THE FRENALE ON THE FORESUS HAS TORNED: what to do if the frenulum ruptures

Features of the anatomical structure of the foreskin

The foreskin is represented by folds of skin, which are one of the elements of the protective cover covering the male penis.
One of the folds is located along the body of the latter and connects the foreskin and the head of the penis to each other. It's called a bridle. The features of this anatomical formation are such that it can stretch when the flesh moves, or during sexual intercourse, when friction is performed. In the latter case, if the frenulum is of sufficient length, the head receives additional stimulation due to slight bending. If it is too short or the skin folds do not have the desired elasticity, complete exposure of the head of the penis during erection becomes impossible, so this defect can only be identified during the boy’s puberty. Treatment of a short frenulum of the foreskin is simply necessary, since this defect is characterized by a number of extremely unpleasant manifestations for any man. The penis becomes cosmetically defective, appearing curved during erection. During sexual intercourse, a man feels pain, and the frenulum, due to excessive tension, can tear and even rupture. Due to scarring of wounds, the defect intensifies, causing disruption of erectile function, emotional distress, and even fear of sexual relations.

What to do if the frenulum of the penis is torn

Considering that in most cases, frenulum rupture occurs in the evening or at night, getting qualified medical help on time can be problematic. In this regard, you have to solve the problem yourself:

Dr. Babykin A.V.

  1. Keep calm. The frenulum can bleed quite heavily and for a long time.
  2. To stop bleeding, use your fingers to firmly press the torn frenulum against the head of the penis for 5-10 minutes (the thumb lies on the head from above, the rest presses the frenulum from below). Attention ! Do not squeeze the penis too hard to avoid ischemia of the head of the penis. You shouldn’t unclench your fingers every minute and check whether the bleeding has stopped or not. Be patient: you can check in 5-10 minutes.
  3. After the bleeding has stopped, you can treat the wound with a solution of hydrogen peroxide or another skin antiseptic (you can use vodka).
  4. Do not apply tight circular bandages to the hollow penis: involuntary erections occur during sleep, and the head of the penis may be strangled in the bandage. The bandage should be applied very loosely.
  5. Contact your urologist as soon as possible to decide whether to perform a frenuloplasty to prevent the formation of a rough scar and subsequent tears. Plastic surgery of the frenulum after rupture

Why does a short frenulum of the foreskin develop?

In the vast majority of cases, this defect is congenital, often combined with a pathological condition such as phimosis. The latter is characterized by the narrowness of the foreskin, which does not allow the head of the penis to be exposed.

It is found in 96% of newborn boys, but as their body develops, the foreskin gains the necessary mobility, and the problem goes away on its own. At the age of three, it is found in only 10% of young patients.

The causes of a short frenulum are as follows:

  • different rates of development of skin structures and cavernous bodies of the penis;
  • inflammatory processes of the structures of the penis, occurring in a chronic form;
  • constant injury to the foreskin when playing sports, wearing incorrectly selected underwear and too tight trousers;
  • diabetes mellitus, which provokes failures in tissue regeneration.

Get frenuloplasty from a genital surgeon

Advantages of frenuloplasty As a result of frenuloplasty, the frenulum lengthens, becomes strong and elastic. Pain, discomfort and risk of tearing disappear. Only in 10% of men the problem persists and they require complete removal of the foreskin with the formation of a new frenulum. Does frenuloplasty affect urination, erections or fertility? If the procedure is performed correctly, there is no risk to erection, urination or reproductive function. On the contrary, the man’s quality of life improves. He feels confident, gets rid of anxiety and unpleasant sensations.

How long does it take to abstain from sex after frenuloplasty? 7-10 days.

When can I return to sports after surgery? You can return to fitness the next day if you do not feel weakness or pain. To contact and heavy sports after complete healing of the wound.

Anesthesia To perform frenuloplasty, local anesthesia is used. The patient remains conscious, does not feel pain and can go home an hour after the procedure. None of the patients complained of pain during the procedure.

The essence of frenuloplasty is to cut the frenulum transversely and then stitch it along its length. The suture is made with absorbable material, which is used in facial plastic surgery. The suture technique is strictly controlled by a doctor using surgical glasses with magnification. The suture and wound are sealed with surgical glue at the end of the entire operation. It prevents bacteria from entering this area, and also additionally holds the tissues together. Minimizes the risk of wound infection and suture dehiscence.

The whole procedure takes place very quickly – 10-20 minutes.

You can shower 24 hours after surgery. There is no need to specifically soap or rub the wound, just let the soapy water roll over it. Do not dry the wound with a towel. Allow it to air dry without wearing underwear, or blot with a sterile paper towel.

The day after frenuloplasty, you can return to work if it does not involve heavy physical labor and high activity. Otherwise, a 2-3 day rest is necessary. Many patients choose Friday or Saturday for the procedure to allow for recovery time ahead.

During the first 48 hours, small drops of blood may be released. The use of surgical glue reduces such cases to almost 0, but if this happens: a few drops, this is the norm. Apply a sterile cloth, apply light pressure and observe the wound.

During the first day, swelling or a small hematoma may persist.

As we have already written, frenuloplasty does not affect urination in any way, so there should be no problems with this either in the first or subsequent hours after the operation. An erection can cause pain until the wound has healed, so use behavioral methods to reset an erection (get distracted, think about something unpleasant, apply cold to the perineum) or consult your doctor about what medications can temporarily reduce libido.

Alarming symptoms of complications: increasing redness, severe bleeding, increasing swelling, discharge of pus, increased body temperature

Patients often confuse short frenulum with cicatricial phimosis. In both cases, they experience difficulty exposing the head. But with phimosis, this cannot be done due to the narrow ring of the foreskin, and with a short frenulum, the foreskin, when lowered, creates a strong tension and even a downward tilt of the head.

There are several techniques for cutting, releasing and suturing the frenulum. Our goal is maximum functional and aesthetic results.

How does a short frenulum of the foreskin manifest itself?

The clinical manifestations of this defect can be more or less pronounced, depending on its degree. They are as follows:

  • strong tension of the frenulum in the erect state of the penis and the development of pain (including during sexual intercourse);
  • insufficient filling of the cavities of the cavernous bodies with blood and, as a result, insufficient increase in the volume of the penis and its hardening;
  • strong curvature of the penis towards the scrotum, making sexual intercourse very difficult (or even completely inaccessible);
  • development of sexual dysfunction, in which ejaculation occurs too quickly;
  • damage to the frenulum during sexual intercourse in the form of cracks and tears with bleeding.

We should not forget that the inability to move skin folds significantly complicates hygiene measures and favors the stagnation of smegma. As a result, serious inflammatory processes develop, which aggravate the situation. Frequent traumatic injuries are accompanied by scarring and even greater shortening of the frenulum, and as a result, they can provoke the development of secondary infectious processes (including those that are sexually transmitted).

An important indicator is the psychological state of the patient. He suffers from neurotic disorders and is afraid of sexual intercourse. Such manifestations further aggravate the situation, provoking erectile dysfunction at the psychogenic level.

Surgical correction of the frenulum in case of rupture

Penis frenuloplasty is performed under local anesthesia and is absolutely painless. After the operation, the frenulum is removed, and in its place a thin, invisible scar is formed. The head of the penis then opens freely. Read more about frenuloplasty

A contraindication for frenuloplasty in case of rupture is the presence of phimosis - narrowing of the foreskin. In this case, circumcision of the foreskin is performed with simultaneous plastic surgery of the frenulum.

Photos before and after frenuloplasty

How is a short frenulum of the foreskin diagnosed?

As already mentioned, this defect can only be identified during puberty. That is why adolescents going through this stage need to visit a consultation with a professional urologist.

Diagnosis of the disease involves analyzing the patient’s complaints and conducting an examination of the penis, during which a specialist identifies the existing problem. Timely diagnosis and adequate treatment play a vital role in this case. They eliminate the risk of complications and also prevent psychological trauma to the patient, which can be very difficult to treat.

Causes of pathology in adolescents

At the age of 13-18 years, rapid development of the genital organs occurs and the reproductive system is formed. This period is characterized by the possible occurrence of hormonal imbalances, as well as disruption of the normal functionality of certain systems and organs.

It is during puberty that there is a high probability of a discrepancy between the growth rate of skin tissue and the rapidly developing cavernous bodies in the penis.

As a result of the rapid onset of puberty, the frenulum of the penis becomes short in comparison with the size of the organ itself and is unable to painlessly perform its functions - to help the foreskin cover the glans.

If a teenager in this state begins to have sex (masturbation), there is a high probability that the skin fold will rupture or cracks will appear on it. Mini-damages of this kind must be treated with an antiseptic and consult a doctor.

Otherwise, not only mechanical damage, but also psycho-emotional discomfort may occur.

In the long term, this can lead to a decrease in confidence in one's sexual capabilities. And even cause impotence. During adolescence, not only puberty occurs, but also psychological foundations are formed. Therefore, the young person is especially vulnerable.

Non-surgical methods

Traditional medicine categorically denies the effectiveness of such techniques. However, if there are contraindications to surgical treatment, it is worth trying home methods for stretching the skin fold. There are several of them:

  1. The thumbs are carefully inserted into the prepuncial sac and begin to slightly stretch the skin. In this case, the feeling of discomfort should not develop into pain.

  2. Before the procedure, take a warm 15-minute shower or hot bath to soften the skin. Then the foreskin is retracted as much as possible and fixed for several minutes - this slightly stretches the frenulum and makes it more elastic.

Like any unconventional methods, such treatment will only work if used for a long time - more than 3 months minimum. The effectiveness will also depend on the individual characteristics of the organism. Such as age, physiology, regularity and correctness of execution.

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