How to write a dental business plan - analysis and financial results

Treatment, correction, prosthetics in dentistry and preventive procedures are expensive. People strive to keep their teeth in perfect condition and pay a lot of attention to their health. Therefore, a dental office or your own clinic is a profitable business with a constant source of income.

The provision of medical services must be formalized in accordance with all rules. Before opening a dentistry, you need to prepare for the time spent collecting permits and documentation and the financial costs of purchasing equipment and renting premises. It is necessary to start a business in this area by drawing up a dentistry business plan. It reflects all aspects of the upcoming activity, the amount of start-up capital, expected profit and payback period.

A ready-made, professional, well-calculated dentistry business plan, with current analytical and financial indicators, can be downloaded here and adjusted to suit you.

Dentistry from scratch - step-by-step business plan

First, you need to think through the idea and main concept of the new business, and have a clear idea of ​​the services provided in the office or medical center. The wider the range of dental work, the more specialists need to be hired and the more spacious the premises should be.

Step-by-step instructions for drawing up a dental business plan:

  1. Analysis of the market niche in the selected city/region. Research of supply and demand, monitoring the activities of competitors to identify their weak and strong points.
  2. Organizing a business from scratch or purchasing a ready-made business. State registration of an enterprise, obtaining a license and permits, choosing a form of ownership and taxation system.
  3. Determination of the number of medical personnel. In addition to dental specialists, employees are required to perform auxiliary functions - administrator, accountant, cleaner.
  4. Search for premises taking into account the format of dentistry - office, clinic, large medical center. The location must be chosen so that it is convenient to get to the dentistry from different parts of the city.
  5. Drawing up a list of services that may have a narrowly focused and complex specificity - therapy, orthodontics, prosthetics, aesthetic dental correction, implantation, caries prevention, etc.
  6. Purchase of medical equipment, furniture, consumables - the list depends on the range of services provided.
  7. Search for personnel that meet the requirements of specific dentistry. It is ideal if you can attract a doctor with an already established professional reputation.
  8. Promotion of a new brand. An advertising campaign must include all available marketing tools so that a large number of potential clients learn about dentistry.
  9. Calculation of start-up costs, profit planning and analysis of probable risks.

A well-written business plan is the first step towards opening a profitable enterprise. Dental services are in demand constantly and everywhere, which, if properly organized, helps to generate a stable income.

Attention! A business plan is an idea supported by real calculations of costs and financial indicators. Without calculating investments and payback periods, the document is of no practical use.

Market and competitor analysis

A ready-made, professional, well-calculated dentistry business plan, with current analytical and financial indicators, can be downloaded here and adjusted to suit you.

Like any business, opening a dentistry begins with an analysis of the market in which the entrepreneur plans to provide services. The industry is highly competitive, since the number of public medical institutions in a city or region averages 4-10% of the total number of dentists.

The rest of the market niche is occupied by paid commercial organizations. Therefore, the business plan for a dental office needs to reflect not only the presence of good business potential, but also the high level of competition.

According to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the market share of dental services will grow annually by 12%. Most often, the population visits dental surgeons, therapists, orthodontists and pediatric specialists, and the demand for prosthetics and aesthetic correction is increasing.

Before opening a dentistry from scratch, you need to understand that the greatest risks for the new organization are borne not so much by competitors as by the state. Medical institutions are subject to strict requirements - availability of a license, suitability of the premises, quality of services, certification of equipment for the X-ray room.

On a note! After collecting data and analyzing the market (demand, supply, competitors), it is possible, in theory, to “lay in” the payback of the economic dentistry project at the level of 6-12 months.

Main purposes of ventilation in dental clinics

  1. Organization and maintenance of a certain microclimate in the room (ensuring the required air temperature, humidity and mobility);
  2. Compliance of the air parameters in the dental office with certain sanitary and epidemiological requirements: a certain gas composition of the air (the “correct” percentage of oxygen content), the absence of sharp and unpleasant odors, as well as the purity of the air according to chemical, bacteriological, biological and other indicators (for example, a certain content in air medicines);
  3. Eliminating the possibility of “dirty” air masses flowing into “clean” areas (ensuring the correct direction of moving air: from less polluted rooms to more polluted ones);
  4. Providing an isolated air regime in the premises that require it in order to avoid the transfer of various bacteria and infections, as well as ensuring the required air cleanliness class for a particular room.

The need to be a dentist

Medical education is needed for those entrepreneurs who plan to independently provide dental services in their office or clinic. If a businessman will deal with commercial, financial, organizational issues, it is not necessary to have a medical degree and be a practicing dentist. It is necessary to involve professional dentists in the work. Each doctor has a narrow specialization, and one dentist can provide all services.

For an office with 1-2 chairs, you need to choose one of the directions:

  • therapy;
  • surgery;
  • prosthetics;
  • correction;
  • implantation;
  • children's doctor.

If there are several offices in dentistry, the list of services provided can be significantly expanded. The businessman himself only needs a specialized education (economic, financial).

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Choosing an enterprise format

To decide on the format of dentistry, you need to clearly understand the tasks and goals of the project. The size of the initial investment, the search for suitable premises and the hiring of personnel depend on this.


Mini-dentistry providing one type of service. They install 1 chair in the office, enter into contracts with one or two doctors, so that specialists see patients at different times of the day and days of the week, and at the same time they themselves have days off. At the project launch stage, capital investments are small, the flow of clients is limited - 10-12 patients per day.


Larger scale organization. The clinic can provide services to adults and children. The range of specialists is wider - surgeons, orthodontists, dental technicians, prosthetists, etc. Several offices serve more than 20 clients per day. Opening a clinic requires significant funds for the arrangement of premises and the purchase of equipment.


A full-fledged dental facility with a wide range of services. Workplaces for staff include not only patient chairs, but also separate rooms for X-rays, diagnostics, implantation, treatment, and rooms for sterilizing instruments. The flow of clients is large - 30-40 people per day. Investments of several million rubles are required, depending on the size of the center.

Table 1. Classification of dentistry by price level

FormatCabinetClinicClinic, center
Staff1-2 specialists5-10 doctorsFrom 10 dentists
ServicesOne or two directionsSeveral types of servicesFull range of services
Average bill150-300$1000$From $1500

The price level of dentistry depends on the client’s profile. Some clinics accept patients with a budget cost per session, while other dentistries are designed for VIP visitors.

Technical indicators of the ventilation system

Ventilation system performance

Performance (power) of the ventilation system - the volume of air removed (supplied) by the ventilation system per hour (m3/h) is calculated as follows: L=k∙V

k – air exchange rate, 1/h;

V – volume of the room, m3.

The air exchange rate is understood as the volume of air removed/supplied per hour of operation of the ventilation system, related to the volume of the room. The frequency of air exchange depends on the type of room and time of year (cold or warm period); its meaning is indicated in SNiP.

Read also “Ventilation of swimming pools”

You can receive a free draft design of the ventilation of your clinic


Preparation of documentation and obtaining permits

The scale and functionality of the clinic, the type of building in which it will be located, and the features of the services affect the list of required documents. The company must be registered as an individual entrepreneur or LLC when hiring a staff of specialists. In the first case, the license is issued to the doctor, in the second - to the owner of the institution for all personnel.

To open a dental clinic, you need the following documents:

  • registration certificate, TIN;
  • permission from Rospotrebnadzor;
  • medical license (Roszdravnadzor);
  • X-ray room license;
  • registration in the Pension Fund, Social Insurance Fund, Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund;
  • registration with the Federal Tax Service;
  • checking account;
  • stamp design;
  • agreement of purchase and sale or lease of premises;
  • registration of cash register equipment;
  • permission from SES and fire inspection;
  • contracts for water supply, sanitation, electricity, communications, security systems, removal of medical waste, disinfection;
  • employment contracts with employees.

When submitting an application for registration of an enterprise, you must indicate OKVED codes - 85.12, 85.13 and select a simplified taxation system. It is necessary to set up a Consumer Corner in the clinic and create a ledger for recording income and expenses.

On a note! The list of documents may vary depending on the format of the enterprise. The average cost of certificates and permits is 60,000 rubles, including the state fee for obtaining a new medical license in the amount of 7,500 rubles.

Duct requirements

Another indicator of ventilation efficiency is the cross-section of the duct. Air ducts can be of various shapes, sizes and configurations. These duct parameters are directly related to the required performance of the ventilation system. Also, during technical calculations, it is necessary to take into account the permitted air speed.

The air duct must be sealed, free from mechanical damage, and its internal surface must be made of non-absorbent material. The possibility of particles of material from the inner surface of the air duct entering the room air must also be excluded. In most cases, air ducts are made of stainless steel: it meets hygienic standards and has a long service life due to its high strength, wear resistance, and corrosion resistance.

The cross-sectional area of ​​the duct is calculated using the formula: S= L/(3600∙w)

L – ventilation system performance, m3/h; w – air speed in the channel, m/s.

Knowing the area, you can calculate the diameter of the air duct: D=√(4S/π)

For air ducts with a rectangular cross-section, the height and width values ​​are selected based on the calculated area.

Heater power

A certain temperature regime must be maintained in the premises of dental clinics. During the cold season, clean air taken from the street must be heated using a heater. Electric power spent on heating cold supply air is calculated by the formula: Q=L∙ρ∙Cp∙(t2-t1)

ρ —air density;

Cp is the heat capacity of air;

t2, t1 – air temperature after and before the air heater;

L – ventilation system performance.

Fan power

Based on the known performance value of the ventilation system, it is possible to determine how much fan power is needed in a given situation. However, the fan must be selected with some power reserve: the air duct system resists the moving air flow, so it is necessary to take into account friction losses along the length of the channel, as well as losses caused by changes in the shape or size of the channel.

Selecting a room

If dentistry is located in a residential building, permission from the management company and residents (if necessary) is required. In the case of the construction of a new building or redevelopment of premises, it is necessary to coordinate the project with the Housing Inspectorate, Fire Supervision, Sanitary and Epidemiological Station, Department of Health, BTI, Urban Architecture Service and other authorities. A complete list of requirements for premises for a dental office is given in SanPiN and 2956a-83. Basic Rules:

  • area of ​​at least 30 m2 - a room with a chair, equipment (from 14 m2, a hall (from 10 m2) and a sanitary and hygienic area (from 5 m2);
  • if there are 3 dental units, a separate room for sterilization is needed (from 6 m2);
  • the area for the X-ray room is at least 11 m2 and the developing room - from 6 m2;
  • A room of 15 m2 is allocated for the offices of a pediatric dentist, orthopedist, implantation specialist or orthodontist.

In dentistry, it is necessary to provide additional rooms for administration, employees, and storage. If you plan to open an X-ray room, you need to coordinate the project with the X-ray department in the region.

Attention! When choosing the location of your office, you need to focus on areas with high foot traffic and good transport accessibility.

Primary requirements

In dental clinics at permanent workplaces (medical personnel spend at least 50% of their working time or work continuously for more than 2 hours), the following parameters must be ensured:

  • air movement at a speed of 0.2 m/s;
  • relative humidity from 40 to 60%;
  • temperature: in the warm season (temperature outside is more than 10°C) in the range from 21 to 25°C; during the cold period - from 18 to 23°C.

In bathrooms, utility rooms and other places of temporary residence of employees, it is necessary to provide:

  • air exchange rate - 0.3 m/s;
  • relative humidity not more than 75%;
  • temperature at 17-28°C.

In organizations with an area of ​​up to 500 m2, in rooms of cleanliness class B and C (except for operating rooms, X-ray rooms, MRI rooms), unorganized air exchange is allowed by ventilating the premises through opening transoms or natural exhaust ventilation.

Purchase of equipment

The list of dental units, medical instruments and equipment is determined based on the services provided.

Table 2. Standard set of equipment for a clinic with 3 chairs

No.NamePrice per piece, rubles
1Dental unit (chair)300000 x 3 = 900000
2Set of replacement tips3000 (monthly)
5Curing lamps10000
6Autoclave for instrument processing60000
7Sterilization equipment30000
8Cabinets for storing materials and tools70000
9Furniture for clients and staff60000
10Analogue of an X-ray machine250000
11Consumables5000 (monthly)

To this list should be added the costs of purchasing office supplies, digital equipment, air conditioners, humidifiers and, if necessary, purchasing a full-fledged X-ray machine costing from 1.5 million rubles.

Hiring staff

The number of employees varies greatly and depends on the size of the dentistry.

If you make a calculation from a clinic for 3 chairs, you need to hire:

  • three dentists - total salary 120,000 rubles;
  • three nurses - total salary 90,000 rubles;
  • two administrators - total salary 60,000 rubles.

You can hire an accountant part-time or do the accounting yourself. On average, monthly expenses for paying employees will be 280,000 rubles. But the figure may be higher if there are well-known dentists on staff and are paid as a percentage of revenue.

Nurses must have a diploma of secondary medical education and a certificate in the specialization “Preventive Dentistry”. Strict requirements are imposed on the doctor, since his qualifications and experience determine the quality of the services provided. It is necessary to have a diploma of completion of internship and residency, a certificate in the dental field and at least 5 years of work experience.

Important! With good “promotion” of dentistry, income from one chair in the capital region brings in an average of $20,000 per month (1.5 million rubles). This figure can be used as a guide when calculating financial indicators.

Advertising campaign

In order for potential clients to learn about new dentistry more quickly, you should use different tools for advertising:

  • printed materials – business cards, leaflets, flyers;
  • Internet promotion – website, social networks;
  • mailing in electronic and real format;
  • spectacular outdoor advertising (signs, stands);
  • grand opening with discounts for first customers.

You can hire specialists to promote your company on the Internet. The services are expensive, but quickly give the expected effect. Average advertising costs are 60,000 rubles, plus monthly marketing investments from 5,000 rubles.

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