Covering your tracks: 12 ways to get rid of the smell of alcohol and fumes

After drinking a lot of alcohol, most people face the problem of bad breath after waking up. And if you still need to go to work or meet people, then those around you will also feel this alcohol fume. To prevent the smell of alcohol from your breath, there are many medical and folk remedies that work quite effectively.
    Read in the article:
  • Causes of bad breath from a hangover
  • What makes the fume stronger?
  • How long does it take for the smell of alcohol to dissipate?
  • Remedies for the smell of alcohol on the breath
  • What to eat to avoid smelling like alcohol?
  • Eliminate hangover smell after beer
  • How to kill the smell of alcohol from your mouth?
  • Bay leaf for hangover
  • Glycine for fumes
  • Cloves help with odor
  • Essential oil
  • Sunflower oil
  • Ginger for fumes
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Hols from fumes
  • Raw egg for hangover
  • Ammonia for fumes
  • Pharmacy remedies against hangover fumes
  • Anti-policeman
  • Vitamin B6 for fumes
  • Petroselicaps
  • Enterosgel, polysorb for fumes
  • Alkozeltzer
  • Burnout pills
  • What neutralizes the smell of alcohol?
  • Is it harmful to breathe fumes?
  • Help with detoxification in drug treatment

Treatment prices:

Standard therapy for alcohol poisoning4 500 ₽
Double drip6 250 ₽
Reinforced drip7 500 ₽
Maximum cleansing12 000 ₽
VIP body detoxification15 000 ₽
Hospital at home22 000 ₽
Coding at home Torpedo7 500 ₽
Express output and encoding13 500 ₽
*when ordering a procedurefor free
*travel at night within the region further than 50 kmspecify
Economy Chamber (6 seats)2 000 ₽
Standard room (4 beds)3 000 ₽
Increased comfort (2 seats)5 500 ₽
VIP chamber (1 place)12 500 ₽
Detoxification therapy3 500 ₽
Binge relief on an outpatient basis6 000 ₽
Consultation with a psychologist3 000 ₽
Psychiatrist consultation5 000 ₽
General tests, ECG2 500 ₽
Escort to the clinic6 000 ₽
Advanced hospitalization15 000 ₽
Support groups for loved ones of addictsfor free
Webinars for relatives of addictsfor free
*primaryfor free


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Causes of bad breath from a hangover

Drinking any alcoholic drink causes bad breath. It's all ethanol's fault. Once in the gastrointestinal tract, ethanol is immediately absorbed by all mucous membranes and spreads through the bloodstream throughout the body. The breakdown products penetrate the respiratory system and all other organs. This is why your breath smells when you have a hangover.

How long does it take for the smell of alcohol to dissipate?

The duration of the presence of fumes is influenced by several factors. The main factors are the type of drink and the weight and age of the person. The taste of alcohol disappears most quickly in people under 35 years of age. In a young body, metabolism is still accelerated, the breakdown and elimination of ethanol occurs quickly.

The smell from a couple of glasses of good wine will disappear after 2-3 hours. It will take about 11-12 hours to completely remove cognac breakdown products. If a person has a healthy liver, the elimination process takes less time.

What determines the duration and strength of a fume?

The duration of the fume directly depends on the rate at which the human body processes alcohol. The smell can last from several hours to a day , depending on many factors:

  • Type of drink (beer and wine disappear from the blood in a couple of hours, and vodka or cognac remains the whole next day).
  • The amount you drink (the more, the stronger the smell).
  • Liver enzyme activities.
  • Gender (men eliminate faster than women).
  • Weight and muscle mass (large people cope more easily with intoxication).
  • The presence of chronic diseases (including alcoholism).

But even if the body cannot cope with the drink on its own, it can be helped: special preparations will speed up the removal of toxins, and nutritional supplements will restore strength.

Remedies for the smell of alcohol on the breath

It will not be possible to completely remove the stink from the mouth until the body itself copes with removing toxins. But it is quite possible to neutralize an unpleasant odor for a short time. There are proven folk remedies and medications that effectively eliminate the smell of alcohol.

What to eat to avoid smelling like alcohol?

Morning procedures, including brushing and rinsing your teeth, help partially get rid of fumes. You can drink strong coffee or chew whole coffee beans. Bay leaves, cloves or nutmeg are great for removing odors. A bowl of light chicken soup will help neutralize the fumes.

Eliminate hangover smell after beer

If you need to get rid of the smell of beer in a short time, the following recommendations will help:

  • Brush your teeth.
  • Eat a sprig of dill or parsley.
  • Chew cloves, cinnamon or bay leaf.
  • Buy special products at the pharmacy that neutralize fumes.

You should not try to beat the fumes with chewing gum, especially mint-flavored gum. The effect can be just the opposite.

Traditional methods

People have come up with many means to eliminate the smell of alcohol; there are many methods that have been tested for decades. The most popular ones are prepared using medicinal herbs, here are a few recipes:

  1. Wormwood infusion. You need to dilute dry wormwood (2 teaspoons) in a glass of boiling water and let the broth brew for half an hour. Strain the finished drink through cheesecloth or a strainer, cool to a comfortable temperature and rinse your mouth.
  2. Alder decoction. To prepare this remedy, you will need ½ liter of boiling water and 20 g of white alder leaves. The infused, strained infusion is used to rinse the mouth.
  3. Herbal collection. Motherwort, rosehip and St. John's wort (in a ratio of 1:2:4) should be poured with boiling water and allowed to brew for 40–50 minutes. You need to drink the drink, and you can add honey for sweetness.
  4. Mint infusion. To eliminate the unpleasant odor, you can use mint decoction (a spoonful of fresh or dry leaves in ½ liter of water) by rinsing your mouth with it.

To solve this problem, a regular lemon will help. In addition to eliminating odor, lemon juice will help restore water balance after drinking alcohol. To make a mouthwash, just mix the juice of half a lemon with a couple (no more!) drops of acetic acid. The mixture should not be swallowed; it is intended only as a mouth rinse.

How to kill the smell of alcohol from your mouth?

You can mask the unpleasant alcoholic aroma by using various spices and medicines.

Bay leaf for hangover

A proven old-fashioned method will help to dispel or eliminate the smell of alcohol for a while. The bay leaf should be chewed well and held in the mouth. It will kill the disgusting smell.

Glycine for fumes

The tablets are involved in activating metabolism, which accelerates the elimination of ethanol breakdown products. The medicine should be dissolved under the tongue until completely dissolved.

Cloves help with odor

Clove seeds are among the most effective home remedies for eliminating fumes. You should chew some cloves in the morning to neutralize the odor for a while.

Essential oil

This is an effective way to relieve the fumes in the morning. The oil must be mixed with water, and the resulting solution should be rinsed in your mouth.

Endogenous alcohol

Not everyone knows that the human body is capable of producing alcohol on its own.

Not everyone knows that the human body is capable of producing alcohol itself. It is called endogenous. It is produced by the structures of our body in the process of biochemical reactions. Typically this substance can be found in the tissues of the lungs, liver and other organs.

Attention: endogenous is a certain amount of ethanol that is constantly present in the human body under the influence of various factors.

Its normal concentration per 100 ml of blood is from 0.04 to 0.15 ml. The appearance of this substance in the body is explained by fermentation processes in the lower gastrointestinal tract. There, thanks to the activity of microorganisms, sugar fermentation occurs. As sugar breaks down into simple monosaccharides, alcohol is released. It is adsorbed by the intestinal mucosa and enters the blood.

The purpose of this substance in the body is as follows:

  1. Endogenous alcohol helps our body adapt to the environment.
  2. This is a kind of source of energy for all organs and systems of the body.
  3. This substance has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, as well as the brain.
  4. It promotes the proper functioning of metabolic processes in the body.
  5. Endogenous alcohol increases a person’s resistance to stress.
  6. The substance participates in the formation of endogenous compounds, for example, endorphins, etc.
  7. This alcohol increases the body's resistance to various pathological conditions.
  8. It helps strengthen cell membranes.

Interesting fact: during times of stress (fear, severe pain, shock, hypothermia and physical exertion), the level of endogenous alcohol decreases sharply. Positive emotions, on the contrary, help increase this level.

Types of endogenous alcohol

The largest number of alcohol dehydrogenase cells is in the liver, so this organ produces the most endogenous alcohol

There are two types of such alcohol in the human body:

Why don't you have a hangover after drinking alcohol?

  • truly endogenous;
  • conditionally endogenous.

The first type is formed in organic structures as a result of the process of intracellular metabolism. This substance is produced by cells that have alcohol dehydrogenase. Most of these cells are in the liver, so this organ produces the most endogenous alcohol. The concentration of this type of alcohol is negligible. However, it plays a very important role in the process of oxygen exchange in the body.

The second type of alcohol is produced as a result of enzymatic processes that occur during the processing of carbohydrate foods in the gastrointestinal tract. This alcohol is also called physiological, because it is not produced by the cells themselves, but enters them from the outside, like traditional alcohol.

Reasons for increasing endogenous alcohol levels

If endogenous alcohol is increased, then a person may smell like fumes

If endogenous alcohol is increased, then a person may smell like fumes. The reasons for the increase in natural alcohol in the blood are as follows:

  • positive emotions;
  • diseases such as diabetes mellitus, obstructive chronic bronchitis, some diseases of the nervous system, kidneys and liver;
  • oxygen starvation (hypoxia) can also contribute to this phenomenon;
  • if carbohydrate foods predominate in the diet.

Consumption of certain foods may increase endogenous alcohol levels. Such products include:

  • Some fermented milk products: kumiss, kefir, yogurt.
  • Bread kvass.
  • A large amount of black bread.
  • Chocolate and oranges, as well as pears.

To quickly reduce the concentration of endogenous alcohol, you need to exercise, go for a run, or take a cold shower. However, if this does not help, then the reason may lie in a disease that only a doctor can identify and cure.

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Sunflower oil

To quickly get rid of fumes, sunflower or linseed oil will help. You need to drink a teaspoon of oil every ten minutes for an hour. Then take a three-hour break. The smell is removed for a short time - 15 - 20 minutes.

Ginger for fumes

Ginger quickly removes the taste of alcohol in the mouth due to its medicinal properties. Chew a little ginger root and the person will be freed from the alcoholic stench for an hour.

Sunflower seeds

A proven effective way to eliminate fumes is to chew the seeds along with the husk. However, this works if the person does not smoke. Otherwise, the smell will only intensify.

Hols from fumes

Hols lozenges have an enhanced menthol aroma and are used to treat throat diseases. The strong mint aroma helps to relieve the fumes for a long time. Just don’t get carried away, lollipops have a destructive effect on your teeth.

Raw egg for hangover

Raw eggs can not only relieve a hangover, but also prevent its occurrence. Raw eggs slow down the process of absorption of alcohol-containing products. This is a powerful adsorbent; its properties can be compared with activated carbon.

Ammonia for fumes

A strong remedy, when using it you should be careful to prevent poisoning. When mixed with water, alcohol increases blood pressure and increases breathing speed, which accelerates the removal of ethanol breakdown products.

General rules for getting rid of fumes in the morning in an hour

Any product used to eliminate breath odor will be more effective if the following procedures are followed :

  • take a shower (aldehyde is eliminated, in particular, through sweat);
  • clean the oral cavity thoroughly, paying special attention to plaque on the tongue and teeth;
  • change clothes;
  • have a hearty breakfast (include more fresh vegetables and fruits, herbs, spices, and fats in your diet; prepare rassolnik, cabbage soup, solyanka, etc. dishes).

Only after such preparation can you take the chosen remedy, for example, natural coffee beans. They must be chewed for as long as possible, trying not to damage the tooth enamel. Natural flavoring will freshen your breath for 30-50 minutes. To achieve a longer lasting effect, it is recommended to repeat the procedure 3-5 times throughout the day.

Advice! Aldehyde comes out with sweat, so you need to provoke its abundant production through sports exercises. Physical activity stimulates the sweat glands, thereby expelling the maximum amount of alcohol breakdown products from the body.

Some users recommend warming up in a bath or sauna. This should not be done for people with unstable blood pressure and disorders of the cardiovascular system. Even a healthy person feels unwell after a feast, and a steam room will only worsen the situation. You can use this method after the main symptoms of a hangover have completely disappeared.

Video on the topic:

Pharmacy remedies against hangover fumes

All medications created to treat hangovers and eliminate odors have a complex effect on the body. The drugs are available in tablets, powders, capsules or syrups.


Medicinal lozenges designed to remove fumes. Normalize the functioning of internal organs. Sold in every pharmacy. The effect lasts approximately 50 – 60 minutes.

Vitamin B6 for fumes

Vitamin ampoules are unlikely to help with the smell of fumes. Its purpose is to speed up metabolism. In this connection, the removal of toxins is accelerated. But this drug will not be able to quickly get rid of the smell of alcohol.


The basis of the medicine is parsley oil extract. In combination with essential oils, parsley has a neutralizing effect on fumes.

Enterosgel, polysorb for fumes

These products help to quickly break down and remove from the body toxins and poisons formed after alcoholic libation. As soon as the body is cleansed, the smell from the mouth disappears.


Contains citric and acetylsalicylic acids. The use of the drug will give an analgesic and tonic effect. After drinking, it is recommended to take this remedy immediately.

Burnout pills

All anti-fume tablets stimulate metabolism, as a result of which the elimination of ethanol breakdown products is accelerated. After this, the functioning of the internal systems is normalized, and the smell disappears by itself.

Consumption of fatty soups on the eve of a feast as a preventive measure

You should think about how to get rid of the smell of alcohol from your breath even before the special event. To make it less pronounced, it is recommended to eat heavily on the eve of a noisy feast. In this case, it is desirable that one of the dishes be fatty. Ideal for this purpose:

  • sandwich with butter and trout;
  • a portion of soup cooked in meat broth.

Eating fatty foods before partying can help ease the hangover that comes with the morning after the party . Carbohydrate foods (high-calorie homemade pizza or a plate of pasta) have a similar effect.

Treatment prices:

Sign up for a free and anonymous consultation with a narcologist0 ₽
Initial consultation with a narcologistfor free
Consultation with a psychologist in person or Skype3 000 ₽
Psychiatrist consultation5 000 ₽
Psychodiagnostics / pathological diagnostics7 500 ₽
Narcopsychotherapy50 000 ₽
Consultation with a psychologist and selection of a treatment and rehabilitation program for an addictfor free
Intervention session12 000 ₽
Social rehabilitation of alcohol addictsfor free
Outpatient rehabilitation in Moscow33 000 ₽
Standard rehabilitation program40 000 ₽
Intensive rehabilitation program80 000 ₽
Premium rehabilitation program120 000 ₽
Medical and social rehabilitation (21 days)150 000 ₽
Rehabilitation Spain, Bulgaria200 000 ₽
VIP rehabilitation program350 000 ₽
Online addiction rehabilitation course28 000 ₽
Rehabilitation of age-related alcohol addicts50 000 ₽
Rehabilitation of drug addicts60 000 ₽
Adolescent social-psychological-pedagogical rehabilitation70 000 ₽
Psychotherapy5 000 ₽
Family psychotherapy6 000 ₽
Support groups for loved ones of addictsfor free
Webinars for relatives of addictsfor free
School for codependents3 000 ₽
Transfer supportnegotiable
Motivation for treatment6 000 ₽
Escort to the clinic6 000 ₽
Testing (urine/blood/hair)specify


After a detoxification drip, a person begins to feel much better, the functioning of all internal organs is normalized. We carry out detoxification in an inpatient setting, as well as at the patient’s home.


  • Balyakin V. A. Toxicology and examination of alcohol intoxication. - M., 1962.
  • Strelchuk I.V. Acute and chronic alcohol intoxication, 2nd ed. - M., 1973.
  • Vasilenko V.V. Bad breath, or halitosis / 2022
  • Modern methods of diagnosis, elimination and prevention of halitosis: textbook / R.V. Ushakov, N.B. Eliseeva, N.P. Polevaya, N.M. Belova, V.V. Korkin. GBOU DPO "Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education". M.: GBOU DPO RMAPO, 2016. 81 p. ISBN 978-5-7249-2549-5
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