Swelling and other complications after contouring

Lip augmentation allows you to make them attractive and beautiful. Additionally, you can correct asymmetry, restore contour and even somewhat rejuvenate your face. Typically, injection methods are used for lip augmentation. They are safe and are not associated with excessive injury. However, they still involve intervention in the human body. Therefore, the final result largely depends on post-injection care. If you strictly follow the recommendations, you can significantly speed up the process and also minimize the likelihood of side effects.

Recommendations before the lip contouring procedure

It is better to start preparing before the procedure. The further speed of healing largely depends on this. First of all, you need to make sure there are no contraindications. You can clarify their list during the initial consultation. You should pay attention to the presence of damage in the area of ​​upcoming injections, as well as the presence of herpes. It is recommended to refuse the procedure in case of exacerbation of chronic diseases, infections, etc. Particular attention should be paid to the presence of herpes.

After examining and consulting the patient, the doctor may prescribe antiviral drugs. This is due to the fact that intervention can provoke a recurrence of infections. But starting to take them on your own without first consulting a specialist is highly discouraged. Additionally, before the procedure you should not take blood thinners. They increase the likelihood of bleeding.

The method cannot be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Additionally, drinking alcohol before lip augmentation is prohibited. This increases the likelihood of swelling and bruising. Sports activities and visiting the solarium are also prohibited. If you follow the recommendations correctly, you can significantly reduce the risk of complications.

Prevention of bruises

To prevent bruises from appearing after lip augmentation, you need to follow preventive measures :

  • Medicines. A week before lip augmentation, you need to stop taking medications that thin the blood. For example, Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac or other drugs with similar active substances;
  • Nutrition. You should also exclude from your diet foods that increase blood clotting. It is better not to eat animal fats (butter, cream, etc.), buckwheat porridge, bananas, mangoes, sweets and other foods containing vitamin E;
  • Alcohol. 4-5 days before the procedure and 2 weeks after, drinking alcoholic beverages is prohibited. Alcohol increases blood pressure, dilates blood vessels, and causes bruising. It is especially important to abstain from alcohol after the injection. Alcohol dries out lips, retains fluid in the body, and infection can get into the internal tissues, causing inflammation;
  • Smoking. Smoking is highly discouraged for the first 24 hours after the procedure. Smoking makes your lips very dry. By putting a cigarette to your lips, you can introduce an infection under the skin;
  • Menstrual cycle. You should not carry out the procedure during menstruation, or a couple of days before it. At this time, the body is most susceptible to external influences and there is a high probability of inflammation;
  • Time. The procedure cannot be carried out in a hurry. It’s better to come to the master a little early and have time to catch your breath and relax after walking. Also, while waiting, you can apply ice to your lips, this will slightly narrow the blood vessels and reduce the risk of bruising.

During rehabilitation, it is necessary to provide increased protection and care for the skin . To moisturize, it is recommended to use lip balms, creams and masks.

It is important that the chosen products are made from natural ingredients. It is recommended to make nourishing lip masks. You can buy them at the store or prepare them yourself. You can add honey, chicken yolk, essential oils, juice or fruit pulp to homemade masks.

In the first eight hours after lip augmentation, it is not recommended to take a horizontal position.

This can cause increased blood flow to the lips, which leads to vascular injury. During the rehabilitation period, you need to choose the right sleeping position. It is forbidden to sleep on your stomach face down, as this can lead to filler migration and distortion of the lip shape.

Until the bruises are completely healed, thermal effects on the body must be excluded. Taking a hot bath, visiting saunas and steam baths, solarium and tanning in the scorching sun will have to be postponed until the bruises heal.

The procedure has a number of contraindications in which lips cannot be enlarged. These include:

  • Pregnancy. It is forbidden for pregnant women and nursing mothers to have their lips enlarged;
  • Poor condition of lips. If there are wounds, cracks or herpes on the skin, then after the procedure you are guaranteed to develop hematomas and other serious complications. Before enlargement, the skin must be in perfect condition.

If you follow all the recommendations before and after lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid, you will ensure beautiful, plump lips without complications.

When preparing the material, consultation was carried out by:

Olga Kirilova (cosmetologist). A specialist with higher medical education and extensive work experience. Helped hundreds of patients cope with various skin problems. Conducts non-hardware and hardware procedures. Proficient in laser and phototherapy techniques.

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Recommendations after lip augmentation

When the procedure is completed, the main period of care begins. Initially, severe redness and swelling may appear. The process is considered natural. Over time, such phenomena disappear.

Injection marks may also be visible. They are especially pronounced in the first two days. Then the swelling and inflammation go away. Lips acquire the desired shape.

There is no need for long-term rehabilitation after lip augmentation using injections. However, it is necessary to understand that the sensitivity of the skin in the affected area will increase. Therefore, it is highly recommended not to touch or rub it in the first few days. Additionally, massage is prohibited. If the patient is hypersensitive, an anesthetic ointment can be used. The doctor will prescribe a suitable drug.

You can massage the lip area only 4 weeks after the injections, unless the cosmetologist says otherwise. In this case, exposure is permissible only after the swelling has subsided. To speed up healing, you can use Panthenol. Additionally, the following recommendations must be observed:

  1. during the first week it is better not to use decorative cosmetics;
  2. you must stop drinking alcohol;
  3. on the first day, the consumption of hot foods is prohibited;
  4. until the lips have healed, it is better not to smoke;
  5. During the recovery period, you cannot do permanent makeup or use peeling.

Excessive physical activity is prohibited. They can be resumed after 7 days if the patient feels well. Despite the fact that the lips themselves are not involved during physical activity, the temperature rises. This can slow down the healing process. Additionally, sunbathing and tanning in a solarium are prohibited. Sauna and steaming procedures are generally prohibited. It is better not to swim in the pool or sea temporarily, as this can lead to allergies or irritation, as well as infections.

Causes of bruises

A hematoma (bruise) is an accumulation of blood in a limited space due to closed or open injuries. In this case, a cavity is formed in the tissues, which contains liquid or coagulated blood.

Lips are one of the most sensitive parts of our body. The entry of a foreign body into soft tissue triggers natural processes in the body aimed at rejecting everything unnecessary in the body.

The appearance of slight bruising and swelling after the injection is a normal reaction of the body. When the needle penetrates the soft tissue, blood vessels are damaged and capillaries rupture. The released blood fills the space between the cells, causing the skin tone on the damaged area of ​​the lips to change.

Bruises after lip augmentation
The appearance of bruises is also affected by the use of anesthetics .

An anesthetic is a special chemical compound that temporarily reduces or eliminates sensitivity in general or in a specific area. Before the lip augmentation procedure, a local anesthetic is applied in the form of a gel or cream, which is applied to the surface of the lips. The painkiller dilates blood vessels. When the filler fills the subcutaneous space, it compresses the dilated blood vessels, thereby causing bruising.

If a large vessel was hit during the injection, this guarantees the appearance of a bruise. If an injection was made during rehabilitation, then over time the bruise may only increase. It can turn into a large hematoma, which will require you to see a doctor.

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