Bamboo toothbrushes: description, pros and cons, prices


Bamboo toothbrushes belong to the category of environmentally friendly products. They were created according to the patterns of the very first Chinese ones, which were just a bamboo stick split at the end.

Now, of course, they are somewhat more complex in design, but the basic idea remains the same, and, oddly enough, has borne fruit.


  1. Soft and fine bristles
    . For people with hypersensitive enamel, for whom any pressure causes discomfort, this product will be to their liking. Thanks to the increased softness and thinness of the bristles, they do not scratch the teeth and cope with their task as painlessly as possible.
  2. Disinfection
    . Bamboo has natural disinfectant properties and is used in many medicines in China. Because of this, there is less chance of picking up an infection from a brush that is stored in non-sterile (and any home is such) conditions.
  3. Hypoallergenic
    . In addition to the fact that the product itself does not cause allergies, it can be used without paste at all, which can relieve the suffering of a person allergic to it.
  4. Massage
    . Any brush massages the gums, but this one does not cause bleeding.
  5. Versatility of use
    . It can even be used for periodontal disease and other gum diseases, which usually make oral care not only undesirable, but also painful.
  6. Flexibility
    . Thanks to the thinness of the bristles, they can penetrate into the most difficult to reach places and clean them too.
  7. Environmental friendliness
    . Once it is no longer usable, it decomposes very quickly, without polluting the already polluted environment.
  8. Various models
    . There are children's ones for kids who, due to their age, would simply be inconvenient to use the adult option. However, the mouth size of children is smaller, and sensitivity to mechanical stress is usually much stronger, so products intended for them are softer than other options.

    It also usually looks much more fun - the design, designed to entertain the child, depicts funny monsters or princesses.

  9. Multivariate
    . There are several types of coating on the bristles, which allows you to further choose. Among them:
  • Gold
    . It is not only hypoallergenic, but also has an anti-inflammatory effect, that is, it can be used by people with gum disease.
  • Silver
    . Recommended for those with bleeding gums and people with tartar. They have an antibacterial effect.
  • Coal
    . It has a powerful antibacterial effect, returns teeth to their original white color (they are recommended for smokers and heavy coffee drinkers) and helps get rid of unpleasant odor.
  • Jade
    . Helps improve immunity and blood circulation, copes well with tartar.

It can also be a plus for children - a funny panda, which is often depicted on packaging.

What is a mono-tuft toothbrush, which you can buy today at an affordable price.

Let's find out which vitamins for teeth are recommended for adults to drink.

Here: - the advantages of an ionic toothbrush are discussed.

How to use?

Stay up to date! The use of bamboo brushes is practically no different from other types; they recommend:

  • brush your teeth twice a day .
  • For teeth with increased sensitivity , you can soak the brush in hot water for several minutes before use , the bristles will be softer.
  • When brushing vertically, first clean the outside of the tooth, then the inside.
  • Don't forget to pay attention to the space between your teeth .

You don’t have to use the paste, but you need to know that with combined use the cleaning result will be better.


The cons are subjective and are called differently by different people. The most common two are:

  1. Too simple design
    . Buyers complain that the brush looks unpresentable and boring. However, others note with equal enthusiasm that the design is minimalistic and beautiful, that is, it’s all a matter of taste.
  2. Excessive flexibility
    . Some brush models have a very flexible handle, which gets on the nerves of some buyers.
  3. Excessive lightness
    . This is also a very controversial disadvantage, but it is called - it is too easy to hold in your hand, and it seems that it could break at any moment.

Indications for use

  1. Presence of teeth
    . If the buyer has teeth and needs to be cleaned, a bamboo brush will be an excellent solution. It whitens teeth, strengthens enamel, helps get rid of tartar and improve blood circulation. It also doesn’t cause pain – there are enough advantages to make you want to choose it.
  2. Prevention of inflammatory diseases
    . Almost all dental diseases are inflammatory, so using a brush with this effect means not worrying about caries, gingivitis and similar diseases.
  3. High sensitivity of enamel
    . If your teeth are sensitive to hot, cold and the touch of a toothbrush, the bamboo option will be the best because it does not cause pain.
  4. Bleeding gums
    . It won’t cause extra blood, won’t cause pain, and will help prevent infections in wounds – a bamboo toothbrush is definitely a good solution.
  5. Yellow plaque on teeth
    . Charcoal spraying copes with it especially well, returning teeth to their natural white color. Helps even heavy smokers.
  6. Bad breath
    . Bamboo helps get rid of it once and for all, cleaning even the most difficult to reach places
  7. Allergy to brushes and pastes
    . Bamboo is hypoallergenic and does not require the thought that a rash may pop out or suffocation may occur. It can be used even without paste, which can additionally cause allergies.

There are no contraindications for use. Bamboo can be used for any illness (just change it regularly and do not offer it to other people), for hypersensitivity and even for allergies.

Suitable for people with thin enamel and sensitive gums

A toothbrush made from bamboo has thinner bristles compared to classic samples. The villi massage the gums and improve blood circulation in them, without injuring the sensitive or inflamed mucous membrane and protecting you from bleeding. Such bristles, among other things, are characterized by increased softness, so they do not scratch thin and sensitive enamel. This means you are free from pain and discomfort, but, of course, if you do not put unnecessary pressure on your teeth and carry out hygienic care carefully.

Review of the Nano Premium model

When asked in search engines, the first position given is Nanopremium, because it has practically no competitors, either in quality or price.

This brush is made with bamboo charcoal coating.

, causing the stubble to appear black, which may seem unusual. But the handle is made in the shape of a human hand to fit comfortably into it, and on the back side there is a tongue scraper, which must be used every time you brush your teeth, removing the unpleasant plaque that has formed there from it and from the inside of your cheeks.

The length is 19.2 centimeters and does not require special attention to handling. It is enough to rinse the bristles after use, and also store them in a cool, dry place and do not expose them to direct bright sun.

The most interesting thing about this brush is the action. It consists of four main directions.

  1. Antibacterial
    . The properties of charcoal and the properties of bamboo have such an effect that it becomes more difficult for pathogenic bacteria to take root in the oral cavity. They die before the onset of the disease - thus preventing possible inflammation and reducing the likelihood of caries and similar diseases.
  2. Whitening
    . Coal is the best material for this. It rids teeth of yellowish plaque, removes tartar and allows you to get rid of plaque on your teeth, while strengthening the enamel.

    After using it, teeth become whiter and generally healthier - even increased sensitivity is somewhat reduced.

  3. Cleaning
    . Thanks to the thinness and softness of Nanopremium bristles, they reach the most difficult places to clean, cleaning the space between the teeth along with their easily accessible parts.
  4. Scraper
    . Like the brush, it is made soft and comfortable - so that when cleaning the surface of the gums, even with increased sensitivity, a person does not feel any discomfort. It gets rid of plaque on the cheeks and tongue, also reducing the likelihood of inflammatory processes, and helps maintain fresh breath longer.

This brush is well suited for people with gingivitis, swollen gums, bleeding, increased sensitivity to mechanical stress, as well as an increased tendency to inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity.

How much does it cost?

Considering all its advantages, a bamboo toothbrush seems to cost at least a thousand. In fact, the cheapest one can be purchased at a cost of 200 rubles.

– without spraying and a tongue scraper, but with fine and soft bristles.

For 400 you can buy practically the best option - with a minimalist design, with a tongue scraper, with carbon coating, and easy to use.

The price also depends on where you order delivery from. Buy in a store, find it on the back shelf - delivery is free. But ordering from a manufacturing company, that is, from Korea, means paying more for delivery than for the brush itself.

Storage and care

The care rules differ slightly from usual: after brushing your teeth, rinse thoroughly with water. Dry. Avoid direct sunlight .

Do not store a product with wet pile in a closed case, this may cause bacteria to appear on the surface.

The duration of use of nano brushes depends on the spraying :

  • Carbon coated brushes – 8 months.
  • Products with gold and silver plating – up to 6 months.
  • Regular, bamboo – 3 months.

If you have had infectious diseases, it is recommended to change the device after recovery.

Useful tips

  1. You shouldn't use bamboo for too long.
    The bristles lose their rigidity, become frayed, look like a tangled piece of wire and can no longer cope with their task. Experts recommend changing every three months. But it is necessary to remember that during this time, pathogenic bacteria accumulate on the brush (no matter how antibacterial properties bamboo has, it is not omnipotent).
  2. With carbon spraying they can last longer - up to eight months, since the antibacterial properties of coal are better. But you shouldn’t unnecessarily delay changing them either.
  3. After suffering from infectious diseases (caries, stomatitis), it is worth changing the brush - pathogenic microbes may remain on the bamboo fibers. Moreover, you should not share your toothbrush - you can easily become infected with a whole bunch of other people’s diseases.
  4. Despite the fact that you can use bamboo without toothpaste, it is better not to do this. The best effect is obtained by combining all possible remedies and you should use all options in order to keep your mouth clean and disease-free.

How to choose and buy the right toothbrush for braces? Let's figure it out.

Well, here you will find reviews of the Luxury White Pro teeth whitening pencil.

Follow this link: - read the review of toothpastes from Thailand.


Many people have already used bamboo toothbrushes, despite the fact that they are new to the Russian market. They left reviews that help beginners navigate the variety of products.

If you also have something to say, you can leave your feedback in the comments to this article.

And in the next video you will learn why it is not recommended to buy toothbrushes with bamboo bristles on Ali Express:

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The cost of bamboo brushes is not too different from traditional counterparts and depends on the availability of additional devices, such as a tongue scraper and various coatings.

Nano premium150.00
Humble Brush350.00
Twin Lotus200.00

The video presents a user review of an antibacterial Thai product.

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