German Lakalut toothpaste - gentle care and reliable protection

Every person dreams of a snow-white smile, so they take special care in choosing the right toothpaste. The need for a competent choice of drug for dental care is due to increasingly diagnosed dental problems and deterioration in the quality of food and drink. Lakalut toothpaste, produced by the German company Dr., can cope with plaque on the teeth, which is the cause of caries and darkening of the enamel. Theiss Naturwaren Gmbh. The manufacturer produces a wide range of products. Thanks to this, each buyer will be able to find the best option for himself.

How to choose the right toothpaste.

August 10, 2022



  • How to choose toothpaste
  • Top 7 toothpastes recommended by dentists
  • Parodontax Classic
  • Biorepair Fast Sensitive Repair
  • Elmex Protection against caries
  • ROCS PRO Moisturizing Moisturizing
  • Curaprox Enzycal 1450
  • Sensodyne Instant effect
  • INNOVA Intensive restoration and brightening of enamel

When they talk about a beautiful smile, they mean, of course, beautiful and healthy teeth. We all go to the dentist when caries or other dental problems appear. But how to properly care for your teeth at home? There are hundreds of toothpastes on the shelves of stores and pharmacies: which one should you choose? Let's listen to the opinions of dentists.

Let's start with the fact that toothpaste has several tasks: protecting teeth and gums from plaque, preventing caries, freshening breath, whitening teeth, reducing their sensitivity, and even treating some dental diseases.

Therefore, the main rule when choosing a toothpaste is to take into account your own needs, that is, the toothpaste is selected individually, to suit your problems with teeth and gums. Your dentist will help you with this.

In what cases is it suitable?

Not all patients can consult a doctor in time when they are bothered by tooth pain or chewing function is impaired.

If the doctor recommends removable structures for various reasons, they must be fixed in some way so as not to be lost during chewing. This is what fixing creams are for.

Lakalut cream is suitable if removable or partially removable dentures are used . It cannot be used to secure metal structures or other orthodontic appliances to teeth.

How to choose toothpaste

All toothpastes can be divided into two main groups:

  1. Hygienic.
    They cleanse the oral cavity, refresh and mineralize tooth enamel.
  2. Medicinal.
    Such toothpastes, in addition to cleansing the oral cavity, also help get rid of some problems with teeth or gums.

Medicinal toothpastes should be selected according to the following criteria:

  • increased sensitivity of teeth - the paste should contain special mineral complexes (primarily fluoride);
  • gum disease, bleeding - look for antiseptic and anti-inflammatory components that neutralize bacteria;
  • for the prevention or removal of plaque and tartar - toothpaste must contain mineral complexes, abrasive components and plant enzymes;
  • toothpaste against caries - these are mineral complexes, various extracts (for example, grape seeds, etc.);
  • Teeth whitening pastes help clear teeth of pigmentation and return them to their original shade.

But do not forget that toothpaste is not a treatment, but home care, which is needed as a prevention and control of existing dental problems.

Read also How to treat stomatitis: 7 effective drugs The best drugs for the treatment of stomatitis in adults and children.

Important instructions for use –

The cause of gum inflammation is soft microbial plaque and hard dental deposits.
If you decide to reduce inflammation in the gums only with the help of toothpaste (without removing plaque from the dentist), you will only get a temporary effect. You should not use toothpastes for inflammation in the gums or for bleeding gums on an ongoing basis, because they only mask the symptoms of inflammation. And in fact, the inflammation will continue, but only imperceptibly, leading to the gradual destruction of the periodontal attachment and the appearance of tooth mobility. Therefore, the best thing you can do for your gums is to have your teeth ultrasonic cleaned by your dentist. This procedure will remove supra- and subgingival dental plaque, which is the cause of gum inflammation. The use of anti-inflammatory toothpastes for periodontal disease (without removing dental plaque) will lead to sluggish chronic inflammation. At first it can only be gingivitis, which over time will certainly turn into chronic generalized periodontitis, in which tooth mobility and suppuration from periodontal pockets are already observed.

Parodontax Classic

Parodontax is a therapeutic toothpaste for gum problems. If you notice that your gums are bleeding while brushing or flossing, don't wait to see your dentist. He will find out the cause and recommend toothpaste to strengthen the gums - in particular, Parodontax. This paste effectively cleans plaque along the gums, making them adhere more tightly to the teeth. Parodontax paste contains sodium bicarbonate, which helps in the prevention and treatment of gum diseases. But remember that the course of treatment with Parodontax paste is no more than two weeks.

Parodontax Classic
GlaxoSmithKline, GSK, UK

This toothpaste effectively fights bleeding and gum inflammation - one of the first signs of a disease that can lead to tooth loss.
Its unique formula contains mineral salt bicarbonate and extracts of chamomile, echinacea, sage, ratania, myrrh. from 66

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Consumers in our country have been familiar with the Lakalut brand for more than 30 years and have appreciated its advantages.

Many are inclined to conclude that the products of the German company are unreasonably overpriced. Some people, on the contrary, noted the affordable cost of Lakalut in comparison with other manufacturers of expensive products.

You also have the opportunity to share your impressions of the composition and action of your favorite type of product in the comments to this article.

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Biorepair Fast Sensitive Repair

This is a low-abrasive toothpaste made in Italy, which contains zinc-substituted hydroxyapatite, an analogue of a substance found in bones and teeth. If you regularly brush your teeth with Biorepair Fast Sensitive Repair paste, you can quickly restore tooth enamel and make it more resistant to various damages. Biorepair Fast Sensitive Repair eliminates increased sensitivity of teeth. And although this paste is low abrasive, it perfectly removes plaque. Biorepair Fast Sensitive Repair saturates the enamel with minerals and is free of parabens and SLS. Among the disadvantages are the cost and the lack of fluoride in the composition.

Biorepair Fast Sensitive Repair
Biorepair, Italy

Protects against the development of caries, mechanical damage, as well as the appearance of erosion on the enamel.
Creates a protective barrier that prevents the formation of plaque and tartar. Ideal for those with sensitive teeth. Helps in maintaining natural whiteness. They become strong, sensitivity decreases, and a healthy shine appears. from 370

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Children's series

Let's look at several oral care gels from Dr. Theiss Naturwaren Gmbh, which are designed to care for children's teeth:

Baby. Can be used by children under 4 years old and has a pleasant raspberry taste. The drug is suitable for daily use by children and is safe if accidentally swallowed. Instead of fluoride, the drug contains amino fluorides - substances that have a gentle and gentle effect on the mucous membranes of the mouth. The approximate cost of the product is 165 rubles.

Kidz is a paste for children aged 4–8 years. The product takes into account all the features of a milk bite, which is gradually replaced by a permanent one. It contains high-quality abrasive (silicon dioxide), which does not react chemically with fluorine. The cost of a 50 ml tube of paste varies from 140 to 170 rubles. To increase the effect of hygiene procedures, the manufacturer has additionally developed a mouth rinse, which is similar in composition to Lakalut Kidz paste.

Elmex Protection against caries

Thanks to the presence of amino fluoride in the composition, Elmex toothpaste protects teeth from caries, remineralizes, reduces solubility and strengthens enamel. "Elmex Protection against caries." After brushing your teeth with Elmex paste, a stable layer of calcium fluoride is formed on the surface of the teeth - it is this barrier that protects the teeth from the negative effects of acid.

Elmex Protection against caries

Colgate Elmex Anti-Caries Toothpaste with highly effective amino fluoride remineralizes, strengthens enamel and protects teeth from caries.
Designed for daily oral hygiene to provide long-term protection against caries, reduce solubility and strengthen tooth enamel. The amino fluoride contained in Colgate Elmex Anti-Caries Toothpaste forms a stable layer of calcium fluoride on tooth surfaces that provides long-lasting, highly effective protection against acid attack. from 175

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How to brush your teeth correctly

Photos from open sources


When choosing a toothpaste, one person purchases the brand’s products from an advertisement, another is guided by the reviews of friends, the third does not bother himself much with thought and buys any tube he likes.

However, most people prefer to buy a product recommended by a specialist. Such products can confidently include Lakalut toothpaste; this particular product is recognized and approved by all dentists in our state.

The Lakalut product line went on sale almost 100 years ago. The first toothpaste of this brand was sold to consumers in the 20s of the twentieth century.

The manufacturer of the effective product is the Dr. brand. Theiss Naturwaren Gmbh, founded in Germany. This German company, whose work is based on development, research, mass production and distribution of medicines and preventive products, has opened its branches in many countries around the world.

Lakalut toothpaste is sold in 52 countries and has proven itself well among dentists and their patients.

This brand appeared in the Soviet Union in the 70s and has not lost its popularity to this day. You can purchase the product at any pharmacy in the country.

ROCS PRO Moisturizing Moisturizing

ROCS PRO Moisturizing Moisturizing toothpaste contains bromelain, a plant enzyme that effectively removes pigmented plaque on enamel and prevents its formation. This toothpaste is recommended for those who suffer from excessive dry mouth. Xerostomia (this is what dry mouth is called) contributes to the appearance of caries, causes problems with gums, stomatitis, etc. Due to insufficient saliva production, the mineralization of teeth also worsens. The special composition ROCS PRO Moisturizing improves the situation with moisture in the mouth, stimulating the secretion of saliva, and forms a special protective film on the mucous membrane. This low-abrasive toothpaste contains no surfactants or aggressive substances. But in general, some ROCS toothpastes may contain SLS, so read the ingredients carefully.

ROCS PRO Moisturizing Moisturizing
ROCS, Russia

Professional toothpaste ROCS “PRO Moisturizing.
Moisturizing" is designed specifically to solve and prevent problems such as periodic or constant dryness in the mouth. The unique composition of this toothpaste contains a special aromatic composition that gently stimulates saliva production. This allows you to provide a greater level of comfort and delicately resolve the problem, regardless of the causes of dryness. In addition, ROCS “PRO Moisturizing. Moisturizing" fully performs therapeutic and preventive functions, helping to maintain a high level of oral hygiene. The paste protects against caries, ensures fresh breath, normalizes the microflora of the oral cavity, etc.; does not contain fluorine, sodium laurisulfate, parabens. from 112

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Product line

The line for adults includes more than 20 types. All of them are slightly distinguished by additional components and abrasiveness indicators.

Each buyer has the opportunity to purchase a remedy to solve problems with the oral cavity, based on their own characteristics and characteristics.

Let's look at the most popular types of Lakalut toothpaste.


The three types of pastes included in the Aktiv series are designed to treat diseases of periodontal tissues, improve gum health and prevent the formation of carious cavities.

The components included in the Aktiv series successfully regenerate and restore oral tissue .

LACALUT active

Many patients are familiar with the white and red packaging from the German brand. There are many professional pastes for cleaning the oral cavity , however, this product is the most popular and affordable.

The composition includes the following components:

  1. Chlorhexidine . In dentistry it is used for antiseptic treatment and disinfection of organs and tissues of the oral cavity. Kills pathogens and reduces inflammatory processes.
  2. bisabolol . The substance promotes the regeneration of soft and hard tissues, relieves swelling and eliminates bleeding gums.
  3. Aluminum lactate . It has a strengthening effect on mucous membranes and gum tissue, and normalizes the mineral balance in the oral cavity.

The effectiveness of the product can be noticed from the first days of use. The paste is ideal for patients suffering from gum inflammation and hypersensitivity.

However, experts do not recommend the product for long-term use. The optimal period for eliminating dental problems is considered to be 20 days.

The limitation is explained by the presence of antiseptic substances in the composition, which over time can disrupt the normal microflora in the initial part of the digestive tract (oral cavity).

The cost varies between 160-200 rubles.

Lacalut Active Herbal

The product contains the effective formula Lakalut active, the effect of which can be noticed even upon initial use.

The properties are aimed at tightening gum tissue, eliminating bleeding and signs of caries. The components ensure oral health and fresh breath.

The paste carefully eliminates the symptoms of periodontitis, periodontal disease, stomatitis and completely relieves gum inflammation . High efficiency is achieved thanks to herbs:

  • anise;
  • eucalyptus;
  • pharmaceutical chamomile;
  • thyme;
  • myrrh;
  • fennel;
  • sage.

The product was created to combat caries and strengthen all tissues of the oral cavity. Frequent use is allowed .

You can purchase the product for 155-190 rubles.

LACALUT aktiv intensive cleansing

This series is a therapeutic and prophylactic product. Provides reliable protection against periodontitis, strengthens gum tissue, and reduces bleeding.

It has won consumer recognition due to its antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, and anti-caries properties. The active ingredients intensively increase the resistance of the protective layer of the tooth to the harmful effects of acids.

After use, the inflammatory process is weakened, the gums are strengthened, tooth sensitivity is reduced, and the enamel structure becomes stronger.

In addition, the drug can cope with pathogenic bacteria and fungi, as well as the herpes virus and various types of infections.

Experts recommend using the product during exacerbations in treatment courses, but not more than 2 months in a row. Quality and efficiency are enhanced by:

  • ratania;
  • green teas;
  • blood grass;
  • chamomile;
  • dill seeds;
  • mint;
  • thyme;
  • eucalyptus;
  • fragrant volatile substance of tea tree.

You can buy the product at retail outlets around the country for 230-290 rubles (large tube).


Many people suffer from pain that sometimes occurs when cold or hot liquids or food enter the oral cavity. Sweets and spicy foods aggravate tooth sensitivity no less.

As a rule, this manifestation is due to the frequent use of products with a whitening effect or pathologies such as abrasion of the enamel and various defects on its surface. In the most advanced and complex cases, qualified and special treatment cannot be avoided.

For simple problems, experts recommend using special pastes, one of which is Lakalut Sensitive. It is created for the thin and sensitive protective layer of teeth and contains fluorides, which provides powerful mineralization.

The main component is amine fluoride, which is rarely used by competing companies due to its high cost.

Dentists prescribe this composition for the treatment of dental caries, however, the course should not be more than 60 days.

The price of the product is from 150 to 200 rubles.

Extra Sensitive

The product has a powerful effect in the fight for the health of teeth and gums.
Gently cleans the surface of teeth and reduces their sensitivity. In addition to fluorides, the paste contains:

  • strontium acetate;
  • potassium chloride.

These products quickly and effectively reduce the sensitivity of nerve bundles.

Dentists unanimously recommend Lakalut Extra Sensitive as the best product for caring for teeth with increased sensitivity.

The cost of a small tube is 150-200 rubles.

Find out the truth about whether teeth whitening at the dentist or at home is harmful. In this post we will talk about a bamboo charcoal toothbrush.

Follow the link to get to know the SV 12 mouthwash better.


Today, having excellent health and being beautiful means being modern. A snow-white row of teeth always indicates good oral health.

To achieve this effect, most people resort to whitening agents or an expensive procedure at dental clinics.

The most popular among consumers is Lakalut White, which contains a significant concentration of abrasive substances. They are able to gently but thoroughly clean tooth enamel.

When using the product, bacterial plaque is easily removed, and the tooth surface is polished with high quality. The Lakalut whitening series includes several popular types.


It has an affordable price and guarantees the health of tooth enamel. It is really capable of quickly whitening teeth without damaging their protective layer.

The creators made sure that the product painlessly lightens teeth by several tones, restoring them to health with long-term use.

The active ingredients quickly break down plaque of any consistency and polish the enamel, making it smooth and shiny. The main components are:

  • fluoride compounds;
  • aluminum lactate;
  • anions, salts and esters of pyrophosphoric acid.

The cost is 220-260 rubles.

LACALUT white & repair

This product appeared on the shelves of retail outlets selling dental products relatively recently, and has won well-deserved approval.

The paste can lighten enamel, serve as an antimicrobial agent, prevent the formation of carious cavities, strengthen all tissues of the oral cavity, reduce sensitivity and freshen breath.

Amorphous corpuscles of hydroxyapatite, which are part of the product, quickly penetrate the tooth structure and start the restoration process. Thanks to sodium fluoride, teeth receive anti-caries protection.

You can purchase the latest complex product for 190-220 rubles.

LACALUT white Edelweiss

The paste is intended for daily care of teeth and gums. Effectively whitens and remineralizes the protective layer of teeth.

The composition includes the following useful components:

  • alpine star flowers;
  • South American Lippia;
  • breast grass;
  • salvia.

The product has medicinal, healing, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, astringent and antioxidant effects. Strengthens loose gums, reduces bleeding, freshens breath.

The price for a 75 ml tube is 310 rubles.

LACALUT white Alpenminze

This product is created for preventive purposes. The product quickly eliminates the symptoms of inflammation, whitens enamel and freshens breath.

In addition, with daily use, the development of caries and the formation of dental plaque are eliminated, the bleeding of gum tissue is reduced, and their natural strengthening occurs.


  • sodium pyrophosphate;
  • sodium fluoride;
  • potassium diphosphate;
  • triphosphates;
  • aluminum lactate.

The cost varies between 260 rubles.


The composition contains a lot of fluoride, however, this dose cannot harm human health. Thanks to this feature, the resistance of the protective layer to the harmful effects of dental acids increases.

In addition, the product has all the above advantages of the Lakalut line.

A large package will cost the consumer 250 rubles.

Fluor Gel

Remineralizing gel is created for intensive prevention of caries and sensitive teeth.

The product also increases the resistance of enamel to adverse factors and effectively cleanses soft bacterial plaque.

In pharmacies across the country, the paste can be bought for 200 rubles.


This series entered the dental market relatively recently. Pastes are provided for comprehensive maximum protection of the oral cavity.

The consumer has the opportunity to choose a base paste or a product with additional components.


The product is intended for the prevention of caries, high-quality cleansing of the protective shell of teeth and the prevention of the formation of tartar.

The product can provide protection to teeth and gums throughout the day. Suitable for regular use.

The composition includes substances that have antiseptic properties and eliminate the foul odor of the oral cavity.

You can buy a small tube for 120-190 rubles.

In the video you will find additional information about this series of products.

LACALUT basic citrus

This variety quickly restores tooth enamel, strengthens the capillaries of the gum tissue and mucous membrane, and freshens breath. Has an astringent and hemostatic effect.

Thanks to the turmeric extract and ascorbic acid included in the composition, bacteria are destroyed and the formation of pathogenic flora is prevented.

The cost is 150-170 rubles.

LACALUT basic blackcurrant-ginger

An important substance in the product is sodium fluoride. The product is used for daily prevention of the formation of carious cavities and gum diseases.

In addition to the basic components, the product contains a representative of the ginger family - turmeric. An extract from this plant fights microbes and fungi, reduces inflammation, and normalizes the acid-base balance.

It has a refined aroma of black currant, which is the perfect invigorator after a night's sleep.

You can buy the product for 130-150 rubles.


This paste is part of a series of new products. Normalizes microflora in the oral cavity, eliminates unpleasant odor and prevents its occurrence.

The product contains special components:

  • turmeric extract;
  • olive oil;
  • wood sugar.

The cost is 200-230 rubles.


Suitable for daily use from adolescence onwards.

When brushing your teeth using this product in the morning and evening, the formation of carious cavities is completely eliminated.

You can buy it for 150-170 rubles.


In addition to the main components, the composition contains a complex of extracts from medicinal plants that effectively cope with ailments of the oral cavity and prevent periodontal diseases.

The price is about 200 rubles.


The pharmacological effect is a whitening, anti-caries and anti-plaque effect.

Abrasive substances and a complex of minerals included in the product carefully clean dental plaque and reduce the sensitivity of the protective shell of bone organs.

Recommended for use for general strengthening of all tissues of the oral cavity, restoring the natural whiteness of teeth and eliminating tartar and plaque on their surface.

In addition, the components ideally polish the enamel, smoothing out unevenness. The effective component amino fluoride promotes the formation of a protective layer on the mucous membrane and teeth. This improves remineralization processes.

The product is used regularly, sometimes alternating with the basic and aktiv series.

The cost of the product is 150-180 rubles.

More information about Alpin toothpaste is described in the video.

Herbal gel

The composition includes a complex of herbs for medicinal purposes, which have an astringent, healing, strengthening, anti-inflammatory effect.

Thanks to bisabol in the composition, signs of inflammation are reduced, microcracks in the gum tissue and mucous membranes heal .

Carry out oral care with Lakalut Herbal gel paste in the morning and evening every day.

The price of the product is 150-170 rubles.


The paste quickly and effectively restores tooth enamel, protects against the formation of carious cavities, strengthens gum tissue, prevents staining of teeth, and provides fresh breath.

The 5 in 1 multi formula allows you to use the drug 2 times a day for a long time.

You can buy a quality product for 180-260 rubles.


The German company also offers consumers a series for children. The line includes 4 types.


The product is intended for children from birth to 4 years. Surely every mother strives to protect her baby, to give him the best, and Lakalut Baby is the best choice for oral health and the prevention of caries in children.

It provides effective care for baby teeth, does not contain sugar, and every child will like the pleasant taste of raspberries.

In addition, the paste contains vitamins A and B.

Price: 130-180 rubles.


Ideal during the period of replacement of milk teeth with permanent bony organs of the oral cavity. Recommended for children from 4 to 8 years old.

Reduces gum inflammation and pain. The product contains amino fluoride, which provides the developing enamel with the required amount of fluoride, which helps strengthen it and properly saturate it with minerals.

You can buy a dental care product for 150-180 rubles.


Toothpaste for children from 8 to 12 years old from the Lakalut brand has a citrus-mint taste. The formula of the product is aimed at reliable protection against caries .

The paste has an unusual transparent appearance with small capsules, which makes the child very happy during hygiene procedures.

Thanks to the increased fluoride content, the child’s teeth receive effective and reliable protection from the formation of carious cavities.

The cost of the original product is 200-260 rubles.


The paste has a beneficial effect on baby and permanent teeth. It has original flavors of tropical fruits, wild berries or strawberries, which gives you the opportunity to choose based on your child’s taste preferences.

The composition does not contain sugar and is completely harmless if accidentally swallowed. The most popular gel in the Lakalut line has a bright blue color with particles that reflect light. This feature delights children and turns brushing their teeth into an exciting procedure.

Fluorides provide the enamel with the proper amount of minerals and prevent plaque from forming on the teeth.

Price: 220-270 rubles for a large tube of product.

Curaprox Enzycal 1450

Therapeutic and prophylactic toothpaste Curaprox Enzycal 1450 effectively fights caries and saturates the enamel with minerals. The paste contains substances that improve the state of local immunity, destroy pathogenic bacteria, clean teeth as much as possible and remineralize enamel. Curaprox Enzycal 1450 toothpaste contains 0.145 ppm of fluoride (bioavailable) - this, according to WHO recommendations, is enough to protect teeth from caries (and fluoride is the most reliable method of caries prevention). Curaprox Enzycal 1450 toothpaste contains special enzymes that improve the protective properties of saliva and eliminate pigmentation on teeth. The paste does not contain parabens and SLS, and also serves as a prevention of oral dysbacteriosis. Among the disadvantages are the price of the paste and the presence of cow's milk proteins, so allergy sufferers need to be careful.

Curaprox Enzycal 1450
CURADEN, Switzerland

CURAPROX Enzycal 1450 is a therapeutic and prophylactic toothpaste to strengthen enamel.
It supports local immunity of the oral cavity, enhances the antibacterial, remineralizing, cleansing effect of saliva. Suitable for daily cleaning, restoring enamel after whitening and protecting teeth from caries while wearing braces. from 411

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Brand Lacalut

The brand originated in Germany in 1925. Gradually developing and conquering European markets, about 50 years later the Lacalut company began supplying its products to Russia. However, Lakalut paste reached the peak of its popularity in the early 2000s.

The brand received such an interesting name from a component that is invariably included in every product produced under the Lacalut brand - aluminum lactate. This substance has excellent anti-inflammatory properties and also helps in cleaning the mucous membranes of the mouth and tongue.

Today, according to independent statistics, not a single rating of toothpastes by sales in the segment of therapeutic and prophylactic products is complete without products with the famous red and white logo. And according to the results of popular voting in 2011 and 2013, the Lacalut brand became product No. 1 in Russia.

Sensodyne Instant effect

Sensodyne “Instant Effect” medicated toothpaste has a pleasant taste and effectively combats the problem of increased sensitivity of tooth enamel. To get rid of tooth sensitivity, dentists recommend not only brushing your teeth with Sensodyne toothpaste in the morning and evening, but also periodically applying the paste after brushing so that it penetrates deeper into the enamel. Sensodyne gently cleanses teeth and helps restore the oral mucosa. According to reviews from those who use Sensodyne paste, the first improvements occur literally on the third to fifth day of use. Toothpaste contains the optimal level of fluoride (0.145 ppm). Sensodyne can be used by children from 12 years of age to prevent caries. The price of this paste is quite affordable. There are few disadvantages: the paste is runny and does not form enough foam.

Sensodyne Instant effect
GlaxoSmithKline, France

Sensodyne Instant Effect Toothpaste is uniquely formulated to rapidly seal the dentinal tubules and is intended for patients diagnosed with dentinal hypersensitivity who require rapid symptom relief.
from 159

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What does it represent?

This is a thick mass in a tube, with a menthol scent to refresh the oral cavity, which securely secures dentures.

The composition of the cream allows you to almost instantly secure the prosthesis without creating any excessive pain or discomfort.


In the 20s of the twentieth century, the first oral care products from the LACALUT series appeared in Germany. To date, this company has gained the trust of more than 50 countries around the world, where it is the leader in sales of dental products.

Composition and packaging

This substance for fixing dentures is available in special 40 ml tubes . The cardboard package contains one tube.

The cream consists of the following components:

  • paraffin oil;
  • a mixture of sodium and calcium salts, which also contains polymethylvinyl ether and maleic anhydride;
  • carboxymethylcellulose;
  • chemical element silicon;
  • petrolate;
  • propylparaben;
  • methylparaben;
  • various substances that give the cream aroma;
  • C.I.14720 (azorubine) is a special colorant of the cream.

Read a review of the cream for fixing dentures Protefix in a new publication.

In a separate article we will talk about the features of Akri Free removable dentures.

Follow the link let's talk about the pros and cons of using the Waterpik WP 450 E2 irrigator.

INNOVA Intensive restoration and brightening of enamel

This toothpaste is suitable for those with sensitive teeth. “INNOVA Intensive restoration and lightening of enamel” contains nanohydroxyapatite, calcis component, fluoride, and grape seed extract, which most effectively protect against caries. And the plant-derived component Tannase gently whitens teeth by dissolving pigmented plaque on the enamel. INNOVA toothpaste perfectly relieves tooth sensitivity, seals dentinal tubules, saturates the enamel with minerals, strontium salts effectively solve the problem of sensitivity, penetrating deep inside the tooth. INNOVA, in addition to remineralizing teeth, prevents bleeding gums. This toothpaste contains no SLS, chlorhexidine peroxide, or aggressive abrasives. Among the disadvantages are the high cost and not a pronounced mint taste.

INNOVA Intensive restoration and brightening of enamel
( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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