tooth structure
What you need to know for successful endodontic treatment
Features of endodontic treatment Since childhood, for many, going to the dentist is inevitably associated with pain.
I burned my lip and tongue, what should I do?
What to do if your tongue is burned - how to treat and relieve pain
A tongue burn is an injury that damages the mucous membrane, and in some cases -
Antibiotics for flux
Antibiotics for toothache: what, when and why?
When to take an antibiotic for teeth Antibiotics are drugs that are used to treat bacterial infections.
What does an orthognathic bite look like?
What is an orthognathic bite and how to keep it correct?
Bite is the way the dentition interacts when the upper and lower jaws are completely closed. Wrong
Teeth straightening - indications and ways to straighten teeth
Let us pay attention to a problem that is relevant for almost 80% of Russians. Let's figure out how to correct a malocclusion
How long does it take for Pentalgin to work for toothache, headache, and menstruation?
Adverse reactions and overdose While taking the drug, negative reactions may appear in the form of:
There are a lot of drugs in the NSAID group: they must be prescribed by a doctor
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for external use in the treatment of musculoskeletal pain syndromes
Anti-inflammatory drugs are drugs from different pharmacological groups that inhibit the development of inflammation. Inflammation
Retainers after braces: what are they and how long to wear them
Correcting a bite is a complex and lengthy process that requires a lot of patience. But not all
Junk food
Recommendations for dental care after a filling is installed
Features of light fillings When to eat mono after filling What foods should you be careful with?
FDA Pregnancy Risk Categories
Is it possible to have local anesthesia during pregnancy?
The safety of using local anesthesia in the treatment of pregnant women remains an unresolved issue at present.
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