The teeth became crooked. Are the G8s really to blame?


A large number of patients are faced with the need to have teeth removed. Injuries, untimely contact with a dentist, errors in previous dental treatment and much more are the main causes of tooth loss.

Unfortunately, patients often put off compensation for the resulting defect after tooth extraction. At the same time, without suspecting that this entails consequences that do not provide the possibility of further restoration of teeth through implantation.

To understand this slightly confusing formulation, we will first try to describe what processes occur in the dental system after tooth extraction.

How do “eights” erupt?

Wisdom teeth are the last teeth to erupt. Sometimes at 18–20 years old, but more often at a later age. In addition to the fact that these are the largest teeth, there are cases when they are located in the jaw bone not vertically, but at an angle. Therefore, problems most often arise with their eruption: the tooth does not grow upward, but to the side, pressing on the root of the nearest tooth, causing pain and inflammation. Often, to avoid such problems, wisdom teeth are removed without waiting for them to fully erupt.

Wisdom teeth often cause problems when they erupt

But if the tooth grows more or less without problems, the person does not see a dentist; there is no indication for tooth extraction. And then it turns out that due to the growth of molar No. 3, the front teeth have moved.

“Eights” are large teeth, and if there is not enough space in the dentition, they move neighboring teeth, and even the front ones.

Crowded teeth

Is it possible to remove a tooth and return everything as it was?

If you remove a tooth, nothing will change. Orthodontist patients know that after treatment a consolidation stage is needed, otherwise the roots of the teeth will begin to move to their old familiar place. It takes at least two years for the teeth to adjust and strengthen in their new position, and to do this they are held in place with the help of retainers and aligners.

During orthodontic treatment, the pressure from braces or aligners is much greater than that exerted by the growing wisdom tooth. Therefore, with an orthodontic system, teeth are moved within a few months, and the first results are visible within a few weeks.

Aligners correct the position of teeth in a few months

A growing molar erupts very slowly, over 2–3 years, and puts pressure on neighboring teeth, causing them to move. The process occurs almost imperceptibly, the teeth shift by fractions of a millimeter per month. During this time, they get used to the new (wrong) position. The ligamentous apparatus that supports the teeth is rebuilt to a new position, and the bone tissue around the roots is strengthened. And even if wisdom teeth are removed, it will not be orthodontically beneficial. Neither from a health point of view, nor from an aesthetic point of view.

How to stop the drift?

To prevent destruction, after the operation, restoration of the masticatory organs should be undertaken. To do this, the patient must contact an orthodontist. Braces are often required to correct an overbite. It happens that the hole becomes inflamed, causing the wound area to become infected and may fester. In such situations, cleaning and disinfection are performed. Therapeutic methods also include:

  • Installation of removable corrective devices. They include a plastic plate. It is held in the mouth by hooks and wire loops. To straighten and return the units to the correct position, springs and arms are used. To further expand the jaw, an expansion screw is installed on the plate.
  • Orthodontic devices that are not removable are represented by systems for correcting jaw closure. This effective technology allows you to correct the chewing organs of adults. The braces are fixed with special glue. A strong bracket is pulled to make the connection. It creates the right amount of force so that the units move in the right direction.
  • In difficult situations, radical technologies are used. Treatment may involve face bows, which significantly change the configuration of the skull.

Nowadays, aligners and mouth guards are also used. They are suitable for patient patients. The correction period takes from 12 months to 2.5 years. The aligners are changed every 15 days. The advantage of aligners is the transparency of the material. They can be removed for hygiene purposes or for eating.

What to do?

Treatment with braces or aligners will help correct the position of your teeth. However, it is not necessary to remove grown wisdom teeth. Whether to save them or not is decided individually in each case and only after examination. If it is possible to expand a row of teeth so that there is enough space for all teeth, then there may be no indication for removal. It is always better to preserve healthy teeth, this also applies to third molars.

If the teeth were initially straight and the erupting wisdom tooth has distorted them, a slight disturbance in the position of the teeth usually occurs. Regardless of the patient’s age, it can be corrected in a few months.

Teeth began to separate

The front lower teeth and upper teeth gradually fan out between

itself and gaps appear between the teeth? Previously, they stood in beautiful, even rows, and then suddenly, for no reason at all, they began to move. Why?

The fan-shaped divergence of the front group of teeth, or rather their position is called protrusion! Teeth pushed forward are an aesthetic flaw that changes the appearance, so you have to make a lot of effort to close your lips! Exposed tooth roots and mobility cause patients considerable discomfort when chewing and biting food. This is a characteristic sign of moderate to severe periodontitis.

Causes of teeth discrepancy.

The supporting apparatus of the teeth that holds the teeth in the bone socket is called the periodontium. The main function of the periodontium is to firmly hold the tooth with the help of an elastic ligament. The elastic ligament firmly covers the tooth and prevents

penetration of infection between the tooth root and the bone socket. The tooth is suspended in the socket and can make small movements. That is, the healthiest and most stable tooth has insignificant mobility. If it weren't for it, the teeth wouldn't last as long. Because of this mobility, the periodontium has a trophic function - it nourishes the tooth during chewing. As periodontitis progresses, the circular ligament of the tooth is damaged and over time it completely disappears! And this is due to periodontitis, which lasts for a long time in a latent form and has a chronic course. With moderate periodontitis, bone tissue is already involved in the inflammatory process. Constant destruction of bone tissue leads to exposure of the tooth root. A tooth deprived of stable support can no longer withstand chewing loads and this leads to an increase in tooth mobility. Once started, this process continues to develop uncontrollably and leads to the tilting of the teeth, their “fan” arrangement. A factor of traumatic occlusion arises, in other words, during normal chewing, the antagonists (the group of teeth opposite to it) are knocked out by their own teeth. In the absence of proper treatment for periodontitis, such a group of teeth loses their stability and eventually must be removed.

Among the main causes of a local nature in the oral cavity are:

  • Incorrect bite.
  • Pathological abrasion
    and overload of the supporting apparatus of the tooth.
  • Poor oral hygiene.
  • Untreated gingivitis
  • Errors in prosthetics with crowns and bridges, veneers.
  • Incorrectly placed fillings when filling teeth.

What to do if your teeth start to come apart?

In such a situation, an urgent consultation with a periodontist is necessary!

Only a person can identify the cause, eliminate it and prescribe adequate treatment.

Unfortunately, today, the level of training of dentists in gum diseases is extremely low. And the patient is unaware of his diagnosis for a very long time, and when the situation in the oral cavity worsens sharply, the diagnosis of periodontitis is made. The advanced stage of periodontitis not only requires considerable effort from the periodontist, but also treatment for the patient is expensive and requires large financial costs. As a rule, in such situations a full range of periodontal procedures is required, using laser technology
open curettage , flap operations
and after three months
the Vector procedure
. Unfortunately, as a
, this is not a treatment for periodontitis, it is simply a preparatory stage in the treatment of moderate and severe periodontitis gravity.
It is worth noting that splinting, even highly mobile teeth, allows you to connect them into a fixed block for a long time, evenly distribute the chewing load and makes it possible to carry out high-quality surgical procedures in the treatment of periodontitis. Surgical treatment
remains the leading treatment for moderate and severe periodontitis!

Three golden rules that will save your teeth.


  • Professional examination every six months by a periodontist.
  • Consultation with a periodontist before installing crowns, bridges, veneers and

    orthodontic treatment.

  • After prosthetics and fillings.

Here are three simple rules that do not require any financial costs from the patient, but will allow you to identify periodontitis at the initial stage and monitor the work of the orthopedic dentist, therapist and orthodontist.


It is always easier to prevent and eliminate the causes than to deal with their consequences.

With timely and competent treatment of periodontitis, you can preserve your teeth and the beauty of your smile for a long time. Do not forget to visit a periodontist once every six months for the purpose of prevention and periodontitis will not overtake you!

Is it possible to fix a hole between teeth at home?

It is impossible to remove diastema at home. To carry out effective correction, specialists use a whole range of diagnostic measures, as well as devices that are manufactured specifically for the patient. It is naive to believe that the problem can be eliminated simply by tying the two front teeth with floss. Moreover, such manipulations are dangerous, as they can damage the gums or the teeth themselves.

Sometimes you can hear stories about how a child's teeth were bandaged and the cleft disappeared. But, in this case, we are talking about a false diastema, which goes away on its own without any intervention.

Is it painful to remove a wisdom tooth?

Many patients delay wisdom tooth removal due to fear of pain. Such fears in modern dentistry are absolutely groundless, since anesthetics are necessarily used for the procedure. Discomfort occurs when the effect of the drugs wears off and the analgesic effect decreases. But this is a physiological process that fades away on its own after some time. In addition, there is absolutely no need to endure pain; the doctor will prescribe medications to alleviate the postoperative condition.

When removing a wisdom tooth, some patients experience painful symptoms for a number of reasons:

  • drug addiction;
  • extensive purulent process;
  • abuse of painkillers.

Also, the degree of pain depends on the method of removal, the condition of the wisdom tooth, and its location. For example, surgery on the upper jaw is easier. But removing a wisdom tooth from the lower jaw is more problematic due to the structural features of the jaw and large curved roots.

Methods for increasing the space between teeth

There are several ways to expand the space between the units adjacent to the defect. These include:

  • Orthodontic correction. This is the most effective and expedient method. A brace system is installed to move the teeth towards their original locations. This treatment lasts about 1–1.5 years, but there is a point in waiting that long. With the help of orthodontic treatment, it is possible to straighten the rows, restore the normal angles of the teeth and free up enough space for the implant.
  • Orthopedic manipulations. You can also get more space between the teeth adjacent to the empty area by “filing” their lateral surfaces. But it is advisable to resort to such a solution only if there is a slight shortage of space for installing the prosthesis.
  • Surgical intervention. Another way to expand the space for an implant is to remove an adjacent tooth. Such a radical approach can only be considered if the unit is severely damaged. An indication for extraction may also be a severe tilt of the tooth with exposure of its neck and the appearance of mobility.

The dentist chooses the method of expanding the space for the implant after diagnosing the problem area. As a rule, the problem is solved by installing braces, and then a new beautiful tooth on an implant can be easily installed in the vacant space.

What does white plaque mean after tooth extraction?

Some patients notice that their gums turn white after tooth extraction. In the normal course of events, a whitish coating is nothing more than an “effusion” of fibrin from the blood, and indicates the beginning of epithelization of the wound. White plaque after tooth extraction usually appears on the surface of a blood clot (Fig. 8), as well as on the surface of a severely injured mucous membrane.

White plaque on the gum after tooth extraction -

In this case, the gum surrounding the socket has a pale pink color, when pressing on the gum there should be no purulent discharge (as in the video below), there should be no unpleasant odor from the socket, constant aching pain or pain when responding to cold and hot water ( .

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