Types of orthopedic dentistry treatment.png
Standard equipment for an orthopedic dentistry office
Legal documents It is better to start preparing for opening a dentistry by choosing a premises. When looking at options, pay attention
the crown is loose
Do teeth need crutches, or why do they insert a pin into a tooth?
Possible causes Problems with the crown on the post The crown on the implant is loose Temporary crowns How to
Are dental plates better than braces for children? – orthodontist Elena Ryaguzova, Moscow
Features and advantages of teeth straightening with plates
Preparation before orthodontic treatment How to care for teeth with plates How to correct bite and
What to do if implants are visible from the gums after implantation
Modern technologies, methods and materials have made the dental implantation process one of the safest and most
The pain disappeared as if by hand. Should I be afraid of local anesthesia?
Fear of pain always forces a person to look for options to avoid this sensation. And we are talking about
Direct coating of the pulp chamber with predictable results
Use of light-curing material for direct pulp capping in minimally invasive dentistry
Author: M. Cannon, N. Gerodias, A. Vieria, S. Persinoto, R. Yurado, Northwestern University School of Medicine, Department of Surgery, Children's Memorial
Endodontic treatment of dental root canals.
Endodontics is a whole section in dentistry dedicated to methods and techniques of manipulation in the cavity.
dental treatment during pregnancy
Treatment of pulpitis during pregnancy: how teeth are treated and whether it can be done
It is better to carry out all dental procedures at the stage of preparation for pregnancy, when the body still has
Thickening of the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinuses: treatment methods, and what will happen if left untreated
The symptoms of mucosal hypertrophy do not differ significantly from a simple runny nose. Changes in the condition of the mucous membrane lining
pulpitis in pregnant women
Pulpitis in pregnant women: features of the course and therapy
Author of the article: Soldatova Lyudmila Nikolaevna Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Clinical Dentistry of the St. Petersburg Medical and Social
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