Fissure dental caries: what is it and how is fissure caries treated?
Fissure caries is a lesion of the hard tissues of the tooth, localized in the natural recesses of the chewing group of teeth.
Removing braces from teeth: what do you need to know about it?
Braces are worn for a long time: from 6-8 months to 2-3 years. Towards the end of treatment, many
Causes of increased tooth wear
How to save teeth when they are worn out? Recommendations from experts
Increased tooth abrasion is a process of increased tissue loss: first the enamel becomes thinner, and then
What is the difference between a dentist and a dentist? Categories of dentists
Specialists who literally save or recreate snow-white teeth from scratch - dentists
Dental treatment of patients during chemotherapy and radiotherapy: review of clinical approaches
Oncological diseases continue to grow. Of course, diagnostics have become better, tumor processes are detected in the early stages
How the chin sling works
The chin sling is an indispensable tool in orthodontics and maxillofacial traumatology.
1215 When treating anomalies of the dentofacial system of Angle class 3, experts note the effectiveness of the chin sling,
Lidocaine hydrochloride – aerosol, gel, spray
From this article you will learn: what lidocaine-based drugs are used in dentistry, to what extent
teeth itch
What to do if an adult’s teeth itch and itch: reasons for the itching sensation
What are the causes of tooth itching, what to do if the teeth of an adult and a child itch? If
Ultrasound in the 1st trimester of pregnancy.jpg
Antipsychotic drugs during pregnancy - effects on the fetus and maternal body
The first 12 weeks after conceiving a child is a period of active growth and development of the embryo,
Pins and stump inlays: choice when restoring a tooth
Contents Indications for stump restoration Formation of a tooth stump Dental prosthetics Care after crown installation
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