Laser tartar removal – pros and cons, where to go in Moscow, prices

Dental center Mane Clinic offers hygienic teeth cleaning using laser. The technique is completely safe and allows you to completely eliminate mineral deposits formed on the enamel.

Laser teeth cleaning is a new generation method that allows you to clean your teeth as thoroughly and efficiently as possible.

– at Mane Clinic dentistry, laser tartar removal prices are available to all patients.

Where to get laser teeth whitening in Moscow?

At the PROFI-Dent dental clinic!

This is a safe, painless and effective procedure that will give your teeth a pearly shine. A brilliant smile has always been the standard of beauty, and if you want to get it quickly and without harm to your health, laser whitening is the best solution of all!

The result of the procedure is a gorgeous snow-white smile!

Without pain, stitches and antibiotics - you no longer have to be afraid of treatment!

Laser dentistry in the modern Interdent dental clinic in Moscow provides maximum patient comfort and a reduction in rehabilitation time after procedures. Using a laser, you can achieve positive therapy results even in the most difficult situations, and the absence of the need for anesthesia allows the device to be used for people with allergies to painkillers. Today, laser dental treatment in Moscow is widespread in dentistry, and enjoys deserved popularity among patients who appreciate the advantages of laser treatment. The use of laser at the Interdent family dental clinic is one of the safest and most effective treatment methods, which is indicated for almost everyone.


Types of laser teeth whitening vary depending on the equipment used. The use of the revolutionary Doctor Smile system (Italy), based on the impact of diode lasers, allows you to:

  1. Ensure a uniform and gentle effect on tooth enamel, eliminating the risk of overheating and other possible complications.
  2. Even patients with highly sensitive teeth should visit her.
  3. Achieve maximum results by lightening the enamel by 6-8 tones or more in just one visit.

Which is better Air Flow or ultrasound

Ultrasonic cleaning or Air flow?

Ultrasound techniques and Air flow belong to the category of preventive hygiene measures aimed at eliminating hard plaque from the surface of teeth. These procedures must be performed at least twice a year to prevent the development of caries, gum disease, etc.

  1. Ultrasonic teeth cleaning involves removing plaque and tartar using a special dental scaler. Ultrasonic vibration waves act precisely on the boundary that directly separates the stone and the enamel. After crushing, small particles are washed away with a powerful stream of water.

    Ultrasound also works well against bacteria that are in the interdental space. On average, manipulation takes from 20 to 40 minutes. Ultrasound does not require anesthesia, unless the patient has very sensitive teeth.

    Competitive advantages of ultrasonic cleaning:

      absolute safety, since the method is non-contact and does not involve the use of aggressive chemicals;
  2. helps to reliably remove hard deposits that cannot be removed by regular daily cleaning using a paste, even with large abrasive particles;
  3. the ultrasonic scaler removes subgingival stone well in pockets, thereby preventing the development of inflammatory processes in soft tissues;
  4. returns the natural shade to the teeth, because after manipulation the enamel becomes lighter by 1 - 2 tones (due to plaque removal).
  5. Among the nuances of ultrasound, we note contraindications for people who have orthopedic structures, dentures, or implants in the oral cavity, since vibrations can disrupt the integrity of the elements. Cleaning is also not recommended in the first 3 months of pregnancy.

  6. Air flow teeth cleaning is indicated for removing soft, pigmented plaque. "Air Flow" is a special sandblasting device produced by a Swiss company that effectively removes soft plaque of bacteria. The method is relevant when the so-called “plaque plaques” have not yet had time to become hard and turn into full-fledged tartar.

    The essence of the method is as follows: an abrasive mixture (soda and water) comes out of the thin tip of the device, the jet has an effect on the plaques, which fall off, while the tooth surface is well polished and acquires radiance.

    Competitive advantages of Air flow:

      painless – the procedure is performed without anesthesia;
  7. safety, since soda crystals do not damage the enamel;
  8. the technique allows you to remove soft plaque on the surface of the teeth and in the gaps between dental units;
  9. relevant for patients with prosthetic structures, crowns, implants.
  10. As for the nuances of the procedure, Air flow is not suitable for removing hard plaque and does not cope with subgingival deposits. Also, such cleaning does not fight microorganisms that cause inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.

What should be done more often – Air flow or ultrasonic cleaning?

Ultrasound is indicated approximately once every six months. You can perform “Air Flow” every three months, until the soft plaque has time to transform into a hard one. The duration of the procedures in both cases is the same - up to 40 minutes.

What is more affordable: Air flow or ultrasound?

The cost of the procedures differs insignificantly. Ultrasound costs less – from 2500 rubles. The price of Air Flow in Moscow is approximately 3,000 rubles. Anyway. The investment will pay off in the health of your teeth!

To summarize: which teeth cleaning is better, ultrasonic or Air flow?

When choosing between ultrasound or Air flow, you need to understand. What goals are you pursuing? If you simply remove stains from smoking, pigments from coffee, tea and coloring foods, Air flow will do. If you need to remove hard plaque, prevent caries and gingivitis, ultrasound is needed.

It is best to determine which teeth cleaning is better - mechanical or ultrasonic, and also which teeth cleaning will be more effective - laser or ultrasound, can be determined by an experienced dentist. The 32 Dent dental network employs experienced hygienists who will assess the condition of your oral cavity, select a gentle cleaning method and provide proper care for your teeth and gums.

If you have a problem similar to that described in this article, be sure to contact our specialists. Don't diagnose yourself!

Why you should call us now:

  • We will answer all your questions in 3 minutes
  • Free consultation
  • The average work experience of doctors is 12 years
  • Convenient location of clinics

Single contact phone number: +7

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How is the procedure performed?

Consultation with a dentist
Analysis of the condition of enamel and dentin

Professional cleaning

Removal of all deposits, including tartar

Laser teeth treatment

With application and removal of special gel

A special gel-like composition is applied to the tooth enamel. Under the action of a laser beam, the active substance is released, penetrates deeply into the enamel and removes stubborn pigments that worsen the color.

All necessary manipulations take on average about 1.5 hours. At the same time, one procedure provides lightening of 6-8 shades even in the most complex cases of enamel pigmentation.


Removing tartar helps prevent serious dental diseases that affect not only the tooth, but also the gums.

Professional cleaning can also be done using other methods. However, in addition to the listed advantages, the laser method has the following advantages:

  • the ability to clean enamel even from the hardest deposits;
  • cleaning stone from hard-to-reach places (including subgingival pockets);
  • strengthening enamel;
  • preventive action;
  • duration of retention of the result;
  • no discomfort during the procedure;
  • enamel lightening up to 3 tones;
  • polishing the surface being treated.

The only drawback that laser teeth cleaning method has is the price. The cost of such a procedure is quite high. However, if we take into account that ultimately the patient will not need to carry out additional manipulations such as whitening and polishing, as well as the safety of cleaning, then the cost is quite justified.

Indications and contraindications

The main indication for laser teeth whitening is darkening of the enamel and its unaesthetic tint!

This procedure has a minimum of contraindications:

  • pregnancy;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the gel;
  • fluorosis;
  • age up to 16 years.

Since modern laser technologies make it possible to select the most accurate parameters for the intensity and duration of the beam in each clinical case, the possibility of thermal damage to dental tissues and gums or the occurrence of discomfort during the procedure is completely excluded.

When not to do laser cleaning?

A-Medic Clinic is a professional dentistry, so our specialists do not remove tartar if the patient has contraindications. To do this, before the procedure, an examination of the oral cavity is carried out, and if concomitant systemic diseases are suspected, a diagnosis is prescribed.

Laser cleaning is not recommended for patients who have contraindications:

  • periodontitis or endocarditis;
  • AIDS or hepatitis;
  • asthma or tuberculosis.

Patients can receive a refusal from a specialist:

  • under the age of 18;
  • have a pacemaker;
  • female during pregnancy or lactation;
  • undergoing a period of treatment for malocclusion with braces (cleaning is done first);
  • with installed implants or a large number of fillings;
  • with sensitivity to ultrasound.

The procedure is also impossible during the development of ARVI, caries, sore throat or pharyngitis.

How much does laser teeth whitening cost in Moscow?

The cost of laser teeth whitening depends on the volume of work and the number of units. Quick results and absence of discomfort are the main advantages of the procedure.

The price for laser teeth whitening in Moscow at the PROFI-Dent clinic is in the budget range and is affordable to any patient.
Whitening 1 tooth1,500 rubles
20 dental units in the smile zone22,000 rubles
Air Flow plaque removal (1 jaw)1,600 rubles

Cost of services

Laser cleaning requires high professionalism of doctors. For this reason, you need to approach the choice of dentistry with special attention.

Clinic A-Medic is a laser dentistry center that provides laser teeth cleaning services at the best prices in Moscow. We are confident in the quality of the work of our specialists, so we provide a guarantee of results. On the clinic’s website you can always read reviews from our patients, as well as see “before and after” photos of cleaning.

The cost of services is indicated in the fixed price list. All information about prices, specialists and the procedure itself can be found on the dentist’s website or from the center’s consultants by phone. Pre-registration is available on the clinic website. Leave a request and our specialists will contact you to schedule a consultation with a doctor at a time convenient for you.


Read more about the procedure for professional oral hygiene in this article.

Professional oral hygiene is a procedure that experts recommend to undergo once every 6 months.







Dental care after the procedure

Any type of professional cleaning will be of no use if you do not adhere to the rules of hygiene.

Oral care after brushing your teeth is divided into 2 stages: in the first weeks and everyday.

Immediately after the procedure, adhere to the following tips:

  • do not eat or drink for the first 2 hours;
  • within 24 hours after laser treatment, do not clean your teeth - only rinse your mouth after eating and remove food debris with floss;
  • to clean your teeth, buy a new brush: the old one contains bacteria and microbes that will cause inflammation in the disturbed gums;
  • 2 weeks use a brush with soft bristles (marked Soft) and low-abrasive paste (RDA level up to 50 units);
  • For several days, rinse your mouth with herbal decoctions of chamomile, sage, calendula: they will help eliminate bleeding, heal gums and reduce sensitivity;
  • Follow a “white” diet for 2-3 weeks - all foods and drinks with coloring properties are excluded from the diet.

Daily care includes:

  • giving up smoking, strong tea and coffee;
  • careful adherence to oral hygiene: brushing teeth immediately after eating, using professional pastes, rinses, flosses, irrigators;
  • preventive examination every six months;
  • Carrying out hygienic cleaning every six months to a year.

Do not brush your teeth for 24 hours after laser treatment

Methods for removing tartar

There are the following effective ways to remove hardened plaque:

  1. Use of hand tools. This method was especially often used during the existence of the USSR. Dentists used curettes - instruments with sharp edges that can be used to scrape off hardened formations. The modern development of dentistry has made it possible to abandon such an ineffective and traumatic method.

  2. Application of ultrasound.
  3. Cleaning teeth with a mixture of air, water and soda, supplied under high pressure through the tip of the device. This method is called sandblasting. Its essence is as follows: the smallest particles of soda, moving at very high speed, knock down deposits. This method is effective if the stones are small: large stones or subgingival deposits will be almost impossible to remove.


Werner Elena Vladimirovna

Dentist periodontist

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Eremina Anna Arturovna

Dentist therapist

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Ozerov Petr Vladimirovich

Chief physician. Dentist, implantologist, orthopedist, surgeon. Laser dentistry specialist

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Possible complications

There are usually no complications after laser removal of pigmented and mineralized deposits. Only standard consequences occur: minor bleeding and increased sensitivity, which disappear in a couple of days.

However, if the technique is not followed or contraindications are ignored, serious consequences arise: damage to teeth and gums, aggravation of existing oral diseases or systemic pathologies.

There are usually no complications after removing pigment and mineralized deposits with a laser

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