How long does the fumes from different types of alcohol last, how to get rid of the smell faster

What to do if, after evening gatherings with friends, people around you try not to come close to you? “What’s the matter?” - you might think. But the point is this: usually a person does not smell his fumes. There is an exit. And for this, there are several effective ways to independently understand whether the disgusting smell of fumes is coming from you.

Use a glass beaker

The fastest and most affordable way is to use a regular glass glass. It should be clean and at room temperature. It is enough to exhale lightly into the glass with your mouth and smell it almost immediately. The smell of fumes in this case is not only easily detected, but also visualized - the walls of the glass usually sweat.

If you don’t have a glass at hand, you can exhale into any clean vessel or container, even into a small plastic bag.

This method is so effective that it is often used by traffic inspectors when there are no other methods for determining whether a driver had been drinking the day before or not. The glass is most often used.

Why does my breath smell after drinking alcohol?

When ethanol enters the body in impressive quantities, a person develops a hangover syndrome. This condition has a lot of symptoms - headache, nausea, vomiting, fumes. Most symptoms are successfully relieved by special pills, but in the situation of fumes the matter becomes somewhat more complicated.

In general, the sequence of occurrence of an unwanted odor is described as follows.

  1. Ethanol enters the body through alcohol (wine, cognac, beer - it doesn’t matter).
  2. Next, ethyl alcohol is almost instantly absorbed into the blood, which distributes it throughout the organs and tissues - all without exception.
  3. The body begins to cleanse itself, removing toxins that formed after the breakdown of alcohol.
  4. The liver produces enzymes that help break down ethanol into metabolites.
  5. Due to the remaining elements from ethyl alcohol, the drinker reeks of fumes. Alcohol metabolites move through the bloodstream, accumulate in the lungs and form that very smell.


If a person does not calculate his dose and drinks too much, then a disgusting smell will emanate from his entire body. The body eliminates alcohol metabolites through urine and sweat. After 10-15 minutes, a person who has had too much to drink begins to emit repulsive odor.

“Breathe” in a closed room

Everyone has probably noticed that in a room in which a drunk person was sleeping, after just a few hours there hangs such a persistent “amber” from fumes that a sober person cannot be there.

To use this method, you must first use a small room, such as a bathroom. Secondly, after breathing a little in it, you must definitely go out into the fresh air, for 2-3 minutes, into the entrance or onto the balcony. And after returning to the “inhaled room”, the person will be able to smell the fumes.

How long does the fumes from different types of alcohol last?

Some types of alcohol leave an unpleasant odor that lasts for up to a day, while others dissipate after 30 minutes. Why does this happen? The answer lies in the quantity, quality and complexity of the drink consumed.


Despite the low degree, the fumes from beer accompany a person for 3-7 hours. And this is provided that only 1 bottle of 0.5 liters is drunk. The exact time for storing amber depends on the state of the individual’s body and the strength of the beer. The higher the dose of intoxicating drink consumed, the longer the beer fumes will disappear.

For those who love the taste of beer, we can recommend non-alcoholic options. They don't smell.


A glass of high-quality noble drink can also cause an unpleasant odor of ethanol from the mouth. But it will pass quite quickly - within two hours. This is due to the composition of good wine.

From a bottle of wine with a strength of 12%, the fume will last 5 times longer due to an increase in the proportion of acetaldehyde in the body. But it won't be difficult to get rid of it.

Drinking cheap, low-quality wine will not only enhance the stale aroma, but will also give you a headache the next morning.


From vodka, even the highest quality, the fumes appear an hour after the first glass. This means that the liver has begun to utilize alcohol, breaking it down into its components, one of which is aldehyde. It is this that gives the characteristic smell.

After drinking 100 g of vodka, the fume disappears after 4.5–6 hours. After a bottle of “white”, the unpleasant amber remains for at least a day. It’s hard to say how long a fume can last after a week of heavy drinking. It all depends on the amount you drink and the speed at which toxins are eliminated from the body.

If you do a home detox and restore fluid balance, the process can be shortened to three days. Otherwise, the smell of fumes will persist for 4–6 days.

The opinion that a fatty snack reduces the characteristic amber from vodka and other alcohol is wrong. These foods make it difficult to digest and process alcohol. As a result, the smell is weaker, but lasts longer.


The drink contains many tannins. This is why the smell of fumes from cognac is the most unpleasant and lasting. It is enough to drink only 150 g of strong alcohol, and the amber will last for 8–9 hours. And this is provided that the drinker is in excellent health.

Other alcohol

When planning a party, it’s worth remembering how long the fumes from a particular drink last. This will help you quickly regain fresh breath and get rid of a hangover.

The fumes from whiskey with a strength of 60% last the longest - at least 6 hours after drinking 100 g of drink. The amber lasts a little less after the gin. Champagne leaves an unpleasant trail for 1.5–2 hours. Sweet liqueurs will “fragrance” for 3–5 hours.

Cocktail lovers shouldn’t relax either. They give off the smell of fumes no less than vodka or cognac. For example, from 100 ml of 9% strength gin and tonic the aroma will last for 1.5–2 hours, and a 300 ml jar will increase the time to 5 hours.

Pay attention to the language

The tongue is extremely sensitive to alcohol, so if you have any doubts about the presence of fumes, you can carefully examine its tip in the mirror. If it is covered with a thin white coating, then this clearly indicates the presence of acetic acid and other elements of the breakdown of ethyl alcohol in the breath. That is why, to eliminate the odor, it is recommended not only to rinse your mouth, but also to clean your tongue with a soft pad on the back of the toothbrush. If there is none, then just a toothbrush.

How do you know if there is fumes?

There are many testing options. Most of them can be performed without special equipment. However, there are two methods that are scientifically proven.

You can check freshness using the Helimeter. It is capable of measuring the amount of sulfites during breathing. When their level rises above 70 particles per 1 billion, this indicates the presence of amber.

If a person has doubts about the freshness of exhaled air, you can also use a breath test device. The device measures the amount of sulfur that comes out of the lungs when you exhale. Testing with the devices described is a rather expensive procedure and, in addition to monetary costs, requires time. Therefore, you can use proven folk methods that you can implement without leaving your home.

Causes of fumes

But there is another equally simple way to get rid of fumes - just don’t drink alcohol. Of course, there is an opinion that if you have a good snack of alcohol during a feast, give up smoking during this time and do not drink low-quality alcohol, then you will not be too drunk in the morning. It is a myth. Alcohol will still end up in the liver. There it will definitely be split into its component elements, since the body perceives alcohol as a poison and seeks to destroy it. The breakdown products of alcohol will definitely enter the bloodstream to remove it from the body, which, in turn, will lead to the fact that they end up in the thin capillaries of the alveoli of the lungs and the mucous membrane of the mouth. Hence the strong and unpleasant odor from the mouth.

Remember that you need to stop drinking alcohol if you need to drive in the morning, as traces of ethyl alcohol can remain in the blood for up to 10 days.

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How to quickly eliminate the unpleasant odor from alcohol?

It’s easy to guess what a breathalyzer will show if there is alcohol fume. Therefore, most of all, when amber appears, people are most concerned about meeting with the traffic police. You can prevent problems with the state traffic police by eliminating the unpleasant odor. In this case, there is a possibility that the inspector will release the driver without suspecting anything.

When you wake up in the morning, you can use one of the proven methods to combat the consequences of alcohol intoxication:

  • Drinking water with honey and lemon juice will not only improve your breathing, but also activate the process of cleansing the body of toxic substances. The product also normalizes water balance.
  • Physical exercise will solve breathing problems, give the necessary boost of energy and activate all body systems. Thanks to the latter effect, ethanol decomposition products will be eliminated faster. Don't overdo it with the load. This is especially true for those who have problems with blood vessels and heart. The best option during a hangover is light stretching exercises. If you are intoxicated with alcohol, you should avoid lifting weights and going to the gym.
  • Water procedures can also activate the body and speed up the process of eliminating toxins. A warm shower will not only have a positive effect on breathing, but will also help wash away toxic substances from the skin that leave the body through sweat. You should avoid taking a hot bath and visiting a bathhouse or sauna. If there are changes in blood pressure (blood pressure) and the presence of arrhythmia (heart rhythm disturbances), such procedures can result in serious problems.
  • A proper breakfast is the key to fresh breath. Some people recommend eating fatty foods during a hangover. However, such food can negatively affect the condition of the liver, which already has a hard time after an impressive portion of alcohol. Therefore, it is best to limit yourself to light broth, vegetables and fruits. Fresh citrus juice helps cope with fumes and eliminate vitamin deficiencies.

The described methods give good results, but not immediately. There are also express recipes that solve the problem within a few minutes. If the smell is strong, you can use coffee. Coffee beans should be chewed, held in the mouth for 5-7 minutes and spat out. They can be replaced with a sprig of cloves, parsley roots, bay leaf, and mint.

Fruit candies and chewing gum help to gradually get rid of the symptom.

Walnut oil coats the mucous membrane of the stomach, due to which the unpleasant odor is partially eliminated. To do this, you need to drink a tablespoon of the product. Rinsing your mouth with a salt solution also helps in combating hangover symptoms. However, it is worth considering that the method gives a short-term effect.

Use of folk remedies

Cloves have a distinct aroma that counteracts the smell of alcohol well. You can simply pour a small amount of spice into 200 ml of boiling water. The resulting drink is infused for 20-30 minutes and filtered. To make the fumes from the mouth noticeable , take small sips throughout the day.

Another effective remedy for eliminating the smell of fumes is milk with honey. The method for preparing the drink is as follows:

  • 1 tablespoon of natural linden honey is dissolved in 200 ml of milk;
  • The resulting product is thoroughly mixed.

After drinking alcoholic beverages, consume 100-200 ml of a product made from bee honey. This allows you significantly improve your well-being after a heavy libation.

Available ways to independently determine fumes

There is an opinion that the wearer can determine the aroma of a hangover independently by breathing into folded palms or somewhere else. This is a misconception - it is impossible to immediately determine your own fumes using the sense of smell, since the receptors are accustomed to this smell and perceive it as absolutely normal. But if you make some adjustments, you can rely on your own sense of smell. You need to play on olfactory contrasts. It's done like this.

  1. You need to lock yourself in a small room without ventilation, a bathroom, for example, and “breathe” well there. Then go out into the fresh air (yard, balcony) and breathe fresh air for about ten minutes. You return back to the fume determination room. In contrast to fresh air, it will not be difficult to determine the characteristic smell, if it exists, of course.
  2. The following test will help you understand whether there are signs of a hangover in your breath or not. This is the most proven method, for which you do not need your own sense of smell. It's simple - take a dry glass glass and breathe into it. A heavily fogged glass will indicate the presence of fumes. If there is practically no moisture deposit, rest assured - the release of acetaldehyde from the lungs has ended and you don’t have to worry about the quality of your breath.
  3. If you don’t have a glass glass at hand, you can probably find a transparent plastic bag at home. The testing procedure is similar - you need to inhale 2-4 times into the bag (the number of inhalations depends on the volume of the “device”). The result is assessed in the same way - by fogging of the walls.

Important! The results of the above tests are valid at temperatures from +18 degrees, that is, at room temperature and above.

Using the above methods for determining fumes, you can find out if you have even a slight odor. Tests with a glass and a plastic bag are based on the fact that much more moisture is released along with alcohol toxins than during normal breathing. These methods can fail only in one case - if the test person has an elevated body temperature due to illness. With significant hyperthermia (above 38 degrees), the walls of the glass or bag will also fog up.

Pharmacy drugs

Among the products offered by modern pharmaceuticals, we can highlight “Antipolitsay” and some of its analogues, “Zorex”, Glycine, “Limontar” and activated carbon. Thus, “Antipolitsay” masks an unpleasant odor for up to 1 hour. It contains specially selected medicinal herbs with a very bright aroma. To eliminate fumes using Anti-Police, it is enough to suck on 1-2 lozenges. Analogues of “Anti-policeman” operate on the same principle.


take 30 minutes before meals. Take the tablet with plenty of clean water.

Glycine and Limontar

Glycine and Limontar are metabolic drugs that accelerate metabolism and promote the rapid removal of alcohol from the body. They promote good brain activity, strengthen the nervous system and improve overall well-being. Dissolve the glycine by holding it under your tongue. Grind the Limontara tablet to a powder, mix with 1 g of baking soda, dissolve this mixture in a glass of clean water and drink. Eat 15 minutes after taking Limontar.

Activated carbon

Activated carbon can be used as an alternative to Glycine and Limontar. It will speed up the process of removing toxic substances. True, there is no need to expect additional healing effects from it (getting rid of headaches, restoring physical and moral strength).

It is worth noting that when using medications that mask fumes and improve the functioning of body systems after drinking alcohol, driving a vehicle or other equipment is prohibited: for this you do not have the proper concentration or attentiveness. Even expensive and advertised drugs will not be able to sober up in an instant; they will only speed up and facilitate this process.

Prevention before a feast to relieve hangover syndrome

There is no single correct way to alleviate the condition of a hangover or to completely get rid of fumes. There are several proven ways to help minimize negative consequences:

  1. Before visiting a noisy group of friends and a holiday, you need to eat a fatty dish. This could be lunch with meat broth, sandwiches with butter. In the morning, it will be easier for a person to endure a hangover. Pizza and pasta are considered an excellent option, because they are rich in carbohydrates.
  2. During the feast, you need to take care of a good snack. It should be light to ease the load on the stomach and intestines.
  3. There is an opinion that the intensity of the smell in the morning depends on the type of alcohol. You cannot mix several types of alcohol, so as not to aggravate the situation.
  4. Taking activated carbon. Before attending a holiday, you need to take this medication a day before. Calculation – 1 tablet per 10 kg. This is the most optimal proportion.

Enterosgel helps well, and should be taken according to the instructions. The manufacturer indicates the dosage and age.

What determines the duration and strength of a fume?

The duration of the fume directly depends on the rate at which the human body processes alcohol. The smell can last from several hours to a day , depending on many factors:

  • Type of drink (beer and wine disappear from the blood in a couple of hours, and vodka or cognac remains the whole next day).
  • The amount you drink (the more, the stronger the smell).
  • Liver enzyme activities.
  • Gender (men eliminate faster than women).
  • Weight and muscle mass (large people cope more easily with intoxication).
  • The presence of chronic diseases (including alcoholism).

But even if the body cannot cope with the drink on its own, it can be helped: special preparations will speed up the removal of toxins, and nutritional supplements will restore strength.

How to cover up the smell of fumes

But if it’s really important for you to smell at least a little less terrible, then you can try to beat the fumes. To do this, you need to eat, chew or hold something that smells sharp in your mouth. Try any of these folk methods of dealing with fumes. For greater effect, you can use several different products in turn.

  1. Chew:
  2. chewing gum (preferably fruity gum, because a mixture of mint smell and fumes can lead to an even more terrible aroma);
  3. fresh or dried herbs (bay leaf, mint leaves, parsley, dill, lemon balm);
  4. coffee beans;
  5. spices (cinnamon, cloves);
  6. nuts (nutmeg, walnuts, almonds);
  7. roasted sunflower seeds;
  8. Refresh your mouth:
  9. brush your teeth and tongue;
  10. rinse your mouth with toothpaste or mouthwash;
  11. use a refreshing mouth spray;
  12. rinse your mouth with lemon juice;
  13. use lollipops or Anti-police spray;
  14. suck on any mint candies (Holls, Mentos or others);
  15. rinse your mouth with a decoction of medicinal herbs (sage, alder, St. John's wort, wormwood, and so on).
  16. Refresh yourself completely:
  17. take a shower (sweat also contains acidic breakdown products of alcohol and many people notice this);
  18. put on fresh clothes (not yesterday’s clothes, saturated with the smells of the feast).
  19. Eat and drink:

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