Metal-plastic crowns: when used, service life, cost


The absence of one or more teeth is a problem that can be easily solved with the help of prosthetics. But any method of restoring teeth is a very expensive and time-consuming procedure.

As an alternative method, metal-plastic crowns are often used, the cost of which is significantly lower than other options .

What are they?

A metal-plastic crown completely replicates a natural tooth in appearance and shape. The structure is a metal frame with a plastic lining.

This type of crown is used for immediate prosthetics and is installed for a short period of time , since the plastic lining does not tolerate constant mechanical stress. With their help, either one tooth or an entire group can be replaced.

Photos of metal-plastic crowns

A metal-plastic crown allows you to protect the tooth after grinding until a permanent coating is installed. In addition, a timely installed metal-plastic prosthesis prevents resorption of the alveolar bone at the site of the lost tooth.

Dentists recommend installing such coverage only for 1–3 months . But due to the low price, many insist on using crowns as a permanent structure, despite the material's susceptibility to rapid deformation.

When using metal-plastic dentures as a permanent structure, the risk of caries and periodontal diseases increases several times .

Don't know which crowns are best for your teeth? Our article will help you make the right choice.

In this publication we will talk about the purpose of the Butterfly temporary denture.

Here we will discuss how much a ceramic crown can cost per tooth

Patient reviews

The decision to save on a tooth that is “not visible” resulted in having to pay twice. It chipped quickly and lost its nice color, since I am a big coffee lover.


I don’t complain about metal-plastic and have never regretted that I didn’t covet something more expensive. It’s been standing for two years now and at least he doesn’t care. Looks good, the results of the examination at the dentist are encouraging. And this despite the fact that it cost much less and the finished tooth was made in less than a week.


Resin bridges were a bad idea.
Maybe it’s normal with one or two teeth, but I had several replaced at once, now I have to go to the doctor again. Everything started to change and my teeth felt somewhat unpleasant to the touch. Maksim

Advantages and disadvantages

Like all other prosthetic methods, metal-plastic construction has its advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages of such coverage include the following::

  • speed of installation . Dental offices often have ready-made template crowns that are installed immediately after preparing the tooth;
  • versatility _ The materials used make it easy to create both a single crown and a bridge prosthesis of a removable or fixed type;
  • ease of manufacture . If necessary, the product is manufactured in 1-2 days;
  • no trauma . Installation takes place with minimal risk of damage to the mucous membrane, therefore it is recommended for people with highly sensitive gum tissue;
  • reliability of fastening . The lightness of the plastic and the strength of the metal allow the prosthesis to fit well on the teeth.

At the moment, metal-plastic is the most budget option for prosthetics. In this case, all functions of the dentition are completely restored.

Despite all the positive aspects, such prostheses also have some disadvantages :

  • plastic cannot always convey the desired shade of natural teeth;
  • cladding tends to change its color over time under the influence of coloring products;
  • To obtain the natural color of the crowns, the plastic is applied in a thick layer. To prevent such a crown from looking too voluminous in the overall row, the tooth being restored has to be heavily ground down ;
  • The plastic coating and the metal frame have poor adhesion to each other, so chips often form under mechanical stress .

To choose the best option, we suggest using the comparative characteristics of crowns made of metal-plastic, metal-ceramics and metal-free ceramics given in this table:

CharacteristicMetal ceramicsMetal-free ceramicsMetal-plastic
Price4-15 thousand rubles.8-17 thousand rubles.3-5 thousand rubles.
Life time15 years10 yearsup to 3 years
Presence of contraindicationsNoNoYes
Restoration of one toothYesYesYes
Restoration of a group of teethYesYesYes
Possibility to change colorNoNoYes
Possibility of chippingNoNoYes
Installation for weakened gumsYesYesNo
Age restrictionsNoNoYes

Analyzing the data in the summary table, we can conclude that metal-plastic is the least quality material used in prosthetics .

In any case, only a dentist can judge the advisability of installing this product.

Structure of the prosthesis

Metal-plastic dental structures have two main parts:

  1. The support on which the bridge is installed. Typically, this is done by natural teeth that are covered with a crown. In case of their absence, implants can be used. Any support must be tested for compliance with the requirements of design, reliability and strength to high loads. In this regard, all teeth are treated before the procedure, if necessary, and then thoroughly prepared.
  2. The pontic is an artificial tooth, with the help of which the lost units are recreated. It is attached only to the supporting part, without affecting the gums.

How to treat sore gums under dentures

Soreness and swelling of the gums is a common problem, especially when wearing dentures.

Metal-plastic bridges are made from two main materials: metal used for the frame and composite plastic for the crowns. The advantage of this design is:

  • Strength.
  • Inability to injure gums.
  • Possibility of repair work without removing the structure.

How long will they last with proper care?

Low resistance to the impact of the covering material and its poor adhesion to the metal frame determine the wearing period of crowns, which often does not exceed 2 years .

According to reviews, with good care this period can be extended by 5 years, but no more. In this case, a significant change in the color of the structure and slight deformation are observed.

The minimum wearing period guaranteed by dentists is 2-3 months..

In order for metal-plastic crowns to last as long as possible, you must adhere to certain care rules :

  • Brushing your teeth should be done not 2 times a day, but every time after eating. This is due to the porosity of the material, which is able to quickly absorb and retain pathogenic microorganisms;
  • it is necessary to avoid food products containing dyes, as the crown will lose its natural color;
  • Do not use a brush with hard bristles for cleaning. It leads to abrasion of soft plastic and its surface becomes uneven;
  • It is necessary to use dental floss to clean the interdental space;
  • The edge of the crown wears out over time and can injure the mucous membrane, causing inflammation. Therefore, visiting the dentist should be regular;
  • In addition to local care, it is worth adding multivitamin therapy, which improves immunity and is a good prevention of periodontal diseases.

These rules are fundamental. By following these tips, you can significantly extend the life of your prosthesis.

Life time

Cast crowns are made from impressions that were taken from the patient's teeth before grinding. In their production, special technologies are used that make it possible to obtain a strong and extremely durable product that fully matches the shape of the patient’s teeth.

There are no cracks in the structures that bacteria could penetrate. Thanks to the combination of all these facts, the service life of such a crown is at least ten years if it is made with high quality. If you follow the care recommendations, this period can be extended.

Manufacturing Features

The installation of metal-plastic dentures is carried out both on the day of grinding the teeth, and several days later, after the preparatory procedures. This will depend on the type of crown manufacturing.

Currently two types are used :

  • Stamped .
    They are manufactured in advance, in the form of universal template blanks. Next, softened plastic is applied to the metal frame, which hardens under the influence of a special lamp. The advantage of this type of dentures is that they are always available in the dental office. But they also have a drawback: the uneven edge of the structure does not fit tightly to the gum line, which can provoke the development of caries.
  • Cast. Their creation goes through all stages of laboratory manufacturing: individual casts and a wax model are used, from which a metal frame is cast.
    In this case, the patient’s wishes to use non-standard material as a base are taken into account: precious metals, an alloy of cobalt and chromium.

    Also, if desired, the plastic coating can be applied only to the outer part of the product. In terms of aesthetics and safety of use, this option is preferable to the first, but it is worth considering that production takes several days.

Types of solid crowns

  • Without coating - this is the most inexpensive option; it looks like a tooth made of polished metal.
  • Sputtered – gold is used as the sprayed material, so the design looks more attractive in appearance. It should be taken into account that spraying can negatively affect the mucous membrane.
  • With lining. A plastic or ceramic overlay is applied to the front surface, which is visible when a person smiles. During the operation of such crowns, chips of the facing material often occur.
  • Combined are bridge-like prostheses made of metal and metal-ceramics. They have an attractive appearance and can be installed in the smile area and in the place of chewing teeth.

If you want to know that this is a one-piece crown, a photo of the prosthesis is given below for informational purposes.


The composition and structural features of this product determine its contraindications, in which use should be excluded :

  • pathology of periodontal tissue in severe form;
  • allergic reactions to plastic and metal;
  • malocclusions of 2 and 3 degrees;
  • bruxism;
  • shortening of the mandibular incisors;
  • vestibular deviation of teeth;
  • incorrect position of supporting teeth: crowding, reversal;
  • atrophy of the alveolar process by more than half the length of the root.

Read what the price of a gold crown per tooth consists of in our new review.

We devoted a separate material to answering questions about prosthetics on implants in the absence of teeth.

We will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of metal-ceramic crowns for the front teeth here ulyibki.html. Indications for installation.


The disadvantages of metal-plastic models include:

  • poor color fastness to dyes. After a little time, the plastic, under the influence of external factors, will change its original shade, its surface will become less shiny and smooth, which cannot but affect the overall aesthetic perception of the oral cavity;
  • the plastic mass is not very durable, so cracks, scratches and chips are inevitable;
  • the patient may experience individual intolerance to the metal frame, which will cause allergies and the need to abandon this method of prosthetics;
  • relatively short period of operation - if the systems are treated with care, it is unlikely that they will be able to maintain their functionality for more than 3–4 years;
  • color limitation, which does not always make it possible to guarantee complete similarity of products with the natural shade of teeth;
  • It is not recommended to install these structures on the anterior segments of the jaw row, since the metal part will be visible;
  • the fastening procedure involves significant grinding of the supporting organs, which may adversely affect their health in the future.

You can learn about the indications and contraindications for installing clasp dentures on the upper jaw on the next page. And here you will see photos before and after installing lumineers on the front teeth.


Installing a metal-plastic prosthesis is not much different from fixing crowns made of another material.

In some cases, crowns are first secured with temporary cement, so they can be removed at any time and the fit adjusted before final cementation.

The entire process takes place under local anesthesia according to a specific algorithm :

  • preparation of one or more supporting teeth by 2 mm;
  • determining the shade of plastic that best matches the adjacent teeth;
  • taking an impression. To make a plaster model, a special spoon shaped like a horseshoe is used. It is filled with plaster mass and pressed against the area of ​​the prosthetic tooth. To obtain a more accurate model, it is necessary to make several casts;
  • fixation of fully formed dentures on supporting teeth (after 2 days). To do this, the ground surface is coated with an agent that increases adhesion, after which dental cement is applied to it and the structure is installed.


The use of such devices is clinically indicated in the following cases:

  • the absence of one or more fragments of the dentition;
  • prosthetics with immediate load;
  • high sensitivity of tissues to external influences;
  • slight abrasion of the enamel surface;
  • basal restoration using implants.


In terms of its low cost, a metal-plastic crown occupies a leading position. The average market price range for this product varies from 3 to 5 thousand rubles .

The cheapest option includes stamped crowns. Their cost rarely rises above 3,500 rubles.

When using cast structures, the amount increases slightly, reaching 5 thousand rubles. But this price is not the limit, since pricing is influenced by the material used for the frame.

If precious metals were used for manufacturing, the price may increase to 7 thousand rubles.

In addition, installation service should be taken into account. Typically, the cost of labor and materials used is at least half the cost of the crown.

Metal-plastic dentures are an excellent option for protecting crowns while a permanent structure is being manufactured. Despite their availability, you should not use them for long-term wear .

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Tags dental crowns dentures crowns metal-plastic crowns fixed dentures

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