Pros and cons of laser teeth whitening, description of the method

Laser teeth whitening is a modern method of professional oral care that allows you to quickly restore the natural whiteness of enamel and improve the beauty of your smile. It is suitable for men and women of all ages, making it a universal solution in aesthetic dentistry.

Despite the high prevalence of the method, hardware teeth whitening has both advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, before contacting a dental clinic, it is worth carefully studying the available nuances of the procedure, as well as weighing the pros and cons.

Description of the method

Laser whitening allows you to keep your teeth white and healthy for a long time. During the procedure, the doctor applies a gel to the surface of the teeth, which is then activated using a laser. The laser acts so that the gel breaks down into active particles. A chemical reaction occurs: active oxygen is released. Its atoms penetrate deeply into tooth enamel and dentin, removing pigments accumulated there. Pigments accumulate in the cracks of the enamel and give it a yellow tint. The depth of their penetration does not allow them to be removed at home. The laser promotes the rapid penetration of oxygen atoms into the dental tissue.

Thus, laser whitening uses two main components - a special gel based on hydrogen peroxide (contains active oxygen) and laser radiation (a process catalyst).

The duration of the procedure is approximately 30-45 minutes. In one session, tooth enamel brightens by 7-10 tones. The safety of laser whitening has been clinically proven and verified through various medical studies.

In some cases, the effect can be lightening by 4-5 tones, depending on the initial condition of the teeth. Sometimes a repeat session is required after a certain period of time (it is determined by the attending physician).

Main indications

The appearance of teeth is affected not only by external reasons (smoking, caries, coffee), but also by internal ones (age-related changes, tooth wear, cracks, pigmentation). Modern technologies make it possible to quickly and painlessly eliminate age-related darkening of enamel, remove plaque that occurs due to the consumption of coloring foods and drinks, and lighten teeth darkened due to smoking.

Long-term whitening is especially important for people whose work involves constant contact with other people when they need to show off their smile. An attractive appearance not only gives you self-confidence, but also increases the loyalty of potential customers.

The effect of the procedure lasts for 2-3 years, depending on the individual characteristics of each patient.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • whitening from 7 tones in one procedure;
  • the enamel is strengthened;
  • Whitening takes less time than other lightening methods;
  • the procedure is painless and does not cause discomfort to the patient;
  • during treatment there is a disinfecting effect, tissues are additionally protected from caries;
  • the effect lasts for four years provided all recommendations are followed.


  • the cost of the procedure is high;
  • When exposed to laser, the patient may feel slight discomfort;
  • Before the procedure, you should replace fillings and crowns or choose another whitening method;
  • increased sensitivity remains for some time after completion of the procedure;
  • with incorrectly selected whitening options, the enamel acquires an unnatural bluish tint;
  • many contraindications.

Types of laser whitening

The procedure is carried out in two main ways (depending on the equipment of the dental clinic and the recommendations of the dental hygienist):

  • using a diode laser (photochemical whitening), has blue light radiation, a more budget option;
  • using KTP (neodymium laser), has green radiation and an anatomically shaped attachment, a more expensive and effective option.

As a result of gentle exposure, demineralization of teeth does not occur. The average period for keeping teeth white is 5 years (depending on individual characteristics and the type of bleaching, it can vary up or down).

Teeth whitening using a KTP laser allows for true photo-whitening. It provides brighter teeth shades. This allows you to remove stubborn, intense deposits that are resistant to other methods of exposure.

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It is worth considering that any methods using chemicals have a number of limitations. You should not use whitening chemicals if there are units in your mouth with untreated caries, worn out and old fillings, old and hardened deposits, or inflammation of the soft tissues of the mouth. If there are such contraindications, it would be advisable to visit a specialist and, during a dentist appointment, carry out both high-quality sanitation of the oral cavity and the elimination of all problems that will interfere with the teeth whitening procedure.

Good to know: some modern teeth whitening pastes contain urea peroxide, and advertising assures that teeth will whiten simply by brushing them, since this component can not only erase dense plaque, but also lighten the pigments in the enamel coating itself. However, advertising and the manufacturer greatly exaggerate the effectiveness of such pastes.

They contain peroxide in low concentration, and therefore you should not count on a positive result in lightening the shade of enamel when using the paste. In addition, none of the lightening pastes contain acidic components, which make the enamel porous and thereby contribute to its rapid lightening. Therefore, we advise you not to waste your money and time and buy only those products for home procedures that your dentist recommends.

How does the procedure work?

Dentists recommend the following preparatory measures before laser whitening:

  • cleaning teeth from plaque using ultrasonic and Air-Flow methods
  • treatment of gums in the presence of diseases;
  • polishing teeth with a special paste containing abrasive particles;
  • patient instruction.

Laser teeth whitening is a professional technology, so it is carried out only in an equipped clinic. The procedure itself consists of several stages:

  • examination of the oral cavity by a specialist, detection of problems that require immediate solutions, exclusion of possible contraindications;
  • preparation of the working cavity and isolation of surrounding tissues (for this, protective glasses for the eyes, lip holders, liquid photopolymer for the gums or a special latex scarf - rubber dam are used);
  • preparing a whitening gel and applying it to the teeth (it is painted in a bright color, which allows the doctor to see the distribution of the composition over the surface of the teeth);
  • activation of the gel using laser radiation (one session lasts 10-12 seconds, each tooth is illuminated by a laser, without overheating the surface of the teeth and pulp);
  • using pressurized water to thoroughly remove the gel (using a saliva ejector);
  • removal of insulating means and holders;
  • fluoridation of the surface of teeth.

At the last stage, fluoride varnish is applied to the hard tissue of the teeth: this is a painless completion of the procedure. It gives teeth a natural shine and a healthy appearance. The gel, after penetrating into the dental tissue, remains active for several more days, cleaning their surface from remaining pigments and healing the teeth.

Teeth whitening: price 2022

So, how much does teeth whitening at the dentist cost, and how much cheaper will it be to do it at home... Below we will list the most effective home and professional teeth whitening - types and prices in Moscow and St. Petersburg for 2022, and further in the article we will analyze in detail the pros and cons of each type bleaching. Prices are indicated for mid-price clinics.

1) Professional whitening techniques –

  • Zoom-4 – from 15,000 rub.
  • Beyond Polus – from 10,000 rub.
  • Opalescence Boost PF – from RUB 9,000.

2) Home whitening –

  • whitening strips – from 2500 to 5500 rubles.
  • whitening gel and Opalescense dental trays – from 4,300 rubles.

Important: in some clinics you may see prices significantly lower than those indicated by us (for example, Zoom costs 8,000 rubles). Only the cost of the original set of Zoom consumables for 1 patient is about 9,500 rubles (Fig. 5). Therefore, if you see prices for Zoom whitening in the range of 8,000 - 10,000 rubles, this will mean that the clinic will not use original materials, but analogs/counterfeits made in China.

Laser whitening: benefits

This whitening technology is currently the market leader in dental services. This is due to the important advantages of laser whitening :

  • the technique preserves the chemical composition of tooth enamel;
  • the procedure is performed quickly and painlessly;
  • tooth sensitivity does not increase;
  • no anesthesia required;
  • the tooth surface becomes lighter;
  • perfectly brightens the tooth enamel of smokers;
  • laser radiation has a bactericidal effect;
  • long-term preservation of aesthetic effect.

The concentration of the active gel is selected individually, the doctor controls the duration of the procedure, so the effect is safe and does not cause discomfort. Laser whitening, the price of which is justified by the results, is a leader among other methods.

Laser technologies save the patient’s time; the most resistant pigments can be dealt with in 30-40 minutes.


Laser whitening has no disadvantages, but depending on the patient’s health condition, some limitations may be identified for its implementation:

  • age under 16 years (the doctor looks at the formation of the bite and the hardness of the enamel);
  • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • increased tooth sensitivity or damaged enamel;
  • carious processes;
  • leaky restorations;
  • diabetes mellitus and endocrine diseases.

There are quite a few disadvantages and contraindications, so many patients prefer laser teeth whitening in Moscow in a well-equipped clinic with a professional doctor.

Dental care after the procedure

The final color will appear only after a week, so immediately after the procedure it is important to consolidate the result. For several days after the procedure, it is recommended to follow a “white” diet, that is, exclude from the diet all foods with coloring pigments. These include: red wine, strong tea, coffee, fruits, berries, food with food coloring.

During the week, it is better not to smoke or consume alcoholic beverages, coloring foods and drinks. Take care of your tooth enamel regularly. To brush your teeth (twice a day), choose a suitable brush and toothpaste. The attending physician will give recommendations.

The cost of the procedure is fully paid for by the therapeutic and aesthetic effect, safety, and long-term preservation of the whiteness of the enamel. It is necessary to choose a clinic wisely and carefully after reading reviews . Pay attention to the experience and qualifications of the doctor. Our clinic offers the most innovative technologies for maintaining dental health.

Photo teeth whitening Zoom.

Photo-whitening of teeth is also a chemical method of lightening the enamel coating, however, it uses ultraviolet rather than laser as a reaction activator. Other names of technology are cold whitening, Zoom. The know-how is popular among patients, both because of its high efficiency and harmlessness to the healthy state of the body.

When photobleaching, the surfaces of the teeth are initially treated with a gel containing hydrogen peroxide. Interestingly, the gel is applied exclusively to units in the smile zone, that is, to ten upper and ten lower teeth. The concentration of the active substance is quite high - from 25 to 35%. After this, the outer part of the teeth is exposed to ultraviolet radiation, for which the dentist uses a special lamp - halogen, LED or ultraviolet. The use of ultraviolet light in the procedure allows:

1. Catalyze chemical reactions, due to which colored pigments in the deep layers of the enamel coating of teeth lighten much faster.

2. Reduce the time of manipulation in general. The gel is applied for a short time, which makes it possible to reduce the risk of its harmful effects on the enamel layer.

Positive results from cold whitening are noticeable after the first procedure, but if the darkening of the enamel was initially significant, several sessions may be required. On average, the photobleaching process lasts from 30 minutes to one hour, and after completing all manipulations to lighten the enamel, it is recommended to undergo an additional fluoridation procedure.

The result that is achievable when using the method in question is a change in the shade of the enamel by two or three tones, but the procedure will not make your teeth absolutely snow-white. To maintain the whiteness of the enamel coating, you should exclude coloring foods from your diet for a while. It is also necessary to carefully observe oral hygiene and all the recommendations that a specialist will give you upon completion of all manipulations.

Another significant nuance that you should know about when deciding to resort to cold teeth whitening is that in some cases the enamel may whiten unevenly or after the procedure, previously installed fillings will become noticeable. In such situations, additional procedures are usually performed, which affects the final price of cold whitening for the patient. Is the cold whitening method right for you? The specialists of our dentistry in Moscow, Vanstom, will help you find the answer to this question! To make an appointment with the clinic’s dentist, just call us!

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