How to restore tooth enamel - is it possible to restore it at home?

Chewing teeth include premolars and molars. They are located at the end of the dentition, have a bumpy surface and take on the main load in the process of chewing food. Dentists note that these teeth are susceptible to caries. This is due to their complex structure and inaccessibility during cleaning.

Are your chewing teeth decayed? See your dentist to prevent further loss. A specialist will examine the oral cavity and tell you whether the teeth can be restored. Today, even severely damaged teeth are restored. If molars cannot be restored, they can be removed and implants placed.

Features of treatment of anterior teeth

The four incisors in the center of the upper and lower jaws are the front teeth. They are capricious, with a thin layer of enamel and dentin, caries strikes them quickly. Therefore, at the slightest discomfort, run to the dentist!

The front teeth are a very important area not only for the patient, but also for the dentist. They are always visible; everyone will notice errors in treatment. Incisors require jewelry precision from the dentist; the enamel is thinner, so the patient experiences more pain. Don’t forget about aesthetics - an incorrectly chosen filling color or poor degree of transparency will ruin the entire treatment.

The smile area requires special care. Observation should be made for crowded front teeth that overlap each other and are too large. The lack of vitamins in the body primarily affects the incisors - vitamin deficiency does not cost anything to undermine the already thin enamel. Food that often gets stuck in the interdental spaces warns of impending caries. It is better not to delay your visit to the clinic where front teeth are treated in Moscow: at the very beginning, caries is treated without the use of a drill.

Causes of destruction of the enamel layer of teeth

Enamel is a mineral layer about 2 mm thick that covers the crown of the teeth.
97% consists of a crystalline substance of hydroxyapatite with small inclusions of calcium, fluorine, magnesium, and carbon. Performs a protective function, protects dentin and pulp from external influences. This is the hardest tissue in the human body; 1 square millimeter of its area can support 397.6 kg. But, nevertheless, even such a durable material can begin to deteriorate due to exposure to physical or chemical factors. The most common causes of enamel destruction:

  • accumulation of plaque due to poor hygiene;
  • exposure to concentrated acids contained in natural juices and carbonated drinks;
  • unbalanced diet, large amounts of carbohydrates in the daily diet;
  • mechanical injuries to the tooth crown with the formation of cracks and chips;
  • bad habits of chewing pens and pencils;
  • bite defects;
  • wearing braces;
  • abnormal abrasion of the enamel layer;
  • bruxism (uncontrolled teeth grinding);
  • sudden changes in temperature (for example, hot coffee after ice cream);
  • diseases accompanied by leaching of calcium from the body (diabetes mellitus and other pathologies of the endocrine system);
  • hereditary factor;
  • stomach diseases in which the absorption of calcium and phosphorus is impaired;
  • metabolic destabilization;
  • caries;
  • periodontal diseases;
  • age-related tissue nutritional disorders.

Treatment methods – from filling to implant

The dentist will select the treatment method for the front teeth after an examination.

  • Veneers or Lumineers

If the incisors are severely damaged, thin overlays can be placed - veneers or lumineers. They will hide the consequences of caries and make teeth whiter and smoother.

  • Dental crowns

If only the root remains of the front tooth, intra-root inlays are made; this is the basis for the crown. Metal crowns are not suitable for front teeth; they will be too noticeable. To make an artificial tooth as similar as possible to a real one, it is better to use ceramic and zirconium crowns.

  • Bridges and implants

If desired, missing front teeth can be replaced by bridges and clasp dentures. If funds allow, you can install an implant and forget about the problem for many years.

Restoration methods for the initial stage of destruction

Restoration of tooth enamel is the implementation of measures aimed at reconstructing the appearance of the enamel layer and restoring the protective functions it performs.
It is performed using various methods depending on the condition of the enamel. The earlier measures are taken, the better the effect. When initial symptoms appear, the following measures are effective:

  • professional hardware teeth cleaning;
  • remineralization – saturation of enamel with essential minerals, including fluoridation (coating teeth with a special varnish).

Note: it is impossible to restore enamel at home. The patient can only help the doctor. To do this, he must review his diet, carefully carry out hygienic dental care, eradicate bad habits, and begin treating systemic diseases (if any).

Treatment of caries of anterior teeth

The main method of treating caries in the front teeth is filling. When it comes to incisors, in the language of dentists this is called very beautifully - artistic restoration. It is better not to save on the cost of the filling. High-quality material will last longer and will not spoil your smile. The front teeth are always visible, so the dentist has to select the color and degree of transparency of the filling with pinpoint precision; it must match the shade of the tooth as closely as possible. Reflective composite materials do not spoil the aesthetic appearance. Over time, light fillings do not darken or wear off.

When can a tooth be restored?

When the walls have completely crumbled, but the root of the tooth has not been destroyed, traditional dentistry sometimes suggests removing it. Today, using new protocols, it is possible to preserve the root and create a new stable unit - any of the functional ones, except for the “eights” (wisdom teeth). To do this, you need the root to be healthy:

  • Not affected by caries, without fractures or cracks. If such defects exist, then only removal followed by implantation is indicated.
  • No cyst. If there is one, then a method of treatment is selected. And only then can you begin to restore.

If a similar problem happens to you, do not rush to the surgeon. New technologies make it possible to accomplish the previously impossible - to preserve the root of a tooth. What to do in a particular case is decided at the appointment, after diagnosis. The vast majority of patients manage to save the tooth after treatment procedures and install a crown on the root of the tooth.

Crack on front tooth

The front teeth always get the most damage. When they “punch you in the teeth,” the blow usually falls on them. They fell unsuccessfully, worried, chewed a pencil, or, horror of horrors, chopped nuts with their incisors, and now a crack appeared on the front tooth. By the way, it can occur without mechanical damage - for example, due to temperature changes. Teeth don't really like iced coffee. You shouldn’t overuse citrus fruits or their juices either, and it’s best to dilute freshly squeezed juices with water to reduce their acidity. You should not get carried away with whitening procedures, and be more careful with abrasive pastes. Cracks are also different.


If you are “lucky” and it is small vertical, then nothing bad will happen to this tooth, and the defect will be barely noticeable. In this case, many dentists do not recommend loading the tooth with patches. But you still need to keep an eye on the crack. If it increases, the enamel changes color, and the tooth reacts sharply to hot/cold, sweet/salty, you should consult a dentist. The enamel will need to be restored and strengthened. The crack will be treated with a special compound containing calcium and fluorine. After the course of treatment, the tooth will react normally to food and become more even and smooth.


But horizontal or oblique cracks in the front teeth are a cause for serious concern. They provoke the formation of caries, chips and can generally lead to tooth loss. Treatment depends on the size, depth and location of the crack, as well as the characteristics of the enamel. If there are many microcracks on the tooth and the color of the enamel has changed, the doctor may suggest installing veneers, but only after treating caries and other oral diseases. A crack left unattended will permanently split the tooth. Then there will only be one treatment option left - prosthetics.

Why is it necessary to restore teeth?

If a chewing tooth has collapsed, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. Loss of a dental unit leads to:

  • to displacement of adjacent teeth,
  • uneven distribution of chewing load,
  • various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract,
  • development of complexes and decreased self-esteem.

When you smile, decayed teeth may not be visible, but it is important to remember that they are breeding grounds for bacteria. They cause bad breath and pain when eating cold or hot food.

Loose front teeth

Loose front teeth are a wake-up call. Often this trouble happens with the front teeth. The main cause of looseness is gum disease: periodontal disease, stomatitis, gingivitis. You should not run them, otherwise you may end up without teeth at all.

The doctor will select the treatment for loose teeth individually. If the swaying is accompanied by pain, the teeth deviate significantly to the sides, the dentist applies special splints, removable or non-removable, to the incisors. Splinting strengthens mobile teeth, prevents their loss, and allows periodontal tissues to recover. In severe cases, surgical treatment cannot be avoided. During surgery, the surgeon removes bone tissue or restores it using metal shunts.

Cysts in the tooth canal and granuloma have a bad effect on the roots, and the teeth begin to become loose. These tumors need to be removed. If the tooth begins to loosen after a blow or injury, it is better to go for an x-ray.

If your front tooth hurts after treatment

Patients often complain that their front teeth hurt after treatment. The dentist cleaned the canals, so this is normal. The discomfort should go away within a few hours. But if the treatment is done poorly, the tooth may hurt for a long time - and this is already a deviation from the norm. Most likely, the doctor made a mistake during treatment and the entire filling process will have to be repeated. The cause of pain can be a burn of the pulp, damage to the enamel, an allergy to medications, or acid contact with dentin.

How to determine when it’s time to restore enamel

In order to preserve the integrity of the enamel layer as much as possible (or at least stop its destruction), it is very important not to miss the first signs of the pathological process. Its initial stages are characterized by demineralization of a local area of ​​the tooth surface. It looks like a white, non-glossy spot. This clinical picture is called caries in the white spot stage. Another sign is the appearance of tooth sensitivity. Normally, a person does not feel the touch of the tongue on the teeth, there are no unpleasant sensations when chewing food. There is also no reaction when the teeth come into contact with cold, hot, sweet or sour foods. If any of the listed signs appear in the patient, this means that the enamel layer of his teeth has begun to gradually deteriorate. The following stages of enamel corrosion are visible to the naked eye. A local dark area forms on the surface of the tooth, then it begins to expand in area and go deeper into the dentin. These are signs of a serious defect. Correcting it will require more complex measures than when the first symptoms appear.

Important: a person cannot always independently see the stage of a white spot or a small black spot. Therefore, it is extremely important to visit your dentist for a checkup twice a year. Specialists from our network of clinics will be able to promptly detect an emerging defect and eliminate the damage with minimal intervention in the tooth structure (or without it at all). Our branches are equipped with modern equipment and instruments, including dental microscopes for diagnosis and treatment.

How much does front tooth treatment cost?

The cost of treatment depends on the method and materials used. When it comes to the smile area, it is better not to skimp. In this case, prudent patients often have to remember the stingy man who pays twice. Choosing cheap materials often leads to aesthetic flaws, disappointment and repeated treatments.

As a rule, prices for treatment of front teeth in Moscow start from 2,000 rubles. For example, the cost of caries treatment without drilling ranges from 2,000 to 5,500 rubles. A light seal costs from 1,500 to 10,000 rubles. The price tag for splinting loose front teeth starts from 2,800 to 7,000 rubles. Removing a cyst will cost 7,000 - 37,000 rubles, granulomas - from 5,000 to 40,000. A dental inlay will cost from 5,200 to 20,000 rubles. Prices for veneers start from 5,000 rubles, lumineers - from 40,000. The range of prices for zirconium crowns is from 13,500 to 40,000, ceramic - from 17,000 to 57,000. Clasp prosthesis will cost from 29,000 to 73,000, dental implantation - from 30,000 to 120,000 and more.

Prevention measures

  • Careful hygiene at home - at least twice a day, every day
  • Clinic visits for professional cleaning – once or twice a year
  • Eating foods high in vitamins and minerals
  • Reducing intake of high carbohydrate foods
  • Avoiding carbonated sugary drinks
  • Timely treatment of dental and periodontal diseases

The network of dental clinics “Smile” offers services for restoring tooth enamel. Contacting our specialists has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • treatment by highly qualified doctors;
  • compliance with treatment protocols that meet international standards;
  • family and savings discounts;
  • transparent pricing;
  • Convenient work schedule: daily until 21:00 (Sunday until 16:00).

You can make an appointment at any of the branches of our clinic in Moscow, located within walking distance from metro stations:

  • Art. Alekseevskaya (VDNKh district, etc. Mira), address: st. 3rd Mytishchiskaya house 3, building 2;
  • Art. Shelepikha, address: Shelepikhinskaya embankment, address: building 34, building 1.

The high qualifications of our specialists and modern equipment allow us to solve the problem of restoring enamel at any stage of destruction. We guarantee the effectiveness of treatment and the safety of the methods used. Your health is in good hands!

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