Increased salivation during sleep: what does this mean?

Oral sex is a great way to give your loved one pleasure. A girl can please her lover with a wonderful blowjob. Some couples face a delicate problem that arises immediately after oral sex: is it normal for a girl to kiss her boyfriend after a blowjob?

Some men feel disgusted, while others see nothing wrong with it. The first option can be very confusing for your partner, so this issue is worth examining in more detail.

Why do you need oral sex?

Some couples find it very difficult to engage in oral sex. There are a number of reasons for this: embarrassment of one’s body and the body of a partner, disdain to touch the genitals with one’s lips and lack of confidence in one’s abilities.

Despite this, oral sex is a great way to satisfy a partner when it is not possible to do it naturally or simply add color to the overall process. Blowjobs can be great foreplay and help get a man really excited.

But the girl will also enjoy it after a blowjob if she masters the correct technique.

What should the owner do?

Possible actions on the part of the owner depend on the condition of the animal. If it is healthy, and all the signs of a physiological cause are present, the problem that has arisen will resolve itself.

If you are prone to motion sickness in transport, consult your veterinarian to select tablets. Give them to your cat before every trip.

An object stuck in the teeth should be carefully removed with tweezers. After manipulation, treat the mucous membranes with Miramistin or chlorhexidine to avoid infection. If the foreign body is deeply located, it is better not to take independent actions, since any mistake can lead to injuries to the larynx.

In all other cases, it is recommended to immediately contact a veterinarian. Remember that when infected with certain viruses and helminths, a cat becomes dangerous to humans.

Reason to get closer4

Oral sex is an expression of the most passionate feelings. What man wouldn't love it when, during a normal day, a girl suddenly pounces on him, sticks her hand down his pants and starts acting? Good sex brings two people closer not only physically, but also emotionally.

Feeling the initiative and enthusiasm on the part of the girl, the guy will definitely be imbued with real passion and gratitude for her. The closer people are to each other, the more different experiments they allow themselves in bed. A constrained couple who cannot fully open up during sex threatens to lose all the spark and forget what bright orgasms are.

Best blowjob for a man5

A girl who has decided to give a blowjob to her beloved man for the first time may be worried because of her inexperience. Having watched enough porn films where actresses bring their man to orgasm in five minutes, women in real life are afraid of disappointing their partners, believing that this is exactly what they expect from them.

In fact, men themselves do not need deep throat blowjobs. It doesn’t cost a girl anything to please a man if she wants it, just follow a few basic rules.

Preventing excessive drooling in cats

There are some things you can do to minimize the risk of hypersalivation:

  • Vaccinate all animals living in the same area against rabies and the most common infections, regularly deworm them and treat them against ectoparasites.
  • Maintain good oral hygiene (brush your teeth, use special foods and products to maintain oral hygiene). For example, toothpastes “Globalvet”, “Veda”, “Klini”, “Beafar”, “8 in 1”.
  • Visit veterinary clinics periodically to have your pet examined. The “tail” needs to undergo a preventive examination at least once a year.
  • Prevent your cat from having access to caustic or toxic substances and dangerous plants.
  • Keep the area where your pet lives clean.
  • Remove all small objects, threads, needles, rain, etc. from your pet’s access area

Health to you and your cats!

Everyone is unique6

You shouldn’t lump all guys with the same brush and think that they have a certain sex symbol whose blowjob they consider ideal and “try it on” for every real partner. All men have different feelings and perceptions, as well as sexual preferences, so a girl should experiment with blowjobs and strive to find the “tactics” that will give a man the most pleasure.

Touch not only the penis, but also the scrotum, use your lips, tongue, suck and lick the genitals - try everything that comes to mind, just be careful with your teeth. Although, some ladies manage to bite the head of the penis and give great pleasure to their partners.

What factors influence the secretion of saliva during sleep?

There are also more serious reasons for drooling from the mouth that need to be identified. Some cases require timely treatment. They may be related to:

  1. An existing disease in the nasal cavity - the inflammatory process in the nasal mucosa is not a harmless disease that can be left to chance. The mucous membrane performs a number of important functions that are disrupted when a runny nose occurs. It can be allergic, infectious, vasomotor, traumatic, medicinal, hypertrophic, meteotropic and atrophic. In any case, the breathing process becomes difficult for a person; during sleep, the mouth is slightly open, which is why salivation occurs.
  2. A deviated septum in the nose also makes breathing difficult, which forces a person to sleep with their mouth slightly open.
  3. An infectious process in the nasal cavity - diseases of the teeth and gums can provoke drooling during sleep.
  4. Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract - during inflammatory processes in the stomach, acidity increases, which leads to copious secretion of saliva. The same thing happens if there are other chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Worms and other parasites in the body.
  6. Disorders of the nervous system, taking medications that place increased stress on the body. Problems associated with disruption of normal sleep, manifested in insomnia or excessive sleepiness.
  7. The presence of a foreign body in the oral cavity - these can be braces or dentures, which irritate the nerve endings, causing copious salivation at the reflex level.
  8. Smoking and drug use irritate the salivary glands and taste buds, which increases salivation.
  9. Imbalance of hormones in diseases of the endocrine system.
  10. Inflammation of the salivary glands.
  11. Parkinson's disease.

Good blowjob technique7

  • Use your hands and fingers to not only hold the cock, but also to add more to the blowjob. Close your thumb and index finger around the head of the penis and move the “ring” along the entire length of the penis while caressing it with your tongue. You can squeeze your fingers and stimulate the penis in any way.
  • Touch your penis with your fingertips. The pads are a very soft and delicate part of the fingers. Light touches of the fingertips on the sensitive head can greatly excite a man and help him feel the process better.

  • Do not forget that the penis should not be dry. During a blowjob, it is advisable to try to wet your partner’s penis as much as possible so that the man does not feel discomfort.
  • Try teasing your partner before giving a blowjob. Move your fingers around the head, lightly touch the penis, at the beginning of the blowjob itself you can lightly touch it with your lips. Such teases can really turn a man on and provide a vivid orgasm. A girl can make sure that a guy is at his limit when a small drop of ejaculate appears on the head of his penis - a small amount of sperm.
  • Do not overdo it with caresses and try to understand when the man is about to cum. Although the orgasm from masturbation and oral sex is pleasant, the partner will receive much more pleasant sensations when an excellent blowjob continues with enchanting sex.
  • During oral sex, if possible, try to say something dirty, briefly sticking your penis out and caressing it with your hands. Many girls think that blowjob is humiliation, and vulgar words about what a wonderful penis their partner has are considered something wild.
  • Let your partner take the initiative. You can directly ask the guy exactly how he wants the girl to take his penis. The partner can take the girl’s head and, using the movements of his hands and hips, independently set the desired rhythm, the main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise a blowjob can turn into real torture for the girl.

Teeth, drool, cough, vomiting

How we went to the doctor unscheduled.

My daughter is 7 months old, two days ago the spoon started knocking and the first lower incisor erupted. There's a neighbor crawling nearby.

These two days she has been choking on saliva, especially in her sleep: she often swallows, jerking her head at the same time, coughs without waking up, and grunts a little through her nose.

There was a bit of a twist today.

In the morning she coughed more often than usual. I know that this can happen - the drool has flowed into her throat overnight, she coughs it up, so I try not to fuss, just observe, but I called the pediatrician and tomorrow we decided to listen to the lungs and look at the throat, just in case.

At lunch today after the formula, Innusya was playing on the rug and I noticed that she was trying to swallow her saliva over and over again.

Realizing what would follow, I turn her over onto all fours and she vomits. Lunch - goodbye.

Then the daughter begins to cough and I hear that there is coughing, like phlegm - drool has risen in the throat. This, naturally, led to new vomiting.

And now she is bursting with this transparent mucus.

The child is screaming, crying, this mucus of drool and snot is hanging out of her nose and mouth.

Okay, my husband was home. He holds her over the bathtub, I clean her mouth with my fingers and wipe her nose.

But there’s a lot of this crap, it’s all stuck in her nasopharynx, forcing her to vomit again.

In short, trash.

I use napkins, water, and use a snot suction to clear her nose so that she can breathe. This lasted about ten minutes.

The forehead is hot, the daughter is limp with a rag.

We rushed to the clinic to see the doctor on duty.

The lungs are clean, the throat too, the temperature has subsided

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