What Causes and How to Relieve Lip Swelling from Tattooing

Date of publication: 08/30/2017 8788

The healing time for lips after tattooing is highly individual. The skin recovers on average in 5-7 days. And about three more weeks are required for complete cell restoration. How long and comfortable the rehabilitation will be after applying permanent makeup is directly affected by how much proper lip care is provided.

Reasons for appearance

Swelling of the lips after permanent makeup appears due to microtraumas to the skin that are caused during the procedure. To ensure that the pigment is visible for a long time, it is injected into the upper layer of the epidermis. The body considers the dye to be a foreign object, so a natural immune response occurs to it.

The production of inflammatory mediators begins, causing swelling in response to pigment entering the skin during lip tattooing. But everything quickly returns to normal with proper disinfection and care after the procedure.

If bacteria gets into the wounds, pain and redness are added to the swelling. This is a reason to see a doctor.

Why does swelling occur?

Perhaps the main question that we have to answer is to understand the very nature of the occurrence of swelling. Permanent makeup or tattooing is the formation of a new contour or shape of individual areas of the face (lips, eyelids, eyebrows). The goal is achieved by introducing special coloring pigments into the surface layers of the dermis, which can remain in the skin from 1 year to 4-5 years. The introduction is carried out with a special needle through micro-punctures of the skin to a depth of approximately 1 - 2 millimeters. This violation of the integrity of the skin ultimately leads to the formation of swelling (edema).

Prevention of complications

After properly performed permanent makeup, swelling goes away in 3-7 days. The most severe swelling lasts for the first day. When performing the procedure on the eyebrows, the swelling is slightly less than when tattooing the lips. This is due to the different thickness of the skin in these areas.

How long lip swelling lasts after tattooing depends on the correctness of the procedure itself and skin care after it. The treated area must be disinfected before introducing pigment. To do this, use high-percentage alcohol, chlorhexidine or modern spray products. The master has disposable gloves on his hands, which are also disinfected in front of the client before and during the session.

After finishing work with the skin, the lips are again treated with a disinfectant.

Then a wound healing cream is applied to them. It contains D-panthenol (Dexpanthenol, Bepanten), which accelerates cell regeneration. It should be applied to the injured area of ​​skin 3 days after tattooing.

First day after tattoo

The first day is considered the most difficult. The eyebrow ridges will hurt and ichor will be released, which will harden and tighten the skin. To remove the ichor, use cotton pads and blot the tattoo area using gentle movements in the direction of hair growth and drawing. You can use light ointments for pain relief.

On the first day, try to touch your eyebrows as little as possible. Antiseptic agents are used when treating skin:

  • miramistin;
  • non-alcoholic solution of 0.05% chlorhexidine;
  • Vishnevsky ointment;
  • levomekol;
  • aqueous solution of furatsilin.

The antiseptic is applied to the skin using a spray or clean cotton swabs. You cannot use cosmetics or products that are not included in the list of products recommended by the cosmetologist. During the first healing period, try not to scratch the tattooed area and avoid unnecessary contact with water to prevent infection.

How to remove swelling

After applying permanent makeup, the master should talk about skin care and explain how to remove swelling after tattooing the lips or other area. The swelling is removed with ointments with an antihistamine effect. These include Fenistil and Elokom. They are applied topically to the disturbing areas 2-3 times a day for 3 days.

When swelling subsides after lip tattooing, the use of antihistamines is no longer required. But it is worth continuing to use wound-healing drugs. These include Dexpanthenol, Bepanten or ointments based on natural ingredients (Badyaga, Spasatel). They help relieve discomfort that occurs against the background of tissue regeneration.

Washing rules

For the first 3 days, tattooing is prohibited from contacting water. Cleaning is done with wet wipes. The face itself is refreshed with a cleansing tonic, but the product should not get on the treated areas.

After 3 days, they begin to wash with warm liquid, previously boiled. Remaining liquid is removed with a paper napkin or towel. Actions must be careful not to damage the crust.

Skin care after the procedure

After lip tattooing, swelling can last from 3 to 7 days. It will subside faster if you take proper care of your skin. There are several rules:

  1. Do not be in the open sun for the first 14 days after the procedure.
  2. Do not visit places of mass bathing until complete healing.
  3. Do not eat too cold, hot or spicy foods while your lips are sensitive.
  4. Protect your skin with creams with a UV filter when going outside.

If you do everything as described in the rules, the swelling will subside quickly. Girls prone to allergic reactions can take antihistamines orally. They are available in the form of tablets and drops. The most effective include Suprastin, Zodak and Zyrtec. The dosage depends on the age of the person.

Lip tattooing allows you to reduce the time you spend on makeup in the morning and throughout the day. At the same time, you don’t have to worry about the lipstick running, washing off at the wrong time, or imprinting on the glass. But the procedure carries some inconvenience due to the swelling that appears. Special preparations will help remove it, so you should not give up permanent makeup for this reason.

Dangerous edema: how are they different and how are they eliminated?

Swelling of the eyebrows after tattooing, as well as lips and eyes, can be very dangerous. This phenomenon is due to the infectious nature of its occurrence. It is easy to distinguish such a complication from ordinary side effects; it is accompanied by severe pain and redness of the skin. As a rule, the cause of infection in the dermis is a violation of safety precautions when driving in pigment or improper care of the treated area during the rehabilitation period.

Self-treatment of this problem should not be carried out. If you suspect an infection, be sure to visit a specialist and get professional advice.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before embarking on a radical correction of eyebrows and lips using tattooing, it is worth studying both the positive and negative aspects of these procedures. The portfolios of all masters contain impeccable work. However, in life, not everything always turns out as beautiful as in the image.

Pros and cons of eyebrow tattooing

Representatives of the fair sex are encouraged to perform eyebrow tattooing by numerous positive aspects of the procedure:

  • After permanent makeup is applied by a master, the eyebrows get a beautiful shape, match the oval of the face, and save time on makeup. Under the influence of external factors, beautiful brow ridges do not lose their attractive appearance.
  • Those with light eyebrows can enhance their look by giving them any shape.
  • 6D and 3D methods give a natural look to the eyebrows.
  • The artificial color looks impressive for up to three years, after which it will require minor corrections. Without touch-ups, the artificial pattern will be completely removed only after 7 years.
  • The presence of a variety of drawing techniques allows you to make a shadow, watercolor drawing, add hairiness or create a new shape to the brow ridges.
  • With the help of permanent, it became possible to disguise scars and facial defects.

The main disadvantages of the procedure include:

  • There is a risk of ending up “in the hands” of an inexperienced makeup artist, whose work may not only fail to bring the desired result, but also spoil natural beauty.
  • Feeling pain during the procedure. Local anesthesia cannot provide complete pain relief.
  • Due to the procedure, the roots of the hairs are damaged, which will ultimately lead to their partial loss.
  • Due to constant staining at injection sites, the skin loses its elasticity and ability to recover.
  • After the work of an inexperienced master, removing the pigment will be difficult, time-consuming and expensive.
  • Hairy tattooing should not be done on women who have naturally oily skin, as the strokes will blur after a few months.

Pros and cons of lip tattooing

Representatives of the fairer sex often resort to lip tattooing due to its many advantages. Let's consider the main ones:

  • The procedure allows you to always look beautiful.
  • With the help of tattooing you can disguise distorted lips, hide defects and scars.
  • Tattooing allows you to change the shape of your lips and give them a suitable color.
  • A one-time procedure allows you to forget about daily makeup application for a long period of time.
  • External factors cannot have any influence on the artificial color and shape of the lips.

When starting the procedure of salon lip tattooing, women should always remember the negative aspects of such permanent makeup, due to which:

  • Lip color changes.
  • After the injections, there will be some swelling and a long healing process.
  • There is a risk of dangerous infections and allergies. Therefore, you will need to take antibacterial medications for 5 days.
  • The procedure is most often accompanied by pain.
  • After the wounds heal, some correction will be required.

We start care with preparation

The process of transforming your lips begins with the decision to undergo permanent makeup. At this point, you should begin the preparatory period in order to avoid many unpleasant surprises later.

  1. Since the master works with dyes, it is necessary to test for allergies to any of the dye pigments.
  2. 5-7 days before tattooing, honey or salt scrubs are applied to the skin of the lips to remove dead cells.
  3. Active humidification is carried out. To do this, you can use lip balm or baby cream.
  4. It is advisable to take a course of antiviral drugs within a week. This will strengthen your immune system and help prevent the spread of infection if you become infected.

Carrying out good preparatory work will help the skin recover faster and achieve better results after tattooing.

How to care for lips when crusts appear

On the 3-4th day after permanent tattooing of the lips, crusts begin to form, itching and dry skin are felt. The resulting crusts cannot be picked out or removed mechanically; they must fall off on their own. The uniform distribution of pigment over the entire area of ​​the lips, as well as the durability of the result, depends on this. If you scratch along with the crust, part of the added pigment is removed, then the color in these places will be less saturated, in some cases scars may remain.

In order for the crusts to come off easier and faster, proper care is necessary. To do this you will need:

  • daily application of healing ointment in a thin layer;
  • limit contact with water;
  • carry out constant disinfection;
  • do not lick or bite your lips.

After a few days, with proper care, the scabs will fall off on their own, and you will be able to see the preliminary result of the tattoo.

Stages of permanent lip makeup

During the preparatory stage, prevention of herpes is definitely necessary, even for those girls who have never seen it in their lives. And in a couple of days, give up solarium, sunbathing, alcohol and any potential irritants.

During the procedure, the master will draw an outline, apply a sketch and select shades. You can use a pain reliever if you wish, but some professionals do not recommend it because your skin may react differently. First they do the contour, and only then the shading. On average, a session takes up to 3 hours, depending on the complexity and technique.

Photo: newulasvegas.com

Eye and eyelid tattooing: everything about the procedure (before and after photos)

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