Teething in children: modern concepts

Teething is an important event in the life of every child, because he will finally be able to taste solid food. However, the appearance of baby teeth is not always associated with joy and the arrival of the Tooth Fairy. Many children can become irritable and apathetic during the teething period. For some, vomiting, diarrhea, or fever occur when teeth appear.

Whether vomiting is actually caused by teething is controversial. There are no studies confirming the relationship between these natural processes. Most experts agree that teething may cause local pain, but not discomfort in other parts of the body such as rashes or diarrhea.

Other teething symptoms

Some children experience teething without any pain or discomfort. Others may exhibit specific symptoms:

  • increased desire to chew;
  • salivation;
  • cry;
  • irritability;
  • inability to sleep;
  • loss of appetite
  • red, tender and swollen gums.

Parents’ concern for the baby’s condition is understandable, because they want to know exactly why the baby’s mood suddenly deteriorated or he began to be capricious.

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, none of the following symptoms predict the onset of teething:

  • cough;
  • disturbed sleep;
  • decreased appetite;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • rash;
  • heat.

Belching - the mechanism of the process

Belching in a baby activates the process of digesting food.

Belching is a physiological process in which excess air is expelled from the stomach through the oral cavity. This requires a reflex contraction of the gastric muscles and an open cardiac sphincter. A person becomes familiar with this phenomenon in infancy.

During feeding, the baby swallows some air. It needs to be removed from their little tummy. But a small amount of air is necessary for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. This helps regulate internal pressure in the body. Additional functions of burping:

  • Improving gastric motility
  • Activates the process of food digestion
  • Reduced pressure in the stomach
  • A safe mechanism that prevents stretching of the walls of the stomach and intestines

During normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, the process of removing air goes unnoticed. But in pathological processes, additional symptoms are added to belching. In this case, additional examination and treatment of the underlying disease is required.

Why does a baby vomit when teething?

Teething is often wrongly blamed for many symptoms. However, research shows that cough, congestion, vomiting, diarrhea, rashes, fever (over 38°C) and sleep-wake problems are not symptoms of teething. In addition, scientists have found that no single set of symptoms can accurately signal the onset of teething.

The American Academy of Pediatrics explains that from the age of 6 months, a child's immune system weakens, losing maternal antibodies, which increases the risk of exposure to a wide range of diseases, including viruses and bacteria. This is why vomiting may have another cause, but not teething.

What to do if teeth do not erupt “on time”?

Nothing to do. As stated earlier, the timing is quite relative and not strict data. There is such a thing as the individual characteristics of a child. Plus neonatal indicators, physical constitution, etc. Thus, the timing of the appearance of teeth in your child is normal for him. The same applies to permanent teeth.

The later the teeth appear, the healthier they will be?

Is not a fact. The timing of teething does not affect their “quality”.

What sedatives can be used during teething? Do they influence the process itself?

No, such drugs do not affect the process of teeth formation and, as a rule, have no side effects. For children with allergies, there is a sedative called Doctor Baby that does not contain lidocaine. Almost all gels contain lidocaine and inert fillers (cooling menthol, astringents and flavoring additives). You can use Dentinox, Kalgel (be careful with diathesis, because it is sweet), Kamistad (very effective, but you need to know when to stop), Mundizal, Cholisal, Solcoseryl dental paste (especially good in the presence of wounds or ulcers).

How often should such drugs be used?

Soothing gels are not antibiotics and do not need to be used according to a specific regimen. If the child is in pain, apply it, but if everything is calm, don’t. But it’s better not to use it more than 3-4 times a day and for longer than 3 days in a row.

How to relieve teething discomfort?

To relieve gum discomfort, you can try massaging or rubbing them with your fingers, or giving your baby a chilled teething ring. If your baby is already chewing, you can offer him raw fruits and vegetables.

Do not give your child painkillers or gum rubs, such as viscous lidocaine or benzocaine. These medications may be harmful if swallowed. The US Food and Drug Administration opposes the use of these drugs due to the risk of overdose.

Overdose symptoms include:

  • nervousness;
  • confusion;
  • vomiting;
  • convulsions.

Aerophagia - causes and solutions to the problem

To prevent aerophagia, you need to monitor feeding techniques.

Swallowing air is common during feeding. The reasons for excess air ingress are as follows:

  1. The baby is worried and sucks greedily. At the same time, he opens his mouth wide. The reason may be a lack of milk from the mother or its complete absence.
  2. Mistakes during feeding. This happens with both breastfeeding and artificial feeding.
  3. Muscle weakness in a toddler due to problems during childbirth.

Prevention of aerophagia:

When to see a doctor

Teething can usually be managed at home. However, if a child has a high fever and symptoms not related to teeth, this is a reason to consult a doctor.

Some symptoms, such as vomiting, should not be attributed to teething because they may have a more serious underlying cause. Your doctor may want to run some tests to rule out other health problems.

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Timing of teeth appearance. When do teeth start cutting?

Sometimes parents expect that teeth will start cutting in on time, and if this does not happen, they begin to get seriously nervous, because late appearance of teeth can be one of the symptoms of rickets. And the therapist at the appointment can tell you the timing of their appearance for the same reason.

Don’t panic if your child is already 8-9 months old and still has no teeth. In fact, this is only one of many symptoms of such a serious disease that cannot be considered on its own. The process of teething is individual for each child.

The first tooth can appear between 3 and 10 months. And both extreme options are the norm. Only the later appearance of the first tooth can cause some concern in the absence of other external abnormalities.

The average time for teeth to appear can be represented as follows:

  • The 2 lower incisors appear first at 6-8 months of age;
  • all 4 upper incisors grow sequentially in the period from 8 to 12 months;
  • at approximately 10-13 months, the lower lateral incisors appear;
  • the first molars, first the upper and then the lower, are cut at 12-15 months;
  • fangs appear at 18-20 months, also first the upper ones, then the lower ones.

All 20 teeth finally appear by 2.5-3 years. Moreover, if the baby’s teeth began to cut early, then the process may be completed earlier - already by 2 years. If, on the contrary, the first tooth appeared only at 9-10 months, the last ones can appear only at 3-5 years.

After a year, the baby may cut several teeth at the same time, and then this process can be really very painful.

Probable Causes

Food intoxication can lead to pathological belching.

Doctors identify several probable causes for the development of pathological belching. All diseases require the attention of a doctor and careful treatment. Belching as a sign of disease:

  • Hydrocephalus is the accumulation of fluid in the structures of the brain. It can be congenital or acquired. The first is a consequence of some viral diseases suffered by the mother while waiting for the toddler. The second is a consequence of a difficult birth, head injury, meningitis at an early age.
  • Perinatal encephalopathy is a pathological process in the brain of a toddler that develops in 1 month of life. There can be a lot of reasons. These include maternal illnesses, unfavorable working conditions, stress, infections, childbirth before the age of 18, Rhesus conflict, and pathological childbirth. Each case is individual.
  • Achalasia is a disorder of motor activity of the esophagus. Although this disorder belongs to gastrointestinal diseases, it is, in fact, a neurological disorder. The reasons for the development of this pathology are unknown.
  • Pyloric stenosis is a congenital pathology of the pylorus of the stomach. Boys get sick more often than girls. Acquired forms are extremely rare as a result of a previous stomach ulcer. Doctors identify the following possible causes of the disease: the effect of certain medications, exposure to toxic reagents in early pregnancy, and endocrinological disorders. The result may be intestinal obstruction.
  • Food intoxication.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • In rare cases of kidney disease.

All these pathological conditions require the attention of a doctor. Self-treatment in this case is not only inappropriate, but also dangerous. In difficult cases, surgery will be required. But only after consultation with a gastroenterologist, surgeon and based on the results of a thorough study.

Parents! Don't panic! Surgical actions for pyloric stenosis and achalasia are carried out according to methods proven over the years. Usually it is allowed to start feeding a toddler already on the 1st day after the intervention. In order to reduce the risk of developing pathologies, the expectant mother should undergo all the necessary tests and behave according to the recommendations of the gynecologist. If additional symptoms appear, do not self-medicate. Show your little one to the doctor! It's better to be safe than to bite your elbows later!

How to help a baby

If vomiting is accompanied by other symptoms characteristic of the appearance of baby teeth, there is no cause for concern. It is recommended to consult your pediatrician regarding this issue.

It is difficult to prevent the development of gag reflexes , but parents are able to make their baby feel better by:

  • massage the gums in the places where the molars erupt. Massage the gums with bare fingers. Any pressure should be avoided;
  • the use of special teethers, which can be found in a baby goods store. These devices eliminate itching and discomfort in the gum area;
  • treating gums with gels that have an anesthetic effect (Dentol - available at the pharmacy without a prescription);
  • timely elimination of saliva, which is abundantly released during the teething of the incisors.

Parents should not insist on their baby eating large amounts of food, which can cause vomiting.

Give food in small portions, after thoroughly grinding it.

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