Types of immediate dentures and features of their installation

Chief editor of the site:

Snitkovsky Arkady Alexandrovich

Chief physician of the professorial dentistry “22 Century”, dentist, orthopedic dentist

Author of the article:

Scientific team of dentistry “22 Century”

Dentists, candidates and doctors of medical sciences, professors

Scientific research in dentistry has shown that the processes of bone tissue regeneration and socket healing under a direct plate immediate prosthesis proceed much faster.

Loss of teeth and associated dysfunctions in chewing, speech, and appearance negatively affect the patient’s well-being. The nature and degree of this influence depends on the gender and age of the patient, profession, type of higher nervous activity, as well as on which teeth are lost. The loss of front teeth, violating aesthetic standards, can cause different reactions in a young man, a girl or an elderly person. For teachers, artists, journalists and many other specialists, the loss of front teeth means a temporary cessation of work, so the patient’s desire to receive a prosthesis as quickly as possible and to some extent compensate for the resulting defect in the dentition is understandable. In our clinic, one of the most effective ways to eliminate defects resulting from tooth extraction is the manufacture and installation of immediate dentures (direct prosthetics). This method consists in the fact that dentures are prepared before surgery, and then, immediately after the teeth are removed, they are fitted to the jaws. Scientific research in dentistry has shown that the processes of bone tissue regeneration and socket healing under a direct plate immediate prosthesis proceed much faster.

Installation of immediate dentures allows you to maintain the height of the lower part of the face, which can be changed as a result of the removal of teeth that hold the occlusal height, to evenly distribute the load on the remaining teeth and the prosthetic bed.

Immediate prosthetics are used in cases where the state of tooth mobility allows an impression to be taken without fear of removing the tooth at the time of taking the impression.

Purpose of immediate dentures

Immediate - translated from English as “immediate”, “momentary”, “urgent”. This is precisely the meaning inherent in the concept of prosthetics.

Immediate dentures are installed immediately after tooth extraction or implantation. Indispensable when a certain amount of time is required for the manufacture of a permanent prosthesis or implant healing. Such temporary intermediate structures replace missing teeth for this period and solve several problems at once:

  • masking a dental defect
  • elimination of psychological discomfort
  • partial restoration of functionality
  • prevention of growths, exostoses
  • accelerated healing and protection of mucous membranes after tooth extraction
  • preventing the displacement of healthy teeth towards the removed ones
  • formation of a permanent prosthesis bed
  • adaptation of gums to future loads

An excellent solution for a temporary solution to the problem.
Immediate dentures allow you to hide aesthetic imperfections, maintain chewing ability, and provide emotional comfort during the period of preparation for permanent prosthetics.

Levin Dmitry Valerievich Chief physician and founder of the Doctor Levin center

Stages of manufacturing a flexible prosthesis

To create nylon dentures, you must first treat the teeth, perform removal according to indications, and then proceed to the following steps:

  • taking impressions of jaws in a clinical setting;
  • plaster models are made in the laboratory;
  • a wax prototype of the prosthesis is cast, tried on, and finalized;
  • a nylon final version is created, matched to the color of the gum. The equipment used is a heat press, in which polymer granules are melted and an individual mold is poured in a liquid state. After hardening, the structure is polished.

Clasps are a continuation of nylon dentures and are therefore completely invisible on the jaw even when smiling and talking.


An immediate prosthesis consists of a base with soldered artificial teeth. Depending on the number of teeth lost, the design and method of attachment in the mouth differ.

  • Butterfly - for the loss of 1-2 teeth A small design that contains hooks reminiscent of butterfly wings. With their help, the prosthesis rests on neighboring teeth.
  • Partial - with the loss of 3 or more teeth The dimensions are more massive, which contributes to reliable fixation. The hooks are made of metal or the same material as the base.
  • Complete - with complete loss of teeth. Outwardly it resembles a jaw made of plastic. It is held in place due to the suction effect on the gums and palate. Also suitable as a permanent prosthesis, in particular when fixed to implants.

Cost of installing a temporary prosthesis

Prices for a removable immediate prosthesis in Moscow and the region are quite low, and people with different income levels can get it. The price is affected by:

  • structure structure;
  • complexity of the clinical situation;
  • number of teeth covered.
Consultation with specialists and treatment plan
Complete removable temporary denture17 850 ₽
Partially removable temporary denture for 1-3 teeth10 600 ₽
Partially removable temporary prosthesis16 150 ₽

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Expert of the article you are reading: Lutov Sergey Mikhailovich Therapist, orthopedic dentist, surgeon

24 years
Clinical experience


st. Khachaturyan, 7

+7 +7

Free consultation with this specialist

Options for base material

Nylon or acrylic is used for the base of the prosthesis, which adheres to the gums and holds artificial crowns.

  • Nylon Elastic and transparent material does not cause irritation and fits tightly to the gums. Due to its softness, the device is easy to put on. However, under the influence of temperature changes and physical activity, it gets darker. Over time, it loses its shape and is unstably fixed - it does not provide for rigid metal clasps. More suitable for replacing front teeth.
  • Acrylic Cast from acrylic plastic. The material is opaque and matches the color of the gum. The rigid material holds its shape well, and the metal clasps provide a strong attachment to adjacent teeth. Acrylic immediate dentures are less aesthetic due to the opacity of the material and metal elements, but are more reliable. Recommended for chewing teeth.

Chashchin Kirill Valerievich

Orthopedic dentist, 14 years of experience

Digital prosthetics. Aesthetic restorations with veneers with a lifetime guarantee. Total orthopedic rehabilitation in one day

More about the doctor


Despite the benefits of temporary prosthetics, they cannot always be used. There are contraindications to the installation of replacement structures:

  • Dental problems. Before installing temporary dentures, it is necessary to carry out professional cleaning, remove dental plaque and tartar, and cure caries and other oral diseases.
  • Inflammation of the gums. In this case, you will first have to undergo treatment, and only then think about possible prosthetic options.

There may be individual contraindications to prostheses, which the doctor will evaluate during the preliminary examination and consultation.

The Zuub Dental Clinic uses various types of temporary prosthetics. The doctor selects the best option based on the clinical situation. All products are made of high-quality plastic, so they have a low price, but are also reliable enough to use for a long time.

Make an appointment with an orthopedic dentist at the Zuub clinic. Our doctors will return you to a healthy smile in the shortest possible time.


Prompt production, the ability to quickly restore lost teeth, and low cost make immediate dentures indispensable in preparation for permanent prosthetics.

  • Speed ​​Installed on the day of tooth extraction; no preliminary preparation or grinding of adjacent crowns is required.
  • Aesthetics The base is matched to the color of the gums, the crowns to the color of the adjacent teeth. The dentures look harmonious and are almost invisible.
  • Comfort Getting used to it is quick; after a few days you won’t feel the prosthesis in your mouth. The structures are lightweight and do not put pressure on the gums.
  • Cost Manufacturing costs are relatively low, while the quality corresponds to the temporary purpose of the prostheses.

Recommendations for caring for dentures

Competent regular care increases the service life of prostheses. It is recommended to wash the denture under water, preferably every time after eating. You can use a standard toothbrush with soft bristles to remove dirt and use your usual toothpaste. In order not to spoil the dentures, it is recommended to avoid foods with a viscous consistency. You should not chew chewing gum, or food with a hard consistency (nuts, crackers, toffees), or chew anything.

When storing non-dentures, you must remember that the structure should not be exposed to high temperatures to prevent cracks in the base. The product should be cleaned regularly using a special liquid or denture cleaning tablets. You can use an odor remover once every two weeks.

After installation of the prosthesis, the patient gets used to it gradually; to adjust the prosthesis, it is necessary to visit the dentist the next day after installation of the prosthesis, as well as during the first weeks if there is discomfort. The prosthesis must be worn at all times. If you do not wear a denture for 1.5 months, during this time changes will occur in your mouth, and the denture will no longer fit perfectly; a new one will need to be created.

Computer diagnostics - for reliable data

It is performed on a GALILEOS tomograph (The Dental Company SIRONA, Germany).

  • Assessment of bone tissue to determine the parameters of the prosthesis base
  • Study of the position and functions of the temporomandibular joint
  • Determination of the condition of abutment teeth during partial dentures

Disadvantages of nylon prostheses:

  • violation of the distribution of chewing load on the teeth: nylon dentures have elastic calamers that transfer the pressure that occurs during chewing food not to the teeth, but to the soft tissue of the gums, which leads to rapid bone atrophy, a decrease in gum height, subsidence of the denture and the development of an inflammatory reaction ;
  • long period of adaptation to a nylon denture: removable nylon dentures create discomfort when eating and often cause pain when chewing;
  • the appearance of pronounced deformations of the nylon prosthesis during its operation: the high elasticity of pink nylon leads to the fact that the prosthesis begins to change its shape, requiring numerous corrections;
  • high risk of formation of hard dental deposits on removable nylon dentures: the surface of a nylon denture is slightly rough, this feature leads to the rapid accumulation of microbial plaque and the deposition of stone, which will have to be frequently removed in the dental office;
  • relatively increased cost: a nylon prosthesis is much more expensive than a prosthesis made of acrylic mass and a clasp prosthesis, which is much more convenient and effective than structures made of nylon, but its price is lower.

The greater the length of the nylon prosthesis, the higher the load on the prosthetic bed, which leads to atrophic processes in the bone tissue. As a result, the bone is resorbed, and the clasps begin to dig into the mucous membrane of the jaw, causing it to be torn away from the tooth and the appearance of an inflammatory reaction.

Unlike common types of dentures, nylon removable dentures are not suitable for all patients and require a long period of adaptation. Therefore, whenever possible, dentists recommend using other types of prosthetics. In our clinic, you can make an appointment with an experienced specialist who will give practical advice and help you choose the appropriate type of nylon prosthesis.

Own digital laboratory - speed and quality

The Center has a digital dental laboratory with a staff of experienced qualified dental technicians.

  • Direct and immediate interaction between the orthopedist and the dental technician
  • Highly accurate digital impressions without impression material errors
  • Fast terms of prosthetics, no restrictions on the number of fittings

Rules of care and wearing features

In order for the prosthesis to look aesthetically pleasing throughout the entire period of use, you should adhere to simple rules for caring for it:

  • brush your teeth and teeth 2 times a day;
  • the toothbrush should have soft bristles and the toothpaste should be non-abrasive;
  • After each meal, also clean the product or rinse your mouth with water if it is not possible to remove and thoroughly wash the denture;
  • take it to the dentist for professional cleaning twice a year;
  • do not store in a dry place;
  • periodically use a special solution to disinfect and clean removable dentures.

Stages of prosthetics

As a rule, fixation of an immediate prosthesis is carried out immediately after tooth extraction or implantation.

  1. Taking impressions Even before tooth extraction or implant installation, impressions are taken, from which an immediate denture is made in a dental laboratory within 1-3 days according to the patient’s individual parameters.
  2. Installation On the day of surgery, the causative tooth is removed or an implant is installed. While the anesthesia is still in effect, the finished immediate prosthesis is fixed. A person instantly receives a new tooth to replace the lost one.

Indications for installation of a removable prosthetic module with clasps

A Butterfly can be temporarily installed if the patient has:

  • Relative contraindications to implantation have been identified that can be eliminated.
  • At the moment there is no money to install an implant, but such an operation is planned in the future.
  • There is no desire to grind down the teeth adjacent to the defect in order to fill the gap between them with the help of a fixed bridge.

Sometimes an immediate structure is installed for temporary use, but a person continues to wear it for several years because he is satisfied with everything. However, it is important to understand that for permanent use it is advisable to choose a different, more functional type of prosthetics.

Life time

Since the main purpose of prostheses is short-term prosthetics, the service life is limited to 3-4 months. This is enough for the healing of soft tissues after tooth extraction or implant installation. Longer wearing is not recommended, since the structures lose their shape and can have a negative effect on the gums in the area of ​​the supporting teeth. If it is impossible to install a permanent structure after this period, it is necessary to replace the immediate prosthesis with a new one.

But it should be taken into account that lightweight structures do not put pressure on bone tissue; with a temporary solution after tooth extraction, they can cause jaw atrophy due to improper load distribution, which will become a problem before installing an implant.

How to determine quality

Temporary orthopedic structures are made of plastic. They are not as strong and reliable as permanent ones, but should provide normal chewing function until the denture procedure is completed. High-quality dentures meet the following criteria:

  • Aesthetics.
  • Hypoallergenic.
  • Comfortable to wear.
  • Strength.

When a product meets these requirements, it will not only allow you to lead a normal life, but also reduce the period of adaptation to prostheses.


Partial removable dentures are orthopedic devices for restoring the integrity of the dentition with segmental or scattered defects. They consist of a base (artificial gum), plastic or ceramic crowns, hooks or locks for fixation. Made for the upper and lower jaws. The service life is determined by the properties of the material, design, quality of care, and the rate of bone tissue atrophy. Serves 3-10 years.

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