Yellow teeth in adults: reasons for changes in enamel shade

By nature, the natural color of human teeth has never been immaculately white. Watching the radiant smiles of stars from television screens, you get the impression that your teeth are not so white and attractive. In addition, the color of the enamel is daily exposed to the negative effects of all kinds of coloring products and bad habits. Why does a child have yellow teeth, and also why is tooth enamel yellow in general and what to do about it? To answer all the questions posed, you first need to understand the main causes of yellowing of the enamel.

Charge for regular drinks

It would seem that there is nothing reprehensible in a cup of coffee or tea in the morning, afternoon and evening. Most people have long been accustomed to these liquids, although they appeared in our culture, frankly speaking, relatively recently. One way or another, getting too carried away with them can also lead to yellow teeth. By the way, the type and color of tea does not really matter here. For example, the majority today do not even know how to choose the right green tea, opting for advertised, unnatural varieties with an abundance of artificial coloring substances. Suffice it to say that the popular so-called “milk oolong” is a chemical that the Chinese themselves will never drink.

What diseases cause the skin to turn yellow? Why skin may turn yellow

The very reasons why eyes and skin turn yellow can be either almost harmless or very dangerous. Yellowness of the skin is caused by the substance bilirubin. It is formed when hemoglobin breaks down. The whites of the eyes may have a yellowish tint or a sunny yellow color from the breakdown of red blood cells. It happens that the skin and eyes are yellow due to the usual overabundance of products with coloring pigments. Carrot or pumpkin diets, the use of turmeric and cumin seasonings can turn the skin an unnatural color. Other reasons pose a danger to the body.

Sleep and overload

Lack of sleep disrupts all functions in the body. Yellow facial skin often occurs in people with unstable work schedules. And office workers who for months do not see any light except the radiation of the monitor. Neither overload can provoke yellowness. Even the whites of the eyes change color due to stress.

It is enough to have a good rest, spend at least 4 hours a day outside and not carry heavy things, so that the complexion and eyes are restored.


Chemical or natural, dyes are absorbed into the skin. After dyeing your hair, your scalp will be yellow for several days. Dyes introduced into the blood through food or smeared on the skin can affect the whites of the eyes. Chefs get yellow skin on their hands after working with colorful products,

You just need to wait a couple of weeks and switch to eating fresh vegetables, make a few whitening masks. The dye will leave the body on its own.

Liver and gallbladder

If these organs begin to collapse, you need to urgently seek qualified help! Clogged bile ducts cause an excess of bile. It can destroy the digestive tract.

The liver suffers from almost everything that surrounds us. It cleanses the blood and receives the first blow from alcohol, tobacco, and carcinogens. Medicines accumulate in the liver and remain there for a long time. Or it may be that a person has contracted viral hepatitis A, the so-called “Botkin’s disease.” In common parlance - jaundice. Although in fact there are jaundices that are different from hepatitis.

Hepatitis A

This is a viral disease. The virus enters through the mouth due to eating unwashed vegetables or fruits. Or through the blood - this is a more complex form of the disease. Treatment requires hospitalization.


Other types of jaundice are associated with simultaneous failure of both the liver and gallbladder. They're called:

  1. Hemolytic jaundice – excess bilirubin
  2. Hepatic jaundice is a manifestation of poisoning, incl. alcohol, cirrhosis, liver tuberculosis, etc.
  3. Cholestatic jaundice - the bile ducts are blocked by sand, stones, or tumor.

Eye diseases

This can be the appearance of a wen on the white of the eye, or dangerous conjunctivitis, due to which a person can lose his sight.

In extreme cases, malignancies cause yellow eyes and skin. And the skin itself can turn yellow simply with age due to pigmentation.

What to do with yellow teeth

Thus, we counted plenty of factors. The question remains - what to do about it? Today, technology makes it possible to solve the problem of yellow teeth quickly, painlessly and effectively. At Dentik we use the innovative ZOOM Advanced Power whitening system. It allows, using calcium phosphate and exposure to a safe diode lamp, to lighten teeth by several tones, without harming their health and guaranteeing a long-term effect. The specialist will also advise you on how to properly care for your whitened teeth and give you a set of home care products.

Contact our clinic and take advantage of this great opportunity! A dazzling smile is simple and safe!

Why do lips turn yellow? Diagnosis by lips, or what your mouth will “tell” about

Have you ever thought that you can make a diagnosis based on your lips? But Tibetan doctors have been practicing such diagnostics for a long time.


Here, even with the naked eye, you can determine that the body is dehydrated. Dry lips always make you want to wet or lick them. A person needs to drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day, and its lack in the body is reflected on the skin and lips. After all, the skin of the lips is very thin, so a lack of water in the body can manifest itself as dry lips.

Another cause of dry lips can be stress. Indeed, as a result of stressful situations, a large amount of adrenaline is released in the blood, blood pressure increases and a large amount of fluid is released in the urine.

Dry lips can also be caused by sudden temperature changes and weakened immunity. Therefore, you should not put off visiting a doctor so that harmless dry lips do not develop into a disease.


Cheilitis (jams) – the appearance of cracks in the corners of the mouth. This often occurs due to a lack of B vitamins and vitamin A in the body.

In this case, to get rid of the jam, you need to eat foods rich in vitamin B: beef liver, eggs, almonds. And foods containing vitamin A: butter, as well as orange vegetables and fruits.

If the seizures do not go away when replenishing vitamins in the body, then the cause of their occurrence is an infection, and it is necessary to use ointments containing antibiotics, which will be prescribed by the doctor.


Blue lips indicate a lack of oxygen. This symptom may indicate anemia, as there is not enough hemoglobin in the body, or diseases of the lungs or cardiovascular system, in which oxygen is not supplied to the organs in full. Blood containing less oxygen has a blue tint. Through the thin skin of the lips, blood vessels are clearly visible, giving the lips a bluish tint.

Yellow lips are a sign of liver disease. This color appears as a result of the fact that the liver does not cope with its functions and does not clear the blood of bilirubin. When it accumulates in the body, not only the lips, but also the tongue and eyes begin to turn yellow.


The appearance of vertical grooves in the form of wrinkles on the lips is the result of the negative effects of the sun. The skin of the lips is not able to fight ultraviolet rays, so when wrinkles appear on the lips, it is necessary to use lip balms and glosses.


When your lips become thin, as if you are clenching them tightly, it is worth checking your intestines. Such changes are considered a sign of chronic colitis (inflammation of the intestines) or constipation.

But enlarged lips are a sign of food allergies. Perhaps such swelling will seem attractive to someone, but frequent use of a product that causes an allergic reaction can provoke a serious attack that threatens life.

Therefore, for any visible changes in the lips, especially those that do not go away for a long time, you should consult a doctor to avoid serious consequences.

How to whiten your teeth.

If you want to whiten your teeth to the natural color of dentin, then, at a minimum, special whitening pastes with abrasives will help. The most reliable remedy is professional teeth cleaning in the dentist's office.

If you want your naturally yellowish teeth to become white, then the heavy dental artillery comes into play. Photo whitening, laser method, zoom and others. Any of the methods, by the way, are extremely harmful to the teeth, and are not cheap. So think carefully. The second time the teeth will not grow, neither yellow nor white.

How to get rid of plaque

The problem with yellow teeth and the decision of what to do is best left to an experienced dentist. Only he can adequately assess the condition of the enamel and suggest methods of prevention and treatment.

Home methods can be a bad joke, since some elements like soda with lemon can damage the enamel irrevocably.


The most common means of combating yellowness is bleaching. This procedure is usually performed in the dentist's office. It has a number of contraindications: caries, pregnancy, increased sensitivity of teeth, age under 18 years, wearing braces and others.

Whitening is divided into professional, home and combined. The first, depending on the method of influence, is:

  1. ultrasonic;
  2. mechanical;
  3. photobleaching (application of gel and exposure to an ultraviolet lamp);
  4. chemical;
  5. laser;
  6. endobleaching (lightening from the inside).

Homemade involves the use of special products: gels, mouth guards, plates, strips, etc.

Teeth whitening methods have their pros and cons; choosing the appropriate method should take into account the specific situation with your teeth.

Whitening Amazing White

Modern whitening techniques are numerous and constantly evolving. Among them, one of the most common is Amazing White. This procedure is considered more gentle on the enamel: the gel that covers the teeth contains a small amount of hydrogen peroxide. The gel is exposed to cold light from an LED lamp, causing its substances to begin to break down plaque. The good thing about the procedure is that it whitens by 5-9 tones and is painless. Increased sensitivity lasts only a couple of hours after the procedure.

The whitening effect is different: very good if the color is naturally yellow, worse for other reasons. Lasts from 6 months to 1.5 years.


Another whitening method is the installation of ceramic veneers. Veneers are the thinnest plates that replace the outer shells of the tooth. They are durable and look natural.

Before installing veneers, caries must be cured and the gums are healthy. They cannot be used if there is a large filling, bite pathology or severe enamel defects.

A beautiful smile is important both in terms of self-esteem and health.
But it must be remembered that excessive concern about the whiteness of a smile is more a tribute to fashion than a real human need. An objective assessment of the condition of the oral cavity is the prerogative of the dentist. Only he can see the true reasons behind the yellow teeth. The doctor's consultation

How to remove yellow stains from teeth

If you are worried about the whiteness of your crowns, contact a professional. Of course, home methods will provide some therapeutic effect, especially in the initial stages of the pathology. To remove yellow discoloration safely, make an appointment with the dentist and discuss your situation. Only a specialist can prescribe procedures without the risk of pathologies. Ultrasonic cleaning can help relieve discomfort regarding the color of your teeth. It will also raise self-esteem. Vibration of a special rod will remove the unpleasant shade. The selected amplitude and frequency of vibrations will eliminate plaque without damaging the tissue of the units.

Whitening with folk remedies

You can also whiten yellow teeth at home. It is important not to damage the enamel. Therefore, before using any product, it is better to consult a doctor. Salt, soda, and hydrogen peroxide are used strictly according to the dentist’s instructions, not exceeding the course of procedures. Be careful with lemon juice too, do not overdo it, as this acid can make the enamel sensitive. Tea tree oil is milder. It eliminates infection well. Some people prefer activated carbon. Remember that the powder should be fine and there should be no cracks in the enamel.

Professional cleaning in dentistry

Color imperfections eliminate lightening. This method is quick and simple. Safety is especially important here. The dentist will choose the correct option for eliminating yellowness. The most effective is laser technology. Of course, its cost is high, but the result is worth it. In addition, this process is difficult and painstaking, and the equipment is expensive.

An alternative is to remove yellowness using photocells. The applied chemical interacts with ultraviolet radiation and frees the crowns from plaque. Popular procedures include hygienic teeth cleaning with Air Flow. This technique is gentle. The device sprays a mixture of soda crystals, air and water into units under a certain pressure. Deposits are removed both from the surface of the crowns and from the spaces between the teeth. In the advanced stage, veneers or dentures are used.

Possible causes for yellowing teeth

Many people ask themselves, why do my teeth turn yellow if I don’t smoke? It was once believed that yellow teeth were the prerogative of people who smoked. However, it is now known that there are much more reasons for this. Why do adult teeth turn yellow? Among the most harmless and everyday reasons are the following:

  • Food. The leaders in the long list of products that harm enamel are, of course, coffee and tea. But it's also worth noting carbonated drinks. As well as all foods high in sugar. They corrode the top layer of enamel, which greatly affects the color. Rarely does anyone succeed in eliminating such foods, but you can reduce their consumption.
  • Care. Oddly enough, most people do not properly care for their oral cavity. With poor cleaning, plaque remains on the enamel. Over time, it hardens and an unwanted yellowness appears. In this case, only a dentist can help you.
  • Ecology. It may surprise you, but your external environment also affects the health of your tooth enamel. In the modern world, especially in large cities, the air contains a huge amount of harmful substances.
  • Chewing. If you use only one side of your jaw when eating food. Since the load is distributed unevenly, this may well affect the whiteness of your teeth.
  • Old age. There is a gradual natural destruction of the enamel. So the yellow dentin begins to show through.
  • Medicines and antibiotics. Medications also often affect the color of teeth.

However, it happens that the cause of yellowing of teeth is not external, but an internal problem. The body can send you signals about diseases associated with internal organs. In such cases, it is worth contacting specialists for diagnosis and treatment.

“Handy” options for combating yellow teeth

There are many home whitening methods to lighten the shade of tooth enamel. However, before you try another method on yourself, you should consult a specialist on this issue. Below we have provided some effective tips to help make your smile snow-white:

  1. You need to firmly give up drinking red wine, coffee, tea and smoking.
  2. Natural natural whitening agents include fresh basil, lemon juice, apples and sage leaves.
  3. Once a week, you are allowed to add a little baking soda to the toothpaste (this is a rather aggressive abrasive substance, so you should never overuse it).
  4. It is better to drink any sweet drinks through a straw so that the liquid cannot leave characteristic marks on the enamel.
  5. Eating solid natural foods in their raw form helps to naturally cleanse the outer layer of enamel.

If you have a problem similar to that described in this article, be sure to contact our specialists. Don't diagnose yourself!

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