Restoration of destruction of jaw bone tissue caused by iatrogenic factors
Dear friends, today’s topic of conversation, in fact, should be a prologue to all our
Should I suture the gums after tooth extraction? In what cases are stitches needed?
Suturing after tooth extraction is a standard procedure. The doctor sutures the hole when indicated or
Unpleasant vaginal odor
Odors and pregnancy: why does a pregnant woman become sensitive to odors and what to do about it?
The microecology of the vagina is a set of mechanisms that maintain the stability of the population and quantitative composition of the microbiocenosis. IN
splinter in the gum
A foreign body in the gum - how to remove a bone or splinter?
Types of foreign bodies that can damage the gums Cause a splinter in the oral cavity: habit
side effects from rinsing
Infusion of drugs into the larynx
What are tonsils, structural features The immune system consists of many components. They participate in
Treatment of tooth flux
Recipes for quick flux breakthrough: what to do at home?
Unfortunately, some patients do not want to have their teeth treated, which often leads to serious complications,
Paraovarian ovarian cyst: causes, diagnosis and treatment
When a root canal infection occurs, a formation called
injured patient
Scandal with a dentist in Rivne: videos were published in which the doctor strangles and beats children
The owner of the pediatric dentistry clinic, Inna Kravchuk, who is also a practicing doctor, denies all accusations.
Exudative erythema multiforme (EEM) - symptoms and treatment
Dermatovenereologist Khasanova Alina Rashidovna Experience 9 years Make an appointment Redness of the skin at a certain
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