Favorable and unfavorable days for dental treatment according to the lunar calendar

Astrology, which is a soft science, is often perceived with skepticism when its influence on precise medicine is assessed. However, ardent skeptics confirmed that the course of dental treatment and prosthetics is determined by the lunar phases.

From the article you will learn about how the phases of the Moon affect treatment and health in general, how the success of treatment depends on what phase the Moon is in, and you will also be able to calculate the optimal day to schedule a visit to the dentist depending on your zodiac sign.

Lunar calendar for dental treatment: the influence of the Moon in different zodiac signs

  • According to the lunar calendar, it is better to treat teeth during the waning moon . As astrologers assure, at this time, the body is in a calm, balanced state. At this time, it is not so sensitive to pain, there will be less blood loss during removal, so the procedures will be more favorable.
  • As for zodiac landmarks, the favorable time for treatment and removal of teeth is when the Moon is in Scorpio, Cancer or Libra.
  • Unfavorable signs for dental treatment and jaw surgery are Capricorn, Aries, Pisces, Taurus.
  • New moon, full moon and solar and lunar eclipses are considered undesirable times for medical procedures . At this time, the Moon absorbs too much energy and weakens the earth's energy. This negatively affects both your body and the doctor’s body, who must be as focused as possible.
  • treatment, especially tooth extraction during the waxing moon , if possible.
  • The lunar calendar for dental treatment is also compiled individually by year, month and day.

There are several general recommendations:

  • The Moon in Aquarius and Scorpio has a beneficial effect on the implementation of medical procedures.
  • The waning phase of the moon is generally suitable for all medical procedures.

Eclipses 2022

Preparation and x-ray

Before implanting titanium pins into the oral cavity, a person needs to be prepared to undergo a comprehensive examination of the entire body. Specialists check the condition of periodontal tissues especially carefully. To do this, you may need to undergo some tests, as well as undergo an x-ray examination. This will help determine the presence of contraindications and the sufficiency of bone volume in the place where it is planned to install an artificial tooth substitute.

Based on the data obtained, the doctor will guide his client regarding suitable treatment methods, the duration of the rehabilitation period, and also predict the final result. At the initial consultation, you are also asked to take a short survey, this will help identify whether the patient has bad habits, for example, addiction to alcohol, as well as chronic diseases. Such points must be taken into account at the stage of preparation for surgery.

Based on the clinical picture, the doctor can refer his patient for a computed tomography scan, local x-ray or orthopantomogram, that is, a panoramic examination (in case of multiple missing teeth). Modern equipment guarantees three-dimensional and clear images that help to understand the exact condition of the vessels and nerve endings at the site of the operation. CT is an important stage at which the doctor determines the optimal parameters of future implants, as well as their angle of inclination during installation.

Tooth extraction and dental surgery according to the lunar calendar

Procedures such as tooth extraction and surgery are accompanied by heavy blood loss. Therefore, they especially need to be coordinated with the lunar calendar. Surgeries on the waxing moon, during the new moon and full moon , as well as 1 day before and after it, when the human body is weakened, are undesirable.

At this time, there is a danger of large blood loss. During the Moon in Capricorn, teeth and all bones are extremely vulnerable. In the signs of Aries and Taurus , all organs on the head and face, including teeth, are vulnerable. Therefore, it is better not to carry out any procedures these days.

Despite the fact that the lunar calendar is a good guide for visiting the dentist, you should not just follow it. It is impossible to postpone procedures prescribed by a doctor, and it is also unacceptable to endure toothache.

Moon phases and their effect on teeth and health in general

Human biological rhythms are determined by the phases of the moon

Lunar phases affect living organisms: water metabolism in plants, cyclical reproduction.

The new or waning moon determines the ebb and flow of the tides. Human biological rhythms are also determined by the phases of the moon.

The celestial body completes a full cycle in 29.6 days.

During this time, four phases change: new moon, waxing period, full moon, waning.

The Moon stays in each state for a little more than a week.

According to astrological information, scientifically confirmed, the phases of the celestial body determine the standing of people and influence what manipulations and health procedures are indicated and contraindicated during that period.

New moon

Many people in the initial phase of the new moon experience a sharp deterioration in physical and psychological health

The darkest nights of the cycle occur during the new moon period.

In astrology they are associated with the manifestation of demonic, mystical forces.

Many people in the initial phase of the new moon experience a sharp deterioration in their physical and psychological health.

During this period, there is an increase in interaction between the Sun and the celestial body closest to the Earth, because of this, water begins to leave the body at a rapid pace.

This causes weakened immunity.

Appetite also worsens, performance decreases, apathy and lethargy are felt throughout the body. Due to lack of water, difficulties arise with the respiratory system.

Nausea, sweating, and involuntary muscle twitching appear.

Susceptibility to disease increases, chronic diseases worsen. It is not advisable to carry out serious manipulations with your body during the new moon phase, this also applies to dental treatment. The body will perceive surgical interventions as a blow to its immune system.

During the new moon, it is recommended to refuse treatment or dental prosthetics; take preventive measures during this period. Relaxing procedures are indicated for the body as a whole. Massage, warm baths with essential oils, and therapeutic fasting will be beneficial.

Waxing Crescent

The waxing moon phase allows you to carry out therapeutic manipulations with your body. But they must be balanced. A person’s energy field strengthens, making it easier for him to perceive interventions.

Surgical operations are still not recommended, since it is not clear how the body will react to them. It is possible to treat caries and install fillings during this period.

In general, for the body during this period, the beginning of medical therapy is indicated - in the phase of the waxing Moon, the body is tuned to changes and adapts to them faster.

Full moon

Even if the drug is administered correctly and in the right dosage, there is a risk that it will cause an adverse reaction.

The full moon phase, when the Moon opposes the Sun, is characterized by instability.

If men react more brightly to the new moon, then the opposite is true with the full moon.

Women during this period feel ambivalent: they are haunted either by apathy and depression, or by causeless joy and euphoria.

It is unpredictable how medical therapy may turn out during this period.

A sign of unfavorability is also that during the full moon the body absorbs the maximum of the funds it has received.

Even if the drug is administered correctly and in the right dosage, there is a risk that it will cause an adverse reaction.

Nervous diseases, aggressiveness, and excitability also become aggravated, which does not allow any manipulations with the body and teeth in particular. Another reason to refuse interventions is increased blood loss and poor wound healing.

Waning moon

As you approach the new moon in a few days, you feel a decrease in immunity and a deterioration in well-being.

In this phase, the body returns to its best state, the fluid level returns to normal, the energy level is even and stable.

Implementation of health procedures, including dental treatment, is recommended.

During the waning moon phase, the following are useful:

  • removal of toxins and waste;
  • surgical interventions;
  • treatment of kidneys and gastrointestinal tract;
  • dental treatment and prosthetics;
  • weight loss procedures.

When approaching the new moon, a decrease in immunity and a deterioration in well-being are felt within a few days. One or two days before the new cycle, stop the healing procedures.

Moon eclipse

A lunar eclipse is an unpredictable period. Its effect on the body is different. Some feel a surge of strength, while others simply cannot get out of bed due to decreased vitality.

Important! During a lunar eclipse, it is recommended to postpone all procedures related to the treatment of teeth and the body as a whole.

Lunar calendar of dental treatment and prosthetics for January 2022

Lunar calendars are compiled by experienced astrologers. Based on many years of experience, as well as statistical data, favorable and unfavorable days of the lunar month are selected.

The best and worst lunar days for dental treatment and prosthetics in January 2022:

Period 2022The best days to fill, whiten, denture your teeth, put on braces, and do ultrasonic cleaning of tartarThe best days to remove teeth, install implants, perform jaw surgery, cleaning and treatment of tooth canals, nerve removalThe worst days for dentures, dental fillings, braces, ultrasonic cleaning of tartarWorst days for tooth extraction, dental nerve removal, root canal cleaning, jaw surgery, dental implantation
January4, 5, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 2923, 24, 25, 261, (2 - new moon), 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 17, (18 - full moon), 19, 30, 311, (2 - new moon), 3-17, (18 - full moon), 19, 30, 31
  • Moon-neutral days are not indicated in the table.
  • Emergency care or surgery must be done immediately, without taking into account the calendar, since the risk of complications is higher if you wait for the right day.

January location of the Moon in the zodiac constellations in 2022.

January 2022

What tests are needed?

A prerequisite is to take tests, this will make it possible to timely

identify the presence of serious pathologies in the patient, inflammatory processes in the body, and also check blood clotting, which is important during any surgical intervention. You must take a test for HIV, hepatitis, etc.

Additionally, a professional may advise you to donate blood for glucose, for example, if you suspect diabetes. Since this disease has many unpleasant consequences, you should be extremely careful. If the patient complains of frequent allergic reactions, it may be necessary to evaluate the level of immunoglobulins and do tests for allergens.

It is also strongly recommended to check the functioning of the thyroid gland, heart, blood vessels and other vital organs. It is especially important for women during menopause to take good care of their health. This time is often accompanied by a disease such as osteoporosis, which can lead to unpleasant complications. For each person, a list of examinations is compiled individually.

Lunar calendar for dental treatment and prosthetics for February 2022

The best and worst lunar days for dental treatment and prosthetics in February 2022:

Period 2022The best days to fill, whiten, denture your teeth, put on braces, and do ultrasonic cleaning of tartarThe best days to remove teeth, install implants, perform jaw surgery, cleaning and treatment of tooth canals, nerve removalThe worst days for dentures, dental fillings, braces, ultrasonic cleaning of tartarWorst days for tooth extraction, dental nerve removal, root canal cleaning, jaw surgery, dental implantation
February10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 2819, 20, 21, 22, 23(1 - new moon), 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 15, (16 - full moon), 17, 26, 27(1 - new moon), 2-15, (16 - full moon), 17, 26, 27
  • Moon-neutral days are not indicated in the table.
  • Emergency care or surgery must be done immediately, without taking into account the calendar, since the risk of complications is higher if you wait for the right day.

February location of the Moon in the zodiac constellations in 2022.

February 2022

Do's and Don'ts before surgery

About a week before the important procedure, the patient should give up all addictions: smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages, eating junk food, etc. It is best to stock up on healthy and vitamin-rich foods, such as kefir, cottage cheese, fruits and fresh vegetables. If there is a need to take special medications that slow down blood clotting, they will also have to be temporarily abandoned.

About a day before the scheduled procedure, it is worth having your mouth professionally cleaned to remove plaque and hard deposits on the enamel. All medications should be used only after consultation with a specialist. Active sports, stress and exertion are contraindicated.

Immediately on the day of surgery, heavy smokers are strongly advised to forget about cigarettes. You should also not overeat before visiting the clinic, just eat a little. You will not be able to eat immediately after surgery, but only a few hours after the anesthesia wears off. In addition, it is better not to drink strong coffee and tea.

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Dental implantation in one day

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Lunar calendar for dental treatment and prosthetics for March 2022

The best and worst lunar days for dental treatment and prosthetics in March 2022:

Period 2022The best days to fill, whiten, denture your teeth, put on braces, and do ultrasonic cleaning of tartarThe best days to remove teeth, install implants, perform jaw surgery, cleaning and treatment of tooth canals, nerve removalThe worst days for dentures, dental fillings, braces, ultrasonic cleaning of tartarWorst days for tooth extraction, dental nerve removal, root canal cleaning, jaw surgery, dental implantation
March9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 2820, 21, 221, (2 - new moon), 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 17, (18 - full moon), 19, 25, 26, 29, 30, 311, (2 - new moon), 3-17, (18 - full moon), 19, 25, 26, 29, 30, 31
  • Moon-neutral days are not indicated in the table.
  • Emergency care or surgery must be done immediately, without taking into account the calendar, since the risk of complications is higher if you wait for the right day.

March location of the Moon in the zodiac constellations in 2022.

March 2022

Wisdom tooth removal

Wisdom teeth are considered full-fledged elements of the oral cavity. They are involved in chewing food (if they are located above each other and have contact), and can act as a support for bridges and removable dentures in the future. There are specific indications for extraction in their case. For this reason, the decision about whether wisdom teeth need to be removed is made only by the attending physician.

The most common problem with eighth teeth is their growth. Only some teeth form and grow completely without complications, but often these processes are accompanied by a number of difficulties:

  • semi-retinated or impacted elements that have formed in the bone tissue, but have not erupted or only partially erupted. Their position can be vertical, horizontal, or with their roots outward. Because of this, neighboring elements suffer, constant pain appears;
  • violation of position (dystopia). Since wisdom teeth erupt without predecessors (baby teeth), and the jaw bone is already formed and does not develop, the position of the elements is often incorrect. They injure the mucous membrane, overlap other crowns, and put pressure on neighbors. This leads to inflammation. The doctor will determine whether the position can be restored with orthodontic treatment or whether it is better to remove the wisdom tooth;
  • appearance of a gingival hood. When slowly cutting through the mucosa, an area is formed in which bacteria and food debris accumulate, which are difficult to clean. This leads to acute inflammation, which can provoke the appearance of pus;
  • destruction, caries. Elements may appear immediately underdeveloped with carious lesions.

The doctor determines whether wisdom teeth should be removed or not based on complaints and the clinical picture. Problems with even one or two teeth interfere with the normal functioning of the entire dental system. Pain appears when opening the mouth and chewing. The bite and position of the incisors may even change.

How a wisdom tooth is removed depends, as in the case of permanent elements, on the condition of the dental system. In the absence of contraindications, manipulation is carried out with ordinary forceps.

Whether it is painful to remove a wisdom tooth depends on the presence or absence of purulent formations. If they are present, then the painful sensations may persist even after pain relief. Most often, classical infiltration anesthesia is used, which covers a large area and maintains the effect for a long time.

Lunar calendar for dental treatment and prosthetics for April 2022

There is one extremely unfavorable day in April - the solar eclipse on April 30, 2022.

The best and worst lunar days for dental treatment and prosthetics in April 2022:

Period 2022The best days to fill, whiten, denture your teeth, put on braces, and do ultrasonic cleaning of tartarThe best days to remove teeth, install implants, perform jaw surgery, cleaning and treatment of tooth canals, nerve removalThe worst days for dentures, dental fillings, braces, ultrasonic cleaning of tartarWorst days for tooth extraction, dental nerve removal, root canal cleaning, jaw surgery, dental implantation
April5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 18, 19, 20, 23, 24, 2518(1 - new moon), 2, 3, 4, 15, (16 - full moon), 17, 21, 22, 26, 27, 28, 29, (30 - new moon, solar eclipse)(1 - new moon), 2-15, (16 - full moon), 17, 21, 22, 26, 27, 28, 29, (30 - new moon, solar eclipse)
  • Moon-neutral days are not indicated in the table.
  • Emergency care or surgery must be done immediately, without taking into account the calendar, since the risk of complications is higher if you wait for the right day.

April location of the Moon in the zodiac constellations in 2022.

April 2022


However, before you click this link to schedule an appointment with any of our podiatrists, here's a quick recap:

  • You shouldn’t believe advertising that promises a Hollywood smile in one day. Functional and aesthetic rehabilitation is always a complex, expensive and lengthy process, sometimes taking several years and requiring the participation of a number of dental specialists.
  • The key point that determines the timing of treatment is the adaptive capabilities of our body. It will take some time before he perceives the dentures as well as his own teeth. In other words, the dental system must be reprogrammed and adjusted. This takes most of the time and effort of doctors.
  • The main factor influencing the cost of an artificial crown, inlay or veneer is its aesthetics. How beautiful it looks and whether it can be distinguished from other teeth. There are only a few specialists who can create beautiful teeth so that no one would ever guess, and their work is very expensive.
  • The more laboratories and dental technicians an orthopedic doctor has in his arsenal, the better. Each dental technician, each dental laboratory has its own style, its own traditions, sense of taste and aesthetics. And we, for example, knowing the patient’s wishes, select for the work a dental technician who could fully satisfy them.
  • When using implant-supported prosthetics, it is very important to use original components of implant systems. And it's not just a matter of warranty. Counterfeit parts do not have the required accuracy; they are often made from cheap alloys, and this is fraught with both endless breakdowns and the appearance of galvanism and corrosion.
  • It is the orthopedist, based on the prosthetic design chosen together with the patient , who determines which teeth to save/retreat/remove, how many implants and in what places they need to be placed, etc. For this, examination data and special computer programs are used.
  • The popularity of implants is largely due to their reliability and versatility. In fact, with the use of implants, it is possible to recreate both a single tooth and an entire row of teeth. But this does not mean that your teeth should not be protected and treated.
  • CLINIC IN dentists can carry out rehabilitation of any complexity. But in order to fulfill your wishes, we need to at least know them. Therefore, get ready for a large number of questions to which you will need to give specific and clear answers.
  • “like” and “dislike” are essentially two criteria for assessing the dental treatment performed. We try to make sure you like the result. And in order to achieve this, do not hesitate to say what you “don’t like” or “don’t like” or “don’t feel comfortable with.” It can be fixed. Well, if one of our employees does not hear this, you can always contact the boss directly. And he will achieve justice.

And now you can call and make an appointment for a consultation on prosthetics!

Welcome to CLINIC IN!

Lunar calendar for dental treatment and prosthetics for May 2022

There is one extremely unfavorable day in May - the lunar eclipse on May 16, 2022.

The best and worst lunar days for dental treatment and prosthetics in May 2022:

Period 2022The best days to fill, whiten, denture your teeth, put on braces, and do ultrasonic cleaning of tartarThe best days to remove teeth, install implants, perform jaw surgery, cleaning and treatment of tooth canals, nerve removalThe worst days for dentures, dental fillings, braces, ultrasonic cleaning of tartarWorst days for tooth extraction, dental nerve removal, root canal cleaning, jaw surgery, dental implantation
May3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 18, 21, 221, 2, 15, (16 - full moon, lunar eclipse), 17, 19, 20, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, (30 - new moon), 311-15, (16 - full moon, lunar eclipse), 17, 19, 20, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, (30 - new moon), 31
  • Moon-neutral days are not indicated in the table.
  • Emergency care or surgery must be done immediately, without taking into account the calendar, since the risk of complications is higher if you wait for the right day.

May location of the Moon in the zodiac constellations in 2022.

May 2022

Unfavorable days for dental treatment

1-2 lunar days are the best for going to a consultation, because During this period, the moon favors planning.

The 7th and 22nd days of the lunar cycle are the most unfavorable for treatment. On this day, the moon gives a lot of energy to everything related to speech, and astrologers advise not to interfere with this process.

The 9th, 15th, 19th and 29th days are generally unfavorable, so they are also advised to be avoided. On these lunar days, the flow of its energy is very high, which, according to astrologers, can confuse and interfere with the doctor’s concentration.

Lunar calendar for dental treatment and prosthetics for June 2022

The best and worst lunar days for dental treatment and prosthetics in June 2022:

Period 2022The best days to fill, whiten, denture your teeth, put on braces, and do ultrasonic cleaning of tartarThe best days to remove teeth, install implants, perform jaw surgery, cleaning and treatment of tooth canals, nerve removalThe worst days for dentures, dental fillings, braces, ultrasonic cleaning of tartarWorst days for tooth extraction, dental nerve removal, root canal cleaning, jaw surgery, dental implantation
June1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, 26, 2713, (14 - full moon), 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, (29 - new moon), 301-13, (14 - full moon), 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, (29 - new moon), 30
  • Moon-neutral days are not indicated in the table.
  • Emergency care or surgery must be done immediately, without taking into account the calendar, since the risk of complications is higher if you wait for the right day.

June location of the Moon in the zodiac constellations in 2022.

June 2022

Influence of the Zodiac sign

The result of all procedures performed on the oral cavity is closely related to the passage of the Moon through all 12 signs of the Zodiac at a specific time, and the natural satellite stays in each sign for 2-3 days. Everyone knows that each zodiac sign has its own characteristics and properties.

Favorable signs for dental treatment:

Moon in Gemini, Leo and Sagittarius - perform dental sanitation without removing nerves.

Moon in Cancer - whiten your teeth.

Moon in Virgo - get your teeth sanitized, place implants.

Moon in Libra - perform aesthetic dentistry procedures.

Moon in Scorpio and Aquarius - have your teeth removed.

Lunar calendar for dental treatment and prosthetics for July 2022

The best and worst lunar days for dental treatment and prosthetics in July 2022:

Period 2022The best days to fill, whiten, denture your teeth, put on braces, and do ultrasonic cleaning of tartarThe best days to remove teeth, install implants, perform jaw surgery, cleaning and treatment of tooth canals, nerve removalThe worst days for dentures, dental fillings, braces, ultrasonic cleaning of tartarWorst days for tooth extraction, dental nerve removal, root canal cleaning, jaw surgery, dental implantation
July1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 15, 23, 24, 25, 26, 30, 312612, (13 - full moon), 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 27, (28 - new moon), 291-12, (13 - full moon), 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 27, (28 - new moon), 29, 30, 31
  • Moon-neutral days are not indicated in the table.
  • Emergency care or surgery must be done immediately, without taking into account the calendar, since the risk of complications is higher if you wait for the right day.

July location of the Moon in the zodiac constellations in July 2022.

July 2022


Patients very often try to postpone the dental implant procedure. What guides patients and doctors in their decision to place or not place an implant? What happens to bone tissue and gums when a tooth is missing. When can placing an implant help a patient?

Introductory information about the consultant:

The chief physician of the Research Center, Ph.D., answers patient questions. implantologist Dakhkilgov M.U. The word of an expert in the field of implantology is always important. Why is dental implantation an important component of dental health? And when is it absolutely necessary, and when can implantation be postponed?

Magomed Umatgireevich is a surgeon who has personally installed a huge number of implants from almost all leading manufacturers - such as Nobel, Straumann, Astra Tech, Ankylos, Bredent. Doctor to whom patients come from all over the world:

Magomed Dakhkilgov is the chief physician of clinics founded in 2010, which confidently occupy the highest places in professional ratings for implantology in Moscow and Russia.

IMPORTANT! Financial support for dental implantation

Do you want to undergo high-quality dental implantation in our clinics, but have a financial problem? This can be solved! From July 20, 2020

You can also use the dental implantation service in the clinics of the German Implantology Center in installments.

Before we talk about dental implantation itself, let's talk about the factors that precede it. After all, installation of an implant becomes necessary when a person loses a tooth.

Lunar calendar for dental treatment and prosthetics for August 2022

  • Moon-neutral days are not indicated in the table.
  • Emergency care or surgery must be done immediately, without taking into account the calendar, since the risk of complications is higher if you wait for the right day.

The best and worst lunar days for dental treatment and prosthetics in August 2022:

Period 2022The best days to fill, whiten, denture your teeth, put on braces, and do ultrasonic cleaning of tartarThe best days to remove teeth, install implants, perform jaw surgery, cleaning and treatment of tooth canals, nerve removalThe worst days for dentures, dental fillings, braces, ultrasonic cleaning of tartarWorst days for tooth extraction, dental nerve removal, root canal cleaning, jaw surgery, dental implantation
August1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 29, 30, 3122, 23, 249, 10, 11, (12 - full moon), 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 26 (27 - new moon), 281-11, (12 - full moon), 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 26 (27 - new moon), 28-31
  • Moon-neutral days are not indicated in the table.
  • Emergency care or surgery must be done immediately, without taking into account the calendar, since the risk of complications is higher if you wait for the right day.

August location of the Moon in the zodiac constellations in 2022.

August 2022

What is a lunar calendar?

The moon can be waning, waxing or full. It affects the ebb and flow of the marine environment. It also affects human behavior and health.

The lunar calendar tells about the day and provides recommendations.

In ancient times, time was calculated using the calendar. The phases became a prerequisite for the division into months of the year.

Later, a solar calendar was created that is used in our lives.

A lunar month consists of 30 or 29.5 days.

In this case, the day begins with the rising of the Moon. And this happens at any time of the night or day.

The moon goes through four phases in a month. First waxing, then full moon and waning.

Calendar Features

The moon is full of energy and influences all aspects of life.

During the growing phase, the legs are filled with energy, and by the full moon, activity affects the head.

A few days before and after the new moon, you should save your energy. During this period, a person is subject to negative influences.

It is during the growing phase that new things should be started, and during the decreasing period, one should complete what has been started.

Nails and hair grow faster from new moon to full moon. Even in ancient times, healers recommended removing teeth according to the lunar calendar during the waning period, and doing nothing during the new moon.

Lunar calendar of dental treatment and prosthetics for September 2022

  • Moon-neutral days are not indicated in the table.
  • Emergency care or surgery must be done immediately, without taking into account the calendar, since the risk of complications is higher if you wait for the right day.

The best and worst lunar days for dental treatment and prosthetics in September 2022:

Period 2022The best days to fill, whiten, denture your teeth, put on braces, and do ultrasonic cleaning of tartarThe best days to remove teeth, install implants, perform jaw surgery, cleaning and treatment of tooth canals, nerve removalThe worst days for dentures, dental fillings, braces, ultrasonic cleaning of tartarWorst days for tooth extraction, dental nerve removal, root canal cleaning, jaw surgery, dental implantation
September1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 28, 29, 3018, 19, 205, 6, 9, (10 - full moon), 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 25, (26 - new moon), 271-9, (10 - full moon), 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 25, (26 - new moon), 27-30
  • Moon-neutral days are not indicated in the table.
  • Emergency care or surgery must be done immediately, without taking into account the calendar, since the risk of complications is higher if you wait for the right day.

September location of the Moon in the zodiac constellations in 2022.

September 2022

If, nevertheless, the patient postponed the start of implantation

And he put it off for a very long time. Returns to the doctor after a few years, for example. What regulations will be followed in this case for implant installation? Here, the moment of implantation also depends on the previous tooth extraction. The dentist must remove the tooth in such a way as not to damage the walls

bone tissue. That is, atraumatic:

You should always try to remove the tooth as carefully as possible. And if the tooth was removed with damage to the bone tissue, and the patient was not implanted immediately, then after two months the question of bone tissue augmentation will arise. What to say if the patient arrived even later? Of course, the question of bone restoration and bone grafting will arise.

How disadvantageous is it for a patient to delay dental implantation?

Research conducted in Russia by independent institutes shows that there is no increase in the number of implantations from year to year, despite the fact that the total number of dental services provided to the population is growing steadily every year. The most popular type of implantation is the implantation of the frontal group of teeth, that is, the front teeth. But in the area of ​​the chewing group of teeth, patients are in no hurry to undergo implantation.

Are there medical reasons for postponing dental implants? Medical reasons for refusing to install a dental implant include general reasons:

(diabetes mellitus, hormonal changes, systemic lupus erythematosus, HIV infection, etc.) and

For local reasons related to the area of ​​the mouth, at present there is practically no list that existed in Russia 15-20-25 years ago, when this area of ​​dentistry had just begun to develop in the country. At that time, the widespread leadership was held by removable dentures, which had and still have a number of serious disadvantages. Yes, there were many local medical reasons, but progress and technology do not stand still. Therefore, now we can (even conditionally) talk about the general reasons for delayed dental implantation, which I mentioned above.

Removable prosthetics as a deterrent to implantation

Removable prosthetics, which prevents the increase in the number of requests for implantation, should probably be considered from the point of view of the economics of patient costs. Removable dentures are much cheaper than implantation followed by turnkey prosthetics. But removable dentures have a significant drawback - they do not prevent the resorption of bone tissue, and in some cases they increase the rate of resorption, with an increase in the pathological load on the temporomandibular joint (TMJ).

Therefore, in the long term, dental implants have a huge advantage

before removable prosthetics to preserve the patient’s bone tissue and, accordingly, the healthy state of all the patient’s maxillofacial system. As they say, “the miser pays,” but not twice, but several times more during his life with removable dentures.

Lunar calendar of dental treatment and prosthetics for October 2022

The best and worst lunar days for dental treatment and prosthetics in October 2022:

Please note - there is a solar eclipse on October 25, 2022 .

Period 2022The best days to fill, whiten, denture your teeth, put on braces, and do ultrasonic cleaning of tartarThe best days to remove teeth, install implants, perform jaw surgery, cleaning and treatment of tooth canals, nerve removalThe worst days for dentures, dental fillings, braces, ultrasonic cleaning of tartarWorst days for tooth extraction, dental nerve removal, root canal cleaning, jaw surgery, dental implantation
October1, 5, 6, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 27, 28, 2916, 17, 232, 3, 4, 7, 8, (9 - full moon), 10, 11, 12, 24, (25 - new moon, solar eclipse), 26, 30, 311-8, (9 - full moon), 10, 11, 12, 24, (25 - new moon, solar eclipse), 26-31
  • Moon-neutral days are not indicated in the table.
  • Emergency care or surgery must be done immediately, without taking into account the calendar, since the risk of complications is higher if you wait for the right day.

October location of the Moon in the zodiac constellations in 2022.

October 2022

When to treat teeth?

During the period of growth of the Moon, the human body accumulates energy, gains strength and flourishes, and during the period of waning of the celestial body, on the contrary, it spends. If you take into account the lunar health calendar, you can significantly alleviate the course of the disease, as well as speed up the healing process. When the moon is in its waning phase, the body tolerates pain more easily and copes more easily with infections and operations. Therefore, the correct date for treatment guarantees a successful final result, and the risk of complications is reduced to nothing. In this case, it does not matter at all what kind of procedures will be performed on the teeth.

You can make a small list of tips when it is worth treating your teeth:

  • The optimal time to go to the dentist is during the waning moon.
  • It is better to remove teeth when the Earth's satellite is in the new moon phase. During this period, the amount of water in the body decreases.
  • It is not recommended to go to the dentist during the full moon phase, as well as 5 days before and after the full moon phase.

Consequently, well-chosen days for consultation with a dentist can prevent unpleasant consequences, help the body recover faster, and also avoid bleeding.

Lunar calendar for dental treatment and prosthetics for November 2022

Please note - 11/08/2022 lunar eclipse .

The best and worst lunar days for dental treatment and prosthetics in November 2022:

Period 2022The best days to fill, whiten, denture your teeth, put on braces, and do ultrasonic cleaning of tartarThe best days to remove teeth, install implants, perform jaw surgery, cleaning and treatment of tooth canals, nerve removalThe worst days for dentures, dental fillings, braces, ultrasonic cleaning of tartarWorst days for tooth extraction, dental nerve removal, root canal cleaning, jaw surgery, dental implantation
November1, 2, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 28, 2912, 13, 14, 20, 21, 223, 4, 5, 6, 7, (8 - full moon, lunar eclipse), 9, 23, (24 - new moon), 25, 26, 27, 301-7, (8 - full moon, lunar eclipse), 9, 23, (24 - new moon), 25-30
  • Moon-neutral days are not indicated in the table.
  • Emergency care or surgery must be done immediately, without taking into account the calendar, since the risk of complications is higher if you wait for the right day.

November location of the Moon in the zodiac constellations in 2022.

November 2022

Treatment and removal of teeth depending on the position of the moon in the zodiac sign

When performing dental procedures, the horoscope is also taken into account. A representative of each zodiac sign should know the specifics of the condition of their teeth:

  1. Aries. People born under this sign have sensitive teeth. Particularly weak are the units located on the upper jaw. Aries often have problems with pulp removal - to cure a diseased tooth, X-rays are often required.
  2. Taurus. In patients of this sign, the installed fillings are not durable. In addition, special attention should be paid to the teeth of the lower jaw.
  3. Twins. Exposure to frequent stress and hypothermia often provokes jaw diseases. People of this sign are prone to developing periodontitis and gum pathologies.
  4. Cancers. Such patients often suffer from darkening of the enamel and internal damage to the gum tissue. When exposed to too low temperatures, your jaws may ache.
  5. Lions. People of this sign should eat solid foods with great caution; their diet must necessarily contain foods rich in calcium. Lions are susceptible to increased tooth wear.
  6. Virgos often suffer from caries due to nervous exhaustion.
  7. Scales. The upper jaw and malocclusion are their weak point.
  8. Scorpios. People born under this sign, as a rule, are very afraid of going to the dentist, but treatment and removal of teeth is almost painless and quick.
  9. Sagittarians should pay special attention to root canals.
  10. Capricorns. These patients have a strong dental system. In some cases, poorly treated caries leads to chronic pulpitis.
  11. Aquarius. The weak point of this zodiac sign is the lateral units.
  12. Pisces have a low pain threshold. Their gums tend to be weakened and prone to bleeding.

When visiting the dentist, you can also take into account which zodiac sign the Moon is located in. Unfavorable signs are:

  1. Aries. It is undesirable to intervene in the maxillary region and perform pulp removal.
  2. Fish. Visiting the dentist's office is not recommended due to a lower pain threshold and an increased risk of developing allergies.
  3. Calf. Complications are possible during manipulations in the area of ​​the lower jaw and maxillotemporal joint.
  4. Capricorn. Due to the vulnerability of the bones, the likelihood of fractures and injuries is high.

Favorable signs for dental procedures:

  1. Scales. It is recommended to whiten teeth, correct malocclusions and install orthodontic appliances.
  2. Virgo. It is worth carrying out dentures, manipulations to strengthen the enamel and filling.
  3. Cancer. You can remove tartar, whiten teeth, and prevent caries (we recommend reading: competent treatment of tartar). It is better to postpone gum treatment as there is a high risk of bleeding and swelling.

In addition, there are neutral zodiac signs. This category includes Gemini, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Aquarius.

Lunar calendar for dental treatment and prosthetics for December 2022

The best and worst lunar days for dental treatment and prosthetics in December 2022:

Period 2022The best days to fill, whiten, denture your teeth, put on braces, and do ultrasonic cleaning of tartarThe best days to remove teeth, install implants, perform jaw surgery, cleaning and treatment of tooth canals, nerve removalThe worst days for dentures, dental fillings, braces, ultrasonic cleaning of tartarWorst days for tooth extraction, dental nerve removal, root canal cleaning, jaw surgery, dental implantation
December10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 25, 2610, 11, 17, 18, 19, 201, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, (8 - full moon), 9, 22, (23 - new moon), 24, 27, 28, 29, 30, 311-7, (8 - full moon), 9, 22, (23 - new moon), 24-31
  • Moon-neutral days are not indicated in the table.
  • Emergency care or surgery must be done immediately, without taking into account the calendar, since the risk of complications is higher if you wait for the right day.

December location of the Moon in the zodiac constellations in 2022.

December 2022

The lunar calendar helps to plan not only medical, but also many other procedures. For beginners who are just starting to use such a calendar, they should pay attention to the phases of the moon.

What materials are used in dental prosthetics?

In this section we will talk specifically about materials for dentures, because with implants everything is simpler and is described here>>. In short, almost all existing dental implants are made from bioinert titanium alloys; contrary to popular belief, “pure titanium” is not currently used for the production of implants.

The artificial tooth itself, or denture, can be made from different materials or combinations thereof.

Thus, acrylic and, in some cases, nylon, which is more comfortable to use, are traditionally used for removable dentures. Special dyes and, in some cases, artificial fibers are added to it in order to imitate the gum mucosa as best as possible. The color of the prosthesis is a matter of the patient’s wishes. Sometimes, in case of allergies, they are made transparent, without any dyes at all. At the same time, the teeth themselves are usually manufactured at the factory and end up in the dental laboratory in the form of ready-made sets. They can be plastic, composite, porcelain, with varying degrees of detail and naturalness. The stronger and more natural artificial teeth look, the more expensive they are, of course.

Accordingly, the dental technician selects a headset that is suitable in color and shape (and this is also a matter of the patient’s wishes). First, they are tried on a wax model, and then glued into an almost finished prosthesis base - and the result is beauty!

Composite materials are used to manufacture temporary prosthetic structures. They are sometimes confused with plastic, but composite is still not plastic. In contrast, it contains particles of solid inorganic filler, usually quartz or aluminum oxide, which gives it mechanical strength. Therefore, composite crowns last longer and wear out less, unlike plastic teeth.

Previously, just a few years ago, temporary composite crowns were made by polymerization, much like how dentists make fillings. Now, with the development of digital technologies, the situation has changed - and the process of making temporary crowns on natural teeth and implants is practically no different from making ceramic or zirconium oxide dentures - a scanner, computer modeling, a special milling machine and final finishing by a highly qualified dental technician are used.

Yes, this is somewhat more complicated and expensive than simply sticking filling material onto a model, but such crowns turn out to be much denser, more durable and aesthetically pleasing. And temporary crowns on implants can generally last for several years, if necessary.

Permanent crowns supported by natural teeth can be divided into two groups: framed and frameless .

Frame crowns contain a cast (old-fashioned) or milled (modern technology) frame, onto which ceramic mass is applied successively, in layers.

The frame itself can be made of different materials, depending on the task and patient preferences:

  • made of metal (chromium-cobalt alloy, titanium, zirconium, precious metals, etc.), thus we obtain the well-known cermets.
  • from oxides (zirconium oxide, aluminum oxide, etc.), this is how metal-free crowns are obtained, erroneously popularly called “zirconium oxide”, “zirconium”, etc.
  • made of ceramics (the same pressed ceramics E-max). It should be noted that it can be used to make both a crown frame and an entire crown; the latter is used in cases where it needs to be done beautifully, but super-duper-megaesthetics is not required. For example, when making crowns in the side of the jaw.

Frameless crowns are made mainly from ready-made ceramic blocks by milling; the technician only needs to make minor color and shape corrections.

This is the most advanced, most complex and expensive technology that makes it possible to produce very thin (with a wall thickness of 0.2 mm) restoration crowns and, therefore, preserve tooth tissue to the maximum. For the high-quality and aesthetic production of such prostheses, very expensive equipment and highly qualified specialists at all stages are required - fortunately, our dental center has all this.

The search for optimal materials for dentures does not stop to this day - new alloys (for example, tantalum), new high-strength materials for aesthetic prosthetics (various silicates and ceramic masses) are appearing, which, on the one hand, satisfies the highest aesthetic needs of our patients, on the other hand on the other hand, it makes our work more and more difficult every day. But it's worth it, isn't it?

The use of implants as a support for artificial teeth makes some adjustments to prosthetic technology.

Technically, we can make the same crowns for an implant as for natural teeth, but for this we will need additional components. And that's why.

An implant, from a technical point of view, is just an artificial root. As we wrote above, this is just a universal support to which you can screw whatever you want.

Conceptually, there are two options for fixing permanent prosthetic structures on implants:

  • – with screw fixation , a separate crown or denture is fixed to implants or abutments using screws.
    This is the safest option, which, however, requires very precise placement and selection of implants according to axes and sizes. Currently, screw fixation is a priority for most clinical cases.
  • cement fixation is used in situations where for some reason it is impossible to use a screw fixation - for example, when fixing crowns on implants in an aesthetically significant area

A special abutment is used for it, which allows you to compensate for the angle of inclination of the implant. Like the crown, it is made separately and individually from various materials: cobalt chrome, titanium or precious alloys, zirconium oxide, aluminum oxide, etc.

A separate article about prosthetics on implants will soon be published on our website, in which we will tell you the details of this technique. In general, this topic would be enough for an entire website or a separate book, so it is not possible to fit it into the framework of a small introductory article.

Video: Astrological recommendations for dental treatment

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Moon phase influence

The waxing Moon favors a surge of energy and acceleration of all human processes. The waning satellite of the Earth wastes energy and contributes to the slowdown and rest of a person. It is easier to endure illnesses and recovery is faster. In a calm state of the body, pain is felt less. The lunar calendar will significantly alleviate the disease and speed up the recovery process. If you have to visit a dentist, get dentures, cleaning, whitening, or get a filling, go to the clinic during the period of the Earth’s waning satellite. Try to schedule tooth extraction during the new moon - this way you will minimize bleeding and promote effective recovery. Astrologers warn against going to the dentist on a full moon, five days before and after it. Astrologers identify eight phases of the Earth's satellite, which influence natural processes and the human condition.

  • New moon. Despite the assertion of a number of astrologers about the bad influence of the phase on a person’s physical and emotional state, it is most favorable to remove teeth on these days.
  • First phase. The waxing Moon helps the body come to life and accelerates all metabolic processes in it. It’s good to plan your treatment, make an appointment with a doctor, go for a consultation.
  • The second phase involves negative consequences for major operations or tooth extraction. It’s a good idea to bleach or clean them.
  • The full moon is not the best time for any procedures. The person is in the most tense state.
  • Medical errors and ineffective treatment are possible.
  • Astrologers emphasize the negative impact of the waning moon for any activity. There is an exception – health care.
  • In the third phase, it is good to plan the surgical intervention; it will be favorable and successful.
  • After this, there are a few dark days for visiting the dentist.
  • During the final phase of the Moon, control of emotions decreases, so a visit to the dental office will not cause such stress and anxiety. And the operations will have a positive effect on the condition of the teeth.

How to choose a toothbrush?

Competent and careful daily oral care is the key to your health, easy and effective treatment. Moreover, it is important not only to choose the right brush, but also to master the cleaning technique. The procedure should be carried out for at least two minutes each time and use a variety of movements. In addition to the traditional and familiar brushes on the shelves today, we see electric, ionic and sonic. Electric ones greatly simplify cleaning, but with high-quality manual work, a regular brush is in no way inferior to them. If you have chosen such a tool, purchase brushes with a rotating head. Ionic brushes have a battery inserted and a rod inside, the interaction of which releases negative particles that clean the oral cavity. The last type, sonic, also does not greatly improve cleansing. Dentists assure that the main thing is to regularly and properly brush your teeth, avoiding natural bristles that promote the growth of bacteria.

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