They cut the gum and put in a drainage, the swelling does not subside

What to do if your cheek is swollen after tooth extraction?

Often after a tooth extraction procedure, many people experience swelling that may persist for some time.
Its appearance is natural, since tooth extraction is essentially a surgical operation, after which the wound remaining in the oral cavity remains open. It recovers fairly quickly, but damaged gum tissue will remain swollen for some time. The size of the tumor may depend on several factors, such as the complexity of the removal procedure, the individual characteristics of the person, and the professionalism of the dentist.

Antibiotics for flux

As noted above, flux is a consequence of a bacterial infection, which is often treated by taking antibiotics. Many, at their own peril and risk, try to cope with inflammation by independently taking quite strong medications that can cause serious damage to the health of the entire body. Effective and at the same time safe treatment of flux with antibiotics can only be prescribed by a qualified specialist.

Antibiotics for flux are prescribed by a doctor individually. Self-use of strong medications is fraught with serious consequences for the entire body.

Antibiotics, like anti-inflammatory drugs, are used in dentistry for flux as part of complex maintenance therapy. The only way to stop the inflammatory process and remove the pus is surgery. Antibiotics are usually prescribed at the very beginning of treatment if the disease is in the earliest stages of its development, but identifying such inflammation at the initial stage can be quite difficult. As a rule, the dentist is able to detect the very first signs of periostitis by accident, for example, during a routine examination of the oral cavity. The specialist prescribes antibiotics for flux individually, depending on the characteristics of the patient’s body and the general clinical picture.

Signs of a tumor that is not dangerous to health

  • swelling of the gums and cheeks does not increase and does not have a pronounced form;
  • after removing a tooth that caused severe pain, or a wisdom tooth, discomfort and pain should gradually subside;
  • even if during the removal procedure you had a slight fever, it should no longer be present, and in no case should it rise;
  • there is no unpleasant odor from the hole, which may occur in case of complications.

The cheek tumor can reach its maximum size the day after tooth extraction. Then the swelling should subside.

Recommendations after gum incision

If you are planning an implantation or removal of a cyst, be prepared for the fact that the dentist will have to cut into the gum. When an unerupted or incompletely erupted wisdom tooth is removed from the gums, an incision is also inevitable.

After surgery, complications such as swelling, bleeding, and aching pain are possible. The reasons include decreased immunity, infection in the mouth, or improper care during the postoperative period. Therefore, the best thing you can do is to remember and follow all the doctor’s recommendations.

How to remove swelling of the cheeks and gums

If the tumor does not cause particular concern, then it is a natural phenomenon after tooth extraction.

There are ways to relieve pain and reduce swelling, as long as it is not harmful to health.

  • It is necessary to apply cooling compresses to the inflamed cheek several times during the day, this can be a bottle of cold water, ice in a cloth, a damp towel, which should be kept for twenty minutes, periodically cooling it in cold water. You will immediately feel relief and notice how the tumor decreases in size.
  • People with high blood pressure are more susceptible to post-operative swelling. They are recommended to take sedatives and blood pressure-normalizing medications after tooth extraction.
  • Conventional anti-edema products can relieve swelling well - gels, creams, ointments that can be applied to the outside of the cheek.
  • To relieve pain, which is inevitable after complex removals, you can take a painkiller (except aspirin) or an anti-inflammatory drug and lie down to rest.

Main rules after surgery

Do not touch the wound
. After the operation has been performed, the body does most of the work itself, so it rarely requires outside intervention.
After removal, a blood clot forms at the wound site. It is very important to keep it in place, so you should take extra care when eating and other activities that involve the oral cavity. Main restrictions
You should not consume food or liquid for 4 hours after the procedure. For several days after the operation, it is important to be careful when eating, avoid alcohol and smoking, and do not eat too spicy, sweet or salty foods. It is also very important to maintain a comfortable temperature and not drink or eat anything too hot or cold. Compress
: Swelling of the cheek and gums is significantly reduced if applied to the cheek for a few minutes every half hour.
This convenient and simple remedy helps not only relieve swelling, but also relieve pain. It only helps during the first three days. In the following days, this translates into contraindications. Following the recommendations of a specialist
. If the doctor recommended certain medications, then you need to take them only in the prescribed amount and when the doctor said. There is no need to self-medicate.

Contraindicated actions for swelling:

  • Under no circumstances should you heat the swollen area, or touch the wound with your hands and tongue;
  • rinsing on the first day after tooth extraction is not recommended, as it can wash away the blood clot that protects the socket from infections. In the future, you can rinse your mouth with antiseptic solutions - miramistin, furatsilin, or decoctions of chamomile, sage;
  • the first two to three hours after the removal operation, you should refrain from smoking, drinking and eating;
  • Until the wound is completely healed, you should not consume solid food, hot and carbonated drinks, or alcohol.

If you follow these simple rules, the swelling will go away quickly enough and there will be no need to visit the dentist.

Flux - treatment in children

If a child has flux, you should never give him medications on your own, and especially antibiotics. Only a dentist can prescribe a medicinal course of treatment. Antibiotics destroy both pathogenic and beneficial bacteria that help fight infection, so the unauthorized use of such serious drugs can lead to negative consequences for the child’s entire body.

Treatment of gumboil largely depends on the causes of its occurrence. So, this process is not much different from the treatment of periostitis in adult patients. As a rule, to begin with, the specialist makes a small incision in the area of ​​the inflammation and ensures the outflow of pus using a special drainage system. The treatment then continues at home under the supervision of parents. Most often, a complex of medications is prescribed, but in some cases, a specialist may allow you to limit yourself to rinsing with special decoctions and solutions.

When to see a doctor

If you have followed all the rules, carried out all the procedures aimed at reducing swelling, and your condition continues to worsen, then this is a sure sign that you need to urgently consult a dentist. Immediate medical attention is required if:

  • the next day the swelling increased, and the pain did not decrease;
  • the temperature has risen, general health has worsened;
  • opening the mouth is accompanied by painful sensations, and the smell of rotting from the hole is felt.

All these symptoms should prompt an immediate visit to the dentist to avoid serious consequences.

Swelling after resection of the root apex

What is resection? Postoperative period
Recommendations in the postoperative period

Any competent dentist will try to keep the tooth alive, even if a cyst or other inflammation has formed at the top of the root. Fortunately, today doctors have more and more opportunities for this; for example, they can remove a cyst without depulping the tooth. This operation is called resection of the apex of the tooth root. However, swelling often appears after it. Is this normal and what should I do?

Avoid physical activity

The patient is prohibited from doing anything that provokes bleeding:

  • engage in any sport;
  • lift weights;
  • do difficult homework;
  • to take a bath;
  • go to the sauna and solarium;
  • travel for a long time in vehicles or fly on airplanes.

Read also: Periodontal pocket treatment
Important! If you do not follow these recommendations, the wound will bleed, heal for a long time, and pus may spread into nearby tissues.

How is the drainage tube installed and what does it look like (photo)?

The drainage in the gum (look at the photo) looks like a small tube. Today, experts prefer drainage made of latex or rubber. Both materials are waterproof, due to which the device is retained in the infected tissue for a long time, is well tolerated by the patient and does not allow the wound to heal.

Before installing a drainage system, the dentist must first determine the location of the lesion and send the patient for an x-ray. During the examination, the depth and size of the abscess will be determined.

The doctor's next steps depend on the results of the x-ray. If the image confirms the destruction of the tooth root, the dentist must remove it, and then install a drainage tube into the open hole without an additional incision in the gum (see also: how to remove a tooth if its root remains in the gum?). In all other cases, the drainage procedure includes the following steps:

  • administering local anesthesia;
  • direct dissection of the gum tissue with a scalpel and its treatment with an antiseptic;
  • fixation of the drainage system.

In case of flux, the doctor will make a releasing incision, that is, opening the abscess, after which he will install a system for the outflow of pus.

Stick to a diet

The diet while wearing drainage is special. Food should be:

  • mushy or liquid consistency;
  • room temperature;
  • do not irritate the mucous membrane.

Possible gum damage also depends on how you eat. It is better to chew in small portions on the opposite side.

Additional Information! You can eat anything that does not injure the wound. Avoid hard, salty, smoked, spicy, sticky foods - they slow down healing and become clogged into the cavity.

Types of complications

The most serious problems can appear during the fusion of the implant surface with the jaw bone: re-implantitis, rejection.


This is an inflammation of the tissues that are located next to the artificial tooth. The cause of reimplantitis is the entry of pathogenic bacteria into the cavity between the body of the implant and the gum. This happens if the wall of the paranasal sinus is damaged, there are foci of inflammation in the adjacent tooth, there was an error when closing a postoperative wound, or the crown was made inaccurately. But most often the cause of reimplantitis is poor oral hygiene.

The disease is accompanied by increasing pain, bleeding, and swelling. It is very important to treat it as early as possible, or the disease will become chronic. Gradually, the infection will “eat away” the bone, causing the implant to begin to wobble. In this case, it will have to be removed and then the hole should be treated.

Reimplantitis occurs infrequently - in about 1-2% of cases, but it should be taken seriously.

Rejection of an artificial tooth

Bone tissue may not accept a titanium rod. Most often this occurs due to infectious processes, lack of bone tissue, surgical errors, exacerbation of chronic diseases, and smoking after surgery. Very rarely, rejection may be due to an allergy to titanium.

The beginning of the process is accompanied by increased pain in the surgical area and loosening of the implant. In this case, the tooth is removed and a course of vitamins is prescribed to strengthen the bone tissue. After one to two months, the implant can be re-implanted.

The chance of a new tooth being rejected is 1%.

Avoid gum damage

If you handle cutlery, hygiene products carelessly, or get bumped or dropped, the drainage will not be level, will move, or will fall out prematurely. This is extremely undesirable, since the outflow of pus stops, and the edges of the wound begin to shrink.

The drainage is usually removed after 3 to 5 days by the doctor or patient. If it fell out earlier, you need to go to the clinic. The dentist will assess the patient's condition. In the absence of severe swelling or exudate, the doctor will recommend only drug treatment. When the inflammatory process does not subside, re-installation of the elastic tube will be required.

Improvement after installation of drainage should occur within the first day. If the tumor increases, the pain intensifies, and the temperature does not subside, you must tell your dentist.

Why install drainage?

In dentistry, drainage is used in the following cases:

  • for tissue healing after removal of a problematic tooth;
  • with alveolitis;
  • after opening the flux;
  • when an abscess or cyst forms;
  • for administering medications directly into the wound.

The patient should not worry if his gums were cut and a drainage system was installed. Drainage is used to remove purulent exudate and ichor. If drainage is not installed, the opened source of infection will heal quite quickly after cleansing, but if the inflammatory process is not stopped, the formation of purulent masses will begin again. In this case, a new operation will inevitably be required.

Take prescribed medications

Postoperative treatment of purulent gum diseases is supplemented with drug therapy. Usually prescribed:

  • antibiotics to relieve infection – most often “Lincomycin”, or analogue drugs “Tsifran”, “Amoxiclav”;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs to relieve pain, heat, swelling - “Nimesil”, “Nurofen”, “Nise”, “Ibuprofen”;
  • wound healing ointments to speed up healing - “Levomekol”, “Levomethyl”, “Metrogil Denta”.

Additional Information! Medications make recovery easier after drainage is installed. If you do not accept them, the process will be delayed. There is also a high chance of relapse of the disease.

Maintain good oral hygiene

Brushing your teeth after any type of surgery is scary. Therefore, patients completely refuse hygiene or do not clean the operated area.

However, this situation is dangerous. Food debris and plaque accumulate in the oral cavity, are processed by bacteria and microbes, releasing toxins, and provoke inflammation.

It is necessary to maintain the highest quality oral hygiene. First, clean the interdental spaces with floss, then the crowns with a brush and paste, and complete the procedure by rinsing with an antiseptic.

Note! The teeth near the drainage are brushed very carefully so as not to displace the tube or injure the gums. You can use a soft bristle brush in this area.

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