Why was falimint discontinued, what to replace it with, cheaper analogues

Directions for use and dosage

The manufacturer's instructions for the drug indicate a maximum duration of use of 5 days
. Exceeding the recommended duration is fraught with consequences. The patient may show signs of an allergy to the components of the drug, and addiction will form.

The necessary therapeutic effect will be completely absent with subsequent uses of the drug Falimint. There are peculiarities when using dragees. To achieve a therapeutic effect, you should not consume food or liquid of any kind during resorption and immediately after it.

For adults

The maximum permissible daily intake for an adult is 250 mg. It corresponds to 10 tablets. During one dose, the patient can dissolve 1-2 tablets. It is permissible to repeat the procedure 3-5 times throughout the day. The dragee is not chewed or swallowed; it is held behind the cheek or under the tongue, waiting for gradual dissolution.

For children

Due to the lack of medical observations about the effect of the drug on children under 5 years of age, Falimint tablets are prescribed to school-age children. The daily dose for a child is 75 mg. It corresponds to 3 tablets. Children should dissolve 1 tablet 3 times a day.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

Cough and sore throat are common during pregnancy. The immune system of expectant mothers is weakened. Self-medication during this period is especially dangerous. The expectant mother is responsible for the health of the unborn child.

Application Guide

The dosage is prescribed only by the attending physician according to the indications and the form of the disease. Falimint should be dissolved slowly in the mouth, without drinking water. Doctors prescribe his appointment:

  • if there is a painful sensation in the throat that makes it difficult to swallow, redness;
  • there is a characteristic dry cough without sputum production;
  • with tension in the vocal cords;
  • a sore throat provokes a debilitating cough;
  • the respiratory organs became inflamed.

The product helps well with sore throat due to the fact that it has the effect of local anesthesia and soothes the tonsils. It has an effect on the infected throat area and can relieve pain. With properly selected complex treatment, its use is advisable for diseases of the tonsils.

When using the drug, precautions must be taken. You should not take it for a long time due to the possible occurrence of an allergic reaction.

It is recommended to replace Falimint with other medications. It is not advisable to eat or drink immediately after taking the pills. The duration of use should not exceed more than seven days.

The doctor does not prescribe this drug to a child, since its effect on a growing young body has not been fully studied, and how it interacts with other medications is still unknown.

Question answer

Question No. 1. Which analogue of Falimint is better than others?

All drugs presented in the article can be an equivalent replacement. Regarding the choice of analogue, you should consult a doctor. The specialist will take into account individual characteristics, age, and severity of the disease, which will reduce the risk of developing possible complications of therapy and speed up recovery.

Question No. 2. How to use lozenges/lozenges in the mouth?

Resorption medications must be taken according to the schedule and in dosages recommended by the doctor. Tablets and lozenges have a pleasant taste, but do not forget that these are medicines. An overdose can cause intoxication of the body. After resorption of the drug, you should refrain from eating and drinking for an hour. Otherwise, the treatment will be ineffective.

Question No. 3. How to use throat spray?

Before irrigation, it is necessary to rinse the pharynx. Then make 1-2 injections towards the right and left tonsils. Within 5-7 minutes after using the spray, you should refrain from swallowing saliva, and do not eat or drink for half an hour. The dosage and regimen are prescribed by the attending physician.


Description current as of 09/11/2016

  • Latin name: Falimint
  • ATX code: R02AA20
  • Active ingredient: Acetylaminonitropropoxybenzene (Acetylaminonitropropoxybenzene)
  • Manufacturer: Berlin-Pharma CJSC (Russia)


Each tablet contains 25 mg of acetylaminonitropropoxybenzene and auxiliary ingredients: sucrose, gelatin, talc, solid fat, copovidone, magnesium stearate, colloidal silicon dioxide.

The shell with which the tablet is coated includes the following substances: sucrose, glucose syrup, talc, 30% simethicone emulsion, solid and liquid paraffin.

Release form

Available in the form of round, biconvex, film-coated tablets. Characterized by a smooth surface of almost white color. The tablets are placed in blisters of 20 pieces, each blister is placed in a separate cardboard box.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


The active ingredient Falimint is an aromatic nitro compound.

The effect of the drug is similar to the effect of menthol:

  • there is a feeling of pleasant coolness in the mouth and throat;
  • no dryness or numbness occurs;
  • breathing becomes easier immediately;
  • reflex cough stops;
  • mucus thins;
  • pain is alleviated;
  • the inflammatory process decreases;
  • if there was a urge to vomit during medical manipulations in the oral cavity, they are suppressed.


After oral administration, Falimint is quickly absorbed. The maximum concentration of unchanged drug in plasma is achieved after 30-60 minutes.

It is excreted from the body in the form of metabolites in the urine. The maximum concentration of the altered drug in the urine is observed 2 hours after taking the tablets.

Indications for use

What Falimint tablets help with:

  • diseases of the respiratory system, in which a pronounced inflammatory process is observed, in particular, tablets are taken for pharyngitis, laryngitis and tonsillitis;
  • inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, for example, stomatitis or gingivitis;
  • non-productive, dry reflex cough;
  • pronounced gag reflex during medical manipulations in the mouth and pharynx.

In most cases, in the treatment of inflammatory diseases it is used as an adjuvant.

Side effects

Undesirable effects caused by Falimint throat tablets:

If such symptoms appear, you should stop taking the pills and consult your doctor.

Instructions for use of Falimint (Method and dosage)

The tablets should dissolve in the mouth. Take one tablet, no more than 10 tablets per day.

The medicine can only be used for a few days. The duration of the course is individual and should be selected by the attending physician. But if during this time the disease has not gone away, there is no need to extend the course, it is better to choose another drug.

Instructions for the use of Falimint for children have not been developed, since there is not enough information regarding the effectiveness and safety of using the medicine to treat children.


There are no reports of cases of intoxication after an overdose of Falimint.

When taking a large number of tablets, vomiting is possible.


No interactions with other medications were observed. But if you are taking any medicine, tell your doctor if he prescribes Falimint.

special instructions

When treating with Falimint, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • it is necessary to stop taking the medication if signs of a skin allergic reaction appear;
  • patients with diabetes should remember that the medicine contains a certain amount of sugar (1 tablet – 0.03 bread units);
  • Tablets should not be taken by persons with congenital intolerance to glucose or fructose, with glucose-galactose malabsorption or sucrose-isomaltose deficiency;
  • You should not take the medicine for more than a few days.

Reviews of Falimint show that it is effective for sore throats, for which the medicine is prescribed. The effect occurs quickly for almost everyone.

But there are also disadvantages: the symptoms are relieved, but the therapeutic effect is very weak, side effects often appear and the price is quite high.

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"FALIMINT": composition

  • The therapeutic effect is provided by the active substance of the tablets with a complex name: acetylaminonitropropoxybenzene. It is a benzene derivative to which acetyl and nitrate groups were added during synthesis. Its original properties have been changed. Each pellet of the medicine contains 25 mg.
  • Additional components are added both to the main substance (to increase the mass of the dragee) and to its shell. Inside the drug contains: sucrose, gelatin, solid fat, talc, copovidone, colloidal silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate. The listed substances, except for copovidone, are intact and do not react with acetylaminonitropropoxybenzene. They are harmless to humans and have no therapeutic effect. Copovidone is part of detoxification drugs and blood substitutes. It helps remove waste products from bacteria from the body, cleanse the blood of antigens, etc.
  • The shell of the dragee is made from substances that are more often used by cooks, not pharmacologists. It contains: sucrose, glucose syrup. Liquid and solid paraffin help give the drug a dragee shape. 30% simethicone emulsion was added as an antifoam.

Using the listed components, round white lozenges for resorption with a smooth surface are formed. Packs 20 pieces per package and is recommended to be stored at room temperature.

Contraindications for which the use of tablets is prohibited

What do doctors' reviews say about the drug Falimint? Doctors report that this drug, like any other drug, has its contraindications. Don’t think that “Falimint” is a candy that helps freshen and make breathing easier. The medicine is a real medicine. The following situations are contraindications to the use of the composition:

  • the period of bearing a child (throughout the entire period);
  • lactation (if treatment is necessary, the issue of its termination is decided);
  • the presence of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • childhood.

The medicine should be used with particular caution by people with diabetes mellitus and patients with various kidney pathologies

Falimint's analogs

The drug has no substitutes with the same ingredient composition, but many other tablets, lozenges and lozenges with antiseptics are sold. They are also indicated for pharyngitis, laryngitis, and diseases of the oral cavity:

  • Adjisept - tablets with dichlorobenzyl alcohol and amylmetacresol. They are produced in India, cost from 120 rubles per pack of 24 pieces, and have different tastes. Pregnant and lactating women are not contraindicated; children are allowed from the age of five.
  • Faringosept is a tableted Romanian drug based on ambazone. The indications are the same as Falimint; it is approved for use by women during pregnancy and lactation; children are prescribed from 3 years of age.
  • Septolete - lozenges or tablets with levomenthol, benzalkonium chloride and essential oils. This substitute for Falimint also has an analgesic effect, in addition to antiseptic. It is not contraindicated for children (over 4 years old), pregnant women, and breastfeeding women.
  • Grammidin – contains the antiseptic cetylpyridinium chloride and the antibiotic gramicidin. There is a version of tablets with an anesthetic, as well as children's Grammidin with a reduced dosage of active ingredients. The latter can be given to a child starting from the age of four. Breastfeeding women and pregnant women are contraindicated in the first 3 months of pregnancy.
  • Lyzobact with pyridoxine and lysozyme is suitable as an analogue of Falimint for diseases of the oral cavity and catarrhal phenomena in the pharynx. It is not prescribed for children under 3 years of age; pregnancy and lactation are not contraindications.

Instead of lozenges or tablets for symptomatic therapy, the doctor may prescribe a spray or aerosol with a similar pharmacological effect, as well as rinses. Which drug to choose to replace Falimint should be decided by a specialist, taking into account contraindications and features of the pathological process.

Analogs with one active ingredient

The group of substitutes with a simple composition includes antiseptic and disinfectant preparations for topical use. Recommended for infectious and inflammatory diseases of the throat: pharyngitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis. Medicines are available in the form of aerosols and tablets for resorption in the oral cavity.


An aerosol preparation that is used to irrigate the pharynx. It has an antiseptic effect - it slows down the reproduction and vital activity of staphylococci, streptococci and corynebacteria. Hexasprey has an anti-inflammatory effect and reduces the intensity of sore throat. Relieves irritating cough due to sore throat. It is slowly absorbed by the mucous membrane, which provides a prolonged (long-lasting) effect. Prescribed from the age of 2.5 years. Manufacturer Bouchara-Recordati, France.


An antiseptic that is available in the form of a solution and throat spray. Shows activity against bacteria and fungi that cause infections of the ENT organs. Envelops the mucous membrane of the oropharynx, which prevents the irritating effect of food and has a local analgesic effect. Recommended for adults and children over 8 years old. Manufacturer: Ivex Pharmaceuticals, Czech Republic.

Isla Mint and Isla Moos

Herbal medicines that have a local antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. Isla Mint contains 100 mg of aqueous extract of Icelandic moss, Isla Moos contains 80 mg of herbal remedy. The active substance forms a film on the mucous membrane of the pharynx, which protects against irritation by food and reduces pain when swallowing.

Useful information: Falimint tablets - instructions, features of use, comparison with the drug Strepsils

The drug softens dry cough and increases the activity of the immune system, which speeds up recovery. It is used for infections of the pharynx and bronchi, and is prescribed for hoarseness in teachers, lecturers, and singers. Recommended for adults and children over 4 years old. Manufacturer Engelhard, Germany.

Method of use

Consumer reviews of the drug "Falimint" are mostly good. The instructions recommend using 1-2 tablets at a time. This dose will be 25-50 milligrams of the active substance. This volume in the annotation is recommended for use up to five times a day. However, doctors have a different approach to treatment with the described drug.

Doctors say that you can take no more than 10 tablets per day. Otherwise, we will already be talking about an overdose. Experts usually prescribe one capsule 6-8 times a day as needed. The drug must be dissolved slowly in the mouth. After this, you should refrain from eating and drinking for one hour.

Is there an analogue of the active substance (composition)?

Having figured out where Falimint disappeared, let's move on to its analogues. Previously, Falimint could be purchased in tablet form. The composition of the pills was specified in detail in the instructions for use.

Table. Composition and active ingredient of the drug

Active substance
AcetylaminonitropropoxybenzeneWhen absorbed, it cools the throat and is effective for unproductive coughs. In the complex treatment of pharyngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, it effectively relieves inflammation. Recommended before conducting research or taking impressions of dentures.
Additional components
Gelatin and solid fatFiller, thickener
TalcEmulsifier, stabilizer
CopovidonReduces the effects of toxic substances
Colloidal silicon dioxideEmulsifier
Magnesium stearatePreservative

Surprisingly, an analogue of Falimint based on the active substance cannot be found in pharmacies. This is the only product that contains acetylaminonitropropoxybenzene. Perhaps Falimint has been discontinued, which means it is necessary to look for other solutions.

Where did Falimint disappear from pharmacies?

This drug is of German origin. For a long time, its manufacturer was listed as being located in Germany. Then, at the German factory, Falimint was discontinued for Russia, due to the transfer of capacity to the country. Since that time, the drug has been produced. The question of where Falimint disappeared from pharmacies became acute at the beginning of 2022. It was from this time that it became impossible to find the product in pharmacies.

Reliable information about where Falimint disappeared is quite difficult to find. Even by calling the hotline, the manufacturer does not provide information about the current situation, saying that this is a corporate secret.

There are the following hypotheses about where Falimint disappeared:

  1. The drug has been discontinued. Why was Falimint discontinued? Perhaps the company simply refused to further release the drug for its own reasons.
  2. The product is undergoing re-registration. Drugs in Russia can only be sold after registration. If the manufacturer changes the composition of the product or its dosage form, the registration procedure must be repeated. Most pharmacists, answering the question of why Falimint disappeared from pharmacies, are inclined to this option.
  3. The manufacturer creates an artificial hype. Where did Falimint go? There are opinions that the drug is not being supplied on purpose in order to increase demand. However, this point of view is quite doubtful. In addition, the interruption in the sale of the drug is already quite significant.

Instructions for using dragees: method and dosage

Falimint is taken as prescribed by the doctor or in the dosage suggested by the instructions for use. According to the manufacturer's recommendations, adults should take 25-50 mg 3 to 5 times a day. The daily maximum is no more than 10 tablets.

The tablets are dissolved at regular intervals. After taking the drug, you should refrain from eating, drinking, rinsing your mouth and throat for half an hour to an hour. The duration of the treatment course is on average 5 days. The possibility of extending the treatment period or re-appointment is determined by the attending doctor.

A single dosage of medicine for children is 3 tablets per day with equal intervals between doses. If there is no improvement in the condition within 5 days, then you need to contact your pediatrician to clarify the further treatment regimen and diagnosis.

Falimint for children

The drug can be given to children only after they reach 5 years of age. This is explained by the fact that the properties of the active substance of the pill when used in young children have been little studied, and it is unknown how it will affect their well-being.

Secondly, you need to take into account that the pills are intended for resorption, and a small child simply does not have the skill to take such a pill, and therefore there is a high probability that he may choke on the pill. For these reasons, Falimint should be taken in the presence of adults.

Where to find Falimint

The once popular drug has recently become almost impossible to find in pharmacies. You can purchase it only at points where there are unsold stocks.

Since no one gave a clear answer to the question of where the pills disappeared, the situation gave rise to many rumors. The absence from the pharmaceutical market was explained by the fact that the drug was not registered, Falimint was discontinued, etc.

The answer from one of the company’s hotline representatives, who referred to the fact that the drug Falimint was no longer produced for internal reasons that are not made public, did not become any clearer.

It remains unclear whether the production of the drug will resume, so instead of Falimint, other drugs with a similar effect should be used.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

Use during pregnancy and lactation is prohibited, since the effect of the active substance has not been sufficiently studied and there is no complete information about its ability to influence the development of a gestating fetus or a newborn child.

Indications for use and contraindications

"Falimint" is prescribed when a patient is diagnosed with various types of inflammation - pharyngitis, tracheitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis.

If taking a medicine is aimed at treating a cough, then it is necessary to take into account the fact that only a “dry” cough (without sputum production) can be treated.

The medication is often used in preparation for various dental procedures: examination, fitting of a dental prosthetic system as a disinfectant.

All these indications and recommendations are indicated in the instructions for the drug “Falimint”.

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The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy, during lactation, people with diabetes, with individual intolerance to the components, and children under five years of age.

The analogs are the same according to the ATC level 4 code. Medicines that have different compositions, but may be similar in indications and route of administration.

Inflammatory conditions of the mouth and throat: pharyngitis. Aphthous ulcers. Gingivitis. Stomatitis. Tonsillitis. Post-tonsillectomy conditions; inflammation of the oral mucosa after radiation and chemotherapy. Surgical interventions; insufficiency of the veins of the lower extremities. Including during pregnancy;

 Hypersensitivity; for the solution - children's age (up to 12 years); for tablets - phenylketonuria.

Caution: contraindications for use!


  • Pregnancy, breastfeeding period. Falimint is strictly forbidden to be used during pregnancy. Why is this happening? After all, the tablets are designed to treat sore throat, cough, and oral diseases. Medicine explains the danger of using the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding with the following fact: Falimint has not been fully studied, and there is no required experience in using the drug during the mentioned periods of a woman’s life. For this reason, doctors do not recommend treating diseases of the throat, oral cavity and cough with this particular remedy. Moreover, nowadays there are many analogues of the drug that are safe for pregnant and lactating women.
  • Individual intolerance to the drug. Before use, it is necessary to study the composition of the medicine, make sure that it does not contain components to which hypersensitivity is possible.

Composition of the drug

The following

ATC codes match. Analogues are selected according to the chemical structure of the drug and are the most suitable substitutes. Same composition, indications for use, doses of active ingredients may differ.

Ingredients: acetylaminonitropropoxybenzene

Important! Falimint stabilizes local blood flow by constricting blood vessels and reducing the activity of pro-inflammatory compounds such as histamine and bradykinin. In addition to the active ingredient, the drug contains substances to give the tablets the appropriate shape and structure

In addition to the active ingredient, the drug contains substances to give the tablets the appropriate shape and structure.

Main auxiliary components:

  1. sucrose;
  2. paraffin;
  3. talc.

Thanks to its simple composition and pharmacokinetics, Falimint begins to act on the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract, minimizing cough, within 2-3 minutes. Patients note a pleasant feeling of cold spreading to the deep parts of the pharynx and larynx.

Active ingredients in the drug "Falimint": acetylaminonitropropoxybenzene.

The composition of the dragee includes the following components: glucose syrup, simethicone emulsion, liquid paraffin and magnesium stearate.

How does it affect the body? (Pharmacodynamics)

The medicine is prescribed when it is necessary to act on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and upper respiratory tract. As it dissolves, sensations arise similar to those left after menthol candy:

  • a feeling of pleasant coolness appears in the mouth, throat;
  • dryness, numbness, tickling disappears;
  • sore throat becomes less;
  • the dry, barking cough that occurs when the upper respiratory tract is irritated or inflamed disappears;
  • both oral and nasal breathing are facilitated;
  • gagging, which may accompany manipulations in the oral cavity, is suppressed.

The drug simultaneously has an anesthetic, anti-inflammatory and antitussive effect. It accumulates on the surface of the oral mucosa, complementing complex therapy with local action. It is recommended not only as a remedy for the treatment of colds, but also in preparation for all kinds of manipulations in the oral cavity. For example, before making dental impressions or trying on dentures.

There are no absolute contraindications to the use of falimint. If you are intolerant to one or more components that make up the pills, allergic reactions may occur. Doctors recommend using falimint with caution during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Although the active substance does not enter the blood, the effect of acetylaminonitropropoxybenzene on a pregnant woman and fetus has not been thoroughly studied.

Why was Falimint discontinued?

This response from the Russian representative office did not completely clarify the situation, but it became clear that there was no point in waiting for the drug to return to the market. However, new questions arose: for what reason was production discontinued and did Falimint pose a health threat? It is difficult to reliably answer the first one, but it is possible to analyze in detail the main characteristics of the drug.

Pharmacological action and indications

When using Falimint tablets, it eliminates dry, unproductive cough and has a mild analgesic effect. When absorbed, a feeling of coolness occurs in the mouth, while the mucous membranes do not dry out. This effect alleviates the condition of the following diseases of the oral cavity and pharynx:

  • pharyngitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • stomatitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • gingivitis.

The drug is also indicated as a prophylaxis before dental procedures and instrumental examinations.

Components of the drug

In addition to the main active ingredient - the antiseptic acetylaminonitropropoxybenzene (25 mg for each pill) - Falimint contains numerous auxiliary ingredients. These include sucrose, paraffin, copovidone, talc, glucose syrup and others. All of them are safe and do not pose a threat to the health of patients. There are no publications on the identified toxicity of acetylaminonitropropoxybenzene, so the composition of the pill cannot be a basis for a ban.

Side effects and contraindications

In this list, the manufacturer included only individual intolerance to the ingredients of the drug, since no other manifestations of negative effects on the body were noted. However, the instructions indicate that the use of Falimint by pregnant and lactating women is not recommended. This limitation is due to the fact that clinical trials of the drug have not been conducted. For the same reason, there is no data on the interaction of drugs with other drugs.

Clinical and post-marketing studies

The lack of RCTs (randomized clinical trials) is a serious drawback for any drug. However, during post-marketing observations, no negative reviews indicating toxicity were received. Patients generally assessed the effectiveness of the drug positively; life- and health-threatening situations did not arise after taking the pills.

Thus, the most likely reason for the termination of the production of Falimint is non-compliance with the requirements for the production process or complaints about the quality of raw materials from regulatory organizations.

This is interesting!

Despite the wide popularity of Falimint all over the world, not a single clinical study of the drug has been conducted. Interestingly, post-marketing observations, based on feedback from doctors and patients, did not reveal any shortcomings of the tablets or clinically significant side effects. This confirms that Falimint is an effective and relatively safe drug. It is logical to assume that discontinuation in Russia is not associated with toxic effects on the body or severe allergic reactions during therapy.


There is currently no exact analogue of Falimint containing the main active ingredient acetylaminonitropropoxybenzene, but there are a number of medications that have a similar therapeutic effect:

  • Vokasept is a combined-action antiseptic that helps eliminate coughs in case of colds of the upper respiratory tract (available in the form of syrup), and fights infections of the oral cavity and pharynx (in the form of tablets and lozenges). Contains natural medicinal additives, recommended for children from six to seven years old. The use of the drug by women bearing a child or breastfeeding is possible in case of emergency.
  • Adjisept - antiseptic lozenges with various fruit flavors for local action, used for diseases of the ENT organs. Relieves pain and irritation in the throat, reduces nasal congestion and hoarseness. This medication can be taken by children over six years of age, pregnant women and nursing mothers, after consulting with their doctor.
  • Suprima-Lor is effective both for the treatment and prevention of infections and inflammations of the oral cavity and pharynx, eliminates cough, sore throat, and nasal congestion. Fights inflammation, microbes, fungal infections. It is produced in the form of lozenges with different flavors. Children over 6 years of age are allowed to take the tablets; during pregnancy and breastfeeding, only under the supervision of a doctor.
  • Hexoral is a solution or spray with antiseptic, analgesic, antimicrobial and deodorizing properties. It is used as an additional remedy for ARVI, to prevent infections of the larynx and oral cavity. The drug is contraindicated in children under 3 years of age; pregnant and lactating women should only be prescribed by a doctor who has assessed the potential balance of benefit and harm for the mother and child.

  • Lorsept is intended for the prevention and treatment of infectious and inflammatory lesions of the oral cavity. The active substance is an antiseptic and effectively fights bacteria and microorganisms. Can be taken from 6 years of age. If you have an individual intolerance to fructose, which is formed from sorbitol, you cannot be treated with tablets.
  • Gorpils - indicated for hoarseness, laryngitis, tonsillitis. It has anti-inflammatory, antifungal and analgesic effects. It has a calming effect on the irritated mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract and oral cavity, facilitates nasal breathing, and eliminates sore throat. Observing the dosage, children from the age of five can use lozenges.
  • Strepsils - inhibits the growth of pathogenic bacteria and other microorganisms. Produced in the form of tablets and spray. Relieves pain when swallowing, has a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane. Children under 5 years of age are a contraindication. Pregnancy and lactation serve as a reason to contact your doctor to determine the advisability of using the medicine, based on the patient’s condition.

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What to replace it with?

There are no analogues of Falimint in composition, but there are products that can replace it. For their production, other active ingredients are used, but the effect is almost identical. Such drugs are called synonymous drugs.

There are the following analogues of Falimint, similar in therapeutic effect:

  1. Hexoral Tabs. The active substance is chlorhexidine dihydrochloride. Hexoral is recommended for the treatment of laryngitis, stomatitis, gingivitis and other inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity.
  2. Strepsils. The tablets come in a wide variety of flavors. Available with increased amounts of vitamin C. The Falimint substitute is effective for sore throats of an infectious or viral nature. The drug relieves only the symptoms without affecting the cause.
  3. Stopangin. Available in spray form. Widely used in ENT practice in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the mouth and throat, common in dentistry. The product is produced in the Czech Republic.

These drugs are not low in price. How to replace Falimint without overpaying for the big name of the manufacturer:

  1. Agisept. The product is a combination product because it contains two active components - amylmetacresol and 2,4-dichlorobenzyl alcohol. Adjisept is recommended for inflammatory processes localized in the oral cavity and pharynx; it effectively destroys microbes.
  2. Anti-Angin. A sore throat remedy in the form of lozenges, produced in Holland. It contains three active substances, one of which is ascorbic acid. One of the disadvantages of this remedy is that many patients complain that the lozenges did not help them.
  3. Septolete-Neo. About twice as cheap as Falimint. It has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects, but has certain contraindications.

It should be sadly noted that most of the listed drugs are less effective than the German remedy. However, if you have a sore throat and it is not possible to figure out for a long time the question of why Falimint was discontinued, then you can turn to one of these medicines.

Before you start using it, you should consult your doctor and carefully read the instructions for use. A number of medications can cause allergic reactions or are prescribed to diabetics with restrictions.

Falimint price

The cost of tablets in Moscow pharmacies varies. This is due to a number of reasons: retail margins, distributor or intermediary prices, rental costs, and time to purchase the medicine. The pharmacy markup is regulated by the state; its threshold should be no more than 20-25%.

You are a fairly active person who cares and thinks about your respiratory system and health in general, continue to play sports, lead a healthy lifestyle and your body will delight you throughout your life

But do not forget to undergo examinations on time, maintain your immunity, this is very important, do not overcool, avoid severe physical and strong emotional overload. Try to minimize contact with sick people; if forced contact, do not forget about protective equipment (mask, washing hands and face, cleaning the respiratory tract)

It's time to think about what you are doing wrong...

You are at risk, you should think about your lifestyle and start taking care of yourself. Physical education is required, or even better, start playing sports, choose the sport that you like most and turn it into a hobby (dancing, cycling, gym, or just try to walk more). Do not forget to treat colds and flu promptly, they can lead to complications in the lungs. Be sure to work on your immunity, strengthen yourself, and be in nature and fresh air as often as possible. Do not forget to undergo scheduled annual examinations; it is much easier to treat lung diseases in the initial stages than in advanced stages. Avoid emotional and physical overload; if possible, eliminate or minimize smoking or contact with smokers.

It's time to sound the alarm!

You are completely irresponsible about your health, thereby destroying the functioning of your lungs and bronchi, have pity on them! If you want to live a long time, you need to radically change your entire attitude towards your body. First of all, get examined by specialists such as a therapist and a pulmonologist; you need to take radical measures, otherwise everything may end badly for you. Follow all the doctors’ recommendations, radically change your life, perhaps you should change your job or even your place of residence, completely eliminate smoking and alcohol from your life, and reduce contact with people who have such bad habits to a minimum, toughen up, strengthen your immunity as much as possible spend more time in the fresh air. Avoid emotional and physical overload. Completely eliminate all aggressive products from everyday use and replace them with natural, natural remedies. Do not forget to do wet cleaning and ventilation of the room at home.

Falimint is a medicine that has an antiseptic effect, reduces sensitivity and relieves sore throat. Due to its high efficiency, for many the product has become an integral part of the first aid kit.

Why Falimint was discontinued, is it possible to buy it and what can be replaced with it - these are the main questions that concern adherents of the drug.

Falimint tablets

The drug is produced in the form of biconvex round-shaped tablets, coated. The tablets are packaged in blisters of 20 pieces and are produced by the famous company Berlin-Chemie AG according to strict GMP standards. The active substance acetylaminonitropropoxybenzene is an antiseptic with a refreshing and anesthetic effect that effectively copes with an irritating cough.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The tablets have antitussive, analgesic, anesthetic and antiseptic effects. They help with an unproductive, irritating cough; like menthol, they create a feeling of coolness in the mouth and throat and make breathing easier. The medicine acts gently, relieves mucus without causing dryness and numbness in the mouth. The maximum concentration of the drug is achieved in the range from 30 to 60 minutes after administration. Practically insoluble in water, the active substance is excreted in the urine in the form of intermediate metabolic products during the day.

What are Falimint tablets for?

The medicine in most cases is used as an additional remedy for diseases of the respiratory tract (tonsillitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis), accompanied by inflammation and sore throat. Indications for use are also inflammatory processes in the oral cavity (stomatitis, gingivitis), reflex dry cough. Effective for suppressing the gag reflex during medical interventions in the oral cavity and pharynx.

"FALIMINT": reviews

I had a sore throat for a long time until the pharmacist at the pharmacy advised me to replace the drug, since the bacteria had developed, as she said, resistance to the drug. She recommended Falimint from Berlin-Chemie to us. The effect came quickly (although a slight cough remained), and the daughter also appreciated the effect of the product. The dragee has a minty or even more cooling taste.

Falimint really works. The effect will be especially noticeable if the sore throat is caused by inflammation due to a cold. After several resorptions of these tablets, the result becomes noticeable. Breathing immediately becomes easier and more pleasant. I don't think it will help with serious throat problems. For such cases, there are Dorithricin tablets containing an antibiotic, but I do not recommend self-medication - it is always better to consult a doctor for advice. Be always healthy!

I purchased the product and tried it out. Overall I liked it. Falimint relieves and soothes a sore throat quite well, tastes quite pleasant, and does not cause disgust. It is also worth noting the convenient packaging. It costs average, it cannot be called expensive. Quite effective, but I took several medications to treat my throat and cough, which does not underestimate the role of Falimint in improving my well-being.

Falimint also has side effects, but I didn’t feel any of those. Since the drug still has contraindications, it is better to consult a doctor before taking it. I wish you never to get sick, and if such a misfortune happens, do not engage in self-treatment! Consult doctors!


Cases of overdose of Falimint have not been registered.

Latin name:

ATC code:
R02A A20
Active ingredient:
Berlin-Chemie/Menarini (Germany, Russian Federation)
Dispensed from the pharmacy:
Without a prescription
Storage conditions:
at temperatures up to 30°C
Shelf life:
5 l.

Falimint is an antiseptic medication with an analgesic, mild local anesthetic and antitussive effect. The therapeutic effect is achieved through suppression of the sensitivity of mucous membrane receptors in the upper parts of the respiratory system (larynx and pharynx). Thanks to this, factors of increased excitability of nerve endings that provoke the activity of the cough reflex are eliminated.

The drug does not dry out tissues and does not cause a decrease in the sensitivity of the tongue, palate or their numbness.

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