Favorable and unfavorable days for dental treatment according to the lunar calendar

Astrology, which is a soft science, is often perceived with skepticism when its influence on precise medicine is assessed. However, ardent skeptics confirmed that the course of dental treatment and prosthetics is determined by the lunar phases.

From the article you will learn about how the phases of the Moon affect treatment and health in general, how the success of treatment depends on what phase the Moon is in, and you will also be able to calculate the optimal day to schedule a visit to the dentist depending on your zodiac sign.

Moon phases and their effect on teeth and health in general

Human biological rhythms are determined by the phases of the moon

Lunar phases affect living organisms: water metabolism in plants, cyclical reproduction.

The new or waning moon determines the ebb and flow of the tides. Human biological rhythms are also determined by the phases of the moon.

The celestial body completes a full cycle in 29.6 days.

During this time, four phases change: new moon, waxing period, full moon, waning.

The Moon stays in each state for a little more than a week.

According to astrological information, scientifically confirmed, the phases of the celestial body determine the standing of people and influence what manipulations and health procedures are indicated and contraindicated during that period.

New moon

Many people in the initial phase of the new moon experience a sharp deterioration in physical and psychological health

The darkest nights of the cycle occur during the new moon period.

In astrology they are associated with the manifestation of demonic, mystical forces.

Many people in the initial phase of the new moon experience a sharp deterioration in their physical and psychological health.

During this period, there is an increase in interaction between the Sun and the celestial body closest to the Earth, because of this, water begins to leave the body at a rapid pace.

This causes weakened immunity.

Appetite also worsens, performance decreases, apathy and lethargy are felt throughout the body. Due to lack of water, difficulties arise with the respiratory system.

Nausea, sweating, and involuntary muscle twitching appear.

Susceptibility to disease increases, chronic diseases worsen. It is not advisable to carry out serious manipulations with your body during the new moon phase, this also applies to dental treatment. The body will perceive surgical interventions as a blow to its immune system.

During the new moon, it is recommended to refuse treatment or dental prosthetics; take preventive measures during this period. Relaxing procedures are indicated for the body as a whole. Massage, warm baths with essential oils, and therapeutic fasting will be beneficial.

Waxing Crescent

The waxing moon phase allows you to carry out therapeutic manipulations with your body. But they must be balanced. A person’s energy field strengthens, making it easier for him to perceive interventions.

Surgical operations are still not recommended, since it is not clear how the body will react to them. It is possible to treat caries and install fillings during this period.

In general, for the body during this period, the beginning of medical therapy is indicated - in the phase of the waxing Moon, the body is tuned to changes and adapts to them faster.

Full moon

Even if the drug is administered correctly and in the right dosage, there is a risk that it will cause an adverse reaction.

The full moon phase, when the Moon opposes the Sun, is characterized by instability.

If men react more brightly to the new moon, then the opposite is true with the full moon.

Women during this period feel ambivalent: they are haunted either by apathy and depression, or by causeless joy and euphoria.

It is unpredictable how medical therapy may turn out during this period.

A sign of unfavorability is also that during the full moon the body absorbs the maximum of the funds it has received.

Even if the drug is administered correctly and in the right dosage, there is a risk that it will cause an adverse reaction.

Nervous diseases, aggressiveness, and excitability also become aggravated, which does not allow any manipulations with the body and teeth in particular. Another reason to refuse interventions is increased blood loss and poor wound healing.

Waning moon

As you approach the new moon in a few days, you feel a decrease in immunity and a deterioration in well-being.

In this phase, the body returns to its best state, the fluid level returns to normal, the energy level is even and stable.

Implementation of health procedures, including dental treatment, is recommended.

During the waning moon phase, the following are useful:

  • removal of toxins and waste;
  • surgical interventions;
  • treatment of kidneys and gastrointestinal tract;
  • dental treatment and prosthetics;
  • weight loss procedures.

When approaching the new moon, a decrease in immunity and a deterioration in well-being are felt within a few days. One or two days before the new cycle, stop the healing procedures.

Moon eclipse

A lunar eclipse is an unpredictable period. Its effect on the body is different. Some feel a surge of strength, while others simply cannot get out of bed due to decreased vitality.

Important! During a lunar eclipse, it is recommended to postpone all procedures related to the treatment of teeth and the body as a whole.

When can an implant be placed, and when should an implant not be placed?

Let's start with problems when implantation was postponed

Let’s not go into the reasons now - either due to the patient’s ignorance, or he is lazy, or there is fear of the operation. It doesn't matter now. The main thing is that there is a time delay in installing the implant. Let's understand where exactly this problem arises if the patient nevertheless decides to postpone implantation.

The very phrase “bone tissue has resolved” does not sound scary and does not frighten a person who does not understand dentistry.

What are the consequences and dangers of bone tissue resorption?

Let’s say we can consider the overall picture: if a patient has no teeth, then he chews food worse, therefore, he has worse digestion, etc. and so on. That is, the patient’s body as a whole suffers more. And if you look in particular, that is, into the oral cavity, then it is easier - it’s just inconvenient to chew food. Although some people manage to chew food without teeth at all. How they manage to do this is difficult to say.

In general, a person adapts to many problems

First he gets used to the absence of one tooth, then two or three, etc. then it loses even more, chewing food becomes not such an important factor. But in vain.

That is, a person is adapting to the created conditions with his teeth, or more precisely, to their absence. And then, when he gets all his teeth back - during the restoration of both the upper and lower jaws, the person becomes... unusual for chewing! They even ask again: “How can I chew it now? I’m used to doing it differently.” It sounds quite anecdotal, but the patient is not laughing at this moment; he has to learn to chew food normally again.

What other factor can attract the attention of the patient, especially women?

, regarding the situation with a missing tooth?

The aesthetics factor of the anterior teeth is very important

If you lose one or two teeth in the chewing department, no one will notice a violation of aesthetics. And if in the anterior region, then yes, the speed of decision-making about installing an implant and further prosthetics is very high, since the patient wants to eliminate a visible dental defect as soon as possible.

Plus, due to the absence of front teeth, there is a retraction of soft tissues, which is visible to the eyes of strangers.

For some reason, patients almost always postpone restoration of the chewing group of teeth through implantation “for later,” although this is wrong


It is necessary to restore the chewing area so that it bears the chewing load. If the chewing zone is not restored, then, oddly enough, the frontal, anterior zone of the teeth begins to suffer first.

The front teeth take the load of the chewing teeth and become overloaded: the front teeth begin to bear a load many times greater than what Nature assigned them. As a result of such maximum loads, the ligaments are stretched and the teeth become loose. And at this moment the patient begins to ask himself (and the doctor): “Why are my teeth loose?” And he even diagnoses himself - periodontal disease or periodontitis. But in fact, the patient does not have any periodontal disease or periodontitis; the chewing teeth just need to be restored.

When a patient comes to me at the German Center for aesthetics, then always, if he has a lack of chewing teeth or there is a functional deficiency (that is, crowns that are not restored correctly, chipped crowns, teeth that are destroyed or fillings that are not restored very well), then I always I draw his attention, telling him that first he needs to restore his chewing teeth.

See how this happens in the example of one patient:

And only then – we begin to talk about restoring a smile, about aesthetics:

Because, having made the chewing teeth, we will move the load to its “native” place, normalize the load in the frontal region, and the work that we will then do with the front teeth - veneers, crowns - this work will last happily ever after for many years.

Consent to dental implantation “immediately” and “not immediately”

What happens if the patient:

  • immediately agrees to install the implant,
  • Will he agree to have an implant installed after some time?

How is the implant installed in these cases? The difference in implant placement in these cases is large


Case 1.

If a patient comes and says: “I have a bad toothache and I want to get an implant,” you must first understand why his tooth hurts. If this tooth hurts because it is mobile, and for some reason the mobility affects the gums - that is, the gums actually hurt, this is one case.

Case 2.

But if the tooth hurts, and a large cyst or abscess is identified in the area of ​​the tooth, then this is a different case. Why does an abscess form? It is formed due to the destruction of bone tissue, due to the localization of infection in this destroyed area. And this infection was activated, and a purulent process had already appeared. And this is exactly what hurts. Naturally, in this case, the implant cannot be installed immediately. Because the surrounding tissues are infected, and even if everything is cleaned well and an implant is placed (if there is somewhere to place it, if the bone tissue is not completely destroyed), then there is a high probability of implant rejection. The implant may not take root and may not generate osteogeneration, because the body has not yet stabilized the area of ​​inflammation and has not brought it “in order.” The processes of bone tissue regeneration and the processes of fouling of the implant with bone tissue will not be carried out; the body will simply reject the implant as a foreign body.

Case 3.

If the patient comes, and for some reason he needs to have a tooth removed, and there is an infection (granuloma or small cyst).

Dental implantation if a cyst is detected

People come and say: “I was diagnosed with a cyst. What to do?". The concept of a cyst is very different. First it is a granuloma, then it is a cystogranuloma, and only then it is a cyst. It depends on the size, we won’t go into details now. If this is an inactive phase, that is, if this infection has not yet turned into a purulent infection, then by removing the tooth and removing such a “cyst” or granuloma, and carrying out antiseptic treatment of the place where this focus was located, then in this case you can immediately install an implant . In this situation, it is possible to use a laser. We use a laser to go through and disinfect canals and bone structures.

The only issue that arises is replacing the removed tissue with artificial one. But this all depends on the volume of the defect that formed after removal of the cyst or granuloma.

That is, if the patient has an active phase

inflammation, then an implant

If the inactive phase

, then the tooth implantation after removal
will be successful

But there is also a dependence on the location of the granuloma (cyst, cystogranuloma) in relation to the bone tissue. It happens that in the frontal region the anterior bone wall is simply destroyed by this pathogenic structure. And there is virtually no bone tissue. She is not physically there. In this case, you need to perform bone grafting and it takes time for this wall to recover.

Usually, after removal, after inflammation has subsided, it takes at least two months for the body to recover.

When is it not necessary to place an implant?

Such situations 100% include the area of ​​wisdom teeth; removal of “eights” does not require the installation of implants

During what phases of dental treatment is the most beneficial?

Depending on the type of treatment, how beneficial the effect of therapy is is determined. During the new moon, therapeutic treatment is carried out starting from the second day of the cycle.

Metabolic processes begin to accelerate as the full moon approaches, so it is effective to:

  • During the waning moon, the work of the immune system is at its maximum, recovery occurs quickly


  • removal of wisdom teeth;
  • Preventive cleaning from plaque and deposits.

During the period of the waning moon, the work of the immune system is maximum, recovery occurs quickly.


  • filling;
  • deletion;
  • installation of bridges, braces, staples and dentures;
  • other types of surgery.

Which ones are unfavorable?

In the first days of the new moon and the last days of the waning moon, the full moon is an unfavorable period. Regeneration processes slow down, immune functions decrease. Dental procedures cannot be performed.


The phase of the convex Moon is favorable for cleansing from toxins and waste, so cleaning and prevention in dentistry is possible. However, in this cycle bleeding increases, which will adversely affect the removal.

Astrologer's tip

Astrologers recommend choosing 20, 21, 24, 25, 27, 28 or 30 lunar days for successful tooth extraction and further treatment. Installation of braces, whitening, removal of tartar and prosthetics will also be successful these days.

In addition, the Moon must be in the fixed signs of the Zodiac, such as Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius, as well as Virgo (conscientiousness and attention to detail). This way, you can consolidate the therapeutic effect for a long time and postpone your next visit to the dental clinic, at least until next year, and maybe later.

Dental treatment according to the lunar calendar depending on the zodiac

The zodiac sign in which the Moon is located affects the body.

In astrology, the planet Saturn is responsible for the health of the teeth and oral cavity, and depending on how the horoscope constellation and it are combined, treatment occurs:

  • In Taurus. The ears, jaw and tongue are more affected. Filling or removal can be carried out during a favorable phase - during the waning Moon. It is recommended to reduce the susceptibility of mucous membranes using herbal decoctions.
  • In Cancer. The absorption of vitamins, especially calcium, increases. It is recommended to take them. Surgical interventions are permitted.
  • In Libra. If the Moon is waning, then you can put fillings, but with a different cycle - not.
  • In Capricorn. The use of non-steroidal drugs is limited; if treatment is associated with their use, it cannot be carried out.
  • In Aries. Blood pressure increases - you can’t pull teeth.
  • In Aquarius. Anesthetics have minimal effect during this period, so removal should be postponed.
  • In Virgo. The likelihood of bleeding is increased - surgical interventions are prohibited. Cleaning and filling are allowed at any phase of the moon.
  • In Sagittarius. Neutral days. All dental procedures are permitted, but without fanaticism.
  • In Pisces. Increased dizziness prevents dental treatment.
  • In Gemini. Swelling is possible, so anesthesia is not used.
  • In Leo. Filling is allowed, but removal should be delayed - there is a risk of bleeding.
  • In Scorpio. When the moon is waning, all procedures can be carried out, but when the moon is waxing, not.

Tips during wisdom tooth extraction

  1. Anesthesia or pain relief Local anesthesia is almost universally used in dentistry. All modern anesthetic drugs are non-toxic and hypoallergenic, provided they are selected correctly. Anesthetics used in private dental clinics are absolutely safe. Modern anesthetics can provide complete absence of sensation in the oral cavity for a long time, up to 5 hours. Thereby making the patient’s stay in dentistry comfortable. As an example, many patients fall asleep during dental appointments thanks to good anesthesia. “Anesthesia doesn’t take me away” - every dentist has heard this. The anesthetic affects all people the same. If the anesthesia has no effect (does not take effect) on you, then the doctor does not have the proper skills in administering anesthesia. It is not possible to become infected with infectious diseases during the administration of anesthesia. In private dental clinics, a special carpule syringe system is used, which completely eliminates contact of the solution and needle with the environment and even with the syringe itself. Anesthetics, if chosen correctly, do not affect the fetus during pregnancy and do not affect the composition of breast milk in nursing mothers. The quality of anesthesia can be affected by long-term use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with a pronounced analgesic effect (painkillers), narcotics. Anesthetics are not addictive.

Dental treatment depending on the lunar day

The lunar calendar influences the procedures, since the phase of the celestial body determines the state of the body.


  • 3,4 and 5 days of the waning moon for tooth extraction (wounds heal quickly, the risk of inflammation is minimal);
  • 2, 27 and 28 days for cleaning the canals (allergic reactions decrease, inflammation rarely occurs);
  • Days 6 and 14 for filling (the process of healing and acceptance of the material by the body is successful);
  • 6, 24 and 30 days for installation of crowns (little pus discharge and edematous conditions appear);
  • 1.4, 8, 10-19, 21-25 days for therapy and preventive cleansing (immune system in normal condition).

Important! Unfavorable days for visiting the dental office are the 7th, 20th and 29th days of the moon phase. On these days, immunity decreases, bleeding and swelling are possible.

How to schedule a tooth extraction according to the lunar calendar?

To plan tooth extraction should take into account the sign in which the celestial body is located, a specific day, as well as what phase the Moon is in.

Before visiting the dentist, consider:

  • It is better to remove teeth when the Moon has entered its waning phase

    Removal is successful when the Moon is in Scorpio, Aquarius, Taurus and Sagittarius;

  • A few days before and after the full moon, all dental procedures associated with surgery should be postponed - they cause profuse bleeding and swelling;
  • It is better to remove teeth when the Moon has entered its waning phase. During this period, the risk of complications is minimal.

You can find out when it is favorable to remove teeth yourself by looking at which zodiac circle and day the celestial body is in.

For this purpose, special tables have been developed for the year, which are easy to navigate.


Dental prosthetics are done on the waning moon, in extreme cases - on the 3-6th day of the new moon. This is due to the fact that on other days there is a risk that the device will not take root and will be rejected as a result of swelling or an allergic reaction.

Lucky days on which it is better to get dentures are when the celestial body is in Leo, Taurus, Scorpio.

How to remove a tooth

There are two extraction methods used in dentistry: simple and complex. Their choice depends on which teeth are being removed - premolars and molars with tangled branched roots are removed using a complex method. It is very difficult to pull out such elements entirely due to the fact that the tooth socket is penetrated by retaining ligaments and alveolar processes. Errors during the procedure or insufficient experience of the specialist lead to serious complications. Therefore, even despite the acute condition, always find out in advance where you can have a tooth removed from a good doctor with positive recommendations.

Factors complicating the operation:

  • complete destruction of the coronal part;
  • high fragility;
  • acute inflammatory diseases;
  • Unerupted or misaligned wisdom teeth.

The technology of the procedure depends on which teeth are removed. In some cases, tissue incision and suturing are performed.

Whether it is painful to remove a tooth or not depends largely on the condition of the element. Anesthesia is performed in all cases, with the exception of severe allergic reactions to all types of painkillers. With the development of extensive purulent lesions, the effect of the drug may be reduced.

How long it takes to remove a tooth depends on the complexity of the operation. On average, this takes no more than 5-10 minutes (including waiting for the anesthesia to take effect). In general, the procedure includes the following steps:

  • anesthesia;
  • if necessary, an incision is made into the mucous membrane to access the cervical area, or the doctor lowers the gum with an instrument;
  • Use forceps to fix the tooth at the lowest point without excessive pressure;
  • rocking and extraction from the hole is performed;
  • returning the gum flap to its place.

If inflammatory processes are diagnosed in the oral cavity, a course of antibiotics is prescribed. In some cases, extraction is performed under general anesthesia.

In case of multiple lesions, the doctor determines how many teeth can be removed in your case during one visit, but more often it is 1–2 elements. This is because extraction is a traumatic operation that will take time to recover from. Too large areas of damage increase the likelihood of complications several times and take much longer to heal.

If after surgery the extracted tooth, or rather the hole left after it, hurts, this is a reason to consult a doctor. After the procedure, minor pain is allowed during the first 24 hours. Visit the dentist if your temperature rises, swelling increases, bleeding occurs, or pain spreads to the lymph nodes. These are symptoms of a wound infection. Untimely treatment can lead to alveolitis.

Best dates for dental treatment in 2022

The table shows the best dates for dental treatment:

MonthFavorable days
January3-13, 21-23, 27-28
February2-8, 10,11, 13, 24, 25, 27
March4-6, 8-11, 25-30
April2-11, 14-16, 23-26, 30
May6-8, 16-17, 21-24, 27
June1, 7, 16, 17, 23-30
July3-5, 14-20, 27-30
August10-14, 16, 21-24, 31
September6,7, 9, 12-19
October7-15, 29
November4-13, 26-27, 30
December4-10, 23-29

Serious problems (cyst, sharp pain, discharge of pus) require immediate consultation with a doctor, regardless of the phase of the moon.

How does the Moon affect a person?

All objects in the universe are interconnected and influence each other. Luna is no exception. The planet is associated with many natural phenomena and affects humans. The rate of cell proliferation and the state of biological fluids depend on the phase of the Moon. This fact has been confirmed by many studies. The mechanism of action of the Earth's satellite has not been thoroughly studied, but it is believed that changes in our state are caused by fluctuations in energy fields. Scientists note that operations performed on favorable days are successful, sutures heal well, and patients recover faster. If you want to remove or treat a tooth, look at the lunar calendar and plan this event for a favorable day. In case of acute pain or injury, you need to see a dentist urgently, regardless of the phase of the moon; planned treatment can be scheduled for a suitable date.

When you should not postpone treatment until a favorable day

The lunar calendar is a good tool for planning non-urgent surgical interventions. For example, it is suitable if you need to remove teeth before prosthetics or treat a wisdom tooth that is not bothering you but has not erupted.

However, if the tooth hurts badly, causes inflammation and suppuration, and the gums around it swell, you should not postpone removal even for one day. The beneficial influence of the moon will not cover the consequences that a sick, inflamed tooth can cause, and enduring toothache is not only unpleasant, but also dangerous to health.

IMPORTANT: In emergency cases, it is better to postpone the lunar calendar and go to the doctor even on unfavorable lunar days.

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