signs of tonsillitis
Tonsillitis in adults - what it is, symptoms and treatment, causes, photos and first signs
Symptoms of tonsillitis: pain in the throat during swallowing; increase in body temperature; Availability
The evolution of the toothbrush: from a wooden stick to smart gadgets
Ksenia Kotova editor of Dental Magazine From time immemorial, humanity has cared about oral hygiene. Studying
Service ratio
Dental tourism: important points and benefits
Every six months Marina travels from Moscow to Ryazan to see the dentist, with whom she
Vampire fangs: features of correction in children and adults
Fangs protruding from the dentition - the third pair of teeth, counting from the center - is
amber jewelry for children and mother_1
Why does a child need amber beads: the benefits of amber during teething in a child
Sometimes you are surprised to notice that parents strive to “decorate” their children in ways that are clearly inappropriate for their age.
Dream Interpretation of Front Teeth Problems: Why Do Women or Men Dream About Front Teeth Problems?
Home / Interpretation of Dreams / A tooth has broken off. A person on a subconscious level can hold how
What to do after lip augmentation - Photo 1
Lip care after lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid - rules and recommendations
Lip augmentation allows you to make them attractive and beautiful. Additionally, you can correct asymmetry and restore the contour
How does a Coffin spring work?
Purpose of the Coffin spring in orthodontic appliances
512 Mechanical orthodontic devices use screws, vestibular and oral, to generate force.
How does the bite change and how to prevent its violations?
The formation of primary occlusion is a multi-stage process, which is characterized by a number of features that can
Treatment of boils on the cheek using official medicine and at home
A furuncle is a purulent inflammation of the hair sac (follicle) involving the sebaceous tissue in the inflammatory process.
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