How to get rid of Fordyce granules on your lips easily and effectively

How do they look

Fordyce spots visually look like yellowish granules or swellings that are clearly visible on the lips.
The main area of ​​their concentration is the area near the sebaceous ducts. They are located not on the surface, but under the skin. At their core, they are sebaceous formations that gradually accumulate and form something like a bubble or granule. They were first discovered and studied by dermatologist John Addison Fordis (a specialist from the USA). He was the first to give a detailed description of formations in medical literature.

The granules are similar in size to grains of rice. Most often, neoplasms appear in size about 1-3 mm. 1-2 pieces are formed or combined into a group of 20-30 papules. Clearly noticeable when smiling (stretching lips). They do not contain or spread bacteria or viruses. In medicine, the phenomenon is classified as a skin condition, but not a disease.

The main harm to a person is psychological discomfort . Research statistics show that the problem is present in 36% of women and 60% of men. The age when granules may first appear is 13-16 years. Age corresponds to a period when the body undergoes rapid changes in hormones.

What Fordyce granules look like on the lips

Fordyce spots on the lips are white or yellowish cysts. The diameter of the papule does not exceed 2 mm. Sizes may vary on other parts of the body. The variety on the genitals is called pearlescent papules or Fox-Fordyce disease. The contents of the capsule, according to histology, are lipid tissue. The number of Fordyce granules depends on the individual characteristics of the patient.

They do not pose a health hazard, do not degenerate into malignant tumors, and do not cause suppuration of the lips. Possible itching and discomfort. In this case, the dermatologist will prescribe antihistamines.

It is dangerous to attempt to remove Fordyce granules on your own. A purulent process may develop.

At the same time, the likelihood of completely getting rid of papules is extremely low. After attempts at self-removal, wounds and cracks form, keloid scars and seals in the lip tissue may develop.


Fordyce granules on the lips do not require strong exposure to antibiotics or special treatment with hospitalization. They should be removed if there are too many formations.

Doctors distinguish the following types of vesicles :

Possible sizes
  • small;
  • large;
  • average.
  • white;
  • yellow;
  • yellowish white.
  • smooth;
  • rough;
  • mixed.
  • on the outside of the lips;
  • on the inside;
  • closer to the cheeks;
  • on both sides of the lips.

By location

Location on the inside of the lips

According to this feature, granules can be located:

  • on the outside of one lip;
  • on the outer side of the two lips;
  • on the inside;
  • from each side;
  • in the center;
  • On the sides;
  • closer to the cheeks (from the outer and inner sides).

They can feel either smooth or rough to the touch. By size - small or large.

By shape

One of the forms of formations

There are several different forms of formations:

  • cysts;
  • cones;
  • granules;
  • spots;
  • granules;
  • bloating.

Sometimes they are shaped like small, light-colored pimples (they have no volume).

By stage

Granules are divided into stages of development (appearance):

  • present from birth (visually invisible);
  • appear on the skin at the time of puberty (on average 13-16 years);
  • during the period of growing up, at an older age they become clearly visible upon visual inspection.

The impetus for development or increase in quantity is given by hormonal changes in the body. Doctors believe that closely located sebaceous glands or their incorrect location - at the very edge of the lips or mucous membrane - contribute to the formation of nodules. At older ages (after 45 years), the number of sebaceous glands increases. At this stage, the granules become visually similar to white cones.

Important! In some cases, granules are confused with protruding herpes. The main difference between these formations is that herpetic manifestations look like a cluster of blisters. Inside contains a clear or light yellow liquid. Over time, they burst and become crusty.

Stages and degrees of Fordyce granules on the lips

Although these spots become noticeable during puberty, they are already present at the time of birth. They remain invisible until the teenage stage of a person.

At the next stage of development, during puberty, hormonal changes give rise to the appearance of nodules on the lips. According to doctors, this is facilitated by the close location of the sebaceous glands to the upper layer of the epidermis. Incorrect location of the glands, on the edge of the lips or mucous membrane, causes the appearance of nodules.

The spots become highly visible in older adults. This is due to the fact that the older a person gets, the more sebaceous glands he develops. They enlarge with age, causing Fordyce granules to grow and develop into white bumps.

Causes of appearance, who is at risk

Experts believe that the main reason for the appearance of formations on the lips is the incorrect (abnormal) location of the sebaceous glands.

There is no exact information about the mechanics of their appearance, but doctors identify additional reasons and factors that may affect the development of the negative process:

  • certain types of hormonal disorders - from temporary imbalances (due to medication) to serious diseases or complications;
  • metabolic changes in the system or in the body as an integral structure;
  • adolescence (puberty, the beginning of menstruation in girls);
  • hyperlipidemia - the problem is a lipid disorder that is directly related to increased body fat;
  • disruptions in the blood circulation process occur - as a result, the accumulation and expansion of the sebaceous glands on the surface of the skin occurs;
  • genetic predisposition - the problem passes from parents to child in 90% of cases;
  • skin pores are too large and clogged . Oil from the sebaceous glands can form plugs and blockages. Such conditions are ideal for the formation of Fordyce granules;
  • the natural process of aging of the body - after 45-50 years, a gradual decline in metabolic processes begins, even without disturbances on the part of the body. Under these conditions, subcutaneous fat can accumulate and be deposited 2-3 times faster;
  • the process of infection of the sebaceous glands - if a bacterial or fungal infection has penetrated them, then the appearance of white or yellow spots can be traced in 90% of cases. This is due to the reaction of the glands to pathogenic conditions and microorganisms;
  • hormonal imbalance , a disorder due to an existing disease. In 90% of cases, the problem is a symptom of a problem such as a dysfunction or disease directly related to the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • menopause (the likelihood of rashes increases in women after 55 years);
  • dysfunction of the glands;
  • injury to the lip area;
  • consequences (complications) of the enlargement process using hyaluron ;
  • pregnancy - manifestations can occur at any week, since each woman’s body works individually;
  • disruption of the adrenal cortex;
  • ovarian diseases (pathological nature or consequences of age-related changes);
  • disorders of the hypothalamic-pituitary system;
  • the presence of habits that in 90% of cases cause harm to the body (smoking in 90% of cases);
  • consequences of surgery on the endocrine glands;
  • stenosis of the sebaceous gland ducts.

Problems such as being overweight or poor personal hygiene do not lead to the formation of granules on the lips. It has been noted in studies that reducing body volume (weight loss) leads to the disappearance of tumors or makes them less noticeable on the skin.

Reference! Granules in any form and quantity are not a consequence of past or existing sexually transmitted diseases and are not sexually transmitted.

Why do Fordyce granules appear, where can they be and how to get rid of them:

Factors provoking the appearance of neoplasms

Today there is no exact opinion about the reasons for the appearance of these papules, but there are still several reasons that should be considered provoking factors:

  • Imbalance in hormonal structures. Usually this change is associated with the period of maturation, but sometimes with neoplasms in endocrine structures. Age conditionality. Adolescents during puberty are most susceptible to cyst formation. This is due to increased production of male hormones. Androgens lead to hyperplasia of glands of exocrine origin, which leads to increased secretion production by the sebaceous glands.
  • Ignoring the rules of personal care and hygiene. The activity of pathogenic bacterial microflora serves as a good environment for the development of skin diseases.
  • Injury. Damage to the ducts responsible for the removal of sebaceous glands leads to blockage and the development of this disease.
  • Addiction to bad habits can provoke unpleasant consequences, including the occurrence of this pathology.
  • Formation of secondary sexual characteristics or puberty. During this age period, white formations often appear on various parts of the body. In representatives of the stronger sex, Fordyce granules appear on the head of the male genital organ and on the foreskin surrounding it. Such manifestations are completely safe and do not provoke unpleasant sensations, in addition to an external cosmetic defect. In females, rashes from Fordyce's disease on the intimate organs are light or beige in color. When palpated, a rough surface is revealed. They do not provoke pain, do not cause itching and do not increase in size over time. They often go away completely after the period of sexual activity ends.
  • Problems with the sebaceous glands or their incorrect location. Doctors say that people who have these manifestations of the body are most susceptible to cyst formation.

This disease is not caused by genetic factors and occurs in individual cases in each patient.

Symptoms and external manifestations of pathology

In order to take measures to remove tumors, you need to know the symptoms of the problem. Under normal conditions, the sebaceous glands under the skin are not visible, but if the prerequisites are present, the granules become visually noticeable.

In addition, there are other symptoms :

  • bulges appear;
  • formations at the very beginning have a reddish tint, then change color to white or yellow;
  • formations can be single or collected in groups;
  • in 90% of cases there is no itching, but sometimes it may be present;
  • discomfort appears in the damaged area;
  • formations may be present in small quantities on the skin nearby (lower near the nose, on the chin);
  • in rare cases (20-30%), swelling appears at the site of the rash and a burning sensation;
  • lips become faintly pink, sometimes have a yellowish tint.

The formations are easily visible through the skin when stretched (smile, exercises for facial wrinkles). If one or more of these symptoms appear at the same time, it is recommended to consult a doctor, cosmetologist, or undergo examination by a dermatologist.

Attention! You should not try to squeeze out the granules, as there is a high probability of infection getting under the skin.

Is relapse of the disease possible?

Sebaceous glands are an essential part of the skin. Granules can form repeatedly on the lips. To avoid relapse, you should stabilize your hormonal levels and reduce stress. You may have to contact doctors of related specialties - a gynecologist for women and an andrologist for men.

If the granules do not cause physical discomfort, then it is better not to touch them. If there is a pronounced cosmetic defect of the lips, you should consult a dermatologist.

He will examine the suspicious spot using a dermatoscope with multiple magnification, rule out the malignant nature of the neoplasm and prescribe effective treatment. Only in this case will the result please you and you will be able to get rid of Fordyce granules on your face.

Can I cope on my own or should I consult a doctor?

You can get rid of the problem yourself if a person has knowledge in the field of cosmetology and dermatology. It is best not to try to get rid of the problem yourself , since symptoms may indicate the presence of specific problems in the body that require professional solutions and constant medical supervision.

You should not delay your consultation if there is obvious discomfort when talking or eating. The appearance of discharge or blood from the granules, increasing itching or pain also indicates the need for a medical examination.

Are they dangerous?

Many people are concerned about the question of whether Fordyce granules are dangerous, and the answer can be clearly answered in the negative.

They do not pose any harm to health, even theoretically.

But the pathology associated with their appearance, and especially infection after attempts to squeeze them out, become a big problem. This problem, if it does not threaten human life, at least threatens with significant complications and a long-term struggle with the developed disease.


To undergo a diagnostic examination, you must first visit a therapist . He will give referrals to doctors of narrow specialization: dermatologist, endocrinologist . Women will also need to be examined by a gynecologist to confirm or deny the causes of the rash.
If the number of granules is small - 2-5 pieces, then a specialist in most cases makes a diagnosis immediately after a visual examination. There is no need to take tests or undergo hardware diagnostics (except for controversial issues or doubts).

When the rashes are profuse, in addition to discomfort, there is also itching, then a detailed examination, tests and specific procedures are mandatory for making a diagnosis and starting treatment. Additional examination is carried out in order to exclude the possibility of medical error. It is easy to attribute the granules to manifestations of eczema, rashes of an allergic nature, neurodermatitis, or molluscum contagiosum.

The main method of examination is taking a skin sample from the damaged area (biopsy) . Additional tests (general blood and biochemical) may be required if the doctor suspects the development of lichen ruber. Also, tests are prescribed by specialized specialists (for hormones, examination of the thyroid gland) when there are suspicions or additional symptoms characteristic of the disease.

Important! Despite the abundance of rashes, the quantity or color of the granules does not pose a health hazard. The main disadvantage is the visual unaesthetic. The transformation of neoplasms into malignant types of tumors (cancer) has not been detected over all the years of observation and examination.

Getting rid of Fordyce granules at home

In case of mild cases, treatment can be carried out at home. For this purpose, folk recipes and knowledge based on the properties of plants are used. The main components are herbs and various essential oils.

The knowledge accumulated in society is not the main method of treatment. It is recommended to use them as an addition to a recovery program that is based on modern medications. Together, each element will work 20-30% more efficiently.

Methods and methods for getting rid of white rashes at home:

  • the presence of itching or discomfort can be removed with cold compresses based on chamomile infusion. For 250 ml of water you will need 1 tbsp of dried flower. You will need to wipe your lips 2 times a day (it is more convenient to carry out the procedure in the morning and evening);
  • medicinal ointment - it is based on natural honey, mumiyo (you can use crushed tablets) and fir oil. You need to lubricate your lips with the composition 2 times a day. As a result of application, severe discomfort disappears;
  • essential oils (fir, grapefruit, tea tree) help remove swelling or a burning sensation, and they also help get rid of or reduce pain.

If home therapy works at the source of the problem, the skin in the damaged area will begin to darken. After 1-2 weeks, the rashes will begin to subside. Gradually they will disappear completely. The skin will regain its natural shade. You can also apply baked onions to the areas. A solution of propolis or a mixture of fir oil with the addition of 2-4 drops of iodine copes well with the problem.

Important! Traditional recipes contain components that can cause an allergic reaction - plants, herbs, honey and ethers. Before using formulations or components, you should consult your doctor for detailed advice.

At the cosmetologist's

A visit to a beauty salon can also be a step towards getting rid of the problem.
The procedures are minimally invasive (without the use of surgical instruments). No specialized patient preparation is required. Hygiene rules are observed and antiseptic agents are used during the process. If pain relief is required, it is performed locally. The main medications are sprays containing lidocaine.

A specialist can use one or more techniques :

  • laser treatment of the area - bulges under the skin are eliminated by targeted radiation. There is no pain or discomfort felt during the process. The effect is on the upper layers of skin and fat accumulations. The chance of bacteria or virus penetration with this technique is less than 1%. A special point: after exposure, the area becomes covered with a crust (a scab is formed). You cannot remove or try to rip off the formation - in this case, the likelihood of infection increases. The crust will fall off on its own in 3-5 days;
  • method of exposure to radio waves - acts similar to laser exposure. High frequency waves. The crust also falls off on its own. This takes up to 10 days;
  • exposure to liquid nitrogen is rarely used, since it is very difficult to control the strength and depth of exposure to the substance. Used as a fallback method when other programs do not produce results.

During the recovery period, no special impact on the wounds is provided. The duration of the course is calculated individually and depends on the severity and stage of the problem.

How to get rid of pathology:

In the hospital

There is no need to go to the hospital specifically - treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis.
The main drug for recovery is products that contain vitamin A. The doctor can prescribe:

  • cream;
  • gel;
  • solution.

Additionally, other skin imperfections (acne or inflammatory processes) are also eliminated. Pigmentation becomes less pronounced. The composition chosen for treatment is applied with gentle movements. The layer should be thin. This is required for free air circulation.

The duration of drug treatment is individual. The doctor develops a course based on the examination results. If treatment for a specific disease is required, hospitalization may be required as indicated.

Advice! It is better to apply creams and ointments at night, as they should act on the skin for 5-6 hours.


The treatment process is aimed at eliminating cosmetic imperfections. The peculiarity is that after 40-45 years the formations can resolve on their own . The reason is a decrease in activity in the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

The main doctor is a dermatologist. There will be no complications from the effects produced. No surgical intervention is performed. If medications do not produce results, then correction is carried out with a laser or radio wave.


Treatment of pathology with medications is indicated when the formations are small in size (about 1 mm).
For this, Retin A ointment or other similar compositions are used. The main component is jojoba oil, as well as retinoic acid. Indications for use:

  • neoplasms under the skin;
  • acne;
  • preventive effects on the skin to prevent early aging;
  • presence of facial wrinkles;
  • consequences of prolonged exposure to the sun.

Retinoic acid has an exfoliating effect on the skin. The plugs formed as a result of the accumulation of fat dissolve under the influence of the substance. It is also used when it is necessary to remove or make scars less noticeable.

The areas need to be processed according to the following algorithm:

  • rinse the skin;
  • dry;
  • Apply a small amount of product to the damaged area;
  • do not wash off;
  • stand for about half an hour (according to indications);
  • wash off.

A side effect of the drug is sometimes a slight burning sensation on the skin of the lips after applying it to the granules. This does not require its cancellation. If the sensations are significant, then treatment is carried out once every 3 days.

The course of drug treatment starts from 1 month. Additionally assigned:

  • vitamin complexes;
  • procedures to stabilize the state of hormones;
  • physiotherapy.

As a result, you can visually observe how the secretion of the sebaceous glands returns to normal. Additionally, antihistamines may be prescribed to eliminate the possibility of an allergic reaction.

Patient about the treatment of Fordyce spots:

Folk remedies (recipes)

Oil compositions: jojoba and water in a ratio of 1:2. The composition must be applied in the form of a mask. Leave for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. There is no need to use soaps or foams for washing.

A solution based on dried chamomile tincture. The liquid is used as a composition to wipe the damaged area.

Citrus juices - orange and lemon. You need to take a quarter of each type and mix. Using a cotton pad or soft cloth, apply it to your lips. Repeats throughout the day – 3-4 times. The course lasts until the spots disappear.

Apple cider vinegar and water is a simple recipe for pronounced granules. Quantity:2:1. Usage: Apply with a cotton swab to the treated area. Leave on lips for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Repeat 1-2 times a week. Continue the procedure for an individual period - until the granules completely disappear.

The healing properties of olive oil are actively used in folk medicine. They help remove or reduce the severity of formations. Softening and moisturizing the skin, cleanses pores. As a result, the sebaceous ducts are not clogged, and the movement of fats occurs freely. Olive oil is applied to clean and dry skin. It is best to leave it on for 6-8 hours (so the best solution is to apply it at night).

Another simple but effective traditional medicine: fresh garlic juice . You need to squeeze the liquid onto a cotton swab and wipe your lips. Then rinse with water without using soap or other cosmetics.


The method is used only after all the methods of cosmetologists have been tried and available folk recipes have been applied.

In 90% of prescriptions one of the following methods is present:

  • plastic (surgery);
  • micro-impact surgery;
  • chemical cauterization;
  • cryotherapy.

Modern medical methods offer to cure the problem:

  1. Electrocoagulation. The impact of currents in this case is insignificant, since the formations are located in the upper layers.
  2. Liquid nitrogen cryotherapy is used as a definitive approach.
  3. Granules are excised with a laser when other methods have failed.
  4. Wave action removes formation by 100%. There are no traces, scars or scars left.




Radio waves

Can they appear after lip augmentation?

In rare cases, granules may appear after a lip augmentation procedure . This is due to the fact that hyaluronic acid is used as the main component. The body reacts to its excess or presence. As a result, characteristic thickenings form on the lips.

Granules appearing after lip augmentation procedure

Is it possible to get a tattoo with this pathology?

Since cysts do not contain any infection, their presence is not a contraindication to tattooing (permanent makeup). A similar approach is used to visually hide a problem when treatment has not produced the desired results.

Tattooing will help hide the defect

How to care for lips with Fordyce granules

There are no clear recommendations for lip care. Tattooing will help hide skin imperfections. There is an alternative and simple method - camouflage with a high-quality foundation and then cover your lips with gloss or lipstick.

If the blisters open on their own, you need to regularly treat the areas with an antiseptic medicine (iodine, brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide, salicylic acid). This must be done to prevent possible inflammatory disease.

Possible complications

No significant changes in health status are observed. After the spots disappear, the situation can go in two ways:

  1. the condition of the skin will improve, as hormonal levels return to normal, the functioning of the sebaceous glands is stabilized;
  2. the condition will become worse than before the appearance of the granules. In most situations, this is due to age factors (the skin goes through the aging stage).

Doctors recommend not to resort to serious impacts on formations if they do not cause severe discomfort.

Prevention of occurrence

Cosmetologists advise following certain preventive measures to avoid relapse of the disease: leading a healthy lifestyle, eating a balanced diet, not being nervous, and regularly rinsing your mouth after each meal.

If you find white spots on your lips, you should consult a doctor. The cause identified in the early stages contributes to correctly selected treatment. The main key to recovery is to eliminate the factor that causes white rashes.



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