The best dental colleges in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Russia after 9th and 11th grade

According to surveys, of all the medical professions, dentists scare our compatriots the most. Squealing drills and creepy-looking instruments are long gone, but people are still reluctant to go to the dentist.

On the other hand, it is in this branch of medicine that doctors earn the highest earnings. Therefore, if you are not embarrassed by this attitude towards the profession, and you want to become a dental technician, you should choose a medical university or specialized college to enroll.

We have prepared a list of dental colleges in the capital and other regions of the Russian Federation.

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How to become a dentist: studying in college

Go to medical school University for the most popular specialty among applicants, “dentistry,” is not easy. Those who decide to start studying at college to become a dental technician after 11th grade have a better chance and after graduating can apply for the 2nd year of university.

Please note: you cannot go to dental college after the ninth grade; only graduates of the eleventh grade receive professional education in this profile.

Specialties of medical dental colleges

Dental technicians in colleges are trained in 2 areas:

  • preventive dentistry;
  • orthopedic dentistry.

The second educational program is more popular; it is presented in most medical colleges.

How to enter medical colleges to become a dental technician

To become a student at a dental college after 11th grade, you need to submit documents to the admissions committee (application, copy of passport, certificate of secondary education) and pass exams:

  • Russian language;
  • physics;
  • chemistry.

In addition, the admissions committee conducts psychological testing for applicants to understand whether a person can not only study in college as a dental technician, but also work in his specialty.

Going to a good dental technician is not scary at all

Dental colleges in Moscow

Studying in college to become a dental technician is possible both in a specialized college and in a general medical institution.

  1. Dental College No. 1.
  2. Medical College No. 5.
  3. Moscow Regional Medical College No. 1.
  4. Medical College of the Russian University of Transport (MIIT).
  5. College of Innovative Technologies and Service "Galaktika".

At the same time, budget places are available only in the first three educational institutions. The cost of paid training starts from 88,000 rubles per year.

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As we said above, you cannot enter a dental college in Moscow after 9th grade. Training to become a dental technician is possible only on the basis of complete secondary education.

How much does training to become a dentist cost in Russia?

Reading time: 7 minutes(s) The dentist profession is quite in demand and is considered very prestigious. Dentists specialize in all problems related to the maxillofacial area; they are competent in modern diagnosis and treatment of teeth. The dentist often acts as a competent consultant in matters of disease prevention and proper oral care in general.

Who is a dentist: what do you need to know about the profession?

A dentist is a doctor who treats the teeth, jaw, soft tissues, or other organs of the oral cavity. The dental profession is a fairly broad concept, so specialists with a narrower profile are distinguished:

  • The dentist treats caries, puts fillings, and restores teeth;
  • dental surgeon – this focus involves diagnosing dental diseases using x-rays;
  • orthopedist-dentist – a prosthetist who restores teeth and prevents the further development of various oral diseases;
  • pediatric dentist.

In addition to dentists, dental technicians, orthodontists and medical assistants often work in clinics and dental offices. The duties of such an assistant include sterilizing dental instruments, conducting physical therapy procedures, preparing the office, and assisting the doctor in maintaining documentation.

Tasks and Responsibilities

Dentists have a wide field of activity, since the very concept of this specialty is quite capacious and is divided into several areas. Depending on them, the tasks and responsibilities of the doctor will vary. In a broader sense, the dentist's primary goal is to treat the patient's oral health.

Regardless of what area a dentist specializes in, his knowledge of human anatomy and physiology must be perfect, especially with regard to the structure of the jaw, teeth and the entire oral cavity.

Dentistry is a high-tech branch of medicine, so the doctor must be a master of various special equipment and instruments.

Work and salary

The dentist profession is prestigious, so the earnings of these specialists are quite high. Dentists can work in public clinics or in private offices.

The peculiarity of this profession is that there are several options for career growth. In the first case, the doctor can remain in the same position, constantly improving his qualifications and gaining experience. In addition, a dentist always has the opportunity to move up the administrative ladder and reach the position of chief physician. Also, a specialist can choose a scientific career and defend a doctoral dissertation, if desired, at the same time working for himself and improving his financial condition.

The average salary of a beginning specialist is about 30-40,000 rubles, while doctors with experience can receive from 100,000 rubles.

Pros and cons of the profession

Like any other profession, working as a dentist has its advantages and disadvantages. The undoubted advantages of such a specialty include:

  • high wages;
  • demand in the market for good specialists;
  • the possibility of opening your own office or clinic.

The main disadvantages include the almost inaccessible free education due to enormous competition. In addition, like any other medical profession, dentistry requires endurance from a specialist, and therefore is not the best choice for overly impressionable people.

How to become a dentist?

To become a dentist, you need to go through quite a long journey. The first step will be admission to a higher educational institution, and after the third year of study, students will go on their first medical practice. Only after completing the 5th year will the young doctor receive a diploma without the right to practice.

To work, theoretical knowledge is not enough. Mandatory practical skills are acquired in a year-long internship, which is already full-time work in a clinical setting, but under the supervision of qualified specialists. After this, the young doctor can continue his residency training, which will allow him to become a specialist in a more specialized field.

It is possible to learn the profession of a dental assistant without a university diploma - for this it will be enough to obtain secondary vocational education at a technical school or college or complete special courses. However, for career growth in this case, you will definitely need to graduate from a university.

What skills are needed?

A person who has chosen the profession of a dentist as a job must be calm, balanced, persevering, accurate and observant. People in this profession require excellent knowledge of chemistry, anatomy and human physiology. You will also need to have skills in pharmacology and an excellent knowledge of the structure of the oral cavity.

A good dentist treats his clients with great attention and kindness. A true professional is always reserved, tactful and loyal to everyone who comes to him for help. In addition, this specialty requires excellent vision and well-developed fine motor skills.

What education is needed and where can I go?

Training in the dentistry profession is carried out only in medical universities. An applicant can apply for any major, but after graduating from the specialty, he will need to undergo an internship. Only after this stage will the young specialist be able to obtain a certificate for the right to practice medicine.

What subjects need to be taken?

Since the requirements for such professionals are extremely high, already at the initial stage, during the period of passing exams for admission, applicants are required to have a serious level of preparation. Those wishing to enter a medical university must successfully pass chemistry, Russian, biology or physics.

Is it difficult and worth learning?

The training program at a higher educational institution is structured in such a way that students are introduced to a wide range of important disciplines, they receive practical skills throughout their studies, and learn research and organizational work. As a result, the graduate must be able to solve various professional problems, provide specific medical care to the patient and make a diagnosis.

Since the medical profession is considered very important in modern society, studying at a medical university requires taking your studies seriously. A future specialist must be able to navigate the terminology and have a lot of professional knowledge, which requires perseverance, attentiveness and patience, and this, of course, is difficult for many, especially in the first years of study.

Is it possible to study to become a dentist after 9th grade?

A 9th grade graduate will not be able to immediately enter the faculty, which in the future guarantees him the profession of a dentist. However, those who want to master the profession of a dental technician can easily enter technical schools or colleges after the 9th grade, having in hand a high school diploma.

How long to study after grades 9 and 11?

If a graduate after 9th grade decides to master the profession of a dental technician or dental assistant, then studying at a college or technical school will take him 2-3 years. In a medical university, after 11th grade, you will need to study to become a dentist for 5 years. Then the young specialist will be required to undergo training in an internship or residency, where he will receive his narrow specialization and also gain experience as a doctor. The duration of such training will be several more years.

Is distance learning possible?

Correspondence training in such a complex profession is, of course, impossible. To become a dentist who has the right to practice, you must study only full-time, according to the entire required program of a higher educational institution.

When we talk about correspondence training for doctors, then, as a rule, it means advanced training courses for dentists or retraining of those specialists who already have a diploma from any medical educational institution.

Where to go to study?

In order to become a specialist in the field of dental pathologies, you should choose the specialization “Dentistry” at a university or academy.

Universities and academies

In Moscow, you can study to become a dentist at the following institutions.

  1. Moscow State University named after Lomonosov. One of the most prestigious universities in Russia accepts applicants to the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine. The main professional program is implemented in accordance with the educational standard of Moscow State University. The duration of training is 6 years, the form of training is full-time, budget or contract. The cost of training is from 300,000 rubles per year.
  2. First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov. The Department of Dentistry was organized within the structure of the Faculty of Postgraduate Professional Education of Doctors. Involves full-time training for 2 years, there is a budget and a contract.
  3. Russian National Research Medical University RNRMU named after N. I. Pirogov. The Faculty of Dentistry, founded in 2008, accepts applicants. The form of study is full-time, duration is 5 years. The graduate will receive the qualification “Dentist”. The contract price is from 380,000 rubles.
  4. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia . In the specialty of dentistry, 1 program is offered with 15 budget places; the contract form of education costs 390,000 rubles per year. The training lasts for 5 years.
  5. Moscow State Medical and Dental University named after. A. I. Evdokimova . In the field of Dentistry, specialists are trained on the basis of budget and contract (410,000 rubles per year) training.

In St. Petersburg, the list of universities looks like this.

  1. St. Petersburg State University. Dentists are trained at the Faculty of Dentistry of Medical Technologies, there is a budget - 15 budget places, the cost of the contract is 252,700 rubles.
  2. Military Medical Academy named after. M. S. Kirov . The duration of training for dentists is 6 years, there is a budgetary form of education.
  3. St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical Academy . The Faculty of Dentistry here was separated into a separate structure in 2009. There is a Department of Dentistry, a Department of Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics. Full-time study is expected for 5 years (specialty degree). A budget and contract (from 231,000 rubles per year) form is provided.
  4. First St. Petersburg State Medical University named after. Academician I.P. Pavlov . The Faculty of Dentistry is recruiting applicants for full-time study for a period of 5 years. The main goal of the activity is to train dentists in accordance with the requirements of higher professional education. The cost of training on a contract basis is from 200,000 rubles.
  5. St. Petersburg Medical and Social Institute . The institute accepts applicants to the medical faculty, where training is conducted in accordance with federal state educational standards. The training lasts 5 years according to the specialty program, its cost is 175,000 per year.

Colleges and technical schools


  1. Dental College No. 1. The structure of the educational institution includes the department of dentistry, nursing and the department for advanced training of dentists. To be admitted, an applicant must have a basic higher or secondary medical education.
  2. Intercollege. Conducts training in the program “Orthopedic Dentistry”. There are no budget places available, the duration of study is from 34 months, the cost is from 90,000 rubles.
  3. Medical College No. 5. Recruits applicants after grades 9 and 11, there are budget places, the cost of the contract is 180,000 rubles per year. The program lasts 2 years 10 months.
  4. College of Innovative Technologies and Service "Galaktika". A private educational institution, the training program is conducted in the specialty of preventive dentistry. The duration of study is 22 months, the cost is from 100,000 rubles per year.
  5. MIIT Medical College. Provides training in the specialty “Orthopedic Dentistry”, training lasts 2 years 10 months, there are budget places.

Saint Petersburg:

  1. Medical College named after. V. M. Bekhtereva. Graduates of specialists are carried out on the basis of grades 9 and 11, duration - 2 years 10 months, cost from 60,000 rubles.
  2. Medical School of the Institute of Nursing Education of the First St. Petersburg State Medical University named after Academician I.P. Pavlova. The study is carried out in the direction of “Preventive Dentistry” for a period of 2 years 10 months. There are budget and contract forms (from 84,000 rubles).
  3. Medical College No. 2. The state budgetary professional educational institution accepts applicants for full-time study. The preparation period is 3 years 10 months, budget or contract form (from 70,000 rubles).
  4. St. Petersburg GBPOU Medical College No. 2. One of the oldest medical educational institutions offers education for graduates of grades 9 and 11 according to the basic training program. Preparation takes place over 3 years 10 months (9th grade), and 2 years 10 months (11th grade). Cost – from 88,000 rubles.
  5. Medical College No. 3. Conducts recruitment in the specialty “Orthopedic Dentistry”, “Preventive Dentistry”. Involves obtaining the qualifications “Dental Technician” and “Dental Hygienist” on a full-time basis, based on grades 11 and 9. The duration of study is 2 years and 10 months. Education is paid - from 140,000 rubles per year.

Courses and trainings


  1. "Geosoft Dental Education". We provide training for dentists, courses for dentists, seminars, lectures, trainings, and advanced training courses. It is assumed that you have a higher education and a work permit. The cost of the courses depends on the specific direction and timing of completion (approximately 3,000 rubles).
  2. Educational. Conducts training according to the program from 8 to 36 hours, the cost of training is from 1,500 to 32,000 rubles.
  3. Educational. The cost of training here ranges from 3,000 to 100,000 rubles, duration – from 3 hours to 5 days.
  4. Educational. The cost of training is 20,000 rubles, the duration is 3 days. The program is designed to improve skills.
  5. Educational. The cost of training is up to 52,000 rubles, duration is up to 5 days.

In St. Petersburg, you can take dental courses here.

  1. Educational . Conducts trainings, seminars, and advanced training courses. The duration of training programs is from one day, the cost is from 3,000 rubles.
  2. Educational . Organizes training events for doctors, assistants and managers. Duration of classes from 34 hours, cost from 24,000 rubles.
  3. International Consulting Educational Center for Modern Dentistry . Conducts seminars and master classes based on lectures, practical classes. Course duration is from 2 days, cost from 18,000 rubles.
  4. N. Sella . Dental training courses are held here several times a month and include lectures, seminars and master classes. The duration of classes is from 1 day, the cost is from 2,000 rubles.
  5. Training center for dentists "Lax". Offers courses, lectures and seminars to discuss solutions to pressing industry challenges. There are also advanced training courses and professional retraining.

In conclusion, it should be noted that dentistry is a very prestigious profession, chosen by hundreds of school graduates every year. But before applying to a university, those wishing to master this specialty need to familiarize themselves with the pros and cons of working as a doctor and evaluate their capabilities.

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Dental colleges in Russia

There is only one dental college in St. Petersburg: you can get an education in this area at Medical College No. 3. There is a large supply of budget places and a high price for contract education: 150,000 rubles. There are no more dental colleges in St. Petersburg, but this specialty is taught in many St. Petersburg hospitals. universities

You can study to become a dental technician in college after 11th grade in many other cities of the Russian Federation.

  1. Medical College of Volgograd State Medical University.
  2. Rostov Basic Medical College.
  3. Medical and Pharmaceutical College of the Far Eastern State Medical University.
  4. Tyumen Medical College.
  5. Medical College of Saratov State Medical University named after V. I. Razumovsky
  6. Novosibirsk Medical College.
  7. Orenburg Regional Medical College.
  8. Kaluga Basic Medical College.
  9. Kirov Medical College.
  10. Vladimir Basic Medical College.

Studying in college to become a dentist can be difficult: you need to learn a lot of general and special disciplines and memorize a lot of information. You can make the learning process easier by enlisting the support of a student assistance service. Its experts will always give good advice, help you understand the material or prepare any academic work.

What does a dentist do?

A dentist is a worker with a higher education; he helps patients maintain their smile, treats pathologies and eliminates aesthetic defects.

The responsibilities of a dentist include:

  • carrying out preventive and diagnostic examinations of the oral cavity (teeth, gums, cheeks, tongue);
  • determination of the nature of the pathology;
  • making diagnoses based on the data obtained from the survey, examination and additional examination;
  • ability to read x-rays;
  • ability to operate equipment;
  • installation of temporary and permanent fillings;
  • professional cleaning;
  • treatment of caries;
  • performing surgical interventions;
  • installing braces and advising patients on proper care for them;
  • knowledge of various prosthetic methods and the ability to apply them in practice;
  • installation of implants of varying degrees of complexity;
  • providing emergency medical care to victims in emergency situations;
  • prescription of medications for etiotropic, pathogenetic and symptomatic therapy;
  • understanding the laws and following all medical regulations;
  • tooth extraction;
  • filling out reporting documentation;
  • knowledge of all medications for local and general anesthesia and the ability to correctly calculate the dosage;
  • communicating with patients and advising them about proper hygiene.

Specialists who have received the appropriate specialization can work in various areas. Popular industries include:

  1. Dental therapy: Dental therapists perform examinations, treat various diseases, perform cleaning and removal of tartar, install fillings and prescribe medications. The main flow of people comes to them, which therapists must be able to correctly distribute among specialized specialists if necessary.
  2. Dental surgery: Dental surgeons remove unsalvageable teeth, clean out cavities, build up bone tissue, and remove cysts. Surgeons are involved in eliminating those pathologies that therapists could not cope with, and also advise workers in other specializations.
  3. Orthodontics: Orthodontists help patients change their bite, install braces and mouth guards, and give advice on lifestyle and proper use. They also help cope with pain caused by the start of orthodontic treatment, prescribe medications and care recommendations.
  4. Orthopedics and prosthetics: orthopedists eliminate aesthetic smile defects and restore lost dental elements. They learn to install various prosthetics (veneers, lumineers, crowns, bridges) using specially made 3D models or casts of patients.
  5. Implantology: Implantologists implant special implants into the bone structures of the jaws, which in appearance and function are not inferior to real ones.
  6. Pediatric dentistry: dentists work with children and adolescents under 18 years of age. They know all the structural features of baby and permanent teeth, know how to choose the right safe method of therapy and calm the child.

The earnings of dentists by region are 50-70 thousand rubles per month. Salaries in large cities of Russia range from 60 to 100 thousand rubles. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, doctors can receive 100-150 thousand rubles per month. Employee earnings depend on the region, place of work and chosen specialization.

Dentists can work in public clinics and private clinics, in pediatric and adult departments. Professionals may also pursue administrative or scientific careers, write medical articles for journals, and earn degrees.

Qualities that a professional in this medical field needs:

  • accuracy during the work process;
  • stress resistance;
  • tact;
  • goodwill;
  • good memory;
  • communication skills;
  • curiosity;
  • ability to remain calm in emergency situations;
  • broad outlook in all branches of medicine, not just dentistry;
  • attentiveness and meticulousness to detail;
  • ability to communicate with patients and provide them with psychological support if necessary.
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