10 good reasons to do teeth whitening using the belle method

Today, the teeth whitening procedure is deservedly popular. White teeth transform and make the owner’s image look well-groomed and open. A snow-white smile attracts attention and creates the impression of a successful person. If you compare home whitening and belle teeth whitening in dentistry, then the procedure in the clinic is considered truly effective. The prices for treatment by a specialist using professional equipment and materials are not small. But the result is worth it.


The following reasons should push a person to whiten using the belle method:

  1. Painless procedure.
  2. Whitening efficiency.
  3. Long lasting effect.
  4. The procedure takes a short time: 20-45 minutes.
  5. The ability to cope with the problem of yellow teeth in one day.
  6. The enamel is not damaged during the process.
  7. The belle system is safe.
  8. High whitening threshold (tone improves by 4-10 tones).
  9. You can whiten sensitive teeth with the belle system.
  10. The belle set contains a special gel that reduces tooth sensitivity.

Belle whitening is used if tooth enamel discoloration occurs due to poor hygiene, constant smoking, consumption of dyed products and taking tetracycline antibiotics. Belle whitens teeth well if there are stains on the enamel.

Indications and contraindications

Teeth whitening with this system is recommended in cases where darkening is caused by the following reasons:

  • age-related changes;
  • frequent consumption of coloring drinks (coffee, tea, juices);
  • destruction of hard tooth tissues;
  • smoking;
  • taking tetracycline-based antibiotics.

In these cases, gentle whitening can quickly restore your teeth to their snow-white appearance. However, there are a number of restrictions for the procedure.

Belle Dr. Care is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, under the age of 16, with carious lesions, pulpitis, inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, after chemotherapy, with an allergy to hydrogen peroxide, or with a neuropsychiatric diagnosis.

If you have hypersensitive enamel or wear orthodontic systems, this is a conditional limitation.

Belle whitening procedure

Teeth whitening is possible in the absence of oral diseases. Therefore, the color improvement procedure begins with an examination. The dentist will suggest postponing whitening if he finds:

  • Plaque.
  • Tartar.
  • Erosion.
  • Caries.
  • Various defects.
  • Gum diseases.

The doctor does not allow patients with cancer or diabetes to undergo whitening.

Whitening with the belle system takes place in three stages:

  1. Cleaning teeth from deposits;
  2. Whitening;
  3. Mineralization.

Cleaning from deposits takes 15 minutes. Teeth are cleaned using a professional product and a brush. The products help soften and remove plaque. As a result, teeth become clean.

At the whitening stage, belle whitening agent is applied to the teeth. Before this, the gums must be isolated. Under the influence of special light (lamp), the tone of whiteness increases.

The lamp light is blue. Under its influence, the pores of tooth enamel expand, oxygen penetrates inside and discolors dull components. The light from the LED lamp used does not heat the gums and teeth. The stage lasts 20-40 minutes.

At the last stage, the whitened teeth are treated with a gel with minerals. The elements penetrate into the farthest layer of enamel, strengthen it and make it resistant to caries. This should not be neglected. In general, mineralization has a beneficial effect on the health of the entire oral cavity. The stage lasts about 10 minutes.

The final result is achieved after three sessions.

Teeth brushing and comprehensive

Brushing is a mechanical method of removing soft plaque from teeth. The least effective of all types of hygiene procedures. It is recommended to be used as a step in comprehensive cleaning.

In this case, the sequence will be as follows:

  • Ultrasonic cleaning with removal of hard plaque.
  • Brushing soft plaque.
  • Air Flow cleaning, fluoridation, polishing.

After this, you need to refrain from consuming foods and drinks that can stain the enamel (tea, cola), as well as smoking for several hours.


Why choose belle teeth whitening? Maybe Magic White whitening is better? Because the system has a peculiarity. It's all about the gel. The belle gel used differs from other products in that it contains:

  • bleaching component (hydrogen peroxide);
  • special antiseptic (zinc sulfate);
  • a substance that moisturizes;
  • special components that expand the dentinal tubules and allow the substance to penetrate as deeply as possible into the dentin layer;
  • peppermint oil, which has a deodorizing and anti-inflammatory effect.

If you have increased tooth sensitivity, it will go away within 1-3 days. To alleviate the condition, do not eat cold or hot food (drinks).

Saving the result

To extend the duration of whitening, dentists strongly recommend:

  • Avoid taking coloring products: coffee, tea and others.
  • Try not to smoke.
  • Clean your mouth with professional pastes.

In this case, the effect of whitening using the belle method will last two years.

For 48 hours after whitening, you should not drink or eat: red wine, berries, fruit sauces, soy sauce, tomato sauces, tomatoes, cola and, of course, coffee and tea.

Description of the method

Laser whitening allows you to keep your teeth white and healthy for a long time. During the procedure, the doctor applies a gel to the surface of the teeth, which is then activated using a laser. The laser acts so that the gel breaks down into active particles. A chemical reaction occurs: active oxygen is released. Its atoms penetrate deeply into tooth enamel and dentin, removing pigments accumulated there. Pigments accumulate in the cracks of the enamel and give it a yellow tint. The depth of their penetration does not allow them to be removed at home. The laser promotes the rapid penetration of oxygen atoms into the dental tissue.

Thus, laser whitening uses two main components - a special gel based on hydrogen peroxide (contains active oxygen) and laser radiation (a process catalyst).

The duration of the procedure is approximately 30-45 minutes. In one session, tooth enamel brightens by 7-10 tones. The safety of laser whitening has been clinically proven and verified through various medical studies.

In some cases, the effect can be lightening by 4-5 tones, depending on the initial condition of the teeth. Sometimes a repeat session is required after a certain period of time (it is determined by the attending physician).


Veronica, Moscow, 27 years old

I recently had belle whitening done at a clinic in our area. The result is very noticeable. The teeth are snow-white. My oral cavity was healthy, so I did not undergo any preliminary measures. I came across a very delicate and attentive doctor who explained the whole process and gave reviews of other clients about belle whitening. Now I agree with them all. In addition, I try to follow the dentist’s advice: I don’t smoke and don’t drink coffee. I want to stay with that smile longer. Today there are more whitening products on my bathroom shelf than before.

Konstantin, Yaroslavl, 35 years old

I was a heavy smoker for many years. Smoked more than one pack a day. I recently quit (my health failed). I noticed that my teeth were too yellow. Probably, those around him also turned their attention to this. On the advice of my wife, I decided to have whitening done. Although I am a man, the painlessness of the process was important to me. I decided on the belle method. I rarely visited the dentist, so my mouth needed a lot of treatment. But all this is over. Only one day was spent on the whitening procedure. Of course, after my yellow teeth, the effect is simply very noticeable. It seems to me that I look younger and look more respectable. After looking at me, my sister decided to undergo whitening. She is also a heavy smoker.

Ekaterina, St. Petersburg, 37 years old

I often resorted to home whitening. It was a pity to spend money on visiting the clinic. She prescribed and applied various means, used improvised devices and recipes of the populists. It's not the same. Whitening with the belle method proved this to me. To be honest, I’m tired of the constant whitening procedures I carry out regularly. I decided that it was better to spend the money and enjoy white teeth for a long time. I spent a very long time choosing a clinic in our city, then I wanted to see a good specialist. And now, hurray, everything worked out. My teeth actually look better today than after home whitening. It seems to me that I spent very little time in the doctor’s chair. The dentist quickly cleaned them, smeared them with something (as I now understand with a special product), shined a light on them and sent them home. I expected the whitening process to take longer. I didn’t experience any pain at all (which I’m glad about). They say that the whitening effect lasts for about two years. I will no longer resort to home whitening. By then I’ll save up some money and go ahead to a proven dentistry for a radiant smile.

Svetlana, Orenburg, 26 years old

I have sensitive teeth and gums. My enamel has always wanted more whiteness. Unfortunately, I rarely brush my teeth. It's easier for me to pay to have something done to me. This is my second time bleaching Belle. I like the result. After the procedure I experience discomfort and sensitivity, but it goes away within a few days (I take painkillers). It is impossible to maintain the original whiteness for a long time. But they are whiter than before.

Oksana, Moscow, 30 years old

I am against any bleaching, including belle. My friend whitened her teeth using this method. I paid a lot, the effect did not last even a year. It seems to me that lightening with a lamp and strong chemicals damage the natural enamel of teeth. Therefore, throughout my adult life I have been trying to eat less sweets, eat less colored food and clean my mouth regularly. Of course, my teeth are not as white as my friend’s. But they definitely don’t have a strong yellowness and homeliness.

Evgeniya, Moscow, 35 years old

My brother is an experienced dentist. He explained to me that bleaching is not a very useful procedure. But in modern times, technology is moving forward. And the compounds used to improve whiteness are not so harmful. Belle is a method that has already proven itself and is used in many clinics. Brother is against bleaching with soda and activated carbon. He says that you can ruin the enamel. The whiteness of teeth depends on the individual characteristics of the enamel and the person’s dental care. The intense whiteness that many people want on their teeth can lead to unpleasant pain. Therefore, as a doctor, he always explains this to his clients.

Sofia, Perm, 40 years old

I tried the belle method on myself. The result is not bad. The only thing I have is one nuance: I have a stain on my front tooth from a filling and it has not whitened. In my heart I blame the doctor who performed the procedure and did not warn me about this possible effect. If I had known this in advance, I might have refused the procedure. Today I would walk around with an even, yellowish color. I really don't like this prominent stain. And of course the teeth are white. The procedure itself is quick. I don't like hospitals, especially the dentist. The short time I spent on whitening made me happy.

Irina, 32 years old, Moscow

I've never whitened my teeth. I believe that under the influence of the lamp and the active substance, fluoride disappears from the teeth. And they become fragile. I like a white smile, but the risk seems too great. If I still decide to undergo such a procedure, I will try to extract all the nuances from the doctor. Even a small percentage of contraindications will push me to refuse the procedure.

Sources used:

  • Diagnostic reference book for dentist / Lutskaya Irina. — M.: Medical literature
  • Haywood, Van & Houck, V. M. & Heymann, H. O. (1991). Nightguard vital bleaching: Effects of various solutions on enamel surface texture and color.
  • Modern technologies for dental restoration / L.A. Lobovkina, A.M. Romanov. — M.: MEDpress-inform

Air Flow

This cleaning method is used to remove soft dental plaque, as well as pigmentation, including smoker’s plaque. The Air Flow device works using the sandblasting method; only powders that are safe for tooth enamel are used as an abrasive, the crystals of which cannot damage the tooth surface. The abrasive is applied to the enamel along with a stream of water using a powerful air jet. The procedure is painless, after which the tooth enamel is treated with a specialized fluoridating substance and also polished.

Daytime home teeth whitening

For people who are not willing to experience some discomfort from wearing aligners at night, there is a daytime teeth whitening program. The main parameters of this procedure are very similar to the program described above. The main difference between daytime teeth whitening is the schedule of procedures. Daytime wearing of aligners is shorter - an hour on the upper jaw and an hour on the lower jaw. Another condition is a feeling of pressure on your teeth. This is a guarantee of active penetration of the drug into the tooth enamel, and, as a result, the key to the high efficiency of the whitening procedure.

Laser whitening: benefits

This whitening technology is currently the market leader in dental services. This is due to the important advantages of laser whitening :

  • the technique preserves the chemical composition of tooth enamel;
  • the procedure is performed quickly and painlessly;
  • tooth sensitivity does not increase;
  • no anesthesia required;
  • the tooth surface becomes lighter;
  • perfectly brightens the tooth enamel of smokers;
  • laser radiation has a bactericidal effect;
  • long-term preservation of aesthetic effect.

The concentration of the active gel is selected individually, the doctor controls the duration of the procedure, so the effect is safe and does not cause discomfort. Laser whitening, the price of which is justified by the results, is a leader among other methods.

Laser technologies save the patient’s time; the most resistant pigments can be dealt with in 30-40 minutes.

Types of laser whitening

The procedure is carried out in two main ways (depending on the equipment of the dental clinic and the recommendations of the dental hygienist):

  • using a diode laser (photochemical whitening), has blue light radiation, a more budget option;
  • using KTP (neodymium laser), has green radiation and an anatomically shaped attachment, a more expensive and effective option.

As a result of gentle exposure, demineralization of teeth does not occur. The average period for keeping teeth white is 5 years (depending on individual characteristics and the type of bleaching, it can vary up or down).

Teeth whitening using a KTP laser allows for true photo-whitening. It provides brighter teeth shades. This allows you to remove stubborn, intense deposits that are resistant to other methods of exposure.

Overnight home teeth whitening

One of the most effective complexes for obtaining white teeth at home is considered to be night whitening. This set of procedures requires the patient’s willingness to spend several nights in a row with a specially made mouth guard in which the gel is placed. The aligners are put on the teeth, and within a few hours the composition of the gel “works” on the beauty of our smile.

This set of measures suggests the ability to obtain a result that is seven tones lighter than the original. Sometimes, if there are crowns or fillings, the dentist will make special arrangements before at-home overnight teeth whitening. These actions must be performed, since fillings and crowns have a structure and composition that is not affected by whitening components. Patients are also very impressed by the simplicity and bright difference between the original and resulting tooth colors.

Despite the simplicity of the process, teeth whitening at home allows you to achieve good results.

Overnight at-home teeth whitening is an effective system for maintaining the results of clinical teeth whitening.

List of foods prohibited after bleaching

The coloring pigment is found in many components of our everyday diet. Some positions should be abandoned so as not to spoil the result of the procedure. Ideally, you need to follow a “white” diet, that is, rearrange your diet in such a way as to reduce the role of coloring foods. Acceptable positions include:

  • Pasta products, bread and rolls.
  • Cereals. The grain has no pigment properties, which means it suits us.
  • Dairy products, except kefir and other fermented milk products.
  • Fish and other seafood.
  • Eggs, especially whites.
  • Light poultry or rabbit meat.
  • Light vegetables and fruits (bananas, potatoes, cauliflower, etc.).

Avoid red wine, coffee and strong tea. Spices like turmeric and curry are also not allowed. Citrus fruits and most berries should be avoided.

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