FDA Pregnancy Risk Categories
Is it possible to have local anesthesia during pregnancy?
The safety of using local anesthesia in the treatment of pregnant women remains an unresolved issue at present.
Stomatitis in a child
Candidal stomatitis in children, symptoms and treatment
About the prevention and treatment of common childhood dental diseases, the causes of candidiasis (thrush) and
Infection safety in a dental clinic: what you need to know
Sterilization is the process of complete disinfection of instruments, during which all microorganisms die, and
Trigeminal neuralgia: causes, symptoms, treatment
Causes of inflammatory damage to the trigeminal nerve Factors contributing to inflammation of the trigeminal nerve are: surgical interventions on
Dental implantation during pregnancy: is it worth the risk?
04/27/2020 Pregnancy is a time when a woman needs to improve her health and monitor her well-being.
Gums hurt after tooth filling
After the injection my gums hurt: is this normal?
Author of the article: Soldatova Lyudmila Nikolaevna Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Clinical Dentistry of the St. Petersburg Medical and Social
What can a dentist see on an x-ray?
X-rays and CT scans in dentistry – harmful or safe?
Hello! Today we will talk about a procedure used in dental practice, x-rays. And the most frequent
Complex treatment in dentistry
Implants and orthodontics: why it is important to correct the bite first
Quite often in the practice of orthodontists the following situation arises: they are approached by patients who do not
Charcle is a Japanese paste that closes holes and fills teeth: is it effective or not?
Oral care is the main factor in ensuring dental health. Not just a cleansing technique
Trichopolum: instructions for use
Instructions for use TRICHOPOL
Trichopolum is a widely used drug in the treatment of gynecological and skin diseases. Assigned independently
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