Pilot braces - effective designs of domestic production

Pilot (“Pilot”) is a metal bracket system based on the classic ligature type of construction. This model is produced in Russia and has a very affordable price, due to which it is very popular among patients. This is a standard version of a corrective orthodontic device that does an excellent job of correcting various defects of the dental system.

Main characteristics

The main purpose of braces is to straighten teeth. It is metal braces that give excellent results when treated with them, even with the most serious defects.

Pilot structures allow you to straighten your teeth in a fairly short time. In addition, their quick installation is noteworthy. You will need far fewer visits to the orthodontist than with other aligners.

They are quite affordable in price and significantly effective in their activities. They can be worn by both children and adults. In addition, such products resist the formation of stains on tooth enamel.

The Pilot product system is quite simple. They have a classic shape, and the braces are larger than other types, which makes them very reliable. The Pilots are made from metal by powder pressing, which allows them to serve the time required for teeth straightening without any problems, making them durable and reliable. Manufacturing features prevent damage during installation.

What is the difference between ceramic braces and metal braces?

Many patients are interested in what is better - ceramic or metal braces. You need to understand that both types of systems cope well with their task, the only question is in the details.

When choosing ceramic or metal braces, you should decide on your priorities: aesthetics or treatment time? Ceramic systems are practically invisible on the teeth, and this makes the correction psychologically more comfortable. On the other hand, if it takes a year and a half to correct a moderate defect with metal braces, then with ceramic braces it will take about two years.

Lifestyle will help you understand which braces are better - ceramic or metal. Metal is much less capricious: it does not stain under the influence of red wine, tea and coffee, and is also not prone to chips and cracks.

Another popular question is whether it is possible to smoke with metal braces. If we do not take into account the harm from smoking as such, then it is really better for smokers to install a metal system, since ceramics can change color under the influence of resins.

Features of Pilot products

Let's look at what distinguishes Pilot systems from other leveling structures:

  1. Classic shape, lack of modern details.
  2. Significant sizes of the braces themselves.
  3. Manufactured using powder compression, which makes the structure more reliable and stable.
  4. Each brace is attached to its designated fixation location, which increases its strength.
  5. Quick and easy installation.
  6. Do not damage enamel and resist corrosion.
  7. The pressure on the teeth is distributed according to a standard pattern.
  8. A traditional scheme for distributing pressure on the teeth is used.
  9. Possibility of use for children and adults.


The manufacturer In-Ovation-C (DENTSPLY company) has centuries of experience in dental developments. In-Ovation-C systems use self-ligating ceramic brackets. The translucent design is equipped with locks, the strength of which is increased. All elements of the leveling structure are coated with a layer of zirconium oxide. This prevents the appearance of microcracks and protects against damage. The advantages of In-Ovation-C braces include the following factors.

The braces used are ceramics that are resistant to temperature changes and chemical attack. It does not stain over time.

The braces are shaped with smoothed edges. Compared to ligature systems, the size of their wings is reduced. There are microroughnesses on the inner surface of the element. This increases the reliability of adhesion to the tooth. The procedure for changing the arc is reduced in time. It is simplified by the presence of improved latches. The In-Ovation-C system has a gentle and gradual effect on the dentition. Wearing it does not cause any discomfort.

The absence of ligatures is a positive factor that is worth mentioning separately. Plaque usually accumulates in ligatures, which leads to caries. The absence of an element eliminates this possibility. In addition, the doctor will not need to change ligatures, so the number of necessary visits is significantly reduced.

Age for which installation of structures is indicated Pilot

Like any other braces, Pilot products are best placed in adolescence, when the bite is not yet fully formed. For these structures, the most appropriate age is from 10 to 12 years, when all the teeth have already formed and their position can still be easily changed. At the same time, some bite defects disappear on their own at this time.

Note: When installing braces on teenagers, the duration of wearing them will be shorter, and installation will be easier.

Products can also be installed at a later age (even in old age), but it should be understood that then the treatment will be longer, and the result will have to be maintained by using retainers for quite a long time.

A few words about prices

One of the main advantages of the domestic brace system model is its affordable cost. Thus, installing the device on one jaw can cost the patient from 6 to 12 thousand rubles, while the minimum price for fixing any other metal system will cost at least 15 thousand rubles. It should also be taken into account that you will have to visit the orthodontist once or even several times a month to adjust the operation of the structure and replace the ligatures, and this is an additional expense.

Installation steps

Installing Pilot systems is a fairly simple procedure. However, only a highly qualified orthodontist can do it, who will carefully complete every necessary step.

First, a photograph of the patient’s jaws is taken, as well as casts of them, which will determine the extent of the defect. The data obtained is used for treatment planning and installation begins.

Installation steps:

  • tooth enamel is processed;
  • Braces are attached to the enamel in the desired position using a special adhesive;
  • put on an arch.

If the patient’s entire oral cavity has been treated before installation (if it has caries or other diseases), Pilot braces can be installed in one visit to the orthodontist. The doctor decides how long the patient will wear the structure, based on data regarding the complexity of the pathology.

With Pilot products you can get rid of:

  • abnormal bite;
  • deformation of the dentition;
  • presence of gaps between teeth;
  • difficulties for teething.

It is important that after installation of the structures, continue to periodically visit the doctor, who will monitor the progress of treatment.

I have an opinion

The Pilot bracket system is popular in the domestic market, as confirmed by reviews.

I wore Pilot braces for 1 year – from 18 to 19 years old. I liked everything, the teeth moved in the right direction and quite quickly. At first there was a little discomfort, but I quickly got used to it. There were no allergies or pain. The enamel did not suffer at all from the system. I recommend.

Elena, 21

Worn by Pilot when he was a student. I liked the price. The treatment time was 18 months. Comfortable, although large, I quickly got used to them. The main thing is to maintain hygiene. I recommend it to everyone, especially since the price is very affordable.

Victor, 25

What restrictions exist regarding the installation of “Pilots”?

The main restriction when a patient is not allowed to have Pilot systems installed is children under 10 years of age.

But for patients over 10 years old, in order to straighten their teeth and get a perfect smile, such products are perfect. Also, Pilot systems are always used before prosthetics, when it is necessary to straighten living teeth, leaving the necessary places for artificial ones.

The treatment time for such braces is approximately one to two years.

In order for the result to be as planned, the patient should follow the following rules:

  1. Do not eat solid foods, nuts, crackers.
  2. Avoid eating too hot or cold foods.
  3. Avoid toffees and chewing gum.
  4. Take good and regular oral care.

With Pilot designs you can become the owner of a Hollywood smile at any age. There is no need to use other traumatic methods of therapy; Pilot products can make your teeth straight and your smile attractive.

Indications and contraindications

Any braces have both indications and contraindications.

Let's look at when you can use Pilot braces:

  1. If you have a malocclusion.
  2. When there are interdental spaces.
  3. If teething is difficult.
  4. If there are abnormally located teeth in a row or their inclination.

Contraindications for use:

  1. The presence of complex chronic diseases.
  2. Diseases that oppose the restoration and reconstruction of the jaw bone.
  3. The patient’s inability to adequately evaluate everything that the doctor does to him.
  4. Poor oral hygiene.
  5. The presence of generalized periodontitis can lead to a decrease in bone tissue, which will greatly complicate the alignment process.
  6. The patient has allergic reactions to the metal present in the design.

What does a standard braces system consist of?

It looks like a simple design that actually performs important tasks. By applying pressure and pressure to the jaw bones, the system straightens teeth and helps correct orthodontic problems.

Standard braces include the following elements:

  • arch - a metal wire that is fixed to the brackets of the braces and exerts a certain pressure force. Due to the influence of the arc, the teeth move along the required trajectory;
  • braces are special overlays with brackets that are attached to the teeth using a special adhesive;
  • metal elements, including ligatures, rings, tubes, springs - additions with the help of which the desired tension and fixation of the arc is achieved.

Advantages and disadvantages

The positive qualities of Pilot products are as follows:

  1. Affordable price, which makes them very popular among the middle class population. At the same time, the effect of their use is similar to the use of more expensive structures. The low price is due to local production. The price does not have to include transportation, customs duties, and so on. In addition, the cost reflects the fact that the system is no longer new.
  2. Safe to use. Such products do not cause allergies and do not injure the oral cavity during installation, as well as during operation. Despite its significant size, such designs are quite comfortable to wear.
  3. Reliability. The strength of the material used in the manufacture in combination with the classic structure contributes to the most reliable fixation using any special components. This means that there is no need to replace individual components during the treatment process.
  4. Minimum friction force between the groove and the arc of the structure.

The main disadvantages of Pilot braces include the following:

  1. They are quite massive, which makes the products noticeable on the teeth, reducing the aesthetics of the smile.
  2. Treatment programming results may not be accurate.
  3. Possibility of increasing the expected treatment period.

Treatment procedure

Pilot systems can be installed only after a visual inspection and assessment of the client’s condition, analysis of all the disadvantages and advantages, as well as prediction of the result obtained.

Let's consider the main stages of treatment with such structures:

  1. The diagnostic stage involves taking an impression of the jaws and making a diagnostic model. At this stage, the need to use these particular braces as a leveling system is identified. Today, 3D models are used as modeling, predicting the outcome of treatment at a high level. So, you can clearly see what teeth look like before and after wearing braces. At this stage, an individual design is also selected and a treatment plan is drawn up.
  2. The preparatory stage includes examination of the patient’s oral cavity, filling of teeth affected by caries (if any). Thus, the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria in the oral cavity is prevented, and teeth are protected from caries. If tartar or plaque is present, these should also be removed. You can proceed to the next stage only when the oral cavity is completely sanitized.
  3. The installation stage proceeds quite quickly, thanks to the ease of installation of Pilot braces. The installation takes place in one visit to the orthodontist.
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