Diode laser Modern technologies are increasingly used in medicine. Today treatment of periodontitis
From this article you will learn: what is tooth root cement, its structure and functions,
Caries is treated using various methods depending on the stage of its development and degree
7982 Orthodontic treatment does not always involve the use of special devices. In some situations it is enough
It is generally accepted that beauty is expressive eyes, a straight nose and a high forehead. But
What is special about parapulpal pins? Pins are special rod structures that are not inserted
A boxing mouthguard is a mandatory attribute for a fighter in the corresponding type of martial arts. The presented item of equipment may
Periostitis is a purulent inflammation of the periosteum, the tissue covering the bone of the upper or lower jaw. Co
3262 Correction of dental defects very often requires major surgical procedures. Bone restoration
Electrophoresis in dentistry is a physiotherapeutic procedure when drugs are introduced into the body through an electric current.