Scandal with a dentist in Rivne: videos were published in which the doctor strangles and beats children

The owner of the pediatric dentistry clinic, Inna Kravchuk, who is also a practicing doctor, denies all accusations. She has already hired a lawyer.

The scandal began when the Rivne Facebook group “White Robes” of Rivny” received a message from the mother of a little girl who had two teeth treated and two more removed at the Only Kids dental clinic. The woman published pictures showing that the child’s lip was swollen and suppuration appeared, which is why she had to take antibiotics. According to the woman, the doctor does not admit guilt and claims that under the influence of anesthesia the girl bit her own lip. However, the surgeon whom the woman contacted believes that the child was injured at the reception.

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Photo of the injured girl

Photo of the injured girl

Messages from other clients of dentist Inna Kravchuk appeared under the post. Some confirmed the original post, recalling similar cases and mentioning that children screamed in the office and later had to change doctors.

Some claimed that they were satisfied with the quality of the services provided, and considered the accusations against the doctor to be slander.

In addition, there was another post in the group, later deleted by administrators, in which another resident of Rivne, Yulia Yatsuk, claimed that after an appointment at Only kids pediatric dentistry, her 5-year-old daughter came out with abrasions and bruises on her neck. The woman is sure that doctor Inna Kravchuk and his assistants caused bodily harm to her child. Moreover, the mother was forbidden to attend the reception and was kicked out of the office.

Photo of another injured patient

“I waited in the lobby, they assured me that my mother’s presence was not required,” wrote Yulia Yatsuk and noted that Inna Kravchuk assured her that she “loves children very much and knows what approach is needed to calm them down.”

However, after taking it, the child had red vertical stripes with drops of blood on his neck. Doctor Inna Kravchuk does not admit guilt, but admitted that this is her patient.

Inna Kravchuk (right) at the opening of the Only Kids clinic

“We actually had this baby. Doctors could not treat her because she was afraid and her mother was against sedation. I didn’t mind the mother being next to the child; we have glass partitions and open doors. The patient herself was very excited. She took off her breastplate, which probably injured her neck, and transferred the tools. I tried to fix my face because I work with sharp objects and all movements put the child in danger. We were forced to end the reception. I told my mother that it was difficult to work with the girl and we agreed on the next visit,” Kravchuk said in a comment to a local publication.

Previous employer's reaction

In the comments, the authors of negative reviews were accused of slander and, among others, mentioned that this could be the machinations of competitors. In particular, Inna Kravchuk’s former employer, namely Inna Pekarskaya, owner of the Hollywood dental clinic, where Kravchuk once worked.

The woman wrote a post in which she noted that she was not aware of the scandal that had erupted because she was abroad without access to the Internet. However, she said that some time ago she “broke up” with Inna Kravchuk precisely because of her attitude towards small patients.

“Inna Kravchuk actually worked in Hollywood for 4.5 years, where they made her a specialist, taught her how to work with children, transferred the entire patient base and supported the development of the doctor’s personal brand. But, unfortunately, popularity does not benefit everyone. She began to have superiority in relation to colleagues and patients, and, sadly, she began to lose patience in working with children. That is why we were forced to interrupt our cooperation with her. Judging by recent events and reviews from many mothers, the same thing continued at the new place of work, which led to such consequences. And if I really wanted to harm the reputation of I. Kravchuk (which I am being groundlessly accused of), I would have posted the video from our surveillance cameras and everything would have become clear to everyone. I sincerely sympathize with all mothers whose children have had such a negative experience. I wish the children health,” Pekarskaya wrote.

However, she is now accused of hiding facts of ill-treatment of patients and not making them public. Instead, a collective decision was made “to ask Inna Kravchuk to resign of her own free will, because they did not want to ruin the person’s life.”

Hide your smile: how coronavirus affects teeth and how to restore them

Having recovered from coronavirus, many patients complain about the consequences of the infection. Among the most common are loss of smell, memory loss, hair loss, heart and liver complications, joint damage, and dental problems. The effect of the virus on the oral cavity, the condition of teeth and post-Covid treatment methods was explained in an exclusive interview with by orthodontist, candidate of medical sciences, chief physician of the Beauty Line clinic network Marina Kolesnichenko.


“The effect of Covid on teeth is due to its pathological factor: Covid is very toxic to our entire vascular system, actually causing microthrombosis in various vessels - from the smallest to the largest,” the expert said.

Due to the fact that blood vessels are the main channel for the delivery of nutrients to the cells and tissues of the human body, the formation of blood clots in them leads to a decrease in tissue nutrition.

“Looseness and loss of teeth are consequences of Covid,” the dentist added.

In addition, many patients report hair loss. A similar mechanism is at work here: when small blood clots occur and small vessels become clogged, tissue nutrition decreases and hair follicles atrophy occurs.

The same unfavorable situation occurs with the gums: atrophy occurs, they recede, exposing the neck of the tooth, which is not covered by enamel, so a person’s sensitivity to cold and hot increases.

In addition, the doctor emphasized the existence of a direct relationship between infections.

“If a person has periodontitis, they will have more severe Covid symptoms. And in this case, the risk of developing a severe form of Covid is higher in such patients: with periodontitis, local immunity is initially impaired, and the oral flora is “shifted” to the pathological side,” the doctor explained.

Against the backdrop of Covid and a decrease in a person’s immunity, pathogenic flora can become active, which in a healthy state is suppressed by saprophytic bacteria - the beneficial flora of humans. Often after suffering from Covid, against the background of a decrease in local immunity, doctors observe aphthous stomatitis : pathogenic flora is activated in the oral cavity, and a person develops aphthae - painful numerous ulcers on the mucous membrane, which cause discomfort when eating, swallowing and even during conversation .

The consequences also include inflammation and bleeding of the gums , as well as “geographical” tongue - a condition in which the epithelium unevenly exfoliates from the tongue, causing ulcers and painful conditions. In general, a deterioration in the state of the oral microbiocenosis is recorded.


To get rid of post-Covid symptoms, they resort to local treatment. Doctors select the optimal special hygiene products, which, on the one hand, suppress pathogenic flora, and on the other, provide better cleaning and hygiene.

Dentists have other special means in their arsenal, the action of which is aimed at healing ulcers and wounds, as well as reducing tooth sensitivity due to exposed gums. In addition, injections are used into the gums, aimed at normalizing and increasing blood circulation in this area to improve its nutrition.

“We must understand that Covid affects every cell of our body: the vital activity of cells depends on the nutrition delivered by the circulatory system (CS). And when the CS is damaged and blocked as a result of damage from Covid - Covid acts directly on the vascular endothelium, causing its inflammation - the outcome of this inflammation is thrombosis. Thrombosis is the closure of small vessels, a small vascular bed that provides oxygen to most of our tissues,” emphasized Marina Kolesnichenko.


Inhalations are currently considered the best means of recovery from Covid. Inhalations are a unique development of Russian scientists; this method of 2001 only 20 years later became very popular, helping patients after suffering from Covid to return to a full life.

The procedure involves inhalation of thermal helium with oxygen. Helium supplied at a temperature of 90 degrees does not burn mucous membranes, while promoting more intense oxygen delivery to our cells. Even in conditions of blocked vessels, oxygen rushes into our cells in a laminar flow due to the highly fluid gel, the expert explained.

The effectiveness of this procedure, according to the specialist, is five times higher than simply breathing pure oxygen. Also, helium, with a laminar flow, removes metabolic products from cells, including carbon dioxide, eight times more intensely, thus improving cellular respiration and working to improve the health of the entire body. A person's lungs are completely restored, even with existing damage in the lungs up to 90%.

“If after an infection on a CT scan we see foci of sclerosis - scars in the lungs, such a person breathes with difficulty, his lung does not fully expand, respiratory function and oxygenation are reduced (oxygen saturation - Ed.), then after a course of such procedures after one month, with a repeat CT scan, doctors notice that, thanks to the stimulation of microcirculation, the microcirculatory bed is restored and resorption occurs, including foci of scar tissue in the lungs,” said the doctor.

This method has no contraindications due to the fact that helium is an inert gas and there is no allergy to it: as you know, helium is also part of the atmospheric air.

“The recommended course is five to ten procedures with a break of one or two days. A course of ten procedures allows you to recover almost completely even with extensive damage,” summed up Marina Kolesnichenko, candidate of medical sciences.

Previously, told how to recover from hair loss caused by coronavirus.

Video from the office

And soon after that, a video from a dental office at the Hollywood clinic appeared on the Internet. Two videos were recorded without sound, but what is happening is quite eloquent even without it. The media noted that lawyers wrote a request for video recordings after an appeal from the parents of the injured patients.

In one video, Inna Kravchuk communicates with a small patient in an inappropriate manner. She roughly pulls her by the arms, threatens the child with a syringe and sharp instruments, then grabs her by the throat and shakes her. The child first cries, then falls silent.

The girl's parents were found. As it turned out, the mother of the then three-year-old child did not know what was happening in the dentist’s office. And at first she didn’t believe the journalist, assuring her that the girl loved Inna Kravchuk very much and always enjoyed visiting the doctor. However, after watching the video, I changed my mind.

“I still can’t accept this truth. The doctor knew that our child was disabled and had heart problems. I can't believe I was on her side, I despise myself for it. I hope she will pay for everything,” said Ekaterina, the girl’s mother.

In the second video, Inna Kravchuk and her assistant are bullying a little boy. His parents have not yet been found, so the child’s face was covered.

During the appointment, the assistant leans all her weight on the boy, so that he cannot move, and the doctor, in order to “calm” him, hits the patient’s head on the couch several times.

General recommendations

Regardless of the chosen method of getting rid of toothache, you should follow simple rules:

  • Brush your teeth thoroughly with toothpaste and use dental floss. Inflammation could occur due to food stuck between the teeth, removing which can provide tangible relief.
  • Try to eat only liquid or soft foods. Excessive pressure on the disturbing tooth will increase the pain syndrome, and the entry of food particles into carious areas will lead to the active development of the inflammatory process.
  • The tooth should not be heated. Increased blood circulation will irritate the nerve endings, which will increase the pain. In addition, heat will increase suppuration and other complications.
  • Try to distract yourself and not think about the symptom. You can concentrate on work, hobbies or watch a TV series.

Important! Don't give up brushing your teeth. Otherwise, this will provoke active growth of pathogenic microflora, which will aggravate inflammation and increase pain.


Painkillers that are always in your home medicine cabinet effectively relieve pain:

  • Analgin is an inexpensive drug that does not require a prescription. The main remedy for getting rid of aching toothache. You cannot apply the tablet to a sore tooth, as analgin eats away the enamel.

Advice. Soak a cotton swab in Valocordin or dip it in crushed Validol. Apply the swab to the painful tooth for 15 minutes.

  • Spasmalgon is a stronger analgesic. A single dose should not exceed 2 tablets, and a daily dose should not exceed 6.

These medications should not be taken by pregnant women, nursing young mothers, or children. Taking such medications is incompatible with alcohol. Read the instructions carefully, as there are serious contraindications for disorders of the liver, circulatory system and kidneys.

  • Paracetamol is effective for moderate pain. In small doses it has the least negative effect on the body and can be used to help a child get rid of toothache.

Attention! Always read the instructions for medications carefully and follow the dosage to avoid side effects.

Remember that tablets as a way to get rid of toothache do not cure, but only temporarily relieve pain.

Separately, we should highlight nonsteroidal drugs (NSAIDs), which, in addition to getting rid of an unpleasant symptom, reduce inflammation. They are usually prescribed by a doctor after diagnosis.

  • Ketanov is a powerful pain reliever when you need to get rid of dental nerve pain. The drug is very toxic, so it is taken only as a last resort, when nothing else has helped. The positive effect lasts 8-10 hours.
  • Ibuprofen (Nurofen) can be taken per day no more than 5 tablets at 4-hour intervals. It should not be used by people with hypertension, gastrointestinal diseases, or hearing impairment.

Folk remedies

An effective way to get rid of toothache without pills is folk remedies. They are less toxic, have a gentle effect on the body, but are less effective.

Bactericidal, analgesic natural remedies are:

  • Carnation. A thick mixture of half a teaspoon of water and crushed seasoning is applied to the aching tooth for 15-20 minutes.
  • Propolis. Chew a small piece the size of a pea until soft and apply to the tooth for 20 minutes.
  • Cinnamon. Make a mixture of cinnamon powder and half a teaspoon of honey, then apply a tampon soaked in the mixture to the inflamed area. If you take a cinnamon stick instead of powder, then you need to grate it on a fine grater.
  • Onion and garlic. Grind a quarter of an onion and 2 cloves of garlic into a pulp using a fine grater or blender. Add 1/4 tablespoon of salt to the resulting mixture. Dip a cotton-gauze swab into a homogeneous mass and apply it to the inflamed area. Repeat no more than 4 times a day. More frequent use may cause burns to the mucous membrane.
  • Plantain. This useful medicinal plant helps get rid of toothache, although it can only be found in the summer. Take a few leaves, wash and dry thoroughly. Apply to the inflamed area and chew until the juice is released. It will not work immediately, but over time the pain will subside.

A striking example of choosing traditional methods to get rid of toothache is pregnancy and lactation. Taking medications at this time is extremely undesirable, requires special caution and can only be done after permission from a doctor. Self-medication is dangerous for the life of the child and the expectant mother

On a note! St. John's wort should not be used in any form during pregnancy! This herb may be toxic to your child.


The simplest means to quickly get rid of toothache are rinsing solutions. The ingredients can be found in every home:

  • Soda. The simplest but most effective way. A teaspoon of baking soda per glass of warm water. Rinse for 5-10 minutes. If you add a little salt, it will enhance the disinfecting effect.
  • Iodine, salt and soda. Add one teaspoon each of salt and soda, two drops of iodine and one drop of alcohol to a glass of warm water. Rinse three times a day.
  • Vodka. Place one glass of vodka in your mouth and gargle for several minutes.
  • Mint, lemon balm or sage. Pour two tablespoons of dry leaves with a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 25-30 minutes. Rinse with warm (not hot) infusion 5 times a day.
  • Oak bark. Place two tablespoons of the product into boiling water and leave to simmer for half an hour. Thoroughly strain the broth through several layers of gauze. Rinse with a cooled solution up to 5 times a day.

Essential oils

This is another effective method known since ancient times. Essential oils from:

  • carnations;
  • coriander;
  • tea tree;
  • mint;
  • fir trees

The method of application is the same for all oils:

  • two or three drops of oil are applied to a cotton-gauze swab;
  • Place a tampon on the painful area.

Make sure that the tooth is treated from all sides, including carious holes.

Note! Do not hold the tampon with essential oil for more than 5 minutes. Otherwise, you may damage the oral mucosa.


In addition to taking medications and rinsing, you can add massage. You can move the gum around the inflamed tooth with light massaging movements. This method helps some, however, it is safer to stimulate other points on the body that are responsible for toothache.

It is generally accepted that circular massage movements of the earlobe and temple from the side of the diseased tooth can temporarily relieve pain. To obtain the desired analgesic effect, the duration of such a massage should be at least 5 minutes.

Another point responsible for toothache is the area between the thumb and index finger. Moreover, you need to massage the hand opposite to the side of the diseased tooth. That is, if there is pain on the left side, we massage the right hand and vice versa.

There are many quick ways to get rid of toothache at night, while visiting, on a business trip or while on vacation without visiting a doctor. It is important not to forget that none of them, except a visit to the dentist, will eliminate the problem, but will only remove an unpleasant symptom. Temporary apparent relief can lead to serious complications. Don't delay your visit to the doctor to have a beautiful smile and good health.

What's happening now

The mothers of the last two children who suffered from the actions of dentist Inna Kravchuk wrote statements to the police. They have already ordered a forensic medical examination; in addition, a psychologist is working with the children, after which a forensic psychological examination will be ordered. This case is being supported by the prosecutor's office.

The doctor herself continues to claim that she behaved professionally and thanks for the support. And in a commentary to local media, Kravchuk said that she “was hit by an unexpected “wave of popularity,” it’s a pity that it happened this way. I am sure that my patients, loved ones and relatives do not need an explanation. Summarizing all this, we can conclude about slander and competition, because a very advantageous situation has arisen - the good reputation that has been accumulated over the years is crushed to the ground! However, I will not leave it."

According to the doctor, her lawyer is now handling this case.

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