thrush in children
Thrush in a newborn's mouth: causes and treatment
Thrush is an inflammatory disease of the genitourinary system of a fungal nature. Most common in women
Main picture
Sequence of teething in children: symptoms and diagram
September 24, 2018 Sveta Averyanova All parents are looking forward to the appearance of the first incisors. This
Black plaque on teeth - reasons and ways to remove it
Food remains, accumulations of bacteria and saliva form a film that adheres tightly to the enamel, tongue, edge
At the dentist's appointment
Dental prosthetics service for pensioners in Yekaterinburg
It's hard to believe, but dental offices don't always require you to pay. Patients don't take it in vain
What does the teenager who had the biggest teeth in the world look like now?
Amazing teeth There are many amazing teeth in the animal world. But we will only tell you about the
Diagnosis of diseases by saliva: details and comments
Currently, medicine has come so far that diagnostic methods have become more accurate, and
Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for endoscopy rooms
Endoscopic interventions are minimally invasive, highly informative and effective medical services aimed at diagnosis and treatment
Is thumb and pacifier sucking a harmless childhood habit or harmful to dental health?
02/02/2017 It often happens that if a child is weaned early or with artificial
timing of tooth loss
Baby teeth have fallen out and permanent teeth are not growing. What's the matter?
The first reaction of parents who notice that their child is growing a second row of teeth is:
The appearance of the first milk teeth in children: recommendations
Crooked teeth Appearance of a second row of teeth in the jaw When permanent teeth do not appear for a long time
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