Swollen cheek: causes, first aid, treatment methods

Dental treatment

If the dentist does not treat the tooth correctly or completely, it can cause swelling in the cheek.


  1. Allergic reaction.

    It appears in the patient as a result of intolerance to the components of the filling. To eliminate swelling, you should visit a doctor and replace the installed filling with a hypoallergenic one.

  2. Removal of a tooth.

    If the cheek is swollen after surgery, then the patient probably ignored the doctor’s recommendations and ate solid or hot foods.

  3. Nerve removal.

    Swelling occurs if part of the nerve is not removed. It is important to see a dentist immediately so as not to lose a healthy tooth.

  4. Gum section.

    Usually required to remove accumulated pus. If the swelling does not subside while taking anti-inflammatory drugs, this may be a serious symptom that requires the attention of a specialist.


If the organ of vision itself is not damaged , there is no need to deal separately with the elimination of swelling after an impact: the swelling will go away on its own within 3-4 weeks .

Important! There are circumstances in which it is necessary to bring your face into proper shape as quickly as possible (for example, this is relevant for those who, as part of their work, are forced to come into contact with people and look good).

In such cases, it is worth taking preventive measures, and before thinking about eliminating edema, you need to take care to exclude the occurrence of edema as such or to ensure that its size is minimal.

First aid

In this situation, to quickly relieve swelling, it all comes down to applying any cold object to the bruise , which could be:

  • frozen meat or any other product;
  • a bottle of cold water;
  • heavy metal object;
  • ice wrapped in cloth.

Cooling the damaged area causes the blood to clot faster and begin to be released in smaller quantities from the damaged capillaries.
This method is suitable only if there is only a bruise without penetrating damage to the outer layer of skin.

At the same time , cooling, which will help quickly remove this symptom, is appropriate only in the first twenty minutes after injury - in the future, this method no longer significantly affects the size of the resulting edema.

Medical supplies

Note! In this case, you can relieve swelling with the help of medications:

  1. Badyaga. One of these remedies is badyaga - currently it is considered one of the fastest-acting remedies. Popular among professional athletes and other professions at risk of injury. This drug also has virtually no contraindications , since it is made on the basis of natural ingredients. The product is sold in the form of a powder, which must be diluted according to the instructions, and in the form of a gel. Gel is the most common form, since when using it there is no need to spend time preparing the composition. In the first two days, it is better to apply the drug to the site of impact 2-3 times a day for about 15 minutes . In the future, the number of procedures can be reduced at your discretion, depending on how quickly the healing progresses.
  2. Gel Bruise-off . An analogue of badyagi is gel bruise-off. It is also made from natural ingredients and promotes rapid resorption of swelling. The product is applied up to five times a day , and it is not necessary to observe equal periods of time. Subsequent application can be performed immediately after the gel from the previous session has been completely absorbed into the skin.
  3. Gel Indovazin . Indovazine gel is a dissolving and analgesic decongestant. The active ingredients included in its composition promote healing and strengthening of the walls of blood vessels and restore microcirculation processes in them. The gel is absorbed into the systemic circulation and leads to the development of side effects. Therefore, it is not prescribed to people with bleeding disorders, people with serious gastrointestinal diseases, as well as pregnant women and children under 14 years of age. It is necessary to apply the drug to the site of the bruise three times a day until the swelling is completely eliminated.
  4. Heparin ointment. A good and inexpensive remedy against edema is heparin ointment, which, in addition to anti-edematous components, also includes anesthetic substances that eliminate pain. Given the large number of side effects, using the product for longer than two weeks is not recommended. The product should not be used on open injuries. To apply to the finger, squeeze out a strip of ointment 3-5 centimeters long and rub in up to three times a day at equal time intervals.

Folk remedies

It is worth noting! An alternative to pharmaceutical drugs can be folk remedies, among which the following can help with swelling due to injuries:

  1. Herbal lotions . Dried tansy, plantain, heather and St. John's wort are taken in equal quantities to make a teaspoon of the mixture. It is brewed in a glass of boiling water and after cooling, the composition must be further cooled in the refrigerator. Then a bandage or gauze is soaked in it. The compress is applied to the site of impact 2-3 times a day for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Tea compress . A tablespoon of green tea is brewed in a glass of boiling water. After cooling, this product also needs to be kept in the freezer for 10-15 minutes, since warm compresses contribute to the development of the opposite effect and increased swelling. Considering that the infusion is quite strong, it can be applied to the bruise only twice a day for a few minutes (until the compress warms up to body temperature).
  3. Lotions with potatoes . Raw potatoes are grated on a fine grater and wrapped in three layers of gauze. The compress is applied to the bruise for about five minutes, after which the face can be wiped with a cloth soaked in warm water to remove any remaining starch. This product can be used no more than five times a day, since too much starch draws moisture from the skin, which inhibits the healing process of damaged tissue.

What to do if your cheek is swollen

To reduce swelling, you can use one of the following tips:

  1. Rinse your mouth with a solution of salt and soda.

    This remedy has an antiseptic effect and helps destroy pathogens. You can enhance the effect by adding a couple of drops of iodine to the solution.

  2. Use chamomile infusion to rinse

    , sage or other medicinal herbs that have anti-inflammatory properties.

  3. Apply a cold compress to the swollen cheek

    if the swelling is caused by a bite or mechanical injury. This method is contraindicated in patients who have an elevated body temperature or a tumor that develops due to inflammatory processes. Warming compresses are not recommended.

  4. Lotions with aloe or Kalanchoe juice.

    A cotton wool soaked in the juice of the plant is applied to the inside of the affected cheek.

If the described methods do not eliminate the problem, you should seek help from a doctor. The day before, you should not take painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, so as not to complicate the diagnosis.

Swelling under the eye from a blow from a medical point of view

For your information! Under the layer of skin in the eye area there is completely no adipose tissue, but at the same time a vascular network spreads in such areas.
Since the vessels and capillaries under the eye are not protected by anything, mechanical stress in the form of blows causes the mesh to burst in different places, and this leads to hemorrhages .

Blood, entering the subcutaneous tissue from the vessel, collects in clots, forming hematomas.

usually takes longer to resolve than swelling , since the damaged superficial vessels that form it are restored more slowly.
Swelling also resolves over time, even without the use of special means , and depending on the condition of the vessels and tissues and the functioning of the regenerative mechanisms, this can happen faster or slower.

What to do immediately after an impact to avoid swelling of the face

To prevent swelling of the face, it is necessary to provide first aid in a timely manner. A few ice cubes may be needed. It is necessary to use something cold after the blow. When there is no ice, ice cream and even dumplings will do.

Cold objects will prevent blood and lymph from accumulating, since the cold will help slightly narrow the nearby vessels. This method only helps in the first 25 minutes.

When about half an hour has passed since the impact, you need to use the following methods:

  1. Herbal compress. Herbs (wormwood, calendula, St. John's wort and everyone's favorite in childhood, plantain) help best with swelling. Based on them, a decoction is prepared, which must be used cold.
  2. Black tea. It must be strong, then the tea will work. Application of a cotton pad soaked in tea to the face should be continued for at least 1 day.
  3. Onion juice. It helps if there are already bruises and swelling on the face.
  4. Table vinegar. 9% vinegar is best. Do not use this method if there are wounds on the skin.
  5. Homemade kefir. It can be replaced with fermented baked milk or homemade cottage cheese.

Top 2 most effective ways to relieve swelling on the face

In addition to expensive cosmetic procedures and pharmaceutical products, there are 2 cheap ways to eliminate this problem.

Method 1

  1. The first and most common method is to apply raw potatoes to the bruise site.
  2. Lotions based on coltsfoot decoction. The decoction can be easily prepared in 5-8 minutes. You just need to throw a tablespoon of the dry plant into boiling water (250 ml) and leave to boil for another 3 minutes.

Attention: the lotions must be cold, so the broth must be placed in the refrigerator.

Method 2

  1. Iodine network. She copes well with tumors.
  2. Applying cabbage. One of the budget methods that really works.
  3. Compresses. To create them, you need to boil the beans, which are then mixed with honey and 50 g of butter. Read more information on removing puffiness from the face and eyes here.

Folk remedies for the treatment of swelling on the face

Unlike pharmaceutical products, traditional medicine cannot harm. Therefore, many people prefer folk remedies :

  1. Fresh potato juice . It is able to help regenerate the skin, and due to this effect it is found in many cosmetic products. To quickly get rid of swelling, you should grind one potato using a blender, and then apply compresses to the skin using gauze.
  2. Cheremsha. We only need the root of this plant. You need to prepare a decoction based on it. You can make compresses with it, which you need to keep for at least 20 minutes.
  3. Honey _ It is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, which is why many dermatologists recommend applying it to wounds. It perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin.

Bruised eyes and lips

If an eye or lip is bruised, the course of action changes slightly, since these are sensitive places and much cannot be done, even if there is only one bruise. After a lip injury, the wound may bleed for a long time, and it is more difficult to get rid of swelling. To ensure that treatment proceeds quickly, the following methods are used:

  • the bruise site is treated with antiseptics;
  • ice is applied to relieve swelling;
  • wound healing ointment is applied;
  • lips are lubricated with sea buckthorn or olive oil;
  • honey or propolis ointment is used;
  • use hygienic lipstick before going outside.

If the injury is serious, then treatment will be carried out by a surgeon. Lacerations are usually sutured, and then special rehabilitation and recovery measures are carried out. If the structure of the eye has been disturbed, as evidenced by blurred vision, discomfort, double vision, then you need to consult an ophthalmologist. It is advisable not to remove the bandage before visiting the clinic.

If the eye is bruised, the doctor must examine the eye completely, check its movements, and possibly do ophthalmoscopy, rheography, tonography, x-rays or ultrasound. Based on the results, appropriate treatment will be prescribed. In severe cases, hospitalization will be required. Anti-inflammatory drops or antibiotics are often prescribed for the eyes to clear up the infection.

If the integrity of the skin has been compromised, sutures are applied. If the eye injury is mild and only the nearby area was affected, then you can treat it yourself at home. The minimum measure is to apply a bandage with a piece of ice over the eye (it will help relieve pain and swelling, speed up the healing of a bruise or hematoma).

Lip bruises can be additionally treated with chamomile decoction and a special dental gel.

Let's get rid of hematoma and pain

If after a bruise a bruise on the face or a hematoma with swelling appears, then they usually do not require a visit to the doctor; you can treat and relieve the symptoms yourself. Only a large hematoma requires examination by a specialist; sometimes it is necessary to perform a puncture to remove accumulated blood. After local anesthesia, the wound is opened by a surgeon, then a tight bandage needs to be made. The operation may be performed several times to get rid of the hematoma until the bleeding stops.

To treat a hematoma on the face faster and to avoid pain and swelling, use an anti-inflammatory ointment, cream or gel, for example:

  • fastum gel;
  • dolobene;
  • indovazine;
  • long;
  • ketonal;
  • quickgel

To eliminate pain, you can take an analgesic in the form of tablets (citramon, pentalgin, solpadeine).

What not to do when treating swelling after a stroke

If a small tumor or swelling appears, you must immediately find out what is strictly undesirable to do so as not to aggravate the situation. Since some points can complicate the process of skin regeneration, it is necessary to eliminate all risk factors:

  1. Alcohol. It has the property of retaining excess water in the body. Therefore, in order to eliminate the risk of new edema, it is necessary to completely abstain from alcoholic beverages until complete recovery.
  2. Sanya, bathhouse, as well as all procedures that are carried out along with elevated temperature. Heat can cause swelling to become even worse. It is also not recommended to visit the solarium.
  3. Swelling massage . Any massage actions with swelling are strictly prohibited, since capillaries and muscle tissue are damaged at the site of impact. This can cause bleeding, causing a bruise to appear in this area.
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