peroxide and glued to the teeth overnight or for several hours. A convenient and inexpensive method that has gained great popularity. Their essence is the same as that of mouthguards - to increase the efficiency and uninterrupted supply of active components to the tooth tissues.
  • Global White
  • Blanx
Pills They clean dentures. According to the instructions, dissolve the tablet in water and immerse the prosthesis in the prepared solution. Main effects:
  • removal of plaque and food debris;
  • destruction of bacteria.

Due to this hygiene, dentures will not change color over time.

  • Corega Dental White.

Whitening strips: how effective are they?

Disposable whitening strips are also in great demand. They look like flexible, rather thin plates; a gel-like medicinal composition is applied to them. Lightening from 1 to 4 tones is the effect that strip manufacturers promise.

  • Teeth whitening products at the pharmacy

Whitening strips

This product is recommended for people with yellowish or grayish enamel, coffee lovers, tea drinkers and smokers. Strips are also in demand by people who wore braces.

Extreme White Crestal whitening strips

The strips operate using peroxide gel (hydrogen peroxide + urea). When the film is removed from the strip itself, the gel begins to work actively. Hydrogen peroxide is responsible for the production of oxygen ions, which have oxidizing properties. These ions enter the deep layers of the tooth and destroy all pigments into ordinary water and carbon dioxide. This is how the enamel brightens.

What else do you need to know about whitening strips?

  1. These are disposable products, each strip is used only once.
  2. The procedure is carried out 1 or 2 times a day (depending on the instructions in the instructions).
  3. Strips made for the upper row of teeth are usually longer than those created for the lower row.
  4. Depending on the model and type of strip, it will last from five minutes to half an hour (the action time cannot be exceeded without permission).
  5. After removing the product from your teeth, you need to brush your teeth and rinse your mouth.

Using strips

Naturally, while the strips are in effect, you cannot eat or drink. You can talk, but it's unlikely to be comfortable. The whitening course is specified by the manufacturer; on average, it lasts 2 weeks. While you are taking the course, avoid strong tea, coffee, and products that actively stain your enamel.

Table. Pros and cons of drugstore whitening strips

The procedure is carried out at homeYou may experience dental hypersensitivity for several days
Quick results - the desired effect is achieved in a few daysThere is still a risk of an allergic reaction
No aggressive effect on enamelThe strips are not always tightly fixed to the teeth, which is why whitening may be uneven
The result lasts for a long time, from six months to a yearCannot be used if you have serious dental problems
The procedure is safe and painlessDoes not bleach complex cases of pigmentation, such as fluorosis
The strips are available and the price for this product is quite reasonableCannot be used if there are several fillings on the front teeth

How to use strips - photo

Naturally, these strips are also not used for removable or fixed prosthetics. They are not recommended for use by expectant mothers and women during lactation. Do not allow children to use this product. For stomatitis, gingivitis and periodontitis, this method of whitening is also prohibited. For people suffering from bronchial asthma and severe forms of epilepsy, strips are contraindicated.

Crest 3D White

As in all similar situations, it is best to coordinate the choice of whitening products with your dentist. Only he sees and professionally evaluates the condition of your oral cavity. Therefore, the dentist’s recommendations will be personal, and the universal nature of other advice deprives you of the possibility of an individual approach in choosing care and hygiene products.

  • Visual test strips for determining protein in urine Uribel No. 50

Which method do you recommend?

The choice will primarily depend on the problem with which the visitor came to the pharmacy. If yellowness is associated with food, bad habits or insufficient hygiene, a pharmaceutical specialist may advise changing the usual paste to a whitening one and additionally offering mouth guards, gels, pencils or strips for use once a week or a short course (the course depends on the type of product).

It is also worth warning that the effect of home whitening will always be less pronounced than that of professional whitening. This will help eliminate objections in the future and prevent the formation of inflated expectations from the procedure. It is better to recommend products from the same series and line, since they usually complement each other and are compatible in composition.

When consulting, it is imperative to clarify whether the patient has caries, whether teeth have been restored or dentures have been installed. If you have cavities or black staining, it is important to recommend seeking help from a dentist. It is also necessary to refer the patient to a doctor if there is a suspicion of diseases of the internal organs, for example, liver diseases, diabetes, oncology, etc. You can assume this problem in a person by asking questions. If previously the color of the teeth was one, but then changed and other symptoms are observed: pain in a certain area, itching of the skin, excessive urination or sweating, etc., in this case it is definitely recommended to refer the patient to a doctor.

When is it better to stop using ZOOM 4 teeth whitening?

ZOOM 4 whitening is recognized by experts as a gentle technique that does not lead to destruction of dental tissue and enamel, but in some cases, if there are certain contraindications, it cannot be performed.

These contraindications to ZOOM 4 whitening include:

  • A large number of fixed dentures and large fillings in the oral cavity. The fact is that the ZOOM 4 whitening procedure can only make natural tooth enamel whiter, but crowns and fillings will not become lighter from photo-whitening;

NOTE: Can ZOOM 4 whitening be used to lighten fillings? This question is often heard on various dental forums on the Internet. However, the answer to this will be negative - no whitening technique can make either fillings or dentures lighter. If you want ideal whiteness of teeth on which there are fillings, it is better to choose another technique used in aesthetic dentistry - installing veneers. Another possible option is to replace old fillings with new restorations after bleaching.

  • Teeth whitening ZOOM 4 is not carried out during the period of bite correction with braces and for six months after its completion;
  • Zoom 4 is contraindicated for use during pregnancy and lactation;
  • Teeth whitening is not performed on children and teenagers. The procedure is contraindicated for young patients because the process of teeth formation is still ongoing until the age of 18; teeth whitening during this period can do more harm than good;
  • ZOOM 4 is contraindicated in the presence of cancer, mental disorders, or abnormally high sensitivity of teeth.

Before whitening, it is necessary to cure teeth affected by caries, eliminate gum inflammation, and remove accumulated plaque and tartar from the surfaces of teeth. If this is not done, the effectiveness and usefulness of ZOOM 4 will be reduced to zero.

NOTE: ZOOM 4 does an excellent job of removing pigmented plaque caused by smoking. However, if after Zoom 4 whitening a person continues to smoke and does it often, the positive effect of the procedure will be extremely short-lived!

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