How to name a dental clinic: principles for choosing a name, examples
Dentistry is one of the most successful areas of the medical business. Competition in this market segment
Types and location of teeth in pictures
How do you know when it’s time for your child to see an orthodontist?
Dental abnormalities are divided into malocclusion, configuration and location of specific teeth and rows. Special
How is central occlusion determined in case of partial absence of teeth?
Subtleties of determining central occlusion and possible errors
9266 This term originates from Latin and means “closure.” Central occlusion –
Positive and negative points when eliminating dental problems in Heihe
As official statistics show, every year more and more citizens of Russia and other countries
What are the best ointments for dermatitis: hormonal or non-hormonal, and is there an alternative?
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are one of the most popular pharmaceutical products. They are appointed
What is inflammation of the tongue, its causes, symptoms and treatment
We are used to the fact that we need to go to the dentist if we have problems with our teeth or gums.
An effective technique for anesthesia of the lower jaw
Most dental procedures are performed under local anesthesia. It allows for comfort for both the patient and
What you can and cannot do after dental implantation
Quite a lot of patients who smoke are interested in the question of whether it is possible to start smoking after tooth extraction.
Is tooth trephination always necessary before endodontic treatment and what is it?
What is dental trephination, in what cases is this procedure performed?
722 Endodontic treatment of a tooth involves invading its internal cavities - the pulp chamber and
Mixing polycarboxylate cement
Polycarboxylate cements (PCC) - use in dentistry
Composition and properties of PCC The product consists of two components: powder and liquid. Powder –
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