Thrush: a common problem with improper treatment
Candidiasis provokes eczema, changes in stool, and headaches. Candidiasis severely suppresses the immune system and
How dangerous is diarrhea in a 3 month old baby?
In the first months of life, liquid stool is normal for babies. But sometimes there are violations
Articaine/ultracaine (ubistezin, septanest) (c68), IgE
All over the world, the number of allergy sufferers is growing and getting younger. One, but very typical example:
Use of new technologies during root canal disinfection
One of the most important problems of medical institutions is nosocomial infections. Infection can occur during treatment
Is it possible to install veneers on filled teeth?
Veneers are microprostheses that are widely used in aesthetic dentistry and allow you to achieve ideal
Effective means to eliminate Fordyce granules
Fordyce granule remedy is an effective treatment option for neoplasms that appear on the skin.
Is a black hole after tooth extraction normal or pathological?
Author: Trofimov Andrey Yurievich What to do after tooth extraction? Every person in his life
Herpesvirus infections in children: modern treatment options
How herpes is transmitted to children The herpes virus is very common and lives in almost all living things
What to do when a child’s first teeth appear?
What to do if teeth do not erupt “on time”? Nothing to do. As mentioned earlier, the timing
Herpetic stomatitis in adults and children: causes, symptoms, treatment
Have questions? Herpetic or herpes stomatitis is an inflammation of the oral mucosa caused by a virus
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