Corega glue for dentures, instructions for use

One of the main problems that people with removable dentures face is insufficiently secure fixation. Despite careful individual selection, the structure can move while chewing food, talking, or laughing. This occurs due to insufficient adherence of the inner surface of the denture to the gum.

The solution to the problem is the use of special fixing substances. Today, the range of these products is widely represented in the windows of pharmacies and supermarkets. The products are produced in the form of a cream or gel.

Television advertising promises an immediate and long-lasting effect, but the consumer has a lot of questions: what to choose and should you believe the advertising?

What kind of cream is this?

Description, what is it needed for?

Use Corega cream effectively and for preventive purposes to avoid chafing and displacement of individual elements

Corega cream from the German company Corega is presented on the pharmacological market in the form of a plastic substrate of a cement-like fraction, which, when in contact with air, acquires a dense structure.

This feature of the product ensures reliable adhesion of the removable structure to the gums.

To fix it, it is enough to apply this product into the recesses and it will be firmly fixed in the oral cavity.

Considering that the cream fills all the available space between the denture and the gums, the likelihood of even the smallest particles of food getting under it is almost completely excluded.

Using Corega cream is effective and for preventive purposes to avoid chafing, displacement of individual elements and trauma to the gums.

A fixative product for dental structures gives a person confidence, creates a feeling of comfort when using both full and partial removable structures, allowing you to smile and eat freely.

Composition and active ingredients

The effectiveness of Corega cream is ensured by such components as:

  • A bonding product for dental structures gives a person confidence and creates a feeling of comfort.

    Gantrez salts (sodium, calcium). This connection guarantees high-quality fixation of removable structures.

  • Gum arabic is a resin of natural origin, which is used as a component with adhesive properties. In addition, it enhances the activity of gantrez salt.
  • Dyes. They are necessary to create an invisible effect for the product used. The presence of a pink tint allows the cream not to stand out against the background of the gums.
  • Mineral oils , which give the cream the necessary elasticity and ensure uniform and dosed distribution over the surface.
  • Mint or menthol extract. These components are essential to create a pleasant cooling effect and maintain fresh breath throughout the day.
  • Liquid paraffin, various flavors, petrolatum. These excipients can be adjusted depending on the type of particular cream.

Release form

Corega cream is available in convenient tubes with a volume of 40 and 70 g.


It is a fixative with a rich composition.

  • Gantrez salt is intended for permanent fixation. Contains a combination of the following components - magnesium, calcium, zinc, sodium.
  • Gum arabic is a naturally occurring resin. Strengthens the fastening, fixing

    effect of salt.

  • Pink dyes. When applied to the gums, the cream completely merges with it and becomes invisible.
  • Mineral oils improve the consistency of the cream and make it elastic. Thanks to them, the product is evenly distributed and merges with the surface of the gums.
  • Mint and menthol extracts are introduced to provide a feeling of freshness and also prevent gum inflammation.

Additional components include liquid paraffin, petrolatum, flavorings, silicon, gum.

Instructions for use of Corega gel

Before applying Corega cream, it is first advisable to clarify with what types of dentures it can be used. This retainer works best with nylon inserts and plastic dentures.

In order for the effect of the Corega gel to meet all expectations and demonstrate its adhesive qualities, you need to know the rules for its use. It is also advisable to coordinate its use with the dentist - orthopedist who was involved in prosthetics.


Correctly gluing the Korega prosthesis is necessary as follows:

  1. If there is excess cream that has squeezed out on the sides of the dentures, then it must be removed

    The orthopedic structure on which the product will be applied must be clean and dry. To effectively clean the dentures, the manufacturer has provided appropriate tablets for deeper cleansing and removal of pathogenic microorganisms, which need to be dissolved in a container of water and the removable elements placed there.

  2. In a small volume, you need to apply the cream in the form of strips up to 6 mm long on the insert elements, but not too close to its edges. The application diagram is shown on the packaging. The best option is to place the cream in the recesses of the removable elements. For upper dentures, it can be applied to the protruding areas that are attached to the roof of the mouth. When you first use it, you need to make a minimum number of strips, and depending on your personal feelings, you can increase or decrease them. The main thing is that when using Corega cream and inserts there is no feeling of discomfort in the oral cavity.
  3. After preparing the dentures, it is recommended to rinse the mouth with clean water to create conditions for better fixation of the dentures.
  4. Once the insert elements are correctly installed in specific places, they need to be pressed well for a few seconds.
  5. If there is excess cream that has squeezed out on the sides of the dentures, then it must be removed with an oiled napkin.
  6. Upon completion of all procedures, the tube with cream should be tightly closed. The fixing cream for insert elements should be stored out of the reach of children and at room temperature.

For information! When applying the ointment to the insert structures, it is important to ensure that moisture does not get into the tube. When interacting with water, the product loses its adhesive properties.

Instructions for using glue on the packaging


Removal procedure:

  1. Rinse your mouth with warm, clean water.
  2. Using soft and gentle rocking movements, remove the removable elements from the gums.
  3. Clean the surface of the insert structures from any remaining cream and food using a soft-bristled brush and warm water; if necessary, use cleaning aids.

How often and for how long can I use it?

Corega cream can be used once throughout the day. One tube with a volume of 40 g is designed for 21 days; if the consumption during this time is slightly higher, this indicates the need to adjust the insert design.

Using soft and gentle rocking movements, remove the removable elements from the gums.

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Precautionary measures

When using Corega cream, it is advisable to follow certain rules of use in order to avoid negative consequences for the body.

Among which:

  • Applying the product to insert structures is allowed only outside the oral cavity; using it in the mouth is strictly prohibited.
  • You should be careful not to swallow the cream.
  • Do not use the product after its expiration date.
  • To maintain the fixing qualities of the cream, the tube should always be tightly closed.
  • Hands must be completely dry during application.
  • It is not advisable to wash the cap so that excess moisture does not get inside the tube.


In the ranking of fixing agents used to secure removable dentures, Corega cream occupies a high position. Many patients who are planning to use this remedy will be interested in hearing from those who have already had similar experience.

If you have had experience using this cream, you can share it in the comments to this article.

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Corega tablets for high-quality cleaning of dentures


The table provides a description and cost of each type:

Name of fixing agentDescriptionHow much does it cost (price/volume)
Extra strong mintThe pharmacological product contains active ingredients in double concentration, which makes it possible to make the fixation of temporary dentures as reliable as possible. Thanks to mint extract, it maintains fresh breath in the mouth and softens gag reflexes in those who feel them when using orthopedic structures. 223 rub.
(40 ml) 332 rub. (70 ml)
Refreshing tasteThe main distinguishing feature of this product is the absence of zinc in its composition. Considering that this microelement enters the human body when consuming foods, the likelihood of its accumulation is reduced to zero. In case of excess zinc, a person experiences a feeling of trembling and numbness in different parts of the body. Due to the auxiliary ingredient - mint flavor - the paste has a fresh taste. 250 rub. (40 ml)
Neutral tasteThe product is made exclusively on the basis of active substances that ensure reliable fastening of insert structures, without the use of zinc or fragrances.224 rub. (40 ml)


Among the non-medicinal product range of pharmacies, you can find 3 types of fixatives called Corega from the manufacturer GlaxoSmithKline. In fact, their feature is considered to be additional components that change taste.


This type of cream is ideal for people with hypersensitivity to food colorings, flavor enhancers and aroma. While eating food, a person fully feels its taste, which allows him to enjoy the process.

The cream does not have a persistent pungent odor and eliminates discomfort during use.

In pharmacies, the product is presented in an aluminum tube with a volume of 40 ml. The soft aluminum tube for storing the cream is equipped with a pointed, flat-shaped cap, thanks to which the product is economically and accurately applied to the surface of the prosthesis. You can buy a neutral taste for 230-270 rubles.

When using for the first time, take a small amount of the product, otherwise it will protrude along the edges of the structure.

Further, the dose can be adjusted depending on the specific situation, for example, if long-term fixation is required, the number of dotted applications on the surface can be increased.

Extra strong. Mint

This type of fixative contains mint extract, which gives freshness to your breath.
Overdentures often cause a gag reflex during installation or removal, and the presence of mint helps eliminate this. However, despite its usefulness, mint contains a large amount of menthol, an excess of which causes allergic reactions in many.

The cream provides reliable hold throughout the day. Presented by the manufacturer in a 40 ml metal tube. The cost of the product in pharmacies across the country varies between 220 rubles.


This variety of cream has a faint, subtle mint flavor.
Menthol freshens breath and relieves inflammation in the oral cavity. This product is suitable for lovers of a weak mint taste with a pleasant refreshing smell. The release form of the product is identical to the above varieties.

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One spot application on the inner surface of the structure is enough for reliable bonding with the gum tissue for the whole day. It is important to follow the recommendations in the instructions. You can buy fixing paste for 250 rubles.

To ensure that the cream comes out of the tube freely, it is important to store it correctly. Recommended air temperature is 18-20 C⁰.

Contraindications and side effects

To prevent negative consequences for the body, it is recommended to test the cream first

Considering that you can purchase this product for fixing insert structures without a doctor’s prescription, before use you should familiarize yourself with its composition and method of application in more detail.

The only contraindication for applying the product to dentures is excessive sensitivity to one of the components.

To prevent negative consequences for the body, it is recommended to first test the cream on a small area of ​​the oral mucosa and observe possible manifestations.

If you neglect the recommendations prescribed in the instructions, the following may occur:

  • gastrointestinal disorders;
  • attacks of nausea and vomiting;
  • general malaise;
  • allergic reactions;
  • When used simultaneously with a zinc-containing agent, there is a high probability of intoxication in the form of nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, loose stools, and dizziness.

Is the cream harmful to the body?

Many buyers are interested in whether Corega cream is harmful. This fixative does not pose any serious threat to the human body, even if accidentally ingested. It can be used by pregnant and lactating women.

Tablets for cleaning dentures

To care for orthopedic solutions, many people use an ordinary toothbrush and toothpaste. However, most products used for cleaning teeth contain abrasive substances that can damage the denture and gradually render it unusable. In this case, the best option would be to use special tablets. According to the instructions, even a short treatment of the product using this product ensures up to 99% disinfection of the prosthesis. The solution successfully copes with age spots, plaque and dental deposits.

Denture cleaning tablets

After becoming acquainted with this drug, many begin to ask the question of what could happen if they accidentally take a Corega tablet. This drug is not intended for oral administration, and therefore such an oversight may be followed by corresponding signs of poisoning, such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and headache. If such symptoms develop, you should rinse your stomach and seek professional medical help.

Analogues and prices

Among the main analogues of Corega cream are:

  1. Lakalut. This is a fairly effective remedy, but hot food and drink can significantly weaken its adhesive property, which will lead to the insertion element coming off.
  2. Protefex . This is a hypoallergenic product that contains a minimal amount of fragrances that cause redness and a burning sensation in the mouth. Unlike Corega, it must be applied to a damp removable structure. The downside of the cream is its impractical dispenser and the need to store the tube only in a vertical position. Price 180 rub.
  3. Fittydent. The product is very popular, but it is not suitable for people complaining of tooth sensitivity; it can cause burning or tingling at the place where the denture is attached. The advantages include strong fixation, lack of pronounced taste and traces of the cream. Price 128 rub.
  4. Forest balm. The base of the fixative is chamomile and rosehip oil. When used, comfortable conditions for eating food are created, removable structures are securely kept in place. In addition, the tube has a very thin spout, which makes application easy. Price 140 rub.
  5. Rocs. Swiss cream without zinc, after spreading on the surface, creates a tight seal and prevents food particles from passing under the insert structures. The product helps create pleasant fresh breath throughout the day and its adhesive properties do not weaken even when eating hot foods. Price 114 rub.



Forest balm



approximate cost

The average cost of Corega cream is 250 rubles per tube . The price may vary depending on the region where the drug is sold.

The range of drugs for fixing dentures is not limited to products from StaffordMiller. There are analogues of this drug on the pharmaceutical market, some of which can be purchased at a more favorable price.

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