Tsiprolet: instructions and brief characteristics of the medicinal product
Tsiprolet: instructions and brief characteristics of the medicinal product
Throughout his life, a person often encounters the negative effects of microbes on the body.
Cheilitis types
Cheilitis on the lips - causes of the disease, treatment methods
Causes of development of cheilitis The main causes of the disease include: Dermatoses - seem to be the most common
Tsifran for the treatment of lymph nodes
Lymph nodes. Lymphatic system and its diseases and treatment.
Chapters from the book “Palliative Care for Cancer Patients,” edited by Irene Salmon. Lymphedema is
Treatment of extensive external and internal root resorption with MTA
Tooth root resorption is a physiological or pathological process that results in loss of
Types of bruxism
Bruxism in children and adults: why people grind their teeth in their sleep
Author of the article: Soldatova Lyudmila Nikolaevna Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Clinical Dentistry of the St. Petersburg Medical and Social
8 most effective antipyretics for children
What to do if your tooth hurts: TOP 6 best painkillers for toothache
What to give a child with a fever? Monday, January 10, 1432 5 1 Contents What is the temperature
Factors influencing the healing of wounds in the oral cavity
07.21.2021 Author: Dentist-periodontist, therapist Ulyana Yuryevna Stopinskaya Modern dentistry is impossible without reconstructive surgical
Dental core inlay for crown
Dental stump inlay for a crown: what is it, types of stump inlays
If a tooth is destroyed by caries or as a result of injury, it must be restored, in
Bacteria for oral candidiasis in pictures
Candidal stomatitis in adults: causes, symptoms, treatment
The yeast-like fungus of the genus Candida is always present in the human body, but under certain factors it
Diagram of baby teeth eruption in children in pictures
How many baby teeth should children have at different ages?
Temporary teeth Timing of teeth eruption Dental germs are formed during the period of intrauterine development. Teething
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