TOP 7 best braces systems: rating, pros and cons, reviews, price

Damon braces are famous for the fact that they last on average 20% less than standard braces. They look aesthetically pleasing on the teeth and do not cause discomfort to patients, therefore they are recommended for both adults and children. Damon technology allows, if necessary, to produce unique brace systems that take into account the individual characteristics of the structure of the oral cavity of each person down to the smallest detail. The products of this brand are presented in several varieties, which differ in manufacturing material, cost and functional characteristics, but they all have one thing in common: they can be used to correct a bite quickly and successfully, regardless of the level of complexity of the problem. This article will look at how the Damon manufacturers managed to achieve such an impressive result and how a short wearing period affects the effectiveness of the system. In addition, the review will talk about who can and cannot wear such braces, as well as whether patients may encounter contraindications.

How Damon products differ from competitors

Damon technology was invented by American orthodontist Dwight Damon; Now it is being sold by the American company Ormco. Damon braces are in consistently high demand internationally and receive consistently positive feedback from both patients and orthodontists who work with them.

The fundamental difference between this system and more traditional analogues is the absence of a ligature - instead, the principle of passive self-ligation is used. A wire arch made of elastic metal is attached to conventional braces using hooks and rubber bands. Instead, self-ligating or non-ligating models are equipped with grooves into which the arch is attached; for each specific case of orthodontic treatment, it is easy to select the optimal depth of its placement. Thus, it is not rigidly fixed in the grooves and can move freely: this softens the pressure on the teeth and minimizes the risk of unpleasant sensations.

Each brace is a complete orthodontic mechanism. It closes and secures with a Spin Tek smart latch. The braces are designed and positioned in such a way that friction between the elements of the system during wearing is practically reduced to zero.

Thanks to their compact dimensions and minimal thickness, Damon braces look quite aesthetically pleasing on the tooth surface, to some extent even reminiscent of extravagant jewelry. Tooth enamel is guaranteed to be protected from injury due to the fact that the edges of the braces are smooth and rounded. In addition, the absence of ligatures prevents food debris from accumulating on the teeth, which makes it much easier for patients to maintain oral hygiene.


Damon braces can be placed on both jaws or only on one. The myth that this technology is only intended for installation on both jaws at the same time is not true.

A few words about the manufacturing company

Dentsply is headquartered in the USA. The manufacturer has been developing and producing dental products since 1899. Today the company is represented in 120 countries and has an extensive network of official branches and laboratories around the world. In Russia, Dentsply is widely known as a manufacturer of high-quality and budget-friendly orthodontic sets for the correction of dental anomalies.

The production of braces has been put on a wide scale, which has made it possible to reduce the cost of products without compromising their quality. The appearance on the market of such budget systems has made orthodontic treatment accessible to a wider range of the population.

Why patients love Damon technology so much

The stability of positive patient reviews is that:

  1. Damon braces are suitable even for those whose teeth are too small and whose gums are too low to receive conventional braces. This system is approved for use by almost all patients over 12 years of age, even if the mucous membrane of their mouth is highly sensitive. Sometimes, at the discretion of the orthodontist, Damon braces are installed on children over the age of 9 years.
  2. Installation does not require facial or palatal arches, expanders or other extraneous devices. This greatly simplifies and speeds up the orthodontist’s work process. In addition, an undesirable psychological factor is removed - after all, unnecessary devices cause anxiety, depression and even hypochondria for many.
  3. After installing Damon braces, the percentage of patients who complain of discomfort or pain is very low. Blood vessels are not compressed, blood circulation in the oral cavity is not impaired. For comparison, patients with conventional ligature braces have to put up with pain for several weeks; many are prescribed painkillers.
  4. A visit to the clinic should be scheduled on average once every 1.5 months, and, depending on the progress of treatment, this interval may increase to once every 3 months. This schedule is extremely convenient for both the patient and the orthodontist. For comparison: patients with ligature braces are required to visit the clinic strictly once a month.
  5. A visit to a specialist lasts on average 15 minutes, while patients with ligature braces have to spend an hour in the orthodontist’s office. Thanks for this we must say to the Spin Tek latch - its locks open so quickly that replacing the arc occurs in the shortest possible time.

Among the negative aspects of Damon technology, patients usually mention only the price. But, firstly, it fully justifies the quality of the service, and secondly, the brand’s assortment includes a large selection of both more budget and more premium systems, so customers are given a large choice.


Rumor has it that Damon's technology does not involve tooth extraction. Alas, this is a myth: if the client has severe crowding of teeth, then it will not be possible to do without extraction. Otherwise, there may be a risk of bone atrophy and other unpleasant consequences. However, you really have to resort to removal less often than when installing standard ligature models.


Below are the average prices for bracket systems prevailing in Moscow for one jaw.

System name Price in rubles
Damon 13 000
DamonClear 52 000
Damon 3 14 000
STB 70 000
Incognito 200 000
Forestadent 40 000
Alexander 12 000
Gemini 40 000
Clarity 60 000
Aspire Ice 30 000
Elan 35 000
In-Ovation L 50 000
Victory 25 000

Prices may vary in other regions. Pricing is also affected by the status of the clinic, the qualifications of the doctor, and the dollar exchange rate. In addition, you will additionally need to pay:

  • A complete diagnostic examination and preparation for treatment costs on average 80,000 rubles.
  • Replacement of ligatures, every 2 - 3 weeks - 500 rubles.
  • Replacement of arches, every 1 - 2 months - 3,000 rubles.
  • Removing the device – 10,000 rubles.
  • Installation of a repeater – 7,000 rubles.

What are the indications and contraindications for Damon?

The Damon system is recommended for patients with the following diagnoses and conditions:

  • uneven bite;
  • interdental gaps;
  • crowded dentition;
  • introduction of unerupted teeth into the dentition;
  • dystopia (the position of one tooth when it is tilted or turned in a different direction than all the other teeth in the row);
  • excessive development of one jaw in relation to the other.

Damon braces are able to cope with a problem of any level of complexity - in terms of their effectiveness, they are in no way inferior to their ligature counterparts. Damon is also installed at the preparatory stage of prosthetics and during body movement of crowns.

This technology has only two contraindications: it cannot be used on teeth with too many fillings - but orthodontists encounter this situation extremely rarely - and it is not suitable for patients diagnosed with serious somatic diseases (malignant tumors, tuberculosis, inflammation in the oral cavity , circulatory system disorders).


Gum diseases are not a contraindication for installing the Damon system. The only problem for which the orthodontist will advise postponing bite correction is acute periodontitis. But classic ligature systems cannot always be used for sore gums.

Self-ligating and ligature braces: what is the difference

When ligature-free products first entered the dental market, they were accompanied by aggressive marketing and confident PR from manufacturers. This increased sales, but some exaggeration of the benefits made the professional audience and interested clients skeptical. For a long time there were debates about quality, efficiency and convenience. Research was carried out. The bottom line is that the analysis showed which of the advantages of self-ligating braces are true and which are fiction.

Ligature and non-ligature braces - similarities and differences:

Why is this system so effective?

In the first phase of treatment, everything happens almost the same as with standard treatment with ligature braces:

  1. The patient gets rid of caries, tartar and plaque, and the oral cavity is prepared for installation of the system.
  2. The orthodontist uses a special compound to attach braces to each tooth.
  3. The orthodontist inserts an arch into the grooves of the braces and fixes it on each tooth using a Spin Tek latch.


The Spin Tek latch is a patented device and comes in many different versions.

First, the braces are connected with the softest and most flexible arch. At some point, it can no longer move the teeth any further, so it is replaced with a new, tighter wire base. In aligning the dentition, an important role is played by the facial muscles: in addition to the external influence from the arch, they provide a natural force that guarantees the durability of the result. The load on the teeth is distributed so that the periodontium is not injured.

Under pressure, the teeth begin to gradually shift to the positions where they are supposed to be. This occurs due to the fact that their holes stretch in the direction of movement. In parallel with this, bone tissue is formed on the opposite side of each hole. Overgrown, it does not allow the tooth to return to its original position. The advantage of Damon is that the pressure on each tooth occurs at the optimal, most precisely adjusted point. The teeth quickly reach the desired position and are firmly fixed in it.

Approximate treatment time

This is a metal corrective system, the sufficient rigidity of which allows you to reduce treatment time by an order of magnitude and obtain the desired result much faster than an aesthetic ceramic or sapphire model could provide.

The metal arch is firmly attached to the plates and provides a constant, uniform impact on the dentition. Thanks to the ligatures, the specialist can fully control the correction process and, if necessary, enhance the effect of the structure on particularly problematic areas. Thus, on average, Generus braces are worn for about 1-1.5 years. A little more time may be required to correct complex dental anomalies.

Damon product lines

Depending on their design and materials of manufacture, Ormco products are divided into the following categories:

During your initial examination, your orthodontist will explain which braces are best for you and how long you will need to wear them. Please note that of all the methods of bite correction available today, Damon is recognized as the most physiological - it is unlikely that you will be able to find a more aesthetic and less traumatic option.


Damon sapphire braces are called that not because they are made of precious stone. The system is made from ceramic, but since it is transparent and invisible in the mouth, it is figuratively compared to sapphire.

The best braces - what to choose?

When a patient turns to an orthodontist to correct his bite and straighten his teeth, he often asks “which braces are the best.” Orthodontists know that this question cannot be answered unambiguously. There is a wide variety of brace systems that differ in design, types of fastening, material and other characteristics. Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, doctors usually say that the best braces are effective braces. And for each patient different orthodontic devices will be effective. This depends on the complexity of the anomaly, the age of the patient and a number of other factors. Therefore, the dentist first conducts an examination and a complete orthodontic diagnosis. Only after this can he conclude which braces to install.

How to take care of your mouth

Caring for the Damon system should be almost the same as for conventional ligature braces. During the entire period of wearing them, it is recommended to brush your teeth after every meal - no matter whether you are at home or not. As a last resort, if you cannot use a toothbrush, at least use a mouthwash.

While wearing braces, the duration of brushing should be increased, ideally up to 8 minutes. Although the Damon system is designed in such a way that food residues accumulate in it to a minimum, the presence of a foreign structure in the mouth still contributes to the development of pathogenic organisms. In the medium term, in the absence of proper hygiene, this can cause gum and dental diseases.

Any braces create unwanted stress on the enamel, so while wearing them, it is recommended to brush your teeth with a paste that strengthens the enamel. To simplify the process, your doctor will advise you to purchase a specialized brush for braces. This brush differs from the usual one in its size and configuration and is able to penetrate even the most inaccessible corners of the oral cavity. You can buy this model in almost every pharmacy.


Damon technology significantly reduces the risk of developing caries compared to conventional ligature braces - but only with high-quality oral hygiene.

Tooth extraction.

The decision to free up additional space for teeth when correcting the bite is made by the dentist.
If extraction of healthy teeth is unavoidable, then regardless of the type of braces installed, it will be necessary to visit a surgeon. Plaksina Margarita
“Teeth preservation is the priority of our dentistry. But in rare cases, removal cannot be avoided. And the type of braces does not matter here. If there is no space for the correct positioning of teeth, it has to be created artificially.”

  • Care.

    It is easier to clean self-ligating structures, since there are no bulky fasteners that accumulate food debris and complicate the procedure.

  • Comfortable to wear.

    Plates with ligatures are flatter, but the elastic bands or wire fastenings themselves cause some discomfort. Self-ligating ones are more streamlined, but are about 1 mm thicker. Both options take some getting used to.

  • Frequency of visits.

    Elastic ligatures stretch and tear - they need to be changed every month. Correction of self-ligating systems is carried out less frequently; the patient comes for an appointment every 1.5-2 months.

Dolotova Marina
“Our orthodontists often invite patients monthly, alternating correction of the upper and lower jaw. This is convenient for the patients themselves – less discomfort, more pleasant treatment.”

  • Aesthetics.
    The main attention in braces is not the rubber bands and wire, but the base material. He is responsible for the decorativeness and invisibility of braces.

How long does the Damon system last?

Depending on the nature of the problem, the period of wearing Damon braces can range from 4 to 16 months. This is 4-5 months less than in patients with standard ligature braces. However, this is an average figure; in reality, everything will depend on the individual bite pathology.

For many patients, the first results become visually noticeable within a month after starting treatment. After 3 months, the results are guaranteed to appear for everyone and are visible to the naked eye. But even if after some time it seems to you that your teeth and bite are already perfect, do not rush to remove the system before the time indicated by the orthodontist. Your incisors, canines and molars must not only achieve the correct position in the oral cavity, but also gain a foothold in it and “remember” their correct position.

At your first visit to the orthodontist, you will be given an approximate treatment time frame. They can move either more or less depending on the following factors:

  • how ready you are to follow all medical recommendations;
  • will you regularly visit the clinic for professional oral hygiene;
  • How diligently will you take care of your teeth and braces at home?

Some patients complain that they had to wear braces longer than they expected. Typically, this happens because patients do not visit the doctor regularly. Neither Damon nor ligature braces by themselves straighten the bite - this is done by the doctor. He checks the functioning of all elements of the system, changes the arc, analyzes the success of the treatment and adjusts its plan. If you leave things to chance, the course of treatment will last for many months - longer than the originally planned period.

The duration of wearing braces is determined in each case separately, and it is impossible to predict it without an in-person consultation with a professional. Be that as it may, Damon technology is sure to have a positive effect, and at the same time you will have to put up with less inconvenience than if you had standard braces. The best part is that the effect of treatment lasts for life and will no longer require maintenance or corrective procedures.

Sign up for an online consultation with an orthodontist and find out which system for correcting your bite is right for you.


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