Beauty and dental health with American Orthodontics


Taking care of your health and maintaining a beautiful and healthy appearance has long been an important and integral part of the entire population anywhere in the world.

To ensure a healthy oral cavity, residents of many countries of all ages often resort to the help of specialists from large dental companies. One such structure is American Orthodontics.

Brand history

The company was founded in 1968 by Dan Merkel and continues to strive to excel by providing quality products, reliable delivery and personalized service to orthodontic professionals.

A special feature of this structure is the presence of more than 700 employees, the availability of products in more than a hundred countries, which allows the company to maintain its status as one of the largest manufacturers of orthodontic treatment systems.

The rapid development is facilitated by the continuous introduction of innovative products and processes. Taken together, these factors allowed the company to receive a large number of awards:

  • industry-leading innovation in robotics and automation;
  • annual sales growth since the organization’s founding;
  • financial growth that earned the company an award in 2012 in Sheboygan;
  • European approval for the use of the organization’s services and goods;
  • award for outstanding achievements in exporting goods abroad, etc.

The organization gains new strengths each year and is also a leader in supporting the preservation and development of the orthodontic specialty.

American Orthodontics is the only Diamond Corporate Partner of the American Orthodontic Association (AAOF) with a $1 million donation.

The AAOF continues its development and research through grants, gifts and awards, and provides sponsorship to many universities to maintain a high level of education in specialized departments to ensure adequate training for the next generation of orthodontists.

The services and products of the structure have been widely used in the United States for a long time, however, they appeared on the Russian market a little more than 10 years ago.

A special feature of the manufacturer is the production of orthodontic systems that satisfy any taste and financial capabilities of clients. Today, there are ligature, non-ligature, and brace systems made of metal, ceramics and sapphire.

The latter are especially known for their aesthetic appearance, as they are almost invisible when worn. A pleasant addition to the product range are miniature braces, which provide maximum wearing comfort.

The organization occupied a leading position in the world market, as it became one of the first to release a completely new, unique product.

How self-ligating H4 braces work, the advantages and disadvantages of the system.

Come here if you are interested in the purpose of buccal tubes.

At this address read about the features of Blesk braces.


American Orthodontics has been in business since 1968. Its main goal is to provide clients with safe and high-quality orthodontic products. To achieve this intention, the company set itself three tasks, which became its motto:

  1. Use only high quality materials.
  2. Personalized service.
  3. Reliable and safe delivery.

On a note!

Over the years of operation, the company has not received a single complaint leading to legal or judicial proceedings. Only a few large concerns with established supplies all over the world have this reputation, which confirms the quality and reliability of the goods produced and sold.

American Orthodontics is also interested in communicating directly with its clients. In addition to working with dental clinics, the concern also interacts with ordinary citizens. Company representatives are interested in the undesirable consequences of wearing their products, adaptation times and pricing policy in a particular country. All this allows us to improve the quality of existing technologies and develop new ones based on the feedback received.

Advantages of the systems

Considering the global importance of the corporation in the field of orthodontics, thanks to its main advantages, it also has a number of other important advantages:

  • selection from a wide range of products. A rich variety of products allows each client to choose the right type of braces depending on the pathology of the bite and ensure proper correction.
    The manufacturer offers metal (classic), ceramic and sapphire braces.

    Ligature systems are selected individually for each client, which provide for the doctor to regulate the arc pressure, or non-ligature systems that determine the degree of tension independently;

  • innovative “smart” ways to combat malocclusions. A special approach to solving this problem is to use combined, ligature or self-regulating systems.
    A personal doctor can replace passive technology with active technology at any stage of correction, which will significantly speed up the treatment process;
  • 98% of the company's products are manufactured at factories in the United States , which ensures guaranteed quality of all products;
  • American Orthodontics systems, unlike other manufacturers, have a short period of adaptation and no problems with diction when wearing the systems;
  • the hypoallergenic structure of the composition prevents the occurrence of any allergic reactions;
  • Improving bracket systems and bringing them to the most aesthetic appearance is one of the main tasks of the manufacturer.
    Some systems are already designed to be almost invisible when worn, but modernization continues to improve the metal system as well;
  • well-structured and selected design of various devices , providing maximum wearing comfort;
  • patented Maximum Retention technology , which is used in the manufacture of ceramic and metal braces, has a special cellular structure that will ensure reliable fastening of the system;
  • Another special development is Quad-Matte , designed for sapphire models, which allows the plates to be firmly secured in the center and loosened around the perimeter.
    When removing braces, the absence of any damage to the enamel will be guaranteed.

Duration of treatment

The duration of treatment with braces depends not so much on the manufacturer, but on the material from which the structure is made. Thus, the fastest results are usually achieved with metal braces. Therefore, if the patient is ready to sacrifice aesthetics for a short time, then it is better to choose just such a design - the treatment will take 1-1.5 years.

American Orthodontics ceramic braces (Empower brand) are distinguished by high aesthetics, while the plates are supplemented with a metal lock, which provides increased impact on the teeth, thanks to which high results can be achieved in 1.5-2 years.

Sapphire braces, produced under the Radiance brand, are distinguished by the highest aesthetics - and this is their main advantage. However, the manufacturer refused to reinforce the structure with a metal groove, which is why the treatment time is quite long - about 2-3 years.


Despite a number of advantages that confirm the impeccable quality of bracket systems from this manufacturer, they may also have their own disadvantages:

  • even small metal braces will be visible when worn , and in rare cases they can cause allergic reactions;
  • sapphire models are distinguished by aesthetics and comfort , however, they require longer wearing than other types;
  • high cost of products and services in comparison with analogues and other less popular brands. However, the company has ordered that prices fully justify the quality and effectiveness of the goods sold.

Suggested Models

The company is distinguished by its wide range and customers are offered different designs, materials for manufacturing, structure of the device and automation of bracket systems.

Each model has its own characteristics, and depending on the nature of the patient’s bite defect, you can choose the most optimal option.


Empower braces are considered a low-profile, thin-plate option that can be used even if teeth have not fully erupted. Available in two modes - passive and active.

The doctor determines which mode the system will be used in, choosing an individual approach for each patient.

The device can also be used in two modes at once, since this will make it possible to distribute the load on the dentition without errors.

Regarding the systems, the line of these products is available with both ligature and self-ligating systems, but they can also be combined and perform two functions simultaneously. The manufacturer has divided the Empower system into two more models.

Empower Metal Brackets

The model is a combined type of system with a self-regulating design.

The basis is metal, an active type of plates in the frontal area and passive locks in the lateral sections , which allows you to control the anterior and distal parts of the teeth.

Empower Clear Brackets

Self-ligating bracket system with an aesthetic appearance. This model is based on a durable ceramic base and a metal clip.

The silver metal finish on the clip makes it virtually invisible and sets this model apart from the rest of the Empower line.


Ligature metal braces made of stainless steel for the purpose of personal control of the progress of treatment and the condition of the teeth by the orthodontist.

The patented Maximum Retention platform, built into the system, allows for maximum adhesion of the surface to tooth enamel without microcracks.

This prevents the accumulation of plaque in the oral cavity and facilitates the process of oral hygiene.

Mini Master

The first bracket systems in the company's product line, which were released in a miniature version.

Despite the difference in size compared to the previous model, the characteristics of this line remained unchanged and, in addition, were distinguished by their advantages - maximum convenience and aesthetics.

Models are produced with a low profile and a metal base.


The Radiance bracket system is especially popular among the company's clients. Artificial sapphire is used as the basis for the manufacture of this model.

Thus, manufacturers equip the entire system with an aesthetic appearance, which at the same time allows it to blend with the color of the enamel and make it invisible throughout the entire dentofacial area.

The material of the Radiance system is hypoallergenic, the shape is round and does not touch the mucous membrane of the oral cavity , the system is ligated and equipped with Quad-Matte fixation, which guarantees strong fastening and removal without harming the enamel and oral cavity.


This is a ceramic combined model with a ligature system, made with the addition of a metal groove , due to which the friction force of the arc is reduced, and special rubber ligatures help secure it to the plates.

The metal elements at the heart of this model, along with sapphire and ceramic ones, do not spoil the aesthetics of the picture and are lower in cost than the latter.

Installation steps

Before the actual installation of the braces system, several mandatory preparatory procedures are carried out:

  1. Identification of certain defects and pathologies of occlusion through a visual examination. This stage is the most important because it allows us to accurately determine the type and degree of complexity of the pathology, as well as the possibility of anomalies occurring in the future.
  2. Sanitation of the oral cavity. The essence of the procedure is to eliminate all inflammatory processes, carious lesions, tartar, caries and plaque. The stage can be called preparatory and therapeutic.
  3. Diagnostics of the entire oral cavity. To obtain accurate information about the stable state of dental health, computed tomography and teleradiography are performed.
  4. Making an impression of the dentition , according to which the individual structure of the braces system will be made.

The installation itself is a lengthy process that requires extreme care, but for the patient it is absolutely painless.

The procedure takes place in several stages:

  1. After the manufacture of braces is completed, they are directly installed, but before this, each dental element is treated with a special composition.
  2. The entire dentofacial area is dried by the air flow.
  3. Next comes the fastening of metal locks to each element.
  4. Dental glue is used to attach the locks to the front part.
  5. Installation of the arc. It is its wire base that helps align the teeth.

About the effectiveness of bite correction with Damon 3 braces and the principle of their operation.

In this publication we will talk about the features of Quick Clear braces.

Here all the most important things about Aspire braces.


Among the contraindications, there are several reasons why the doctor will not recommend installing braces:

  • manifestation of allergic reactions to metal;
  • Cracks in tooth enamel;
  • the presence of serious diseases that have a negative impact on the entire body;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the immune and circulatory systems;
  • hepatitis, tuberculosis and oncological processes;
  • absence of a large number of units in the dentition.

Orthodontic arches

In addition to a wide range of types of systems and models of braces, the company has developed several types of orthodontic arches to ensure their guaranteed strength.

Stainless Steel Wire

The line is divided into several more models:

  • Stainless Steel Straight Woven Fire. Eight-core rectangular arc. Stainless steel is used as a base. Characterized by flexibility and resistance to deformation.
  • Twist Stainless Steel Wire. Three-core type of arc, which has the property of high springiness and increased deflection angle.
  • Co-Ax Stainless Steel. A six-core type of arch, equipped with the ability to create a gentle effect and maximum results in aligning the dentition.

Beta Titanium Wire

Like Stainless Steel Wire, it is available in several versions: classic Beta Titanium Wire and Beta Titanium VLP.

In the manufacture of both models, beta titanium alloy is used, which gives the arches resistance to stretching and deformation.

Therma-Ti Wire

These are thermoactive arcs, which operate at a temperature of +35 degrees. They have a slight stiffness designed for a more significant effect.

Rings and ligatures

The company tries to produce all possible elements and additional parts to ensure maximum convenience and guaranteed quality of the goods produced.

Rings and orthodontic ligatures are also manufactured for the kits, which are divided into several models.

  1. Short Twist Kobayashi Hook ligature is made of stainless steel with fixing hooks at the ends.
  2. Colored Ligatures are a steel ligature with elasticity and rings on the module, the number of which can be up to 24 pieces.
  3. Memory Chain is a series of rings with a light and pulling effect.
  4. Colored Plastic Chain is a hypoallergenic ligature based on polyurethane.
  5. Separators and Wedges are latex-free, hypoallergenic rings made of polyurethane.
  6. WildLife Elastics - intermaxillary rings that control traction force.

Lip bumper

The Korn Lip Bumper was introduced by the company for the purpose of correcting malocclusion in the early stages of malocclusion correction.

The main functions are to correct the position of the teeth and their angle of inclination, eliminate minor crowding, expand the dentition, correct the position of the molars, and straighten the teeth.

The bumper is attached using thin metal rings to the molars, and a metal arch is installed on the outside of the lower jaw dentition.

Wearing a lip bumper does not cause discomfort and can straighten the teeth in a fairly short period of time, if the defects in the elements are not particularly difficult to eliminate.

Buccal tubes

The buccal tubes act as a lock and secure the bracket system to the chewing teeth (molars). In some cases, the lip bumper or arches are fixed.

  • Direct Tube Empower

They differ in their self-regulation function, that is, the attending physician can independently choose the force with which the brace system is fixed. Used for classic and standard braces.

  • Direct Bond Tube LP

25% smaller than the standard model, they are used by dentists when peeling off some brace structures.


Depending on the type of system, the complexity of the design and the type of model, the price can vary from 20,000 rubles to 150,000 rubles.

The cost of all services and the complete package may also depend on the clinic where the braces are installed. However, it is still possible to calculate the average price; the approximate prices for the models are indicated in the table.

Model Average cost in rubles
Empower 32 000
Empower Metal Brackets 36 000
Empower Clear Brackets 40 000
Master 45 000
Mini master 59 000
Radiance 100 000
Virage 75 000

How much do braces cost?

The most budget model of American Orthodontics braces is the metal system. Installation of the device and further treatment using Bracket Master will cost from 40 thousand rubles for both jaws. Empower systems will cost the patient from 70 thousand rubles. Of course, the most expensive option will be Radiance sapphire braces, which cost from 50 thousand rubles for installation on one jaw.

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