Cefekon D instructions for use

Today, Tsefekon suppositories are the most convenient means of reducing high fever. Doctors advise all parents to stock up on this drug. In addition to the antipyretic effect, suppositories have analgesic properties; for this reason, doctors often prescribe this drug to young children to facilitate teething. In our article we will look at the instructions for using Tsefekon D suppositories for children.

Trade name: Tsefekon D.

Latin name: Cefecon D.

Manufacturer: Russia, JSC Nizhpharm.

Official website: www.stada.ru


Absorption is high, quickly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. The period to reach Cmax is 30–60 minutes, binding to plasma proteins is 15%. Penetrates through the BBB. The volume of distribution and bioavailability in children and neonates are similar to those in adults.

Metabolized in the liver: 80% - enters into conjugation reactions with glucuronic acid and sulfates to form inactive metabolites; 17% - undergoes hydroxylation to form active metabolites, which conjugate with glutathione and form inactive metabolites. With a lack of glutathione, these metabolites can block the enzyme systems of hepatocytes and cause their necrosis. In newborns in the first two days of life and in children 3–10 years of age, the main metabolite of paracetamol is paracetamol sulfate; in children 12 years of age and older, it is conjugated glucuronide.

T1/2 - 2-3 hours. Within 24 hours, 85-88% of paracetamol is excreted by the kidneys in the form of glucuronides and sulfates, unchanged - 3%. There is no significant age-related difference in the rate of elimination of paracetamol and in the total amount of the drug excreted in the urine.

Indications for the drug Cefekon® D

Used in children from 3 months to 12 years as:

antipyretic for acute respiratory infections, influenza, childhood infections, post-vaccination reactions and other conditions accompanied by an increase in body temperature;

analgesic for pain of mild to moderate intensity, incl. headache and toothache, muscle pain, neuralgia, pain from injuries and burns.

In children from 1 to 3 months, a single dose of the drug can be taken to reduce fever after vaccination.

Candles for children Tsefekon - reviews


We have been using Cefikon for 4 years. But we take them after Nurofen. I got the hang of it, 7.5 Nurofen, half an hour later Tsefikon and only then the temperature drops. One without the other, unfortunately, doesn’t help at all. We tried many syrups, candles and this is one of all the options for 100% churning even at very high temperatures that worked. In addition to antiviral suppositories, we put Viferon and my son is recovering very quickly. In general, look for suitable options, consult with doctors, not the same thing suits everyone. But this is not the first time this drug has saved us!



Helps with a temperature no higher than 39. I try to use them after vaccination, or for a cold with an increase in temperature. For a more serious, long-term illness with prolonged fever (sore throat, bronchitis, etc.), paracetamol-based medications (Cefekon, among others) do not help my child. Just in case, I always keep a package of Cefekon at home; it is convenient that it can be used for a very small child when the temperature rises. It helps quite quickly and the child’s ventricle does not suffer as much.



  • Act quickly
  • are inexpensive


  • Side effects and contraindications

We tried Tsefekon D suppositories for fever once and bought them again. I liked the product and it suited our little daughter.

The Cefekon D suppository is based on paracetamol, just like Panadol, Efferalgan and other analogues, but its price is much lower. The first purchase was like this - we didn’t have enough money at the pharmacy, and while my husband and I were thinking about what to give back, cough syrup or an antibiotic, the pharmacist suggested taking cheap candles and not giving anything away. There was just enough money for all the medications, and Tsefekon helped us out more than once.

Easy to use, like all suppositories for children. Cefekon acts quickly; after about half an hour, symptoms are relieved. We used them several times for ARVI, flu, sore throat, when cutting teeth, and they also helped.

A good remedy for fever for children, I recommend it. Inexpensive and effective. The only thing parents should pay attention to is that Cefekon has contraindications, like all medications, and intolerance or allergies may occur, so it is not advisable to use it without consulting a doctor.




  • act very quickly
  • cheaper than analogues
  • inexpensive


  • there are contraindications and side effects

When a child has a high temperature, this phenomenon is often accompanied by a sharp decrease in appetite, and even nausea. This is the best case scenario. It happened a couple of times that my daughter felt so bad that any food or drink just immediately came out and asked for it. In this case, it was pointless to give antipyretic drugs, even in the form of sweet syrup.

Previously, I used Efferalgan in the form of candles. But one day they ended at the wrong time. A neighbor who came in on business, seeing my condition (my husband was at work, there was no one to rush to the pharmacy, and my daughter had just successfully “returned” the entire tablespoon of syrup) ran and brought me these candles.

Of course, even though I was depressed, I looked at the instructions. Suitable for children from 1 month. Well, mine was already 2 years old at that time. I quickly lit the candle and took my daughter in my arms. She just seemed very hot to me. We sat like that for about ten minutes. During this time, I somehow even forgot that we lit a candle for her.

The child calmed down and became cooler to the touch. I quickly took the temperature - from 39.3 it dropped to 37.3. Although my daughter did not immediately become a “cucumber,” she already expressed a desire to play a little and asked for a drink. The effect was enough for us for almost 6 hours. But the second rise in temperature was already 38.7. They lit a candle again and went to bed. By morning the temperature was around 37.5. The daughter felt much better, drank buckets of lingonberry juice and moved briskly around the house.

It is very strange that our pediatrician never recommended this medicine to us. Although for the price and effect it is simply very remarkable. About 40-50 rubles per package. In general, thanks to my neighbor - then she just helped me out.

By the way, I was once tormented by a headache when the weather changed. There was nothing pain-relieving at home, so I lit this candle. The head just swings.


(Krista) Kristina


  • Fast acting
  • Price


  • Did not find

This summer my son started teething; he had none for a long time, but now he has 4 teeth all at once. The child was in a bad mood all the time, he was capricious and crying. But if during the day it was still possible to distract him with toys. it was very difficult at night. Three days later, the temperature also rose high. My godmother suggested this miracle cure for all my troubles.

These are rectal suppositories, 10 pieces (100 ml) in a package. They are sold in pharmacies, without a doctor’s prescription, and cost only 50 rubles. The active ingredient of the drug is paracetamol. Used in children from 3 months to 12 years. Repeated use is possible after 4-6 hours. 3 days can be used as an antipyretic and 5 days as an analgesic.

After the candle, our temperature dropped to normal within 30 minutes. For toothache we use it mainly before bedtime, and then the little one sleeps peacefully until the morning, waking up only to have a snack. An excellent product, not for regular use, but in extreme cases it helps very well.


Lily of the valley May


  • Easy to use


  • No

Hello! I use Cefekon D in the form of rectal suppositories when children have a high temperature, namely above 38.5 C.

Why Cefekon D suppositories are convenient for me, first of all, because they are convenient to use for a small child. When your baby is dodging antipyretic syrups, candles are the way to go.

The candles are packaged in blisters that are easy to open and not too tight.

They help (at least my children) - not instantly, but after about an hour.

Recently the baby was teething and had a high temperature for 2-3 days, they brought it down with Cefekon D.

Since candles melt quickly at room temperature, you need to remove them from the refrigerator immediately before use. I think they are the best option for reducing high fever (of course, if prescribed by a doctor and following other recommendations).

General impression: Tsefekon suppositories are optimal for small children.




  • quickly reduces temperature
  • valid for at least 4 hours


  • No

In the first year of her life, my daughter suffered from acute pyelonephritis. The temperature remained high, up to 40, and it was extremely difficult to bring it down. Antipyretics had to be given every 4 hours and alternated. After drinking antipyretic syrups for 2 days, it became extremely difficult to give them, I couldn’t even unclench my teeth. And then I bought Tsefekon D candles.

The suppositories are available in different dosages and can be used from 3 months. The candle itself is relatively small, about half the size of an adult candle. Putting it on is a matter of seconds.

The high temperature, 39-40 degrees, begins to decrease after 25-30 minutes. In our case, with pyelonephritis, the temperature dropped to 37 degrees. But here you can’t bring it down to normal. It returns to normal only after antibiotics.

The temperature drops below 38 degrees more quickly, in about 15 minutes and to normal. I put a candle after the vaccination. One candle was enough and we slept peacefully all night.

Works well. You definitely don’t have to run for 4 hours with a thermometer in your hand, there are minimal side effects and no negative effects on the stomach.

Now I always keep Cefekon D in the refrigerator. A very reliable drug.

General impression: Maintains normal temperature for 4-5 hours



When the child was only six months old, we got caught in the rain. As a result, the baby has a high temperature. I didn’t know how to knock her down. I called an ambulance, they said that there were no cars at the moment and recommended lowering the temperature with Tsefekon suppositories.

It’s good that it wasn’t at night, I ran out to the nearest pharmacy and bought it. Cefekon is sold at any pharmacy, it is well-known and widely distributed.

They didn’t tell us the dosage over the phone, so I had to calculate it myself. It’s good that everything is written in detail and clearly in the instructions. It is not always possible and time to gather a child, make an appointment with a doctor and get an appointment.

The baby’s temperature was under 40. He was six months old at that time, which means we needed, according to the instructions, 1 suppository of 100 mg.

The child did not even cry or scream; apparently, the temperature was very high, and the son did not even feel the unpleasant moment.

Fortunately, we didn’t have to wait long for the result. Half an hour later the temperature was already below 38 degrees, and soon dropped to 37.5. This couldn’t help but make me happy, because initially the temperature was about 40.

Since then, Tsefekon has always been in my mom’s home medicine cabinet. You never know - children often, for no apparent reason, have a fever in the middle of the night. In order not to go to the other end of the city to a 24-hour pharmacy, I always keep that reliable drug in stock.

I recommend to everyone.



A 5-year-old child had a temperature of 39 for four days, periodically dropping, but not subsiding. Just over the weekend... The doctor prescribed antibiotics. Then he rose to a little over 40, nothing helped, neither vinegar nor Nurofen (he had already vomited a couple of times from medicines). They called an ambulance, and just gave suppositories (they drove for a long time, and didn’t even give an injection...). The temperature began to drop safely, and gradually, quite quickly, but not sharply, what’s worse, fell completely. Very good candles! And it doesn’t spoil the stomach.



The best remedy for fever for children helps literally in 20-30 minutes. All the time when there was a need to bring down the temperature or alleviate the baby’s condition after vaccinations, I used only CEFEKON. But a pediatrician and almost! every pharmacist was always persuaded to try Nurofen. And what? The child got sick - the temperature rose to 39.6 - New Year's holidays, time 2 am, bought Nurofen-pharmacy at the pharmacy on Tuesday and said that it was better than Cefekon - did we wait 2!!! hours so that the child's temperature subsided.



Stimulators of microsomal oxidation in the liver (phenytoin, ethanol, barbiturates, flumecinol, rifampicin, phenylbutazone, tricyclic antidepressants), hepatotoxic drugs increase the production of hydroxylated active metabolites, which makes it possible to develop severe intoxications even with a slight overdose.

Inhibitors of microsomal oxidation (including cimetidine) reduce the risk of hepatotoxicity.

When taken together with salicylates, the nephrotoxic effect of paracetamol increases sharply.

Combination with chloramphenicol leads to an increase in the toxic properties of the latter.

Strengthens the effect of indirect anticoagulants, reduces the effectiveness of uricosuric drugs.

Directions for use and doses

Rectally, after a cleansing enema or spontaneous bowel movement. The dosage of the drug is calculated depending on age and body weight, in accordance with the table. A single dose is 10–15 mg/kg 2–3 times a day every 4–6 hours. The maximum daily dose of paracetamol should not exceed 60 mg/kg.


Dosage of the drug for children of different ages

AgeWeight, kgSingle dose
1–3 months4–61 sup. 0.05 g (50 mg)
3–12 months7–101 sup. 0.1 g (100 mg)
1–3 years11–161–2 supp. 0.1 g (100 mg)
3–10 years17–301 sup. 0.25 g (250 mg)
10–12 years31–352 supp. 0.25 g (250 mg)

Cefekon's analogs

This drug has a fairly large number of drugs with similar effects. Let's look at the most effective of them:

Drug nameFor what diseases is it used?Who should not use itAt what age can it be used?average cost
NurofenFor the treatment of acute respiratory diseases, viral infections. To relieve joint pain, as well as headaches, toothaches and earaches. If the child's weight is less than 5 kg, 1st and 3rd trimester of pregnancy, heart failure, renal failure, individual intolerance to the active substance, indigestibility of fructose.From 3 months170 rubles
ViferonInfectious and inflammatory diseases, hepatitis of various groups. During pregnancy, it is used to treat candidiasis, vaginosis and mycoplasmosis. Individual intolerance to the active substanceFrom birth210 rubles
EfferalganUsed to reduce high body temperature in acute respiratory diseases, viral infections, after vaccination. It is used as a pain reliever for earaches, headaches, and toothaches. Individual intolerance to the active substance, anemia, blood diseases, age up to 1 month.From 1 month105 rubles
PanadolAs an antipyretic for acute respiratory diseases, viral infections, and also after vaccination. Relieves pain during teething. Effective for ear pain and headaches. Newborns, children with serious kidney or liver diseases, individual intolerance to the active substance.From 3 months98 rubles
ParacetamolAs an antipyretic for acute respiratory diseases, viral infections, and also after vaccination. Relieves pain during teething. Effective for ear pain and headaches. Viral hepatitis, individual intolerance to the active substance, renal or liver failure.From 3 months89 rubles

special instructions

If fever persists for more than 3 days and pain persists for more than 5 days, you should consult your doctor.

The simultaneous use of paracetamol with other paracetamol-containing drugs should be avoided, as this may cause an overdose of paracetamol.

When using the drug for more than 5–7 days, peripheral blood counts and the functional state of the liver should be monitored. Paracetamol distorts laboratory results in the quantitative determination of glucose and uric acid in plasma.

Contraindications, side effects, overdose

Cannot be used in the following cases:

  • The drug is strictly prohibited for use by young children under 1 month of age.
  • Individual intolerance to active components.
  • The drug is used with caution in case of low hemoglobin, neutropenia, as well as in chronic liver or kidney diseases.

Side effects

Sometimes a child develops an allergy to Cefekon suppositories, which manifests itself:

  • skin itching or rash,
  • redness of the anus.

Abdominal pain, vomiting and nausea are also possible. Very rarely, a child develops diarrhea from Cefekon suppositories.


There are no official data on overdose.

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