Is it possible to remove a tooth if you have a cold? Which symptoms are more expressive: toothache or cold?

Indications for tooth extraction

Extirpation is done when therapeutic treatment is impossible or before prosthetics. It can be planned or emergency. It is carried out using a simple or complex method. In the first case, the dental unit is removed from the socket using forceps, and in the second, dissection of the gums, alveolar bone, and sawing of the roots into fragments may be required.

Indications for emergency surgery:

  • the presence of purulent inflammation, fistula, cyst;
  • acute pain that is not relieved by medication;
  • fracture of the crown, root.

Planned extraction is done if:

  • advanced caries, if the area of ​​the carious cavity of the crown is more than 70 percent, the pathology has spread to the root part;
  • pulpitis in a complex root system, when it is impossible to properly clean the canals (usually in a figure eight);
  • periodontitis with stage 3 or 4 mobility;
  • third molars that interfere with neighboring ones cause changes in bite, facial asymmetry, neurological pain, pericoronitis;
  • supernumerary, dystopic, impacted teeth, which cause various disorders in the dental system;
  • orthodontic indications for prosthetics, installation of braces.

Experienced dentists always strive to preserve the integrity of the dentition, so radical measures are usually taken in the absence of a positive result of therapeutic treatment. After the procedure and recovery period, acute pain goes away, but chewing function worsens when removing molars or aesthetics when extracting incisors or canines.

Expert opinion

Lyubov Ivanovna Kopylova


Experience: more than 10 years

What to do if you are not in quarantine and have ARVI symptoms? For those in need of help, dental services will be provided at home or at the place of hospitalization. In Moscow there is a line for dental issues - 8 (499) 842-4-112 (24 hours a day). There is no need to register in advance. Dental teams are on call around the clock. Treatment is carried out on the day of treatment.

The arsenal of visiting dentists includes:

  • special equipment;
  • protective equipment;
  • sets of special equipment.

Departure is free.

The patient will need:

  • insurance policy;
  • passport or birth certificate.

Anesthesia for tooth extraction

There are several types of pain relief:

  • local anesthetics that are injected into the gums;
  • drugs for general anesthesia injected into a vein;
  • inhalation anesthesia;
  • nitrous oxide sedation.

The choice of method depends on what kind of operation is being performed: simple or complex. Removing the front teeth is considered the easiest. They have one root and are easily dislocated with forceps. For pain relief, a simple “freezing” with a local anesthetic is sufficient.

Removing lower wisdom teeth is the most difficult procedure, especially if there are abnormalities in growth and location. It will require cutting the gums, cutting off part of the bone, sawing and step-by-step removal of root fragments. The operation can last more than 1 hour, so it is often performed under anesthesia.

Sedation with nitrous oxide does not exclude local anesthesia. It relaxes well, puts the patient into a state of half-asleep, and reduces fear. Often used in pediatric dentistry to remove baby teeth.

Drugs injected into a vein completely turn off consciousness for a certain period of time. The duration of anesthesia is adjusted by the dosage of the medication.

Inhalation anesthesia allows you to control the dose of the drug directly during the procedure. This ensures high-quality and safe general anesthesia and minimizes the risk of side effects.

How to get rid of toothache during a cold

If your tooth hurts , take a painkiller. This is sound advice that is given 100% of the time. Here are some more options for managing pain symptoms:

  • Rinse your mouth several times with a water solution of salt and baking soda. The mixture has antibacterial properties and will prevent the spread of infection.
  • Place a menthol tablet under your tongue. As it dissolves, menthol will have an anesthetic effect.
  • Apply a compress with ginger root and rinse with sage infusion.
  • Focus your energy on treating your cold - the faster the virus is cured, the sooner you will be seen by a dentist.

If these methods do not work and your toothache gets worse, be sure to call your dentist. Perhaps the development of symptoms is a consequence of dental disease. And here you cannot do without the prompt assistance of a specialist.

Colds on the lips - can you go to the dentist?

Herpes is a viral disease in which any intervention is contraindicated. An experienced dentist will not undertake treatment if he discovers herpes on the patient’s lips. During the manipulation, the virus can enter the mouth and cause stomatitis - this disease will require more complex and expensive procedures.

Treatment of herpes on the lips will take a little time - special means cope with the virus in 2-4 days. If you discover a cold on your lips before going to the clinic, do not risk your own health, reschedule your visit.


  1. Dental treatment for acute respiratory viral infections is contraindicated; exceptions are permissible only if there is a high risk of developing oral infections.
  2. Herpes on the lips is the reason the dentist refuses to treat the patient.

Remember - if the pain intensifies, local or general anesthetics do not help, the temperature rises and severe discomfort is felt in the tooth area, it’s time to call the doctor. In all other cases, it is better to postpone treatment until the period of complete recovery.

Stages of the procedure

Simple extirpation is carried out using forceps, consisting of cheeks, a handle, and a lock. It is performed if the coronal part is well preserved and there are no various complications. Incisors and canines on the upper jaw are removed with straight forceps, on the lower jaw - curved at an angle of 90 degrees. S-shaped instruments are used to extract premolars and molars.

Removing an upper wisdom tooth is easier than on the lower jaw, since it has an even, small root, so a simple operation is performed if there are no complications. The lower jaw bone is denser and more massive, and the root part of the figure eight is complex.

A simple extraction consists of several steps:

  1. local anesthesia;
  2. antiseptic treatment;
  3. application of forceps followed by advancement of the cheeks under the gums and fixation;
  4. rocking, dislocation and extraction of a dental unit from the socket.

Complex extirpation requires the use of several different instruments, takes a longer time, injures nearby tissues, is dangerous for complications, and the rehabilitation process lasts longer. Pain relief during tooth extraction, especially eights, can be general. The surgeon uses a scalpel or laser, drill, elevator, excavator, and other instruments.

Step-by-step complex removal:

  • local or general anesthesia;
  • antiseptic treatment;
  • dissection of the gums, separation of the flap from dental and bone tissues;
  • if necessary, drilling or cutting off part of the bone, dividing the root into several fragments;
  • extraction of a dental unit in whole or in parts;
  • bleeding stop;
  • application of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • suturing the gum.

To stitch soft tissues, self-absorbing or non-absorbable threads are used, which are removed after 7-10 days.

Is it possible to get infected at a dental clinic?

Effective measures can ensure proper safety and eliminate the possibility of infection:

  • Inlet filter – patients’ temperatures are measured to detect abnormalities;
  • Proper distance between visitors is ensured;
  • The air is disinfected and disinfected;
  • The temperature of medical workers is measured twice a day.

Possible complications

When using an elevator, an adjacent molar or premolar may be displaced or even broken. In the upper jaw, it is possible to push a fragment into the maxillary sinus. Fractures of the lower jaw are very rare.

Immediately after surgery, swelling occurs, and after the anesthetic wears off, pain occurs. Such phenomena disappear within one or several days, depending on the complexity of the procedure performed. Temporary numbness of soft tissues in the operated area, increased temperature, and bleeding are possible.

Pus in the hole after tooth extraction appears due to alveolitis. When a blood clot, which protects against the entry of bacteria and food, falls out of the socket, the pain intensifies and inflammation develops. In this case, you need to contact the doctor who performed the operation.

Is it safe to visit the dentist during a pandemic?

Let us answer right away - yes, it is completely safe! At the MediLine clinic, we pay special attention to sterility: we use a personal set of instruments for each patient. This set includes both disposable consumables and reusable instruments that undergo a full processing cycle. We have a separate sterilization unit with disinfection devices, including a modern German autoclave DAC UNIVERSAL. After sterilization, instruments are stored in special ultraviolet cabinets, which guarantees the safety of their use.

The doctor conducts the consultation only wearing a disposable mask and gloves. Several times a day we carry out quartz treatment in each office to disinfect the air in the room. Appointments are carefully scheduled to minimize the number of patients in the waiting area. We work according to the highest international standards, so treating teeth during a pandemic at MediLine is as safe and comfortable as always.

Care instructions

Before the socket is tightened, you should not overheat the body, drink or eat hot or cold drinks, food, or chew on the operated side. You should not smoke, as nicotine constricts blood vessels and impairs wound healing. It is forbidden to lick a blood clot from the socket.

Antibiotics are prescribed for tooth extraction if the procedure was complicated. They are necessary to prevent tissue infection and the development of inflammatory processes. For the same reason, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with antiseptics. In this case, there is no need to rinse intensively, since it is possible to wash out the blood clot from the socket. Analgesics can be used to relieve pain.

Diagnosis of perforation

Having an accurate understanding of the situation in the sinus, the maxillofacial surgeon chooses the correct tactics and method of eliminating the problem

As part of diagnostic activities, our Center carries out:

  • X-ray allows you to assess the condition of the causative tooth and the quality of canal treatment
  • Computed tomography in ENT mode allows you to get a complete picture of the condition of the maxillary sinuses

The modern Sirona Gallileos CT scanner guarantees high quality images , in which you can determine the location and size of the perforation, identify the presence and localization of foreign bodies, cysts and polyps (if they form), and assess the size of the inflammatory process.


Is it painful to remove a tooth?

Painless tooth extraction using local anesthetics is carried out by absolutely all dental clinics. But if “freezing” is not enough, then it is better to go to a private clinic that provides all types of pain relief.

How do you know when a tooth needs to be removed?

If it is very loose or the crown is completely destroyed, then most likely it will be removed. In other cases, accurate diagnosis is necessary.

Is it possible to have a tooth removed if you have a cold?

Surgical intervention is unacceptable in the presence of an acute infection, including acute respiratory infections or influenza. This is due to the high probability of infection of injured tissues.

Is it possible to remove a tooth if you have sinusitis?

The operation is not performed during exacerbation of the disease.

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