Possible causes of a rash in a child

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A rash around the mouth is usually caused by perioral dermatitis, although there can actually be several causes. With perioral dermatitis, papular rashes are usually observed, and this can only happen in females. These rashes usually begin near the mouth, but subsequently spread to other areas of the face. Diagnosis of this disease is not particularly difficult for a dermatologist, but treatment requires a long time, taking topical steroids, and so on.

At the same time, a rash around the mouth can be caused by many other factors - for example, the same allergic processes that develop due to external irritants, inflammation, and serious illnesses. If such a problem occurs on the face, there is no point in ignoring it and delaying the visit to the dermatologist. The exact cause of the disease should be identified as soon as possible and eliminated. This way you can avoid complications.

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Answers to frequently asked questions about skin rashes:

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  • Which skin rash is dangerous?
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  • How to get rid of skin rashes?
  • How to get rid of itching skin rash?
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  • What diseases does a dermatologist treat?
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Causes of acne around the mouth

Not all experts agree that this is a disease on its own. Some associate it with allergic and seborrheic dermatitis. Those who are inclined to believe that the disease is independent also call it perioral and steroid dermatitis. This disease affects women and girls aged 18 years and older. Cases of the disease in children and men are rare. The exact provocateurs have not yet been discovered, but there are a number of reasons contributing to the development of the disease. Basically, this is a weakening of the body’s protective functions, which occurs due to the influence of external factors and internal problems in the body.

Appearance of perioral acne

Typically, the affected area of ​​skin has a light pink or red tint.
Inflammations can be called small nodules that contain fluid. They can be grouped or located separately from each other. Together, groups of pimples become inflamed and resemble acne. How to distinguish acne that appears due to dermatitis around the mouth? They are rough, a little itchy, and there is a constant feeling of tightness on the skin. However, there are no skin rashes directly around the lips, approximately 3-5 mm. These signs distinguish pimples with perioral dermatitis from rosacea and rosacea. If the disease is started and treatment is not started in time, it will affect new areas of the skin. To prevent this, you need to immediately contact a dermatologist, otherwise his help alone will not be enough.

Reasons for appearance

Acne in women can appear for a variety of reasons. But there are the most common provocateurs:

  • Hormonal changes. Various hormonal imbalances and diseases of the reproductive system can lead to the appearance of acne around the mouth.
  • The use of drugs with hormonal composition. This especially applies to medications containing prednisolone and hydrocortisone. Also, uncontrolled and not coordinated with the attending physician taking hormonal contraceptives.
  • Fluoride toothpaste
  • Constant use of aggressive cleansers and foundations of poor quality
  • Adverse weather conditions (prolonged sun exposure, strong winds)
  • Standard saprophytes
  • Problems with the digestive system, which directly affects human immunity
  • Chronic infectious problems

Also, perioral dermatitis often appears after starting to use hormonal cosmetics to treat other skin diseases.
Women resort to the help of such drugs to relieve itching and inflammation, but in fact they only worsen the situation. Also, good intentions are the most common cause of perioral dermatitis. So it turns out that hormonal drugs improve the situation a little, and after their refusal the situation only gets worse. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to self-medicate; you need to seek help from a qualified dermatologist.

Possible causes of a rash in a child


Scarlet fever

The rash with scarlet fever is small, like semolina , pinpointed. You often have to look closely to see it. It is located on the stomach , groin, inner thighs, and elbow bends. It appears at the beginning of the disease. But most often, high fever, vomiting, and headache are detected first. The main symptom of scarlet fever is bright red, burning tonsils in the child’s throat. Perhaps this is the most dangerous childhood infection, as it often causes complications in the heart and kidneys . At the slightest sign of scarlet fever, call a doctor . Well, if you find out that your child has been in contact with a person with scarlet fever, be on alert: observe him for 7-10 days, give him vitamins. In general, be wary throats sore throat . Not even every doctor the diphtheria film on the tonsils .


The measles rash is large and bright, immediately noticeable , and rises above the skin in the form of small papules. At first it usually appears on the face , forehead, behind the ears , and the next day it “descends” to the body, arms, and on the third day to the legs . It is preceded by a fever, a rough cough, and the eyes (pain appears). After complete rash, the temperature goes away. Parents often worry about pigmentation - don’t worry, it will go away later without a trace. This disease does not cause severe complications in vaccinated children.


Rubella is probably the easiest infectious disease for children. The temperature is low, the throat , and the occipital lymph nodes become inflamed. The rash can be large or small and appears all over the body at once. But pregnant women should beware of rubella, as this virus causes fetal deformities.


When the body weakens, herpes usually appears on the lips. The bubbles are usually smeared with brilliant green, cauterized with alcohol, and irradiated with quartz. From experience, I know that herpes does not like regular earwax (it can be obtained from ears ). There are expensive antiviral ointments: Verulex, Acyclovir, others usually do not help. Herpes is not so harmless. Sometimes herpetic meningoencephalitis occurs, when, against the background of a simple cold, the child suddenly loses consciousness. An attentive doctor will find herpetic blisters on the inside of the cheeks. With this disease, time is counted by the clock. Only urgent intensive therapy with special antiviral drugs will help. It is important to recognize the disease as early as possible...

Prickly heat

Miliaria is a harmless rash; small, pink, slightly raised above the skin, located on the back , neck , chest . The reason for its appearance is overheating and insufficient care. If you find heat rash in your baby, wash him, change his underwear, and make sure he doesn't sweat. This rash is not contagious, but you need to take care of the child’s skin so that purulent rashes do not appear - small yellowish blisters, vesiculopustulosis. This is a fairly serious disease, a frequent scourge of infants, and it also happens to older children. Bubbles appear on the back , chest , neck , legs , arms. They burst, leaving crusts (pustules) on the skin. From the bursting blisters, pathogens (staphylococci) enter neighboring areas of the skin, and so they spread throughout the body. This happens especially quickly when swimming. If you find such an abscess, immediately lubricate it with brilliant green.


More dangerous is streptoderma, during which purulent blisters appear the mouth , body, neck , and face They quickly burst, forming purulent crusts. If the slightest signs of this disease appear, the child should not be taken to kindergarten or school. Contact a dermatologist . Streptoderma is treated with special ointments.


Allergic rash is perhaps the most common among non-infectious diseases. This is a reaction to foods and medications. It looks like a rash from a nettle burn - red grains, accompanied by itching. Sometimes allergies can have severe reactions: a rash with vascular , swelling of the eyes , lips, face . One of the reasons for its appearance is that our market is saturated with powerful allergens : oranges, tangerines, chewing gum, drinks (containing a full range of chemical elements), chocolate. Honey and strawberries are also allergens

Many parents treat allergic rashes in their children with Diphenhydramine, Suprastin, and Tavegil. These are old drugs that have many side effects: they penetrate the central nervous system, causing lethargy, drowsiness, and “Pipalfen” even hallucinations. There are more modern drugs - Claritin, Loratadine, Gismanal, Histolong, Zyrtec, Terfenadine. I think that mothers should know about them, as they are more effective and harmless.

Often, ordinary sweets cause a rash in a child. Think about it, maybe this pleasure isn’t worth such dire consequences? After all, sometimes allergies can only be eliminated with hormones , which in themselves are dangerous for the child. When allergies , parents need to be wary, because an allergic rash is just the tip of the iceberg of trouble that is happening in the child’s body.

Published in Pediatrics Premium Clinic

When to see a doctor?

If pimples appear, this is not only a cosmetic problem.
Most likely they indicate some internal disorders. The woman is in a hurry to start treatment, as the rash spoils her appearance and her mood. However, as mentioned above, self-medication only makes the situation worse. This is manifested by ulcers, the spread of the disease to new areas, perhaps the disease will affect the eyelids, which can provoke ophthalmological problems. Therapy involves the use of medications. They are not prescribed only to children and pregnant women. For them, treatment includes herbal infusions. For all patients, a diet is required, according to which any foods that can cause stomach irritation are excluded from the diet. These include pickles, spices, sour and spicy foods and dishes, alcohol and strong tea. These products cause a strong rush of blood to the skin of the face.

This makes it easier to determine the root cause of the rash. During the treatment period, you need to stop using cosmetics and synthetic detergents, and also stop taking hormonal medications. Antibiotics are prescribed exclusively from the tetracycline group. They can be in the form of creams or tablets. They may also prescribe drugs with imidazole. It is this that effectively affects harmful microorganisms that provoke the appearance of the disorder.

The treatment is quite long, improvements begin to appear after at least a month of therapy. At its beginning, a serious aggravation is possible. You can completely get rid of the problem in 3-4 months. If a person has allergies, he is also prescribed antihistamines. Immunity-boosting drugs are also a mandatory part of treatment. These include nicotine, riboflavin, Ascorutin and B6. All medications are prescribed by the attending physician, as he prescribes treatment based on the results of a detailed examination.

How is the rash treated?

Whatever the reason for the appearance of a rash around the mouth, not only the help of a doctor is necessary, but also the establishment of normal skin care, elimination of external irritants (if it is an allergy), and correction of the nutritional diet. In general, you probably can’t do without contacting a medical specialist.

It is he who must determine the current condition of the skin, choose the right method of therapy and subsequent skin care. If you follow the doctor's instructions, you will probably soon get rid of problems associated with skin diseases and rashes.

After the initial diagnosis, additional tests are prescribed to confirm the diagnosis and the immediate therapeutic course. All this must be done on time, without ignoring the occurrence of a rash around the mouth ,

like most people do. In this case, you will protect yourself from possible complications and the development of dangerous diseases. Chronic diseases can be expressed by severe peeling, cracking, extreme dryness and the fact that the skin may become thicker.

Therefore, it’s time to think about how important it is to adhere to the correct regime, a normal diet and monitor the condition of every part of your body, including the areas around the mouth.

Publication date: 2018-02-03

Methods for diagnosing skin diseases:

  • Diagnosis of skin diseases
  • Diagnosis of skin diseases at home
  • Diagnosis of allergic skin diseases
  • Diagnosis of bacterial skin diseases
  • Diagnosis of viral skin diseases
  • Diagnosis of hair diseases
  • Diagnosis of nail diseases
  • Diagnosis of skin tumors
  • Skin scraping
  • Blisters on the skin
  • Dermatoscopy
  • Demodex tests
  • Diagnosis of sexually transmitted infections
  • Mushroom tests
  • Skin scraping
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