Cosmetic teeth whitening PearlSmile: a blinding smile quickly and easily

Cosmetic teeth whitening is one of the most popular dental procedures. During the manipulation, the surface layer of enamel impregnated with pigments is destroyed and the teeth are lightened by several tones. Teeth whitening Smile is a professional procedure for lightening the enamel using German preparations, which is based on the use of a whitening gel, a tray on the jaw and an ultraviolet lamp.

A beautiful smile, straight and bright teeth are everyone’s dream. To achieve the desired whitening result, it is necessary to sanitize the oral cavity, eliminate inflammatory processes and carry out professional hygienic cleaning. The specialist must also determine the presence of indications and contraindications for the procedure.

Difference from dental lightening

The dental whitening method is as follows: a special gel with a reagent is applied to the teeth, which is activated using light, laser, ultrasound, or acts independently.
The gums and other soft tissues in the mouth are protected with special devices - mouthguards, so as not to cause a burn to the mucous membrane. Dental clinics usually use professional preparations containing a fairly large percentage of peroxide (the permissible rate is 6%). When using them, the thinnest top layer of tooth enamel is often removed, its sensitivity increases, and there is a risk of caries. Teeth whitening in dentistry involves the use of additional examinations, accessories and equipment. The procedure is quite long, complex and expensive, but its results are longer lasting.

In search of more time- and money-efficient methods, more and more people are choosing cosmetic lightening systems that contain almost no peroxide, such as PearlSmile. This is a 100% cosmetic procedure. You can find a salon near your home and answers to popular questions about the procedure on the manufacturer’s website.

PearlSmile gel contains only 0.1% of the active substance - carbamide peroxide. It effectively cleanses enamel and is safe for health. The procedure using PearlSmile materials allows you to whiten your teeth without destroying the enamel. Only its pigmentation changes.

Teeth whitening Pearl Smile - reviews


I didn’t see any results at all, although the girl in the salon argued that there was definitely a result for a couple of tones! But this result does not suit me. I expected more, as they promised me.


I'm used to writing only objective reviews.

Honestly. Money down the drain. Zero effect. Maybe your teeth are a couple of shades whiter. But it’s definitely not noticeable to the eye. I gave one point only for a nice girl. And the procedure itself is a competent squeezing of money :)


Thanks to advertising on Instagram and TV, I learned about safe and effective teeth whitening of 6 shades and above. My friend tried it first, 0% effect. The only interesting thing is that everything is presented, pleasant music during the procedure, which lasts only 21 minutes. and an unusual chair in the shape of an egg, and that’s it!!! When there was no result, she was told: “Well, your natural enamel color is white, but the result is clearly visible on teeth with a yellow tint!!!” Then I decided to sign up my husband, since I can’t do it myself, for our braces! I thought at least if it was lightened by a couple of tones, then it would be cool for him. And it has no effect, supposedly, according to their scale, it’s one tone lighter than steel! But in fact, no, it’s a scam, they didn’t even brighten half a tone. And they also wanted to trick him into a complex that costs around 5 thousand and toothpaste for 2 thousand. In short, an absolutely ineffective procedure! If you want white teeth, then only go to the dentist, only in a dental clinic you can get the result, and not in some beauty salons as they position themselves!!!






I sat in their egg for forty minutes and saw no effect. The girl said that her teeth were 3 shades lighter. The yellowness was and remains on the teeth. I don’t recommend this procedure to anyone, it’s a waste of money and time wasted (((



There is an effect.


I did it in three different places, the quality of service was poor everywhere.

I did whitening. Everything is fine, it doesn't hurt. But all these “islands”, eggs in salons and so on are very ugly, excuse me, in terms of service. I'm drooling, they put a diaper on my chest, and they ended up ruining my cashmere sweater. There was a lot of drool. Inconvenient mouthguards, the interior itself, to put it mildly, is not very good. The Pearlsmile company should watch who it sells the franchise to. All this is not up to par(


Good afternoon, my dears! Finally, I gathered my thoughts and am writing you a review about this procedure.

In Omsk, you can bleach using this method in two places, I tried it in one, and I’m not going to do it again. So, initially I chose where to do it - in MeG (Omsk) or Millennium. In the latter, I didn’t like the administrator’s communication, and it was more convenient to go to MeGa. But when I went to the administrator, I was on her black list. Okay, I wrote to them in the group, we sorted it out, and called them. It turned out that they thought that I was a friend of their competitors, and therefore they blocked me so that they would not look for anything in the group.

In general, I made an appointment for 11 am. As they said, an experienced employee will work. A young girl came to work. Okay, beautiful and polite - that’s good. They told me to take off my outer clothing and sit in a chair. There is music playing in the chair, you can put on your own music and still sit for 45 minutes! I went to a full whitening course for 5,000 rubles.

Ok, the girl gives me a napkin and tells me to put it on my finger and clean the surface of my teeth. After this, the mucous membrane of my lips begins to burn in an undesirable way. I’m sitting there, already having bad thoughts in my head, but I’m trying to endure it. The gel is applied over the teeth and a mouth guard is inserted. Holding her is torture. I type on the phone screen, saying, what should I do with the drool? They'll start flowing now! The girl gives me a notepad, a pen, a napkin and adds that you can swallow the drool, nothing bad will happen. OK.

I’m sitting there, for the first 15 minutes everything is ok, except that the lamp initially didn’t turn on at all. I spat this unfortunate mouthguard into a glass of drool, and they inserted another one into me. I must say that it fit very poorly to my lower teeth, although my bite is correct. That is, if you want to whiten your lower ones properly, move your jaw forward. This causes a terrible cramp in the entire jaw and pain in the temples.. After 3 minutes the lamp turns off, and the girl knocks on it again to make it work. The time is set to 15 minutes. I write to her on a notepad that I’ve already been sitting for three minutes. She, in turn, says that it’s okay, I’ll sit longer. Okay... In the end, after the bleaching itself, I look at the result. I don’t really see any results; there are terrible stains on my teeth. But the girl assures that it’s from drinking cola, and that in 2 hours they will go away... Ok.

My MCH looked, shook his head, and asked: “And you gave 5,000 rubles for this?” I felt so offended, he and I even had a fight over this, I didn’t want to admit so much that I had thrown money away.. When we went down to the parking lot, I decided to take a photo. The divorces passed (THANK GOD!), but the teeth were the same! HARD! I ended up crying and decided to wait until the morning, brushing my teeth with their toothpaste, which they gave as a gift. But, upon arriving home, I discovered that I had forgotten it in one of the stores. Maybe God saved us from using their products?

I'm waiting for the morning. Nothing has changed... I'm ashamed of myself for falling for this.

I can also note that my teeth have become more sensitive. And some kind of constant aching pain, barely noticeable, does not interfere in any way, but it is there. Although I was convinced that the procedure was painless! But what about the fact that the mucous membrane of the lips is torn apart just in the first 2 minutes?

In general, I wrote them to the administrator, who didn’t believe me, and after I refused to talk to her on the phone (why do I need it, exactly?), this woman decided that she was right in her guesses and I still girlfriend of that competitor of theirs. Well, I went, spent my 5,000 and sat with aching teeth because I wanted to ruin their statistics. I shouldn't have believed the only review here. And now I’m writing this, already in a good mood, so that people don’t fall for this scam and don’t throw money away. If I had known how this would turn out, I would have transferred the money to a sick child, and not given it into the hands of would-be bleachers. Whether to do it or not is up to you! And I didn’t even step a foot anymore. It’s better to go to a clinic, it’s more expensive.

P.S. The first photo is BEFORE, the second is AFTER, in the parking lot.


Hello everyone!))

I did this whitening once, I was rather led by advertising, since our, so to speak, “stars” advertised this whitening, and plus there was another promotion, instead of 5 thousand, 2 thousand, if I’m not mistaken, I don’t remember well.

Well, it’s impossible to say that there is no effect at all. There is an effect, but another question is how long will this effect last?!

My story:

I arrived, they sat me down in this wonderful space chair, they gave me a “finger pad” (a napkin that you put on your finger and brush your teeth, by the way, a very cool thing, it immediately makes my mouth feel so fresh, you can buy them there later, 10 pieces for 500 rubles, but I didn’t do that))), then they take a mouth guard, squeeze out the gel there and distribute it throughout the mouth guard, give you glasses, open your mouth wide and put on the mouth guard, pressing it to your teeth so that the gel “sticks” to your teeth. Make yourself comfortable in a chair and bring a lamp to your teeth.

And now the most interesting part!!))

No dilator is inserted into your mouth and you, like a fool, sit for 10 minutes with your mouth as open as possible, imagining that you are smiling SO VERY wide, so that God forbid the mouth guard moves out and the light from the lamp helps make your teeth perfectly white (sometimes a girl who she does all this, I can’t call her a dentist, because she clearly has nothing to do with this matter, I’ll call her an assistant, she shouts “widen your mouth”)). At this moment, drool accumulates in your mouth, which you cannot swallow, because you have to smile widely, your lips are already trembling and you look at the timer, when will 10 minutes finally pass!

After 10 minutes, you spit out this mouth guard, take a new one and repeat the whole process. And then everything starts all over again.

In total, three sets of 10 minutes.

But what “killed” me most))). At the very beginning, when you look at the color of your teeth, this happens in the hall on a chair, but when you have sat for 30 minutes and are already waiting to see the result as soon as possible, so that you don’t smile like a Krusty the clown in vain, you are taken to a room where there is super bright lighting, as if you came out of the darkness into the light, where there are white lamps and a large mirror everywhere, under such light your teeth are white, white, although I have no doubt that even before this procedure everyone in this room will have white teeth and then you groan and gasp , you thank the assistant, bow and leave with your teeth sparkling.

you take out your mirror and see that your teeth are whiter than they were, but not as white as in THAT room, but not bad anyway.

After a few days, you no longer see any effect, but you try to think that it is still there, just faintly noticeable... after a few more days, those hopes disappear....)

No matter how many reviews I read, my friends went too... Some didn’t notice the effect at all even immediately after the procedure, some saw it, but it was minimal, and some were disappointed like me, after a week)

Would I advise? No, why? It’s better to save up money and go for normal whitening. Would I go there myself? No.

Which whitening treatment should I choose? Link below! There is a photo of the result, but I don’t see the point in adding a photo here...


Hi Hi! Today I am without boastful purchases, and moreover, today I am with a negative review. Although I don’t like to talk about bad things, on the other hand, perhaps for someone this will be a warning and save some money and time.

About three months ago I became seriously concerned about the whiteness of my teeth. Moreover, a friend with perfectly white teeth constantly looming before my eyes added to my thoughts “something needs to be done about this.” I can’t say that I had any critical problems - no, the usual teeth of a former smoker. Not ideal, but nothing that would be scary to smile. Of course, there were regular trips to the dentist, cleanings and other hygiene procedures that made it possible to lighten the teeth a little, but not dramatically. But you always want to jump towards the ideal)

And just at this time, I luckily, as I thought, caught my eye with a coupon on the website for discounts on teeth lightening Pearl Smile. 1 procedure cost 800 rubles and I signed up.

The girls were friendly, the famous egg chair was comfortable, but that’s basically where the positives ended. First, they put a scale with shades on my teeth to find out the original color. Their scale is somehow different, not the same as in conventional dentistry. I got the shade S22. They gave me a finger guard and told me to wipe my teeth with it, after which they put on a mouth guard with gel. By the way, it’s a standard size, which means it won’t suit anyone) I’m not talking about drooling, it’s a hellish action.

As a result, I was given a mirror to admire my teeth in bright daylight near a huge window. Do you understand, right? The scale was applied to the teeth again. It turned out to be already S12, that is, the teeth seemed to whiten by one shade. Inspired, I quickly began to realize that if my teeth were a shade lighter every time, then I wouldn’t need to come to them very many times. Moreover, the stains on my teeth promised to evaporate in a couple of hours.

I signed up for the next procedure in 5 days, simultaneously squeezing a confession out of the chatty girl about the content of peroxide in the composition in the amount of 0.8%, and went home smiling to follow a white diet.

The very next day my enthusiasm subsided when I looked at my teeth in the mirror. But I reassured myself that I just got used to it and therefore I don’t see the difference between how it was and how it became.

Arriving for the second procedure, I asked the girl to apply the scale again and find out the current shade. And you know what my disappointment was when it turned out that it was still the same, original S22. Although I followed the diet more conscientiously.

By the way, for some reason my truthful review on the discount website where I bought a coupon for this procedure was not allowed through by the moderators. There are only rave reviews in the reviews.

Of course, it’s a pity for the money, although the amount is not big at all. But there is a huge plus. I finally decided to do normal whitening. But more on that next time) Let's not say goodbye :)


It’s strange that there are practically no reviews from real people about this whitening on the Internet; on the websites of this company, of course, there are entirely positive reviews. I decided to share mine. I was able to get acquainted with this bleaching at the Neva Banks exhibition in the fall of 2014. I was offered to go through it completely free of charge (apparently in order to attract other visitors, due to the supposedly popular stand). After the first 20 minutes of sitting with a mouth guard in my mouth, the result was minimal, they left me for another 20 minutes, constantly rubbing related products into me (dental wipes, home whitening system, cleaning powder). After the second session, when the mouthguard was removed, the teeth were whiter, but the color was completely uneven, terrible! Worse than before. The uneven color was explained to me as if it was caused by tartar and was offered a powder that would remove this tartar in 2 weeks and would not require professional cleaning. I, who had not been checked by a dentist for quite a long time, believed it and bought the powder, but even then I suspected a catch, but could not understand what was the matter...

After the procedure, I walked and periodically looked at my teeth in the mirror. After two hours, the white uneven coating disappeared, the color of the teeth became the same as before the procedure. Those photos of supposedly satisfied people taken in an egg-shaped chair are quite real, but this effect only lasts for 2-3 hours. Having brought home their miracle powder against tartar and plaque, I studied the composition - it is the same as that of ordinary tooth powder for 100 rubles. Of course, I didn’t use it, I regret that I fell for this scam and spent 1,500 rubles on garbage, which can still be harmful to the teeth. By the way, these chairs are located in shopping centers, places absolutely not intended for such procedures, let alone professional whitening, which is carried out in a dental office under the guidance of a dentist. And the staff are young people, 22-27 years old, of course, without higher medical education...

By the way, after this procedure I went to the dentist for an examination - he did not find any tartar, only a little bit of plaque on the inside of the two lower teeth.

About the developer

The technique was developed by the German company PearlSmile GmbH, a manufacturer of teeth whitening products.

The company has been developing safe whitening technologies, producing materials and equipment since 2010. At the same time, she provides cosmetic teeth whitening services using the PearlSmile method in a wide network of specialized salons. The main one is located in Düsseldorf.

The high quality of products and technologies makes the company a leader in the global market for this segment of cosmetic products.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of PearlSmile technology:

  • whitening from 2 to 9 tones;
  • activation of the reaction by LEDs does not dehydrate dentin and does not irritate the gums;
  • speed of the session (up to 21 minutes);
  • painless;
  • can be repeated repeatedly, does not destroy the enamel;
  • easy to carry out outside the salon.

Results of the PearlSmile procedure in the photo:


  • Failure to follow the rules of the procedure can lead to burns of the mucous membrane;
  • if the enamel is damaged, there is a risk of developing caries;
  • To complete the full course, you will have to spend a fairly large amount of money.

Indications, contraindications, side effects

It makes sense to carry out procedures using the pearlsmile technique:

  • to remove age spots that occur in smokers and lovers of strong coffee, tea, and food with coloring pigments;
  • with age-related changes in the color of tooth enamel;
  • after taking antibiotics;
  • to reduce the contrast of spots caused by fluorosis.

Side effects when using the system have not been established. The gel has undergone toxicological testing and is recognized as a 100% safe cosmetic product that complies with all EU standards.

It is not recommended to carry out PearlSmile whitening before reaching the age of 18, during pregnancy, breastfeeding women, people who are allergic to ultraviolet light and components of consumables.

Contraindications for use:

  1. Diseases of teeth and gums.
  2. Weakened, thinned enamel.
  3. Chips and cracks.
  4. Acute phase of gingivitis, periodontal disease.
  5. Inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.

You cannot do bleaching for bone diseases, oncology, tuberculosis.


The PearlSmile whitening procedure is quite simple:

  1. The initial tone of the teeth is measured.
  2. Their surface is cleaned with a special cloth.
  3. Mouthguards containing a gel containing an active substance are placed on the teeth. It is activated using an LED lamp.
  4. After installing the lamp at a close distance to the mouth guard, its timer turns on for a period of 7 to 21 minutes. Penetrating into hard tissues, the bleaching substance, under the influence of light, begins the reaction of releasing oxygen free radicals. Discoloration of pigmented areas occurs.
  5. At the client's request, the procedure is repeated several more times to achieve maximum effect.
  6. The final tone of the teeth is measured.

Before carrying out the procedure, it is necessary to find out the reason for the change in the color of tooth enamel and check the condition of the teeth and gums.

Which teeth cannot be lightened?

Unfortunately, it is impossible to whiten teeth that have orthopedic structures installed - crowns, bridges, veneers. As well as teeth with fillings or artistic restorations. If such structures are present on the front teeth, old fillings are replaced or restorations are polished. The doctor determines the tactics individually.

Also, teeth may not whiten or be different in color from other teeth after endodontic treatment. Depulpation of teeth (removal of the nerve) leads to darkening of the tissues and their fragility. Discoloration can be caused by dental materials used to fill the canals. Therefore, this factor must be taken into account during manipulations.

How many sessions are needed, duration of effect

The PearlSmile technique is popular precisely because of its safety. You can carry out a whitening session more than once without fear of damaging the enamel.

To achieve the maximum effect, 3 sessions can be performed at once in a beauty salon under the supervision of a specialist.

The duration of the effect depends on many factors:

  • maintaining dental and oral hygiene;
  • composition of saliva;
  • food consumed;
  • patient's lifestyle;
  • bad habits, in particular smoking.

One procedure is often enough for those who do not smoke or drink strong coffee, tea, or red wine. The effect in this case lasts up to six months.

The yellow tint of teeth is easier to remove. Gray enamel is more difficult to remove.

How long does the effect last?

The result depends on the patient’s habits, diet, proper oral hygiene and frequency of use of dental services. Depending on this, it can last for about 3-9 months. If you follow the “white diet” and stop smoking, the effect will last a long time.

This is interesting : six products for safely whitening your teeth.

This teeth whitening technique has gained worldwide recognition, becoming an innovative and safe way to a dazzling smile, which has been repeatedly confirmed by clinical trials, scientific tests and practical implementation in European countries.

The procedure itself is not as long and is more affordable compared to traditional whitening techniques, including Zoom or laser teeth whitening. Its important feature is the absence of acid-base reactions and the preservation of neutral pH in the oral cavity.


The price depends on where the procedure is performed: at home or in the salon.

For home use, the set consists of a standard mouth guard, brightening gel (15 ml) and an LED lamp. The kit comes with instructions and cleaning wipes. The set is designed for three sessions. The cost is about 2900 rubles.

Prices in salons or dental clinics depend on the number of procedures chosen and the status of the establishment. The maximum price for three sessions is 5,000 rubles.

It is recommended to conduct your first cosmetic whitening session in a salon under the guidance of a specialist. Only after this can the procedure be carried out at home to maintain the whiteness of the enamel.

Recommendations after the procedure

The effect of the active components after a whitening session lasts several hours. During the session, the teeth lose some amount of moisture, which is quickly replenished. During this period, teeth are more susceptible to pigmentation than usual.

Therefore, it is not recommended to eat for 2 hours, and you can only drink water. Do not smoke or consume pigment-containing products for 48 hours!

To maintain the achieved effect, you should:

  • use pastes and powders for whitening;
  • after eating foods containing dyes or smoking, use cleansing wipes;
  • after meals, use conditioner balms;
  • In the evening, clean the spaces between your teeth with dental floss.

Types of home whitening

1. Toothpaste with a whitening effect is the easiest way to slightly lighten the enamel, but you should not expect a dramatic effect. Unfortunately, the microscopic abrasive particles in the toothpaste are not able to remove plaque and tartar, as can be done in a doctor’s office.

Features of whitening toothpastes:

  • in addition to abrasive microparticles, pastes often contain components that destroy plaque at the protein level;
  • The structure of the paste also contains components that soften tartar. After using such compositions, deposits are easier to remove in dentistry.

It is not recommended to use whitening pastes and gels every day - optimally once or twice in seven days. Frequent use of such pastes can lead to the opposite effect, since pigments from coffee, black tea, etc. can penetrate into the gaps formed. If you want to choose a whitening paste for every day, give preference to compositions with an abrasiveness index of “75”. 2. Ready-made whitening kits - they include strips, silicone trays with gel, pencils, etc. In terms of their effectiveness, these methods are not as effective as professional procedures. The effect of whitening with a gel and silicone tray is only 1 or 2 tones, the result of whitening with a marker or strips is up to 3 tones, respectively.

Features of whitening kits:

  • the result is cumulative - it will not be possible to whiten the enamel in one or even two sessions. On average, the course lasts several weeks and even months;
  • if a person has abundant stone deposits, there will be no effect from a home session;
  • If you constantly wear silicone aligners with gel or strips, there is a high risk of gum irritation. Also, gum burns are possible if the safety rules for home whitening are not followed - not all people follow the instructions.
( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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