Boxing mouth guard: types, tips for choosing, instructions for use

Often, beginning athletes do not quite understand why a mouth guard is needed in boxing. For this reason, due to an oversight by the coach, sparring is often carried out without a mouthguard and without a helmet. Even working at half strength, you can easily get injured in the jaw or miss a noticeable blow to the head. You will have to pay for the treatment yourself, especially if you do not have insurance (which is quite common).

Why do you need a boxing mouth guard?

Boxing mouthguard - accurately follows the shape of the jaw and protects the oral cavity during a fight. A dental insert is a mandatory element of sports equipment. Without protection, a fighter will not be allowed into the ring.

Why is the plate needed? 1. Protects teeth from knocking out and chipping. 2. Protects the oral cavity from internal cuts. If there is no mouthguard, then the lips and cheeks are torn from the impact of the fangs and sharp edges of the teeth. 3. Prevents tongue biting during impact. 4. Covers gums from cuts. 5. Protects the jaw from dislocations and fractures. 6. Reduces the risk of concussion.

Design features

Here we can distinguish three main types, we will arrange them in order of increasing quality and characteristics.

Standard (cast)

These are universal factory mouthguards that do not have outstanding characteristics. They are made of plastic (there are also silicone versions), inexpensive, and quite suitable for beginner amateur athletes. The main disadvantages are poor fixation, standard shape, without the possibility of changes, and insufficient thickness.

Thermocaps (thermoplastic)

This type of mouth guard is a kind of semi-finished product - the product requires individual adjustment, which is done at home (“brewed” and conveys the structural features of the teeth, jaw, and bite). They can have a multilayer structure (a combination of materials is used) and have good fixation.

Custom mouth guards

They are used by professional athletes and are made to order from the dentist (an individual impression of the jaw and bite is made). These mouthguards provide maximum protection and have shock-absorbing properties. Modern technologies make it possible to produce neuromuscular mouthguards that are able to respond to changes in muscle forces (involuntary clench/unclench the jaw) and find the optimal position.

Types of boxing guards

The sports industry offers various types of boxing mouthguards. The characteristics can indicate everything from color to type of flavoring. In order not to get confused in this diversity, we will use the classical classification. Let us highlight three main features: type of protection, material, thickness.

Type of protection (purpose)

Based on the type of protection, the plates are divided into two types.

1. Double-sided mouthguard. The protection covers both jaws. This option is recommended for beginners and for training sparring. The peculiarity of the plate is that it must be compressed by two jaws. This makes mouth breathing difficult. Therefore, professionals prefer single-jaw onlays.

2. Single-sided mouthguard. The plate sits tightly on the upper jaw. Doesn't fall out when you open your mouth. Doesn't make breathing difficult. This liner does not cover the lower jaw. Teeth protection is provided by high-tech materials and a special design of the mouth guard.

Type of material

All materials for boxing mouth guards are divided into two groups: thermoplastic and cast (non-thermoplastic). Among thermoplastic protectors, there is a separate type – dental ones.

Molded pads

Sold ready-made. Take it out of the box and put it on your jaw. Convenient, but impractical. It is difficult to select a cast plate taking into account individual characteristics. If the liner dangles, then you can’t count on good protection.

Thermoplastic mouth guards

Thermoplastic material is a semi-finished product. The new mouthguard is heated and “put on the teeth.” The plate cools and takes the exact shape of the jaw.

The anatomical precision of the pad guarantees reliable protection during combat. We will tell you below how to “cook” and put on a mouth guard correctly.

Dental protectors

An individual cast is made of both jaws of the athlete.

Contact a sports dentist. Making a plaster cast. Then, on a special machine, your personal protection is pressed.

The service is not cheap. For a professional boxer, this is not only protection, but also a way to express his extravagance. You can order any color and make a threatening inscription.

Overlay thickness

The thickness of the protective plate depends on the number of layers. Boxing mouthguards are produced in single-layer and multi-layer.

Single layer plates

A single layer plate will provide one level of protection. When choosing such a mouthguard, pay attention to the height of the front side. The front (outer) wall should be high. The high side solves two issues at once.

The first is to protect the gums. Secondly, it redistributes the shock load. I'll say it in other words. Removes part of the shock wave from the front teeth and directs it to the entire gum and palate.

Multi-layer protection

A double-layer mouthguard is the choice of most boxers. Two layers provide double protection.

The outer layer, more rigid, is made of rubber (rubber). Its task is to absorb and “dissipate” the force of the blow.

The inner layer, soft, consists of gel. It does two things. Firstly, it perfectly follows the shape of the jaw and teeth. Secondly, it provides shock absorption during an impact.

Some manufacturers offer three-layer models. The structure is strengthened by special inserts for the outer frame. The inner layer has shock-absorbing cushions.

Cooperation between Dial-Dent and the promotion company

The largest Russian promotion was organized by Russian businessman Andrei Ryabinsky in 2012. The company organizes and conducts boxing shows with the participation of world-famous boxing stars. The organization of the fight between Vladimir Klitschko and Alexander Povetkin - two great heavyweight boxers - in 2013 brought fame and worldwide fame.

The nice thing is that World of Boxing has not only the goal of making money from staging fights, but also has a great mission - to raise and develop Russian boxing to the world level. Holding fights in Russia and developing young athletes to the level of formidable professionals is the company’s priority.

Family Dental is a long-time partner. "Dial-Dent" as a partner participates in almost every event organized in Moscow. We have made boxing mouth guards for many athletes competing for this promotion company. We also provide athletes with quality dental care.

In the video below you can see the process of making a custom mouth guard for Georgy Chelokhsaev:

The best manufacturers of mouth guards for boxing and MMA

There are many companies that make mouthguards for contact sports. But there are brands that are among the best, in any rating.


American brand Shock Doctor, a leader among manufacturers of protective equipment. They specialize in the production of boxing mouth guards from high-tech gel. Even inexpensive models have a three-layer construction.

Manufacturers claim that thanks to high technology, the mouthguard absorbs 40% of impact energy. That's why they produce models with low sides. The protector provides reliable protection to both jaws and does not interfere with conversation.

The manufacturer is so confident in its product that it guarantees compensation of up to 15 thousand dollars to anyone who loses a tooth while using the onlay.


The company specializes in the production of protective equipment for professionals. The brand was founded in 2006. The central office is located in Brazil.

The founders of Venum know first-hand what it's like to miss a beat. The origins of the brand are Brazilian jiu-jitsu fighters. The company was created specifically for the production of sports equipment.

Manufacturers Venum maintain close relationships with UFC stars. The best fighters of the Cell are involved in the development of new defense models.


The English brand was founded in 1997. The company is a licensed partner of the UFC. This fact says a lot. You can trust such protection.

In addition, all OPRO models have an antibacterial coating. The package includes an antimicrobial box. In 2007, Opro received the Queen's Award for Innovation in Oral Protection.


The brand was founded in 1910 in the USA. Specializes in the production of sportswear and protective equipment for martial arts.

The campaign's products are chosen by world-famous stars. Muhammad Ali, Mike Tyson and many other boxing geniuses performed in EVERLAST equipment.

Over a hundred years, the company has accumulated vast experience in the development of security elements and has its own patented technologies. For example, boxing gloves contain “EverGEL” - a special gel, the composition of which is kept secret. It protects your wrists by cushioning and dissipating impact energy. The same technologies are used in boxing mouth guards.

To make the famous brand available to the masses, production was moved to China. Affordable prices, plus modern technologies. Summarize and you will understand why Everlast mouthguards are known in all boxing schools.

Using dental protection is a long-term investment in your career

Wearing a mouthguard does not necessarily guarantee that you will not get injured during training or competition in combat sports. Using this item is still a significant investment in your safety. In addition to saving on dental work, protecting against injury to your teeth, soft tissues and jaw itself, you will likely feel much better and more comfortable. Plus, you won't have to stop training due to accidental injuries. Investing in a mouthguard for regular training and competition is a small but very wise step you can take to keep your training fun and without unnecessary fear of injury.

If you decide to complement your training equipment with this element, we invite you to our store to choose a suitable mouth guard.

Which mouthguard to choose

When choosing a boxing mouth guard, remember how much a visit to the dentist costs. “Repairing” one tooth will cost more than a good insert.

Production leaders refused to produce double-sided protectors (for both jaws). Therefore, we will not consider them.

Single-sided plates, as you now know, come in one-, two- and three-layer types. Prices for single-layer protectors start from 150 rubles.

A reliable three-layer Everlast mouthguard , with the maximum degree of protection, will cost 1000-1100 rubles.

Need recommendations from MMA fighters - choose Venum . The defense was created by fighters based on personal experience. With such a boxing mouth guard you can go into the ring. Professional protection costs 1200 to 2500 rubles.

If you want a bright design from British aristocrats, check out Opro mouth guards .

The undisputed favorite remains the brand - Shock Doctor . Three-layer protection, a wide price range, warranty obligations - this is the number one policy.

Choosing protection for a child

A children's mouthguard is different in size from an adult's. Manufacturers produce two types of earbuds.

Children's – up to 10 years old, for a child under 140 cm tall. Adult – over 10 years old, for an athlete taller than 140 centimeters.

If the mouthguard turns out to be large, then the size is adjusted after “trying on”. Cut the long ends of the plate with a sharp knife or blade. If necessary, the protector can be “cooked” again.

The OPRO company produces special mouth guards for children . Professional orthopedists take part in the development of new models.

If your child has braces, purchase a specialized mouth guard. It’s called “for braces.”

How to “cook” a boxing mouthguard, instructions (video)

In fact, there is no need to cook the kapa. The workpiece is immersed in hot water (80-90° C) for 30-60 seconds. The exact time and water temperature are indicated in the instructions.

Then the plate is taken out, shaken (or dipped in cold water for 1 second) and put on the teeth.

The plate is pressed on the teeth with your fingers. The insert must be pulled over the gum and pressed tightly against the teeth.

After the protector is placed on the upper jaw, you need to close your teeth and bite down. There is no need to clench your teeth too hard to avoid biting through the protector.

The last step is to immerse the liner in cold water.

To reinforce the information, watch the video. It's easier to see once than to read twice.

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