Emergency 24-hour (including night) dental care in Moscow

The 'Round the Day' directory recommends:
24-hour dentistry “Comfort”
Tel. Website: dentakomfort.ru
24-hour dentistry “Specialist”
Tel. Website: www.dentspecialist.ru
Dentistry "Specialist" in Khimki
Tel. Website: himki.dentspecialist.ru
24-hour on-site dentistry on Prazhskaya
24-hour dentistry “Capital”
Tel. Website: stolica-dent.ru

Catalog of 24-hour dental clinics in Moscow. Dentistry 24 hours in districts and okrugs on the interactive map of Moscow. Night, on-duty and pediatric dentistry: addresses, telephone numbers, nearest metro stations, links to official websites, directions. Independent rating, reviews and recommendations from clients.

24-hour dental clinics can be found in all districts of Moscow. On the interactive map you can determine the location of the 24-hour dentistry closest to you: addresses, telephone numbers, nearest metro stations, as well as links to the official websites of on-duty and night dentistry, working 24 hours a day.

Once you have made your decision, do not forget to call this dentistry office in advance to clarify the possibility of providing the dental service you need (caries treatment, prosthetics, dental implantation, teeth whitening or tooth extraction), since not all 24-hour dentistry clinics in Moscow can provide general dentists on duty shifts. According to statistics, the most common reason for visiting night dentistry is acute toothache.

Also pay attention to the cost of dental care provided at night: some 24-hour dental centers have a so-called “night tariff” - an increase in cost for services provided by a dentist at night.

Memo on providing emergency dental care to the population of Moscow

Who gets emergency dental care?

  • residents of Moscow and the Moscow region, citizens of the Russian Federation insured under the compulsory medical insurance system (a passport and a policy are required - both documents will be needed);
  • foreign citizens permanently or temporarily residing in the Russian Federation, stateless persons insured under the compulsory medical insurance system (a passport and an insurance policy are required - both documents will be needed);
  • For foreign citizens and stateless persons who are not insured under the compulsory medical insurance system, emergency dental care is provided on a paid basis or under a VHI agreement.

Where is emergency dental care provided?

2.1 Around the clock (except for Saturdays from 18-00 to 20-00 and Sundays from 8-00 to 20-00) at the “Maxillofacial Hospital for War Veterans of the Department of Health”, at the address: st.
Lesteva, 9 building 4 (entrance from Tatishcheva street). Phones,

To receive assistance, the patient must receive a coupon at the terminal located near the cloakroom. Wait for your turn, go to window No. 1, present your insurance policy (required), fill out the primary medical documentation. Wait for the doctor to call.

2.2 On weekdays during the daytime in all medical organizations of the state healthcare system of the city of Moscow that provide medical care in the field of dentistry, during their opening hours: from 08 a.m. 00 min. until 20 o'clock 00 min., on Saturdays from 08 o'clock. 00 min. until 18 o'clock 00 min.

2.3 On weekends and holidays in district specialized dental clinics (SP) in Moscow from 08:00. 00 min. until 20 o'clock 00 min:

  • Central Administrative District "SP No. 53 DZM", Bolshoi Kozlovsky lane, 5;
  • JSC "SP No. 11 DZM", 2nd Kvesisskaya St., 4;
  • NEAO "SP No. 15 DZM", Staroalekseevskaya st., 10;
  • VAO "SP No. 22 DZM", Zeleny Prospekt, 10/32;
  • SEAO "SP No. 51 DZM", Donetskaya, 9;
  • Southern JSC "SP No. 62 DZM", Kaspiyskaya st., 38.
  • South-Western Joint Stock Company "SP No. 7 DZM", Leninsky Prospekt, 40;
  • JSC "SP No. 5 DZM", Krylatskaya st., 21;
  • SJSC "SP No. 65 DZM", 3rd Mitinsky lane, 6;
  • ZelAO "SP No. 35 DZM", Zelenograd, bldg. 1638;
  • “New Moscow” “Troitsk City Hospital of the Department of Health Care”, Troitsk, Oktyabrsky Prospekt, 3B.

Emergency care is provided in strict accordance with Federal Law dated November 21, 2011 N 323-FZ (as amended on July 3, 2016) “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation”, Decree of the Moscow Government dated December 30, 2020 N 2401-PP “On Territorial program of state guarantees for the free provision of medical care to citizens in the city of Moscow for 2022 and for the planning period of 2022 and 2023” and the information letter of MGFFOMS dated July 21, 2016. No. 1633.

A comprehensive list of emergency dental care for acute pain under compulsory medical insurance (free).

  • opening of the tooth cavity with medicinal treatment;
  • extirpation, removal of decay from 1 channel;
  • application of arsenic paste;
  • applying a temporary filling;
  • unfilling of the tooth canal during periapical inflammatory processes;
  • removal of fillings, crown trephination;
  • opening of periodontal abscess;
  • removal of a permanent tooth (simple);
  • removal of a permanent tooth (complicated) using a drill and/or detachment of a mucoperiosteal flap;
  • opening of a soft tissue abscess in the oral cavity;
  • opening of the subperiosteal abscess (washing, drainage);
  • treatment of alveolitis with socket curettage;
  • excision of the hood;
  • suture;
  • mechanical and drug stoppage of bleeding;
  • application anesthesia;
  • infiltration anesthesia of the maxillofacial area;
  • conduction anesthesia of the maxillofacial region;
  • reduction of dislocation of the temporomandibular joint;
  • treatment of acute forms of stomatitis, primary;
  • radiography of teeth.

Memo on providing emergency dental care to the population of Moscow

In case of acute toothache, swelling of the gums or cheeks, redness of the skin in the area of ​​swelling, you can contact any medical organization in Moscow that provides dental care.

Emergency dental care: - does not require an appointment; - turns out on the day of treatment within two hours from the moment the patient contacts.

If acute toothache is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, weakness and the inability to move independently, it is necessary to call an emergency team using a single telephone number - 103, 112, 003 (for Beeline subscribers), 030 (for MTS subscribers), 103 or 030 (for subscribers megaphone) (for reference: you have the right to this in accordance with the procedure for providing ambulance and emergency care. The procedure is posted on the website of the Moscow Department of Health at the link: https://mosgorzdrav.ru/ru-RU/health/default/card/87 .html)

Morozov dentistry for the whole family

Dentistry today is developing as an organ-preserving field of medicine. Therefore, teeth are removed only as a last resort - when conservative treatment methods are ineffective or the suffering tooth can cause serious complications for other teeth.

In addition, patients are referred to the surgeon by another specialist for tooth extraction for certain indications.

For example, impacted teeth, i.e. unerupted, located in the jaw bone, or dystopic, occupying an incorrect position in the dentition - at an angle or outside the dentition. Most often, these teeth are the so-called “wisdom teeth”, or “eight teeth”. Theoretically, if everything is in order with the rest of the teeth, then a person does not need “eights”; they almost do not take part in chewing food. If eruption is accompanied by a complication, then they have to be removed.

The removal operation of any complexity is carried out painlessly, and upon completion, if necessary, bone-forming material is placed in the resulting hole. After tooth extraction, the doctor will recommend the necessary (home) procedures and medications that will make healing quick and painless.

Plastic surgery of the frenulum of the upper lip and tongue. If, due to the anatomical features of the oral cavity, the patient has a short frenulum of the upper lip, this leads to the development of a diastema - a gap between the front teeth. A short frenulum of the tongue provokes the development of malocclusion and speech defects. Since short frenulums also cause exposure of the roots of the front teeth and the development of periodontitis, they are recommended to be operated on. Plastic surgery performed with a laser is less traumatic than a conventional surgical procedure.

Plastic surgery of the oral mucosa is required if the patient has a shallow vestibule of the oral cavity (the distance from the edge of the gum of the front teeth to the mobile mucous membrane). It is necessary to achieve a better aesthetic result with fixed prosthetics or to ensure high-quality fixation of a removable denture.

Plastic surgery of scar cords is also performed to achieve high-quality prosthetic results. Scar cords are tension in the mucous membrane that occurs after complex tooth extractions, severe injuries to the mucosa, and fractures of the alveolar processes. They interfere with the physiological installation of prostheses.

Removal of exostoses (bone growths) formed due to the individual characteristics of the body or after tooth extraction. Their removal is required if they interfere with prosthetics.

Resection of the root apex (cystectomy) is performed if a cyst or granuloma has formed at the apex of the roots of the teeth. In this case, the mucous membrane in the root area is dissected, the cavity of the cyst is opened and it, along with the membrane and its contents, is removed. At the same time, the apex of the root, which entered the cyst cavity, is removed. Then bone-forming material is placed in this place and sutures are applied.

Hemisection is the partial removal of a multi-rooted tooth when a cyst or granuloma forms on one of the roots. During this operation, the crown of the tooth is divided in two - the affected part, along with the root and tumor, is removed, and the remaining healthy part becomes a support for the prosthesis (usually a permanent one).

Our tasks include high-quality preparation of bone tissue for implantation. To achieve this, high-tech osteoplastic operations are performed to build up thinned or missing bone tissue for implant-based prosthetics. That is, bone blocks taken from the donor site are either transplanted onto the area of ​​the alveolar process (the base of the jaw), or membranoplasty is performed - osteoplastic (bone-forming) material is placed on the area where it is necessary to restore the volume of bone tissue. It is covered with a special membrane so that it does not dissolve. After 3-4 months, the bone is restored and implantation can begin.

Children's emergency care "Mother and Child"

  • a team of qualified pediatricians;
  • artificial lung ventilation device (ALV);
  • vacuum splints for immobilization of injured limbs;
  • vacuum mattress for immobilization of an injured spine;
  • gyroscopic anti-vibration stretcher;
  • defibrillator;
  • cardio equipment;
  • incubator for transporting newborns;
  • kit for treating wounds and burns;
  • gastric lavage kit;
  • kit for rapid diagnosis of urinary tract infections;
  • kit for rapid diagnostics of blood glucose;
  • kit for express diagnostics of ENT pathologies;
  • a set of medicines;
  • nebulizer;
  • perfusor

Average cost of dental services in Moscow in rubles:

Teeth whitening with ZOOM3 system22000
Removing a baby tooth800
Simple tooth extraction1200
Wisdom tooth removal4400
X-ray of a tooth300
Treatment of average caries2500
Bite correction (braces)24000
Metal-ceramic crown10000

Attention! Some dentists practice a surcharge on the cost of work for a visit at night. Check prices for services in advance!

State dentistry in Moscow

State dental clinics in Moscow
are medical institutions where dental treatment can be performed free of charge under the compulsory medical insurance policy, as well as for a fee (services and voluntary health insurance). You can make an appointment at public clinics in the capital by contact numbers or through the website. On our portal you can familiarize yourself with the rating list of dentists.

State dental clinics

provide a wide range of services for the treatment and prevention of dental diseases. Previously, patients did not complain about municipal institutions because of their moral and physical backwardness from private organizations. But the provision of services on a commercial basis (along with free ones) made it possible to improve the material and technical base. And now many clients leave positive reviews on our website about the work of public dental clinics. The main advantage of such dentistry is the low price of services. On this page you will find a complete list of all municipal dentists in the city of Moscow with addresses, opening hours and telephone numbers.

Indications for calling emergency help for a child

  • allergic reaction: rash, swelling of the face and limbs;
  • high body temperature (above 38°C);
  • difficulty breathing;
  • any falls (there may be injuries to the brain, internal organs, limbs);
  • urination disorders: painful urination, change in urine color, blood in the urine, etc.;
  • stool disorders: lack of stool, diarrhea with mucus, blood, etc.;
  • repeated vomiting;
  • receiving any injuries, including insect and animal bites;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • sharp pain in the abdomen;
  • symptoms of anaphylactic shock: a feeling of fear in a child, throbbing headache, dizziness, tinnitus, numbness of the lips and face, vomiting, cold sweat, urticaria;
  • symptoms of dehydration: in children under 4 years of age, refusal to drink, urination less than once every 4 hours, bad breath, dry mucous membranes, dry tongue, in children under 1 year of age crying without tears, sunken fontanel;
  • symptoms of Quincke's edema: sudden redness and swelling of the face, genitals, hands, feet;
  • regurgitation mixed with bile and blood;
  • convulsions;
  • rash, skin rashes of any nature;
  • blurred vision;
  • any changes in the child’s condition that seem to you to be unsafe for his health.

Mother and Child patients are children from birth to 15 years old. We help everyone, regardless of citizenship, registration, or availability of a Russian medical insurance policy. Children's ambulance services operate around the clock, without holidays or weekends.

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