Rating of the TOP 10 electric toothbrushes Oral B for children and adults. Tips for choosing and characteristics of models
Electric toothbrushes are designed for high-quality cleaning of the oral cavity, removing tartar and plaque. Today
Image of Lugol's solution with glycerin
Lugol for children with sore throat - how to treat a child’s throat
Pharmacological action Iodine has a pronounced antimicrobial effect. The active substance has a cauterizing effect at high
Children's and adult ENT doctor, audiologist, otoneurologist, candidate of medical sciences, Budanov E.G.
Purulent plugs in the throat are a sign of untreated acute tonsillitis or chronic tonsillitis. If
Use of Tantum Verde spray for infants
Tantum Verde spray for topical use, dosed, 30ml
Composition Tantum Verde Green tablet contains 3 mg of the active ingredient benzydamine hydrochloride. Additional substances:
Straight teeth and a healthy back
Straight teeth and a healthy back: is there a relationship?
From childhood we are taught to keep our back straight and are regularly checked for spinal curvature.
loss of baby teeth
Everything about baby teeth in children: when and how do they fall out?
From this article you will learn: how many baby teeth a person has, how temporary teeth differ
Symptoms of pharyngitis
The best approaches in the treatment of squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx
Pharyngitis is an inflammatory process that forms on the back wall of the larynx and affects the mucous membrane
Iodinol for gargling - instructions for use
Home / Articles / What to do after tooth extraction A tooth has been removed: what to do now?
Baby teeth
Symptoms and sequence of teething in a child
From this article you will learn: when the first teeth appear, the order of teething in children,
Photo of herpetic stomatitis
Stomatitis in an adult: what causes it and how to cure it
Effective treatment of stomatitis in adults Treatment of stomatitis in adults largely depends on the type
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